RESCUED: Hoarded 1967 Candy Apple Red Mustang Fastback!

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foreign [Music] it is early 450. yeah Alex's eyes aren't even open yet we got a cool one today each one we always like to rescue Mustang Fastback uh but Alex has 367 Shelby's that we've been lining all the parts up to get ready to get going on two of them were real close and one of the key things we're missing and we asked out there which we've had tremendous help in the Shelby guys out there when the last two you guys are that have helped us gather all the parts up for the Shelby Paxton supercharged car we are very close to having every single thing we needed for that car yeah one of the things we needed was a pair of seats wouldn't have thought that'd be that hard wow it turned out to be tough huh so this lead came in guy buys and sells houses and remodels house said hey look I found a 67 Fastback up on jack stands missing the wheels and tires it's been in the garage slash Barn since 1983 Dusty dirty which would be interesting I said sure see a picture seal number so all I got was a picture of the door tag well obviously 63a is a Fastback the 63 B is a tiered Decor I'm like outstanding Just What We Needed yep and then you go down to 6D and it's Deluxe interior so where I'm going with that is a tier Decor group Deluxe interior same seats as a GT which is the same seats as a Shelby awesome so big pieces of the puzzle now you guys are saying you're gonna pour it out a car when we might part it out the other key thing is the Canadians Shelby we got is a 6t candy apple red they had to skin the doors well this car appears to be original paint after I got some more doors again are we going to part this car out well we're saving three significant Shelby's and the Britney blue car is going to the payload next week we'll have a really good car and then whatever's left over somebody can turn into whatever they want restaurant Eleanor or whatever now when we get there if it's just way way too good then we've got a quandary we still need seats yeah but even after all this is done between three Shelby's we still need a good 67 passenger seat think you guys are going to enjoy this rescue hopefully we'll have some great food uh it looks to be a really neat place where it's sitting and we actually brought a really cool set of wheels to put on that car let's grab your cup of Joe it's called a Wichita Kansas straight up 35. foreign [Music] I don't think anybody would have found that orange vanilla good morning how you doing good morning Charles no I'm blessed I'm Bruce all right Dennis Collins Zach how you doing great how are you good that frame I was wrong frame is in great shape yeah that's pretty awesome oh it's that just it's just undercoating man yeah it's undercoating well we know how to get that off heck yeah let's look at these uh let's look at the hood real quick Alex look at the trim tags yeah so so how long has this car been sitting here 84 the tag on the back is it in 1984 1984 I was close yeah it's uh I was going through the Four Keys But Chuck went next door to go get he says he's got he the actual piece of the car so I just seen a bucket of keys and they're all fours so I figured what the heck might as well please tag over here yeah the actual four fins right there there you go I wish it was a paper car would be nice yeah but C code right 289 two barrel right automatic automatic air no power steering no power brakes but it does have AC this is a 6r Alex or seven already yeah seven R so we've got San Jose 02 for Fastback C code for 289 two barrel it looks let's see what's on the door tag not a single point distributor probably yes okay there's a little horsepower the only thing lower than this would have been a team a t-code six armor would have been doing anything lower damage so here you go man so the last inspection stickers 1975 . that's awesome so eight years on the road what do we got is it there yeah I love that so picture I sent you so you did send me the picture this and this one we got first before we saw the rest of it well I was real happy with is it's a 63 B okay so that is interior decor and what I was also hoping for is when you went to the rise you'd have a 6D which is deluxent here yeah it's uh it's got the underdashi old under dash air in it it is color code T Alex it is candy apple red that's good which uh yeah that's a good good combo awesome and transmission is a w so it's a C4 automatic okay very cool yeah when he told me about it it was buried in boxes out of this red it took him year to dig it out and uh so but uh yeah I almost bought it first but I got my garage is full so the other thing with the interior Decor I actually got the overhead console just kind of neat yeah just like our Vietnam car it's got all the stainless steel stuff Vietnam yeah we had the one pass back that was in Vietnam sticker right here North High School so the DSO on this car is a 51. Dallas is 52. yeah oh okay and I believe 51 is Kansas [Music] actually so I don't think this car's ever left this area so Chuck when he gets key hopefully well I guess not just open up let's get up 84 last license plate I didn't look up here see how bad it was not bad at all really that's pretty awesome right there now there's no wheels and tires is that correct yeah there's no wheels and tires so we just happened to break something that's full Alex bring some tires please that's cool it's for the old case hey there's bump jacks and uh definitely carry the upper red car two but the other side looks great that AC it was either pretty much what do you want a factory no this is either Sears or Sears or Montgomery Wards yeah I remember having the kids and the atlas so I'm gonna I'm gonna say that's Montgomery Wards well sir we just pay you what we discussed yeah that sounds good we got a deal yeah you bet sir all right outstanding nice meeting you now all we got to do is fighting it out of here yeah and he's Pontiac heads over here I don't know what they are it looks like uh 400. oh that's what they are how are we doing today here's this truck great good how about some car keys you found some keys well that's what we were going for all right hi Dennis Collins nice to meet you sir all right so you're the you're the finder on this gym oh and I've got this all you could see was the front you can see the front end and that was it the red the hood this was completely full of car parts okay when we moved in they had 10 Vehicles here wow in this problem okay and they finally this I don't know if you saw the license plate but 84s with the last time it's been tagged right and then the inspection sticker 75 which is really cool so you think these are the right keys I know they're the right key well outstanding I'm gonna put one in the door one in the ignition yeah they went to the cans yeah was it the can trying to get it and they found them in the cans and uh turns out that the uh I've been to the dump I've been to the salvage yard about seven times taking steel that's how much they've had here all right key works that's a big help thank you for that well that's uh finally told Bliss we don't we have bullets so much I found it so we gotta go get the keys and that's where we were walking out to get the keys all right well I'm glad you got the keys and I do have some uh almost con almost brand new hubcaps that are mustangs okay okay so I need to get those for you too I got some other stuff if you're interested absolutely we're interested in anything Mustang and it's going to take us a little while to get it out so whatever I just pulled when I when Bliss was here the other day there were 14 TVs right here wow so since then I I've cleaned this out it's just it was unbelievable the biggest junk is right back there those motors with a trash truck coming up and down here maybe uh later on but they don't care about them okay well if you don't care about them I don't care about them no they don't they're not my people they're mine come on Friday so don't worry about it well we appreciate you uh selling this car well I me Bliss is the one you need to thank because I didn't know what to do all right well I thank both of you then how's that so cool fine 67 red red Fastback last expected in 1975. it has some license plate sticker since it but generally the last inspections the last time they drove it pretty cool off the road for eight years and as I'd hoped it's a 63 b6d car which is a tear Decor Deluxe interior um got some great partial helpers with some of the Shelby's and still is probably a buildable car after we're done with that 289 two barrel C code so we're not going to be sacrificing something super rare but really neat find now you've got to get it out what do you got down there I found a bowling ball it's pretty appropriate since your last name's bowling I know you should buy it buy a bowling ball there's eight in this garage eight bowling balls yeah the cases the treasure hunt we have to find all these so use bowling ball worth anything if you sign it [Applause] I'm pondering the best way to do this I'm wondering if we might want to back up and pull it out of the front of the truck for the winch hmm just loaded man I got another jacket one of the jack is that a hell of a dog that's right outstanding what did I just tell you I would trust mine sir thank you I saw you coming it wasn't locked in ah you weren't either thank you the front brakes are locked completely up so if we can get an axle strap underneath the back get the winch on hopefully the front brakes will pop loose right all you what do you want to do this I'm gonna run a brake line or something great idea this time [Music] the worst case we're going to pull up to about right there anyway so go ahead what's not on the trailer but it's almost out of the garage yeah first time since 84. ah first I'm guessing somebody just bought some stickers for those license plates it hadn't been on the road since 75. we're kind of in a jam in this Alleyway and to back that board down would be really difficult so we're just gonna hook it up we're gonna pull the car backwards because we only have to go like three houses down to get it towards the street the trailer to it or we could pull the truck around the back to it you know what Alex going backwards first might be the fastest way because it is a Fastback I smile how do we get his fastest way but how about we just drag it back on the street out there and figure it out there I like that okay wedge to neutral there you go we need that wheel to unlock make things easier oh man [Music] many many minutes later come on well that is one stubborn break maybe to unlock when we go forward oh yeah see the license plate yeah Pegasus so I guess it had a name dude that was just pegas as Coral it was all about pegas us so that job would have been monumentally difficult without the right equipment Ram 3500 two worn winches and Alex way to go it's on the trail that's a job well done it's 11 26. we started at approximately 5 30 in Wylie Texas we're in Wichita Kansas and the car's already on the trailer get you some of that got it all right we're gonna go ask these gentlemen what their favorite place in town is to eat [Applause] well Charles thank you for selling us so far first off what about a pedal car you want a pedal car let's take a look at it okay all right it Bliss thanks for finding it hey no problem thanks for the help getting it out I didn't expect that hey good slave labor made it much smoother all right question for both of you gentlemen since you're from the area your favorite local place to eat lunch you want to go stay see what you want what do you want a big meal a little meal what you got in mind oh I like big meals let's go stretch scotch and sirloin yeah are they open I don't know I just learned news with all the cars what time it's 11 31 so I'm calling they got the bone what's the secondary back of it I don't want to do Mexican because you're probably sick with it correct I'm gonna be the last place let me think is there a breakfast or a brunch place uh what about the doodle we saw that going over the bridge Diner oh that's hot that's hot the parkings might be a problem but you can park on the back side up there because we're fine yeah it's on the blow the flyover I like the sound of that we saw it driving it so you guys don't mind the doodle Diner oh no they got everything and it's it's top of the line well you know what it's all me if you guys want meet us there meanwhile let's look at your pedal car okay all right thank you I know you haven't seen a Cadillac like this not in a while well all you need all you need is both tires and you're in Arizona Edition the lady that owned it um uh Omaha Steaks really very cool 70 000 miles so we've got a Tonka wrecker plastic Wheels and an all steel fire chief so this is obviously older than that but bliss said you had a cool bike and I'm pretty sure it's that that hits the bike you ever tried to ride one of those Alex no I'd fall off they're very difficult to ride so you know the back story on that Charles uh Donnie uh Don and Marie bought it or had a TV show Donnie and Marie okay they sang a song called Swingline bike and they use this bike in the show the only difference was they had a blue one okay and what you do is you release it back here look at that Alex it's so hard to ride wow crazy so you got two necks front and back it's killer but you can't lock it in to ride it but yeah write it unlock is really difficult it is tough yeah would you sell it no this is uh my brother had a bicycle store that's the only reason I wouldn't sell that but come with me if you I might have a couple other things that is very interesting isn't that that's killing us another Talking Stick that out Alex there might be a couple more in there two one here one over there both classic cars very cool phone not if you want them there's one next door I know of so let's pull these out maybe we can make a package deal all right come on I got more packages yeah you don't even need mayonnaise anymore now check this out have you seen this you got the little guy he keeps his hands down okay load your coin in if we can get the hangar oven and if it goes through the slot okay if it hits his head it goes in the slot it raises his hands yeah very cool show him the spaceman yeah it's a rocket one uh this one yeah that's now that one's an easy shooter yeah this one's fixed that's very cool Wichita State Bank yeah that's what this one says too Wichita yeah they're all Wichita State Banks who's like this Rob wolf he collects crazy toys like this this one 150 on eBay wow but as much as we I haven't shout out a lot but never come close well how much are these two here I say you're not on eBay I sell you this one okay how about what do you what do you want seventy dollars oh both of them well don't forget all the toys let's just make a package deal well what are you talking let's carry this out there see if we can make a package deal okay all right okay that I'm gonna give to somebody who's okay give us some great Hospitality how about we talking 150 for everything I was thinking 200. okay 200 and I've got another one over next door there might be some more over there let's just go see I'll just up my price by 50 bucks so whatever else you want to throw in I think would be greatly appreciated well I've got and what is your do I do not want to sell price on a swing bike I don't I can't do it I'm good you're too hot that's oh foreign that is really cool oh it is it the problem is you better have the insurance on them uh my wife has got me over insured I'm worth more dead she's not stupid or Treasures I had one of those well now you got another one and let's go tonight I don't know what's inside see that see that smile on him look let's try it you don't see those every day I'm just a kid Ah that's going to the junkyard unless you want normally I would say yes but I nothing like we got I think I have too much at the moment yeah see that restraint nice the rest of this was everything's completely full so this is like what you see on the TV show order Craig so the only path a day could move in the house at all is right here you got it wow the only water that they had in the house was is it the same hot water into the stool no bass or anything like that this is a project sir so who did models somebody do models Alex does come here so he said this house was full to the ceiling like this everywhere including this was full of the ceilings probably beautiful if you want I'm eating right there another Fastback two fastbacks is it they're everywhere that's a good omen that's a good sign right there now this area over here is one well I'm picking up toys everywhere wow you never know what you're gonna find that's cool it's metal and it's a Gleason got a farm deal I'm not a farmer so don't hate me for that I like it like that I don't even know what that is I've never seen them and see I got a tub down here I don't see the pink Cadillac yeah I think it's custom so we put that spinner on it but I don't know what that spinner is off of that there's some trivia you need a bread box what is that off of crap I think we should bring this with us and just try to figure out what it is I'm done picking you done Alex so we're like American Pickers kind of right can we say that I pay for it it's a trademark you already did you got some visor Alex I did all right let's go to the doodah okay you guys ready I got a 10 carrots dip with no onions awesome here's with all the veggies thank you you're welcome I'll grab some extra napkins anything else that you all need right now oh no they got everything and it's it's top the line what do you think well so far yeah Charles and Bliss I think this is a great idea I read a bunch of the awards out on the wall super complicated Meatloaf I wish I could remember everything that was in it so I think it's actually gonna have to take a picture of it on the menu take the chili sauce on top of it was what got me wow can't beat meat potatoes that's Gotta Be the Best Buy American Steak is it melting in your mouth like she said it would it does that is the spot that's real comfort food wow and Zach got a burrito yeah apparently voted best in the state that's what she said this type of work cool place Dippity doodah very famous for basketball players which we're not but we're really good at eating well Alex I have to say the Dew dot Diner was Dippity darn good it was good really good it's an iconic place here this gentleman recommended I highly recommend it if you're ever Wichita Kansas let's go back to Wiley as always please like to Terry Sharon follow and most importantly subscribe to our YouTube channel see you next week
Channel: Dennis Collins
Views: 921,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dennis collins, denis collins, car world, dennis collins car world, cbjeep, collins bros jeep, collins classics, coffee walk, coffeewalk, cofee walk, cofee talk
Id: yJYmxggs3VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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