Reportage Légion Etrangère (French Foreign Legion)
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Channel: StorytelleRH
Views: 370,464
Rating: 4.875639 out of 5
Keywords: Nouvelles vidéos, legion etrangere, reportage legion etrangere, légion étrangère reportage, foreign legion reaction, foreign legion, legion, légionnaire, nouveau reportage legion etrangere, armée de terre, reportage armée de terre, militaire, french army, armée française, nouveau reportage 2021, légion, aubagne, légion étrangère 2021, reportage légion étrangère 2021, French Foreign Legion, french foreign documentary, major gerald, major gérald, gerald légion, gerald legion
Id: rRNucZtmJ7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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