REPORT: Hamas' Weaponization Of Sexual Violence Too Gruesome For Words

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be forewarned this next story is graphic um a New York Times investigation a publication for the record that is notoriously let's just say not pro- Israel has revealed new details showing a pattern of rape mutilation and an extreme brutality from Hamas against Israeli women in the October 7th attacks at first she was known simply as the woman in the black dress in a grainy video you can see her lying on her back dress torn legs spread vagina exposed her face is burned beyond recognition and her right hand covers her eyes the video was shot in the early hours of October 8th by a woman searching for a missing friend at the site of the Raven Southern Israel where the day before Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of young Israelis one family knew exactly who she was gal abdou mother of two from a workingclass town in central Israel who disappeared from the Rave that night with her husband based largely on the video evidence which was verified by the New York Times Israeli police officials said they believe that Miss douche was raped and she's become a symbol of the horrors visited upon Israeli women and girls in the October 7 attacks a two-month investigation by the times uncovered painful new details establishing that the attacks against women were not isolated events but part of a broader pattern of gender-based violence on October 7th relying on video footage photographs GPS data from mobile phones and interviews of more than 150 people including Witnesses medical personnel soldiers and rape counselors the times identified at least seven locations where Israeli women and girls appear to have been sexually assaulted or mutilated look at this map here are the seven locations that were identified uh such a broad range of places clearly coordinated part of the plan of Hamas to brutalize and terrorize Israeli women and burn into the psyche of all of Israel the times interviewed several soldiers and volunteer Medics who together described finding more than 30 bodies of women and girls in and around the Rave site and in two kibuts in a similar State as Miss AB douches legs spread clothes torn off signs of abuse in their genital areas many of the accounts are difficult to bear and the Visual Evidence is disturbing to see the times viewed photographs of one woman's corpse that emergency responders discovered in the rubble of a besieged kibuts with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin and shockingly this is not even as bad as it gets this report revealed such horrific atrocities that I have to spare you further graphic detail but take my word for it the most disgusting things you will ever ever see or hear were committed and let me just finish the end of it does Hamas treat their own people better it seems that sadly that too is not the case as has long been reported a big part of the reason that the people of Gaza are not receiving enough Aid in addition to the fact that Israel is not letting in the full amount of Aid needed is also because Hamas takes much of the aid for themselves Often by violent means video released this week shows exactly that in this video we see Hamas opening fire on its own people who are trying to get humanitarian Aid that Hamas is trying to keep for itself take a look at this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] video in this horrific incident a little boy was killed by by Hamas a little Palestinian boy a Hamas police officer shot a Palestinian boy to stop him from approaching humanitarian Aid in the area of RF on the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday the boy later died of his wounds clashes broke out between Hamas terrorists and the family of the boy ahed braa in the area of Tel Al sulan north of Rafa video has emerged in recent weeks of gazin raiding humanitarian Aid trucks before they reach their destinations the channel 12 report said noting in many cases it's Hamas that gets its hand on the aid um so that is that Jen your thoughts please yeah so look this is why uh hamas's attack on October 7th was both morally and strategically wrong and this is exactly what we've been saying on the show from day one because it in order to maintain the occupation the right-wing in Israel paints Palestinians as Savages who are always going to be violent they're always going to try to kill Israelis and they're always going to do the most heinous things so when you go and do that that helps them to keep your people occupied so if the attacking on against Israel was in their minds theoretically to help Liberate the Palestinians well this does the exact opposite and as we know of course now 21,500 Palestinians have been killed so you got your own people killed you did it in a way that was both Savage and allowed the other side to paint your entire population in that way so how did it help it's so strategically stupid and selfish and immoral uh and and so it it's it's it's heartbreaking for the uh people that had to suffer that and it's also heartbreaking not just for the Israelis who live through that and who are horrified by that and have to I mean look you know you read about the family members uh that had to deal uh with that memory it's just the worst right but now you've also condemned the Palestinians so not a good strategy this is terrible and and this is the kind of radicalism that happens in areas that that don't have moderation why don't they have moderation because it's not a state if you don't have a state radicals and fundamentalists take over and radicals and fundamentalists do things like this Mondo yeah I am this it's it's it's absolutely horrible I and I I want to say something about one of the comments though I think uh you said something about uh people yelling back and forth Jin and I think I don't think we should be talking peace I mean calm about what's going on I I appreciate more uh I watch tyt because of the passion of folk that we won that have guest hosts and also the folk that run have shows on this on this network and I think it shows people and remind people that we are human we are bothered by these things which is why we scream about them so that's the first thing I want to say as it pertains to Hamas I mean I I I'm I I need no more selling on the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization and and they they have no uh no moral compass and I would say this I would I wouldn't I would go as far as to say that Hamas does not turn guns on its own people because Palestinians aren't their people and I don't even believe that the the strategy was to get Liberation I believe they are comfortable where they find themselves in that they they would love to keep having uh this dis ability to strike and and do harm both on on both sides of the Gaza Strip and I and I and I I I I don't think uh you know Liberation has ever been their goal I think their goal is power raw power um to do it just as they just they are right now which is why I think the way to finish this if as you can see the people of Palestine don't support they are fighting back themselves for their own lives against Hamas without without proper equipment to do so so I and this is just me being strategic in how see support and building Alliance Israeli uh have an opportunity to build Alliance by ensuring that the aid the humanitarian Aid that's going into Gaza is getting to its people and not to Hamas and I think that too builds builds on what could be a coalition to get rid of Hamas absolutely I agree with that I agree with most of what both of you said but I think it's just important to note mandale that while some Godin are trying to push back on that they are losing and they will always lose because they're not allowed to have any sort of Weaponry or military might turn towards Hamas and they are stuck forever in this cycle and so that's why this is the most intractable difficult complex situation perhaps in human history I too want to address one of the comments that was said during the break because it's very important one viewer said that they had to turn off because they can't stand to see me endorsing a Geno side and then Jen stood up for me and said no no please you have to listen to both sides and while Jen has used that word Bend does not feel it's a genocide which I don't but further I want to make sure it's clear I pitched the last story about The Accidental using of the wrong bombs that killed a lot of people that led to a very bad painting of the IDF I wanted that story on the air because it's crucial to me to have both sides of this covered and I just want to make it clear to all people that have been watching me on tyt for years now you know my heart and the most heartbreaking thing for me personally in this whole War has been seeing people who know my heart instantly shut off if people that are both Progressive and see things normally similarly block each other and refuse to have a conversation how do we expect Waring factions on opposite sides of the Middle East to ever do so and so maybe it's more likely that my heart is the same and I just see this very complex issue differently but if you don't know it let me assure you I follow tons of social media accounts on both sides I make sure that if I'm if I'm defending some not all of Israel's actions that I'm able to handle the psychic toll of every day watching dead Palestinian babies and and children with guts spilling out of their bodies it's the most horrific sickening to my sto stomach thing I've ever seen in my life I want it to end as soon as possible we just disagree on how to do it I want whatever solution can possibly bring the end of this as we all acknowledge terrorist organiz ations control over both the Palestinian people and the Israeli people and I hope that is done in the way that kills the least innocent people humanly possible I pray that's a permanent ceasefire agreement I pray that is a peace agreement that comes after that but of course when we all three of us on different sides of this issue agree that you can't make peace with monsters that are a terrorist group that whose goal as mandale just eloquently said was never to liberate the Palestinian people but instead was to keep power from themselves and in a religious radical fundamentalist way annihilate all Jews that is not a group of people that you can ever deal with and it is horrifically messed up that they are stuck in this civilian area that is densely populated that will always in any way that Israel does it no matter how many measures they take to try to reduce civilian death will still kill an unacceptable and unconscionable amount of innocent civilians it's horrible none of us should be okay with it and and I pray that there is a deal that can be made that can make all of these conditions met and end this horrible War that's happening for the millionth time for good that's what we all want and need we're up against the break here I'm just going to say one last quick thing which is guys when you you see Hamas doing terrible things that's 30 to 40,000 uh uh people um there's 2.3 million people in Gaza do not make the mistake of assuming that they're all the same those are the 2.3 million people are innocent civilians just like you and I same thing goes for Israel when you see Netanyahu or IDF doing things that you disagree with that you think is monstrous war crimes whatever it might be that does not represent all innocent civilians in Israel and a lot of the civilians who were killed by Hamas we're pro peace and we're trying to help Palestinians we have to protect the civilians on all sides we're all human beings if you enjoy this video that's because of our members they make us independent they make us strong and they make us honest because remember today by hitting the join button [Music] below
Channel: The Young Turks
Views: 70,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 231229__TB02SexualViolenceV2, News, Politics, TYT, The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, Progressive, TYT Network, Ana Kasparian, political establishment, John Iadarola, Breaking News, 2020, Election 2020, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, 2020 Election Results, Biden, Trump, 2022 election, 2024 election, 2024, Mayor Mondale Robinson, Ben Gleib, Hamas, sexual violence, humanitarian aid
Id: KiP2TwMm0AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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