Rescuing Two ABANDONED Three Wheelers, Will They Run??

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs today we are traveling ourselves across iowa towards the town of ottumwa iowa in search of something i have found on facebook marketplace right now we're in the process of rebuilding the new shop so everything cars is on hold because all of my tools are scattered between two locations and i don't want to start any big projects before we move stuff blah blah blah but i think i can get away with working on some small stuff which is exactly what we're going to do today so without further ado allow me to show you why we're headed to ottumwa right there and right there it's a 285 honda 125 m three wheelers let's dig them out let's get a better look at these make sure they spin oh that one turns over here's the other one this one actually looks it's actually looks pretty decent this guy might be stuck now this thing is buried by honda trail frames ct 70. wow i don't think i've ever actually seen one of these before in person anyway turtle 110 the seats made of camouflage duct tape turn it into the yamaha [Music] there's one 1985 honda atc 125 m four speed honda matic uh it's all here all the plastics are present uh the tank is in pretty good shape the engine spins over the brakes don't work but as is tradition shift lever moves it's got neutral light electric start the worst so i'm pretty sure that's what the m gave you was the rest of those options for electrical start and whatnot the uh the higher trim model if you will i think this is the last year of the horizontal engine and 86 they went to the verticals so let's go ahead and get this sucker drug out and start working on the other 125 amp you guys haven't really seen yet [Music] this one's seen some miles damn yeah oh he's not happy to rebuild i see that all right let's load these up head back to the shop and get them running damn there's a 73 charger next to the building those three wheelers are in and now that we might have to come back here all right we made it home and i have john with me here today you guys remember him from the 79 bronco revival camping trip which was awesome uh it's been a minute since i've seen you sir yes it has we've had a long a long winter break between classes like two and a half months yeah which has been amazing anyway back on topic we have the two honda 125s exactly as you saw them uh in the shop so we're ready to start working on these actually sorry there's one difference since we last saw them this one if you guys remember i tried pulling it over on camera and it was like and it went pull and i thought about it and i was like you know what i bet since these are electric start i bet that uh bendix is froze on the flywheel and i bet if they warm up which they have it will free up so let's see oh yeah it's already fixed it's just that compression the guy said it's got a bad motor but i think the starter was just stuck i don't know what it is about honda's man but i don't die every time i buy one in the winter everything is seized they're total piles of junk nothing like moves or works and you bring it in and let it warm up and then you just ride it for two years so this one still has a frozen throttle and a frozen choke uh i'm sure that carb is oh oh that's right the 125's that flip up plastics hell yes you know what i've actually never worked on one of these small frames before i i don't know what you're actually supposed to call these i call them the stamped frame three wheelers or atc's because the frame is two halves of a stamped piece of sheet metal that is welded together whereas the larger frame trikes are all an open tube chassis such as this 200m how do we want to do this one at a time two at a time i say what we do is we have like a speeder on and we try and get one going just see if one will pop off just like straight away and then dig into it yeah yeah we can totally do that i mean we haven't checked spark or anything all right let's go ahead and dude look at that rack what a unit held on there with there's this rubber and bushings and washers and a big giant bolt my favorite part though the hitch ball welded to the rack that's ingenuity we gotta pull the trailer with this now oh my gosh dude it's like pristine in there that's amazing that's the cleanest honda tank i think i've ever seen yeah that's a beautiful and it's still the m tank too we got a little repair work no that's just the middle okay looks like we don't have to take our air box off because it's a it's missing our hose here so that makes that easy let's go ahead and pull this guy and see if we got spark oh it's already ripped so i can just see it want to give the quarter rip sir yes sir oh we got spark hell yeah dude this thing is so screwed up the coil's just hanging here the tires are flat it's covered in dust and duct tape it's rusty as hell she'll run she'll probably run after the apocalypse and the bombs drop people are still going to be riding these things around oh that's guaranteed you better make it up to aims they're going to be like they're going to be riding around with all the cockroaches you better make it at aims because we're gonna have to fix them first but then we're gonna be set all right let's get a tripod set up and see if this sucker runs well first let's clean the car clean and and now we'll try to run it give her a rip dude i made the lights right okay there it is every time she's minty so this one's straight up a runner uh let's yeah let's just flush the tank out reinstall it throw some gas at the carb and see if it's just straight up good to go because we might not even have to take this carb off no and rebuild it that trico ever has a stuck carb so we're probably gonna have to at least take that one apart if not just go ahead and throw it in the ultrasonic cleaner in which case if we do that we'll just take them both off and throw them in there so that we don't have problems on the trail because it's better to be prepared than be dumb what am i looking for you're not prepared so now that we just throw some feel of this one and see if it lights off as well might as well have you looked inside this tank yet i have not ooh ooh yeah that's one different sport a little bit rusty on this guy dude this is terrible smell this yeah that's not good yeah i'm dying so this one definitely sat filled with fuel yeah and that that's probably explains why your throttle's stuck i'm just gonna give it a shot anyway i don't expect it to do anything since you can't breathe go for it small freaking way no way the choke is froze closed the throttle's froze closing doesn't care runs get it thanks man is it trying to idle oh there's that much fuel in here i flooded it that bad oh okay dude this one sounds potentially better okay well we have two runners let's do some card work and make them riders no it's gone forever gone forever it has a reserve and it's a separate line i thought one i i always thought one was for a vent but oh that's some good stuff that was yummy we got some rags in here i think yeah i think so over here straight black not even like poop gas color just straight black gas i'd use that to stain my deck that's straight varnish right there oh there's still some in there here's what's coming out dude that is probably the worst gas i've ever seen and we just got back from the bronco revival a couple weeks ago we'll set that there to drain and start working on the carb so our carburetors froze up and that's not that uncommon of a problem the choke is not actually froze it's the cable i'm finding out right now oh but does our transmission appear to work i'm gonna go with no so that could be interesting i think i might remember ezra saying something about the transmissions on these not being very good i could be wrong let's see if we get this um throttle slide to come out oh yeah he's stuck there he goes just got some varnish on it carve looks good so here's a great tip if you're ever having carb issues on old honda and you don't want to have to take the carb all the way off this works way more than it should um the way these work is this sits in this bore and slides up and down and acts as a throttle by uncovering the intake hole and this needle is what meters the fuel this sits down in the main jet and as it comes out it gets thinner and allows more fuel into the engine the great thing about this is you can get the straw of a carb cleaner can or brake cleaner and stick it down that jet and hit go watch your face don't put it right over it or you'll get it in your face and that's never fun and that will inject carb or brake cleaner directly into the base of the carburetor into the bowl and help free up any crap in that main jet uh if you're out riding and start having some problems where it starts getting lean and stumbling just pop the top of this carb off do this quick a lot of times if stuff gets jammed up in there this will clear it up and you'll be good to go i've done that fix many much time i think in the last honda revival this is literally how we clean the car was just like that and then we're done so we'll put this back on and now the throttle works no longer hell yeah okay our trail fix carb clean is done throttle moves let's see if it runs any puffing black smoke you had lights too did i really yeah you had like the electrical works are you kidding me yeah it lit up let's see if we can get the feed cleared out here i thought this one was gonna fight us all day dude oh yeah that's that's a big leak dude see it coming out oh my yeah that's their plug solid rush too it would appear if you feed it fuel on the bottom it's good to go a couple tips here if you have one of these fuel selector switches and they're in the correct position via a reserve just leave it don't touch it or you'll snap that seal like i just did uh unfortunately this wasn't off so i had to turn it which sucks so we'll have to figure something out for this another tip if you're rebuilding a carburetor that matters on like a street bike or a dirt bike or something don't use brake cleaner or carb cleaner because they have a lot of rubber o-rings and for whatever reason it destroys all of the o-rings and they turn to goo i ran into that in the past so do as i say not as i do however i have found that just spraying straight down that main jet on these old hondas is for whatever reason just fine but if you're doing a real carb rebuild don't use a brake cleaner or a carb cleaner i mean you can use it once the car is totally disassembled but you're gonna have to get all new gaskets don't use it on something you expect the gaskets to remain in one piece let's get a fuel tank and throw some fuel at it and see where it leaks yeah see if it leaks not under pressure because the thing about the brake plane is it's under pressure so and then we'll also see if it fills the bowl and it's just straight up ready to go it's got plenty of fuel in the line i don't i don't see a leak do i don't know not from the uh there's something in the line but not not over here like i anticipated unless it goes in the top one and our needle and seat might be stuck too so this will be a double test does that start leaking and does our needle and seat work she's gonna be good to go she's good to go so here's what i'm going to try to do i'm going to try to fire up give it up the high rpm and plug the intake that's going to create large amounts of vacuum right here in the carb and pull a lot of out of the orifices also gonna it's also important to hold the throttle wide open and it's also gonna flood the hell out of the engine so you have to keep the throttle wide open to get it started well looks like this one's actually gonna need some help i think all the rust in that tank plugged up our whole system up until the needle and seat so let's go ahead and take this carbon off and give the old honda bench rebuild why does it not leak that doesn't make any sense but then again they never do so the hardest part about a pond is keeping the damn oil in it not that it needs it but it makes a mess well john takes the carb off the one with the potentially bad transmission i'm gonna take the take the tank off the one with tires there now we can tell which is which ejecto carbureto cuz all right i got the orange tank machines tanks ready to come off there we go we'll still flush it out with some fuel to get the dust out the hell was that this was under the tank it's a castrol oil cap zing totally made that these are looking mighty fine on this one and it looks like it's already pointed to a position there we go i don't know what that noise is that's new i don't remember that dude i do not is it 20 years maybe see if i can seal it off and make it pull from the bowl i tried a couple times oh man that's a lot of engine noise i don't remember hearing what happened i think we need to take this carb off as well if you're trying to get these carbs off it is a pain in the ass if you're lucky the bolt will be in the right position so you can get through from behind with a 10 mil and crack that loose enough to go in with your fingers and get her off all right we got our carburetor off let's go ahead and give it the honda bench rebuild screwdriver pop i think one of the reasons these did so well is they used really big o-rings so that instead of instead of paper gaskets yeah so that even when they're shrunk it's fine like this is what i would consider totally junk but i know it's going to be fine it's got like crap on top of it that i can scrape off i'm still going to put it on still not going to leak well the needle and seat appears to potentially work go ahead and take our float float pin and needle out set those to the side pop our idle jet out he's a little sticky there he goes a little bit of varnish got in there set him to the side pop our main jet out oh oh that's perfectly fine emulsion tube holes look great main jet's clear the car body's clear for both idle and main oh idle jet might be plugged idle jet is plugged so this is a nice little tool i have for cleaning these small engine um jets go get yourself a set of torch tip cleaners and fish them through these jets make sure you find the right size obviously or if you want to over fuel something make sure it's the wrong size that is our throttle set for the idle speed and this should be our mixture screw i believe okay there's our carb mostly disassembled i have all the rubber off so that i can spray it with brake clean i'm not going to hurt these seals there's only two in the entire carburetor there's some brake clean working around in there busted all this crap loose dry the seal off the best i can it's still above this surface so looks like she's good to go oh there we go i didn't want to do it but it's hoping oh yeah okay there's our fuel problem right there this carburetor is honestly probably fine besides the idle jet but this is why she won't run oh wow look at that just junk look at this i think we're still gonna be able to use this because the filters are still intact they're just plugged up with rust from the tank all right i'm gonna go ahead and proceed with going through the rest of this carburetor until all the poop is gone and then we'll put her together all right we've made some progress i've oiled this gasket here with some wd-40 let that expand um i did replace the gasket on the filter in here because he was too worn out and stretched to go back in i couldn't get it to reinstall so i did have to get one new gasket got everything cleaned up here looking good uh the carve itself is cleaned up if you guys are looking for tips on how to clean these i'm sure there's videos out there on the internet basically i just go through with a can of brake clean and scrub everything down with a brush and some rags and everything clean so i can see what i'm working with and then make sure to blow every single hole that fuel or air are supposed to pass through be it the feed for the needle and seat the main and idle jet um the idle mixture screw and then these two ports here on the front need to be blown out as well basically just take your time probably gonna use about three quarter can of brake clean go through and make sure everything flows with no restrictions and then you can start to reassemble ideally you do get a rebuild kit and you put new gaskets in and hope they fit a lot of time things i found with cheap like amazon or ebay rebuild kits is that these jets and the rebuild kits aren't the right size and you'll run into all sorts of tuning issues so either get a high quality kit or try your darndest to clean these out so you can use these original jets i'm gonna go ahead and finish this up then we'll start on the second one i imagine you're probably supposed to take this whole pipe off but that's a gasket and this is an o-ring and i don't have a gasket for that make sure not to cross thread the top cap or your o-ring on that seat you have a massive vacuum leak up top there we go let's go get our makeshift gas can and see if this thing lights off yeah it's overflowing let's see it's sticky there we go all right [Music] let's see if it runs a little more idle rpm see if our mixture wants to move now will it go in gear i think this one's got some transmission problems hear it i think it's out of fuel yeah it's out of fuel well we got a runner i'm gonna hop on the old interwebs and see what we can do about that transmission not being a well a transmission all right we got the clean carb on the other bike the one with the orange tank let's see how it runs now and they're doing some weird stuff now making a little more engine noise than it did before and well not running she's leanest running with that plugged off hmm oh you know what john loosen this bolt and never tightened it back down it probably just has a yeah there's fuel sipping out right here just has a huge vacuum leak this will make a huge difference i should keep running out of gas that's weird why are you not moving fuel it looks like it's maybe moving fuel emphasis on it's not hot enough to be boiling which is what happens when you see this usually it's boiling the fuel and the expanded gas will escape and this fuel level will not go down it's not doing that right now but it's doing something really weird that's for sure wait is there just a vacuum in this oh that'll do it that'll do it it was boiling because it was under vacuum okay let's try this again [Applause] there we go that's what we want to see this one smokes like a honda that's for sure will it move though oh yeah all right well there's one running at driving machine let's go ahead and put this sucker back together and see what we can do about the transmission on the other one by the way to make this run just unplug the key entirely if you want headlights put the red and black wire together to shut it off with the black and black and white wires together all right this sucker's got one hell of an oil leak and there's no hope in running very long with that so we're gonna tip her up so the oil gets away from where we're missing a bolt right here and do our best to maybe jb weld that all right let's get this gasket sealer on there okay that's potentially fixed our oil leak well that sets up let's go ahead and see what we can do about the transmission on the bat trike let's see what the damage is oh goodbye gasket yeah there was definite water in there oh yeah look at that there's a water line yep that's not supposed to be water no i mean it's not ideal but it's also a honda so what i'm guessing then is all of your all of your gears and your everything are all yeah something might be good this should be able to move that's a whole lot of spit movie in there it's making noise now i didn't do that before nice all right we're gonna play with this and learn how honda transmissions work and then we'll be back okay so we've been playing with this for a bit and referencing our atc repair manual looking at what's under all this so we don't have to take it off and i came over to look at it because this star wheel is not moving when everything else is but i was looking around and right here there's a broken spring so yeah i think this arm that goes here into our index wheel is where our problems lie at least the beginning of them so see if we can get all this out of our way and get to him unfortunately we can't get a clutch sprocket tool in time uh to get this off i don't have one so we only have potentially one machine to ride today and that's just that's just no fun that's not gonna fly so last night we threw an iso on facebook marketplace uh in search of three wheelers and i bet i have 30 messages this morning so we're gonna take a quick trip down an hour south and go pick up a couple to ride for the rest of this video all right we're back angus is here now too hi so it's it's the dream team because i think it's the first time you guys have actually finally met each other yeah i think so our gas concealer has had more than enough time to set up so we're going to go ahead and put this thing back on its feet and see how much oil comes out done look at that no leaks let's go ahead and put our plastics and tank back on get those cleaned up as well and see if this thing's a rider look at this what a fancy machine all right there's a clean tank these guys are switching the seats because for whatever reason they found it necessary to put the black seat on the bed of plastics instead of the duct tape seat bike goes with every outfit tell me when just keep spraying kevin we've restored your three-wheeler for you what the machine let's see how she looks tada a honda 125 m ready to hit the river after we put some air in the tires i totally forgot about that it's rusty it's full of crap the rear end is still totally junk the front tires from a lawn mower and the headlights falling off so let's go take the sucker out and see how she rides remember women don't find you handsome that it'll stay on in the river there you go boys i will say this is the first time i rode on the small frame bikes a125 and uh they are they are more tippy and a little more brutal than like the 200s or the 185s i don't know if that's tire size or what but one thing i know is if you're tall you can't turn because you got knees i just cut those off oh i'll just yeah [Music] what do you say we see if that 200 runs so anticipating the worst that we won't be able to fix the other 125 we thought we can't just go riding with one machine we gotta have a second it would be kind of boring sharing so we picked these up this morning because they were only an hour away we were able to head down there and snag these guys so let's unload this uh 200 i think it's an 81 and throw some gas in it and see if it runs guy said it hasn't ran in a couple years so it should be pretty easy to lose some life into it it's a hum yeah it sure is so this is the best part of a honda is you can unload and load it with one person even the big boys john you're gonna break yours all right don't do that kids oh my god all right let's get it inside that's what actually made sense it's actually a knot bad toe strap it's not good it's good enough for this we'll probably need it we'll just hang on to that one it's got plastics and tires that hold there they're actually really nice fun fact this might be the nicest one i've ever bought i was gonna say this is like pristine for you this might be the nicest machine i've ever owned all right let's see what it does full choke so ah [Music] since this video is pretty long already and we have completed the 125 m's revival which was the focus of the video i'm going to give you guys a quick overview with what went down with this atc 200. this had supposedly sat for a mere three years so we thought we'd be able to fire it right up as you can see in the video we did get it running by pole starting it but then we brought it into the garage and all the weird anomalies began to happen nothing was consistent and things kept changing on their own while i was trying to dial this carburetor in eventually i gave up and took it off the bike and realized where all of our problems lied oh everything makes a little more sense suddenly that is not a keenan carb this is a chinese knockoff i believe i don't recognize this name anyway all the knockoffs that i've ever bought for key hints say he hit on it this one didn't even like try and lie i mean it's maybe something different that's like still a brand i've just never heard of cucma i knew at this point things were about to get fun i was going to have to seriously dial in this carburetor and spend some time on it to make this cheap piece of junk run pro tip if you still have your original honda carb do all you can to save that carburetor they are so much better after a quick timing chain auto tensioner adjustment i was able to rebuild our carburetor put it back on the bike and had it running in no time i started running but it wasn't running great it took me another half hour to dial in the needle height before i finally realized that the fuel selector switch for whatever reason was plumbed backwards and only one of the settings was flowing fuel once that was fixed we were able to dial everything else in good enough to make this thing run and drive all that was left at that point was to shine up the plastics and wait for the sun to come back up so we could ride the river the next day thankfully we had john to entertain us with a beautiful song in the background [Music] [Applause] yeah john oh you're recording [Laughter] i was wondering why you were so brave [Laughter] by the end of the night we had a beautiful atc 200 that smokes more than a diesel under load ready to rip up the river alongside the 125m the next morning so there it is it cleaned up way better than we thought uh we will be back in the morning to go riding okay so with that we're finally ready to go ride the river which we're going to do tomorrow morning because it's dark out so we'll see you guys next week on junkyard digs where we go and rip around in the river with this 125m and this 200. this should be a blast i'm really excited to see how this 125 does we'll see it'll be interesting it's totally i've never ridden one like this before the small one which is crazy because i've been doing this for years if you guys like this video make sure you subscribe turn on notifications uh follow all my friends john who's starting his own channel right here you can check that out junkyard mook thunderhead289 dylan the cool classic mustangs 429 vice grip garage to bosch garage cars and cameras the whole crew we will see you guys right back here next week where we take these suckers out and rip around on the river peace
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 290,769
Rating: 4.9423189 out of 5
Keywords: honda, atc, 125, 125m, 110, 185, 200, 200e, 200s, 200m, three, wheeler, revival, ride, first, start, in, years, rescue, rescuing, abandoned, forgotten, neglected, will, it, they, run, old, cold
Id: pcvWfNHNBLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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