Rescuing India's Kidnapped Children | Unreported World

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[Music] expanding the rural areas around the city but as the city grows and grows richer not everyone is profiting every year thousands of children vanish from India's streets and the numbers are increasing every day Delhi's newspapers seem to feature prominently two major things one of them is advertising for high-rise brand-new high-rise apartments and buildings in new cities all the way around Delhi and also featuring prominently in some of the newspapers are notices for missing children sixteen-year-old Mahinda Baker who was kidnapped from Assam in northeast India in Haiti for five months she vanished without trace parents Chandan and Sunnah bimini low Cobra yo Sam setoka feeler Kia code kidnap car key Haryana leaky Aras havoc India kidnapped for marriage is an increasingly common crime around Delhi a few days ago Mahinda meant to give one phone call through her parents she told them that she's about three hours south of Delhi they're gonna try and go there today and rescue her Mahinder told them she'd been approached by a stranger drugged and then sold as a bride wedding [Music] Alec supporters and more among 200 or so I wanted to know why they turn to Rishi and not the police yes I don't belong which I can claim they have wages or two bridges today they said that oh come on I'm a poor man and my daughter have gone missing I've come here with a written complaint why the hell you are asking for money just aren't clear because the parents didn't pay the hundred rupees the police if the local police didn't act to bend act now Rishi is their only hope in the past year he saved hundreds of kidnapped children jolly because then the rescue was underway we're going to go with the families about a three or four hour drive south of Delhi to the village where they believe their daughter is being held as we she hit self to the nearby town as soon as they have approached us we want to have approached the girl as fast as possible that is what I am saying so at first it appears they won't assist Mia Bullough argue ker I'm not arguing with you I just want the law enforcement to help me he just told me you should give us time I said that if a missing child has approached the parents for help so I should rush to that missing child immediately and he's just now said to me the girl was missing for five six months so what's what's the big deal Rishi funny persuades a local police chief to go into action three hours later the police traced the location of the number Mahinder called for Misha what's happening we are digitally investigating or to end up whatever the kidnappers call turned violent and asked us to stay behind with me hinders parents Irish yes the girl is in the gypsy in the car in the front what happened there is she just said that when they went to get the girl more than 200 people came around them and tried to stop them taking the girl they just grabbed the girl with the police and ran away so we're now following them to the police station see I think they've got the kidnapper had sold her as a bride the girl has said that all kind of abuses beating and the girl girl is just saying that I want to say something that I was treated very badly by this Mahinder said she'd endured five months of rape I asked the local police commander if kidnapping was a common problem how many women are being trafficked being kidnapped I don't know we don't know this is very often he is what I'm listening I don't if he didn't want to answer any more questions the man accused of buying Mahinda and his relatives arrived to protest against the rescue despite her giving a statement the police said they didn't yet have enough evidence to arrest anyone officers have sprung up around Delhi over the past five years so in these new cities that a large part of India's new wealthy middle class are living and working and creating new lives Rishi told us finding domestic staff to service these new homes has created a boom in so-called placement agencies that often supply children as maids with this growing middle class a few days later another family in Delhi had contacted Rashid about their missing daughter we have come here to rescue a minor girl and this placement agency is supposed to be somewhere where she said tens of thousands of children are disappear into trafficking networks used by these agencies yes we have seen all those girls we have rescued mentally traumatized physically beaten and maximum cases they are also sexually abused are we talking here really about slavery obviously it's live [Music] let evening.we she went on ahead with the police in asked us to wait so we didn't compromise the rescue the rich is now called us he says we should come down to this office here which we believe is an agency which is being used to on searching the property she discovered not one but several children [Music] these children come from extremely while some parents initially agreed to send their children to work many then vanish into trafficking markets where they earn good money for the agents who use them the family who this little girl would have been given to it would have paid about twenty eight thousand rupees about four hundred pounds as a one-off payment they then would have paid per month for her services but she wouldn't get the money nor would her family the agent would keep that money and what happens is these children are then moved from here to homes around Delhi so the parents actually lose track of them one of the agents was found in the building why do you have these children here you can connect liaison they're coming to work that they're 12 years old and they're 14 years old why are you bringing children to work they should be at home but gatherers come on everybody out for an egg lay out their larva that EBA okay so you don't have any problem yourself with the to their children I mean it it seems very hard to understand that you would make a child go to work and you would profit from them without them would have been a bad he denied trafficking and said he had paid the parents but it's illegal for children to work in domestic service he was taken to the police station and the case is pending the rescue children were taken into protective custody these kids are absolutely terrified they have no idea what they're going into if we believe the experts there's a risk these children could have disappeared into lives of use machetes are always seized from the agency these are his files they are dozens of pages of individual minors particularly girls who he has sent into the mystic service rishi blames india's changing economy for the rise in child disappearances you see every family especially in the major metro cities of india both the husband and the wives are working and when both husband and wife are working they need someone to who can assist the family or do the household work without giving too much of compensation I wanted to find out how children kidnapped and forced into domestic service and treated [Music] 18 year old chummy do five years ago aged just 13 she was drugged kidnapped and sent to Delhi to work as a maid the onion or the King Kong made a coupon that shallop them but then when you go to protect your side of conquered the past encompasses every name alone John conquered this new schedule Bobby Capernaum which every RTT made with you is really good teaching had we not had charity that didn't excel soon anybody ice cream when the pardon the curvilinear he had a stony vada the automarketer' I did order study Nevada Chumlee tried desperately to escape somebody saying that um I kept complaining about it I was told to be quiet I rent away three times and the family came and got me again and dragged me back to the house eventually he raped me and that's when I find him left at the house how old were you tell me when these rapes happened this new pattern of exploitation deeply concerns Rishi he invited us to a popular Hindu ceremony held at his home with his nieces and neighbors that venerates girl's children have long been at risk in India Rishi fears modern pressures are increasing the dangers from the beginning of our culture we have fun respectable but there are some changes in this happening that there are bad things also which is calm we grow what gets you moving there because this is tough what what really affects you about a person once we rescue the girl and the smile she gives that is our strength the smile and and the passion that girls once he meets with the family that is our change that is our inspiration that is motivating us to for the next day for a next day we said goodbye to Rishi and headed to another part of Delhi he told us it's not just poor families put in touch with the sharable come to this industrial part of South Delhi because Kim L was to tell us about a a new type of kidnapping that's occurring here in Delhi it's affected him personally when he didn't come back he's father frantically searched the neighborhood porygon with parents sub he's already back CI school to guard easy I spelled O'Neal again token Amina he heard nothing to bullying in school and then at 10:20 that night he received a phone call from the kidnappers demanding 2 million rupees for their son it's about thirty thousand pounds so Ashish what were you thinking when they when the men took you see whether there was a serve on the Kim kiddie did where to pull that this is a funky Atta kid never only said I was following days email receives news but leg isn't it the baby but they leave her at four o'clock in the afternoon they got a phone call from villages about 70 kilometres away the villagers said is your son missing he said yes yes of course he is they said we found him he's down a well Kumar collapsed dropped the phone and fell unconscious he thought she was dead Fidelis lyrically alpha decay or Carlene nickname every relevant to the query Kosuke the Purita well their legs stopped on a pillar pillar sit down the others and how high how high was the will she she had a miraculous escape water was only a meter deep below cool morning Lee keys Mesut özil in Marostica bachchan official near school Pacific's to to monthly but you can either ah George major tango and Volta me working such in he saying the kidnapper was from this area he knew us we knew we know this guy [Music] the kidnappers pursued the ransom thinking Ashish was dead they were later charged Ashish was not targeted randomly his family has profited from India's economic feelings once the land their house is built on would have been all but worthless now it's valuable Delhi real estate the database was a coffee place I cannae Archana the my mother better Cho tell her what was because I'm in there these are the silicon veneer say my name is anneka d'Epinay misacwis Venus Kiran at least a hundred children are kidnapped specifically for ransom in Delhi every year in many cases the children are never seen again even when the ransom is played we were told of another organization in Delhi trying to find a missing tune we're now on our way to a group called VBA which we're told is one of the only groups working to rescue children from forced labor at their headquarters the batch pan Bao Chau and LAN or saved the childhood movement were planning the release of dozens of abducted children kidnapping is not only by force it is also by enticement the majority of these children would be a victim of kidnapping through enticement and some would be or may be also through force but as far as being trafficked is concerned the offence is of Technol they are victims of kidnapping in fact when human rights lawyer blue van Ripper has been a child saver with BBA for eight years the group conduct almost daily rescue missions they're about to go on the operation they're behind the six locations where they think they're going to rescue about 40 children between the age of 10 and 16 secrecy was vital to the success of the mission so our local producer filmed the rescue who ends famous swooped on the docks this one making leather shoes in dozens of kidnapped children understand just the 7 years old child labor is illegal it's estimated to contribute 300 million dollars a year to the Indian economy the government agrees there is a problem recently set up a trafficking that's about 17 points in total we won and his team from BBA rescued 52 children that evening the children are taken to a special BB a child sanctuary in Dillon so some of these children would have been kidnapped forcibly taken from their villages some would have been lured away with promises that they would have been taken to a better life and been given a trade which they never were and some would have been sold for some of these children [Music] the next day we went back to the BBA sanctuary to see how the children were settling in hello Johanna Calzada with you Phyllis Chabad aunt actually killing adult email Binaca how many children can you keep him we actually have a capacity of 120 hundred and twenty-five BBA has now so here we thousand kidnap children just reduced in his first ever report on the numbers of missing children in the country hundreds of thousands of children are going missing according to the information that we have collected while this is the first time an information has even been sought and we have come to very very alarming figures this is between 2008 and 2009 117 thousand children with India tiny fractioning disappearances are ever investigated the total number of children whose cases have been investigated in the country in these two years is 13,000 something just thirteen thousand now this is a police record a large number of children who are actually being trafficked not even finding any space in these police records the reality can easily be more than ten times we can very easily say that the number of children who have being trafficked to work or traffic for other purposes is more than 100 an hour sooner India's president is considering VBA's request to form a specialist this is making some progress they are achieving some prosecutions but the tragedy of this situation is this is really one of the only groups actually doing anything about this problem and there are literally hundreds of thousands of children out there now in forced labour and vulnerable to kidnapping and abuse [Applause] [Music] until the country's most vulnerable people are protected and not threatened by the wealth of the new economy Delhi's stolen children will continue to rely [Music] thanks for watching click the logo to subscribe for more award-winning documentaries from the unreported world team we upload videos every Sunday keeping you up to date with content from all over the world [Music]
Channel: Unreported World
Views: 109,945
Rating: 4.8774009 out of 5
Keywords: Unreported world, unreported world documentary, india, india children, india kidnapping, delhi, delhi india, delhi children, delhi kidnapping, child trafficking, india middle class, india poor documentary, india's child savers
Id: Wc9ncsxy4FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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