Repotting and dividing Anthurium and other stuff :)

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hey there you guys welcome back hope you guys have been well I have not been around as you know I've been busy doing other things plants have been taking a back burner to to life and it's been fun but I still don't have a garden outside well I have a little bit of a front yard garden but we don't have grading approval so we can't really start digging and planting anything substantial because they could come and rip everything all up once we get our grading approval because it's a new development we can start doing whatever we want but right now we can't put a shed in we can't put a patio in we can't really put we could put a garden in but if they come rip it out that's at our cost so well they'll rip it out for free and put the grass back in but if I have any trees or anything in there they they won't replace them so we're just not doing anything at the moment so what are we gonna do in this video you see this anthurium here this is Ann Ann theorem that I got many many many many years ago I don't know I think close to seven or eight years ago I guess many many many is too many many so it's it's it started to vine Ann theorems are epiphytes that that kind of ramble up trees and do their own thing and that means that they they develop a root systems maybe above the soil and they kind of attach themselves to say trees or maybe they're rambling along the forest floor who knows but anyway these are now starting to look a little bit more Viney than then you see in the store and and they're harder to maintain this way because the roots don't develop if the air isn't really humid if you have them in a greenhouse environment those roots should grow longer and and and nourish the plant but in my dry house they don't they don't amount to anything as you can probably see here there is aerial roots that are starting to develop and these once I once I cut this off they will develop in soil so it'll be off to a head start and it'll be racing along once once we get things in in in better shape so I wanted to bring you along we're going to revive this plant make it nice again hopefully I really enjoy it upstairs it really grows well in the window it always has flowers I would like to multiply that I'd like to get more and more blooms so I think by cutting it back and putting the the the tops in soil and then the the basis should start producing offsets again so I should be able to multiply the plant and get more more flowering points so anyway you might have been wondering what I've been doing with my time off for one we've been dealing with the house that takes a lot of our time and then I've also started making bath bombs in my spare time I really enjoy this I find it very therapeutic to make them and I like using them too but there are a lot of fun I've finally perfected my my recipe and it's a lot of fun to make so that has been taking up a lot of my weekends just playing around and it smells really really nice sometimes with all of the essential oils and and and fragrance oils in the house but yeah it's been a lot of fun keeps me out of trouble keeps me away from this sort of thing but I needed a little bit of a break from plants to make me enjoy it again when I come back into it it started to feel more like a job because as you know I have a lot of plants and and I've been having a lot of issues with with insects spider mites I've had thrips mealy bugs scale all kinds of things and it's kind of a losing battle when here in Ontario Canada because systemic pesticides are not legal here so for many of you that are able to just water their plants with a systemic insecticide I can't do that and and and in turn it makes it so that when these biting insects are the sucking insects bite into leaves with a systemic they get a bit of the pesticide and it kills them so I don't have that that option and you probably know mealybugs and scale they hide in the crevices of the plant so you think you got them all until your plant flowers and then and then a week later you got mealy bugs all over the inside of the flower so you're you're doing all this work for nothing and it's just been really defeating so I I've been I've been experimenting with different types of insecticides oh they're homemade insecticides I guess sprays and I found one that works really really well for spider mites Neely's seem to not be as big of a problem and same with scale I'm doing better with scale thrip is it's a little harder because thrip likes to deal with the flowers so you see like flaking on leaves and flaking on flowers it's not really a big deal but it can if you get a big enough infestation it's it can be troublesome but it seems to work on everything if you want to know what I'm using for an insecticide please let me know it's all kind of natural stuff I used to use the rubbing alcohol and water and dish soap and I found that that it would work for like a day or two and then I come back and and the webbing would be back for for spider mites so and and also mealy bugs I'd have to do it like everyday and and I I don't have time to do that so this one I spray on usually once a week I haven't done it in a few weeks so I'm noticing some of the spider mites are coming back on on one or two plants so I've got to do it again so I just need to make up some more mixture anyway let's get back to this video revitalizing this lovely and theorem that has seen better days all right so what I'm gonna do I've got some trusty scissors I should actually get some some pruners over here I have some pruners this lovely flower is in my my sight line hi so what I'm gonna do I'm not able to let's move this around so that you can see it on the lower camera move this pot I'm gonna put it into this pot here this is gonna be what its gonna go in so let's move this down are you able to see yeah that's that's the crown I've got babies growing off to the side these are an theorems here let's there we go so you're just gonna take the pruners and I'm gonna leave about I'm gonna say four to six inches of stem and I'm just gonna chop it right off right like that just easy peasy you'll notice that there's all kinds of and the leaves are getting in the way there's all kinds of little roots here these are going to be fantastic they're going to nourish the plant they're going to start growing basically the second they get into a soiled moist soil yeah so we're gonna cut the other one off same deal here we go so I chopped this off just take off some of the old husks of leaves just like so you don't have to get it perfect that's the compost in the soil you know so now we're left with is this horrible horrible mix of craziness I'm gonna get my my blue tarp and put it over the table and we'll be right back because they're gonna dump this out and we're gonna take off all of the old soil this soil is old old like I said it's probably I'm gonna say at least at least seven years old and it's lost all of its nutrients it's it's really time for for a change so we'll be right back okay so we're all set up here let's take the saucer off the pot we're just gonna dump this thing out so I keep this plant on the dry side I'm sure it would prefer to be kept on the moist side but yeah I just it's upstairs and and it doesn't get a lot of visibility it likes the window it's in though so I water it I try to water it once a week but I find that the soil is dry but it could just be the soil surface I find that when when soil gets old it loses the capillary action so it could be sitting in water up to here the first two or three inches but the top seems bone-dry so I'm just gonna tease the soil off the roots get rid of any dead roots I'm sure that there's quite a few this is also going to breed new life into this plant not only because we're we're giving it new soil but because the roots down here are probably getting a little bit old these new roots up at the top that where it where are they these new roots are going to be much more active I think for the plant once they start to grow so it'll only be a benefit to chop this thing back I could have probably just got a deeper pot or something and potted it deeper but I didn't really feel like doing that I've got some golden pothos in here as well I'm just gonna remove those for now there we go I'm not sure if I'll put these back in I I'm not sure I think I'll just toss these pothos they've seen better days this is a really old plant I might take cuttings and put them elsewhere but I don't know if I'll put them back in this pot just put them off to the side for now this video is about the xanthium you've got some little baby at there Ian's here too I might actually cut these back too maybe not today maybe I'll plant this a little deep and give them a little bit more time to grow and be strong okay notice I'm not being like crazy gentle I'm just mingling my fingers through the soil and the soil is falling off I'm not really pulling I'm not I'm not being really bad with it but I'm being very quick okay so let me just get rid of this this old soil and we'll start by plotting this thing up so I keep my soil in a Rubbermaid container I usually get the big bales of soil and I find that it's a lot cheaper and I store them in the house I keep the big bale outside and then I store the the soil the tote in the house so it's just a regular all-purpose potting soil this one is by Pro mix and it's the high porosity so there's a lot of perlite in there it's a peat moss based soil and I really enjoy using this one and a garden center near me has it really really cheap I think I spend $35 for the whole Bale and that that's I forget how many liters that is that's that's uh it's a lot so I really appreciate that garden center having such great prices so I'm gonna put in some soil into here and I'm gonna go well that's probably good for now I've got about four or five inches of soil in the bottom and I put some paper towel in the bottom these drainage holes are huge in this thing so I wanted to make sure that that that no soil escaped I think the drainage holes were probably about an inch so as you can see the the the rootstock is quite far down there I think we've still got about three inches or 4 inches to the top of the pot I'm not going to be filling it right to the top I'm going to leave about an inch at from the top so I'm just going to pour the soil in this will make it some of these small little babies off to the side well will be buried a little bit so they're little aerial roots will we'll find new homes in the soil strengthening the plant we should see that these start to grow a little bit faster oh right oh this is cute I don't know whether you're able to see this this little baby being able to see it's gonna start to flower can you see the little the little red poking out there is this one doing oh this one's doing it too I believe this one's gonna flower - oh I'm so excited plants love me I just don't have the time all the time to take care for them like like I should but I find I find that a little bit of neglect actually does plants good you kill more plants with with over care watering them too often playing in the soil too often they like to be left alone let to do their own thing it's good to let things mmm well not everything but it's good to let most things dry down between waterings if the leg if the soil surface is dry sometimes down an inch or two it's still quite moist so if you're adding more water it it looks like you're doing it good but but it might not actually need water so now with these guys we've got these lovely cuttings I'm just going to poke them in I should use my finger instead of just jamming jamming works do but sure I'm sure the plant would like me to be a little bit more gentle alright okay I got it in there pretty good and we're gonna do this one I don't have a wider stick wish I had a wider stick okay you okay a nice a nice huge hole in there all right now we're gonna try to poke this one in trying to be gentle yet firm hmm gentle yet firm there we go so now that we've poked it and prodded it we'll add some more soil because we've packed it in a little bit and because these are epiphytes if you wanted to you can add a little bit of like an orchid bark or or a more coarse pearlite to this mix you can also anything to make some some really really I don't want to say dense compost that doesn't sound right something to make the the mix more porous these guys like a lot of air flow to the roots because they're they're growing in trees and just they're not really in deep soil they want to they want to be in like the leaf litter or or something like that so there's a lot of air flow kind of like an orchid so just keep that in mind when choosing the mix you don't want to have something too too dense I wouldn't be plotting this in and say a garden soil so now they don't put the the planting is now done we've got this beautiful pot it looks so nice I love it I love it so I've got some water here normally I don't water in after after my planting I do it after off off camera but I will do it today because I don't want to forget so I want to give it a nice good drink peat moss doesn't take water very quick it takes a little bit to absorb it but once it starts all it absorbs really really well so I'm gonna water this again probably this afternoon and then I'll probably water it again a little bit maybe tomorrow but we'll see we'll see how it is I don't want to make it soggy but I just want to make sure that that I water it a little bit at a time you'll notice when you water it first it will everything will float to the surface and you just want it to to grab that water I want to make sure that the where the roots are on the cuttings get nice moist contact that's what's going to cause those to start to elongate and grow right now they're dormant because they don't have any moisture and they're just waiting through there they want to do their thing so yeah I hope you enjoyed this video it's been a little bit long-winded but the plant looks nice it looks nicer now than what it did about 20 minutes ago so hopefully it enjoys it it's new its new life so anyway until next time everybody happy growing show me what you're growing give me some inspiration it's in April now and we just finished having this ice storm and snow that everything is covered I had bulbs growing and everything is covered with a few inches of snow I thought it would be melted in a day but it's still there it's been a few days and it's just so frustrating so anyway I do need to see some beautiful spring flowers and and what you're doing so inspirational I I do check the plants and things what's growing Paige often but I I don't I don't have a lot of time to make a lot of comments but I do scroll through check all the photos I mean not all of them there's a lot and there's like 40,000 people in there at that group now so it's hard to keep up with but yeah anyway show what you're growing and until next time everyone happy growing [Music]
Channel: PlantzNThings
Views: 87,642
Rating: 4.7377858 out of 5
Keywords: Anthurium, Repotting, planting, gardening, how-to, propagate, plant, plants
Id: L_Vi9p5F2hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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