Reputation Management: Manage Your Online Reputations with These 15 Tips

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[Music] reputation management manage your online reputation with these 15 tips [Music] reputation management is more than just a buzzword it's become an integral part of modern business here we go over 15 tips to help you manage your own online reputation number one create a social media presence on all major sites the first step to managing your own online reputation is creating a social media presence for yourself on all the major sites number two use the same username for all your social media profiles to make it easier to manage number three comment share and post regularly on various topics so that you are seen as an expert in those areas this will not only increase the number of people who follow you but it'll also provide insights into what type of content they're interested in seeing from you number four join groups related to your profession or interest area and build relationships with people there number five be careful about what you say online even if you delete things they may be saved by someone the last thing you want to do is post something that could potentially be offensive or turn people away from the type of content they're expecting number six make sure your privacy settings are correct on facebook twitter and the other social networks it's important to make sure that your privacy settings on facebook twitter and the other networks are set correctly number seven make sure you have a current profile picture on all your social media profiles number eight be careful about what you post about your clients make sure it's relevant and it will help their reputational issues the last thing you want to do is post about your clients unless it's relevant and will help their reputational issues number nine be careful about what you post on your company's blog make sure it will help with things like seo number 10 ask your clients what they want to be known for and advise them on how you can help number 11 make sure your social media profiles are filled out with information about your company services offered etc number 12 monitor sites like yelp for reviews from clients or potential customers this way if there are any negative comments then you can have a discussion with the client about it before they decide to take their business elsewhere 13 respond quickly to negative reviews in a respectful manner that shows regret and also offers a solution this way the client can feel heard and know that their feedback has been taken seriously even if they don't come back as a customer or there's no chance of them working with your company again number 14 respond to positive reviews by thanking the person and asking them to expand on what they like about your company number 15 try responding to all of your reviews whether positive or negative managing online reputation is hard you have to monitor your brand on dozens of sites you have to respond to all reviews you have to get people to leave reviews for you solution alignment online marketing helps business owners manage their online reputation in one place we help our clients cut through the clutter associated with managing online reputations by giving them control over the most important aspects of their reputation including listings social media and customer reviews our tools allow businesses to connect with customers easily and automate much of this process and we provide powerful reporting that shows how they're improving their overall online presence over time please like and share this video thank you [Music] you
Channel: Alignment Online Marketing
Views: 1,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reputation management, social media tips, how to, online reputation tips, online marketing tips, small business marketing
Id: xs9m7a-jJzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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