Report My Friend for Committing Fraud?

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[Music] brought to you by the every dooll app start budgeting for free today I'm dealing with a lot of resentment and anger and frustration over the fact that I have a friend who is basically committing workers compensation fraud she was injured on the job it was legitimate and she was collecting work with comp for couple of years for four years she's been absolutely fine and she collects a good portion of her salary for doing whatever she wants um and she acts like it's okay and what's worse is I of he puts me down for working and I don't know what to do about it I think if she were not part of my friend group and I wasn't going to see her I would just stop being friends with her but she is and I don't want things to be uncomfortable and yet I I just have such a hard time with this I worked my whole life I raised two kids by myself I'm divorced since they were three and four they're in their 20s now they both struggling to buy a house even though they work really hard and they're saving their money $40,000 in taxes last year could yeah it's just it's maddening yeah are you the only one in your friend group who knows this like is this a secret or everybody knows oh everybody knows everybody knows um and are you the only one who has a problem with it cuz what I'm trying to decide here is if she's the problem or if the friend group in general is the problem well we go back a long way we've been friends since grammar school m and you know there were a lot of years when we were raising our families you know we're in our 50s now where we didn't see each other very much and so a lot of this wasn't really known um but yeah we we all have a problem with it for some reason we just don't has anyone confronted her with it because if you're telling me I I'm trying to put myself in your shoes if I have a good buddy which I've I do and I had this situation I've earned the right at that point to you know speak truth and say Hey listen here's what here's what you've told me unless there's something I'm missing here's what I'm observing and you know we've always held each other to higher account higher standards in this like what's going on if and if I'm your friend know she's always been the kind of person who will tell you exactly what she thinks but if you do it to her she'll cut you off at the knees okay well she can dish it out and she can't take it exactly exactly I mean I mean what what is the big draw here why not just why not just Ser in this relationship there's no point I mean you don't have to be mean and call her up to say I break up but I mean just quit hanging out with her she's not good people period yeah I don't I don't think the I don't think there's any chance you're going to change her so why hang out with people that are misbehaving you're going to become one of them plus oh no yeah you are cuz you become who you hang around with and you're angry all the time about something that is not even not even your problem and that was the indicator when you first told us I have a friend who's committing fraud but then after it you were like I do this and I've done that and I pay my taxes and my kids are trying to buy like that's when I was like oh this is really making you feel some type of way it's not worth it yeah why hang out with you're right cut it off why okay what's the purpose there's no purpose there's nothing gained when you're with her well I don't I don't hang out with her it's enough make you call the show yeah I know I know I know because I you know why because I saw her today and I I just you're right it makes me crazy I guess my my that's you that's not her she it's not bothering her a bit she's living rentree in your head and and she's and she's committing fraud this chick's got it all the way around so now I mean I just I would just let her go do whatever she's going to do I mean I know lots of people who misbehave but I don't want to hang out with them and I'm certainly not going to spend my brain calories trying to fix them when they don't even want me to right that and that she's at home eating a ham sandwich and you're here ripping your hair out over her over nothing I know yeah you're right I know I know and I think the reason I mean the reason why I I I haven't done that I I think it's because I don't want it to be awkward when I know I'm going to see her I don't need to see her yeah I don't even think you need to have any it's I I have a I have a friend that I have known for um 45 years roughly okay who has uh about 10 years ago I said I don't even want to be in the room with them again because they have a tremendous problem with their temper and they'll be going along just fine and sweet as they can be and then just decide they're going to light somebody up and they usually do it digitally cuz usually they they're coward okay and they'll light somebody else in the friend group up and just tear them to pieces and then go on and act like they didn't do anything just pretend like it never happened and those people are dangerous and I don't want to be around them and so I just made made a decision I've known them a long long time but I don't you know if they're going to be at the party I'm probably not yeah I just don't want I don't want to be around them and it's not awkward at all I it's um I don't want to expose myself to the foolishness of this human being MH and that's what you're that's what you're talking about and so it's sad but you know and and friendships run their course and that's fine yeah they do they you know everybody is not a lifer and that's okay for sure yeah I mean for sure they do and because your life changes they change everything changes you move different areas of the country you start to uh you know commit fraud you know you're you're you're I'm sorry I said you start to commit fraud yeah yeah there's that yeah you start to be a criminal and then yeah there's that and you know just and then and then you run other people down who work hard yeah cuz I I rub Banks but you work and look at you you know and so um but yeah I mean that's yeah Amy you're you're you're spending too many calories trying to fix somebody doesn't want to be fixed and you're doing it over and over and over in your head and she doesn't care so I just I I you don't have to call her up and break up I just wouldn't be around when she's around mhm simple yeah and then if she calls up and says hey where you been going you know I just had enough of you yeah yeah you know I just got a gut full of your fraud and you running me down and I'm a hardworking person that pays my bills and I don't cheat and steal and you do and I just had enough of you and um you can't you can't be friends with someone you don't respect yeah bottom line like you there has to be a base level of I respect you as a human being I respect something about you you know and it's like you know like I have people that are friends of mine that vote wrong but they've got great intellect yeah and um they're just using it poorly and so it's a lot of fun to hang out with and I like I like I like getting in good spirited friendly arguments with you know but I because I like being around people that believe things I don't just to learn and to check my ideas against them and all that it's a little intellectual sparring if you will but but that's different than um this is the person I'm going to call when my family's in trouble yeah cuz this person you know a friend is somebody a 2 a.m. friend we call them is who you call at 2 a.m. when the kids's sick and you got to run them into the emergency room and you need somebody to KCK keep the other kid yeah well there's also a a level of this and I'm not trying to go too deep but if you're if you're committing fraud you're lying and it's hard to be friends with Liars hey well there you go there you go everything moves at the Speed Of Trust right yeah create your free every doll budget today the simplest way to budget for your life
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 75,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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