Replace EVERY DEAD SSD for M1 Max, M1 Pro, M1 & T2 Mac, T1 Mac, BONUS:M1 Ultra (FOR DUDES IN DENIAL)

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part 3 replacing the dead on board ssds in this section we will show you the SSD replacement methods for the M1 Max M1 Pro MacBook M1 Mac D2 Mac as well as the T1 MacBook this video will highlight the working practice we've applied to identify that SSD issues as well as the general symptoms you're gonna get when the sorted SSD dies and since we already made some money by repairing this problem we want to teach you folks to do the same and save all these Macs from the landfills but before we begin we need to ask you this one simple question would you be mad if someone fixed your dead SSD MacBook with a used worn out SSD and this particular SSD has 200 terabytes written with only 84 lifespan left can you accept the second hand SSD inside your MacBook keep this really important question in your mind until the end of this presentation and you will understand why we make these videos [Music] foreign in order to understand what you need and the basic principle of sorted SSD replacement we need to start with the T1 MacBook first therefore Intel MacBook models with T1 chip and we have listed them here to make it easier for you these are the very first generation of Toshiba MacBook Pros that were produced in 2016-2017 so if you open up the bottom case of the MacBook you will be able to locate the sorted SSD location on the right side of the MacBook if you are familiar with the logic board by now you should already know that this is the logic board for the 15-inch MacBook Pro and the right ones for the 13 inch touch bar my book pro the sorted SSD is actually well protected under this EMR Shield so prying the metal Shields will expose all SSD components one by one so as you can see the SSD on this Mac consists of two different components the first one is called non-chips where all of your data are actually stored and the second one is the SSD controller the nands are connected to the single SSD controller and this SSD controller is hardwired directly to the platform controller Hub or PCH through the high speed PCI e-port and four names pcie 3.0 so let's just move them to the side now and if you flip the logic board to the other side you can see several ICS and another Emi shield on the left chicken wing this is the Apple T1 chip it's also soldered to the logic board and controls the function for Touch ID touch bar as well as Apple pay and believe it or not this T1 chip is also connected to the PCH but only to the slower USB port this is the reason why you can find the T1 controller and the USB drop down menu in the system report on the same side of the logic board you can also notice one tiny chip near the bottom Edge and this chip is called SPI ROM or bios chip this IC is so robust that it can ride around 100 thousands ride cycles that only use to home a critical low level firmware called Intel ufi this firmware is just a tiny 8 megabyte size but she is so critical that it will determine so whether your Mac is going to be a MacBook Air or maybe a MacBook Pro or iMac or even Mac Pro and it is also connected to the PCH using the SPI protocol with all of that being said the Intel ufi is responsible to make your MacBook to actually Dawn or turns on and show display on your LCD right now if you assorted SSD died from tbw or or maybe failing SSD controller you can still turn on your MacBook but it will show the question mark folder icon like you see here because the logic board cannot find any ssds or Mac OS files you can pretty much say that every component on this logic board is working good but your sorted ssdc has died resulting in the question mark folder now why do we seem to really care about all of these components well I need you to remember this block diagram as we will guide you how apple is going to redesign this block diagram into T2 Max as well as transforming it to M1 Max family that will greatly impact on how you could replace your soldered SSD now in order to replace or upgrade this dead SSD what you basically need to do is to remove the single SSD controller together with the nands from the logic board and replace it with other third-party nvme SSD widely available on the PC markets out there and connected to this pcie X4 Lanes here but how do you connect the SSD when there's no nvme port at all all that you have on board are the sorted nands and controller well you can add the nvme port by removing all existing Hardwares like the nands SSD controller capacitors and resistors from the logic board to make space next clean up all the sorted traces with Wick and all the messy epoxy until everything is flat and smooth some of these exposed copper pads are actually pcie X4 Lanes so we will manipulate this exposed PCI Lanes by aligning a specially designed BGA adapter directly on top of these pcie pads this VGA adapter basically reroutes all this exposed PCI Lane pads to this m.2 mvme SSD connector so that you can put any compatible m.2 nvme ssds available on the Amazon or Ebay and now the MacBook storage is removable expandable and good as new and the bottom case will fit the modifications perfectly well after that all you got to do is to format the Mac OS into the new SSD and this Macbook will have the chance to live another life this nvme adapter has helped people around the world to repair logic board even with holes through the SSD solving numerous a1706 and a1707 MacBook with dead SSD issues as well as upgrading the MacBook storage to one terabyte capacity and so far the largest capacity available for this upgrade is 2 terabytes this custom nvme adapters and their stencils are available on the links in the description below next we will move on to the t2 max pay your attention really close to this one because it has a really similar concept to the M1 Max now what we have listed here is all the t2 Max ever released by Apple from the most expensive to the cheapest price tag all these Macs have two things in common first they're using Intel CPU and PCH and second they all have the Apple T2 SOC integrated to their logic board as a co-processor you can easily find this D2 chip once you open up the bottom case of your MacBook and remove Emi tape covering the t2 chip using knife and alcohol then you should find the solid nuns near the t2 shape two nuns on the top side and another two on the bottom side of the logic board now this is how Apple fits the t2 chip components on the logic board compared to the previous generation T1 Mac this time the T1 SOC is completely replaced by the Apple T2 SOC chip but it's not connected to the USB port anymore so instead the t2 chip is now taking the place of the SSD controller and connected to the pcie X4 directly to the PCH since the SSD controller has been replaced by the custom Apple T2 chip well now the t2 chip itself functions as the new SSD controller but it doesn't stop there it has its own CPU and now functions as system management controller or SMC FaceTime Touch ID and touch bar controller Audio and Sound processor Intel espi host as well as several other critical things that still learn to be listed here and since the t2 chip was customly made by Apple they actually replaced the old Nance with their specially designed lands too these nands are so special that you won't be able to find them in any other laptops and oems out there but if you repaired an iPhone logic board before you might be familiar with these types of pcie nands so now all the nuns on the right here are proprietary special nouns manufactured by these four Brands we had explained in the past video it's either Samsung high Nix kyoxia or Western Digital with all of that being said each individual Nan is connected to the t2 chip using a single pcie Lane and even though you see 400 chips here every single one was also programmed with proprietary non-firmware so each of these firmware has worked together and makes the four non-speed to each other and they are even numbered from 0 1 2 and 3. some discussion said that these nuns are configured to rate zero configuration but we can't really prove that yet and without this critical non-firmware yonanz won't be able to communicate with the D2 chip so these nuns are combined together to be treated as a single storage and this combination determines whether you're having a total of WD 500 gigabyte or maybe kyoksia 500 gigabyte or high Nix 250 Gigabyte or maybe are the larger capacity and notice that each non-configuration has a different firmware color because this firmware is unique and very specific for every non-combination yeah in real life they don't have colors but we put them to help you understand that each of them is different and unique next to make it more troublesome Apple removed this single robust bios chip from the logic board the only home to this Intel ufi firmware is now gone and now she is so sad because she just lost her home but Apple compassionately come to her and offer a much bigger home than her previous 8 megabyte house and of course apple is offering to live inside the proprietary nuns she is so happy having this offer to which she replied you are so cute so now the Intel ufi and all its functional components like me region and trusted execution engines are moving into the new home and if you notice each of them are equally striped into different nands and this is true if these nuns were configured to RAID 0 but for the sake of this video and visual presentation we're gonna make it as a single item in demand so it seems all good safe and sound since the Intel ufi is getting a new home right and to complete the whole T1 T2 transformation Apple adds a tiny 4 megabyte ROM chip connected to the t2 chip here and they fill it with another firmware called iboot if you you extract the contents inside this chip and read it with hex viewer you can see the iboot version this logic board has some technicians called this firmware st2 ROM next we will add another 4 9 landing pads to the t2 chip and each of them is also connected to the t2 using a single pcie Lane because some MacBooks like the 15-inch logic board has additional non-pads on the left side but usually there are no stuff and we will talk about that in a bit so right now the transformation from D1 SOC to T2 SOC has finally completed you can pretty much say that there are two computers inside your Mac it's like you have an iPhone integrated into your Mac logic board as the first computer and the second computer is the whole logic board with a functional Intel counterpart so every single time you need to repair T2 logic boards you need to solve the problem on the integrated iPhone circuit first and when everything is good on this level only then you can find the next problem on the Intel circuitry so now the Intel CPU and PCH up operate properly by reading the Intel ufi from the nands and now your MacBook should be able to turn on and you begin to install Mac OS to the nands so the Mac OS will take some space inside the non-storage and becomes the neighbor of the Intel ufi next you install various apps like Chrome Photoshop import photos and videos Etc and everything works good and everyone looks happy until the real nightmare begins [Music] when a single nun dies just a single nun dies on your logic board and the whole content in the nuns will be corrupted including the most critical Intel ufi as well as your personal files apps and everything as a result the links between these nuns have been destroyed and The Fellowship of the Nan is now broken so during normal usage your Macbook will experience sudden death because the critical Intel ufi is now missing and corrupted a single nun is all that it takes to turn this MacBook into a dead book this is exactly the reason why you can find a lot of people over the Internet complaining about sudden death issues when they're using it and along the way they would experience beach ball freezing on the screen followed by sudden shutdown and one user even complained that his MacBook became dead after returning home from two weeks vacation and the MacBook had a normal shutdown before leaving in other words for MacBook 2018 and above or n82 Mac if your SSD dies you will never get to see a question mark folder icon because when it's already dead you will never be able to turn on the MacBook again well from what we explained in our previous video a single nun can die from one out tbw having a 250 Gigabyte storage like this one actually made up from 464 gigabyte nands combination if you assume a 250 Gigabyte SSD has 150 tbw of usable lifespan then each Nan only has a 37.5 tbw worry-free lifespan to begin with and we don't even talk about how well leveling works for these nuns yet and remember it only takes a single Nan not 4 but just a single nun to kill this MacBook and if you don't believe me this MacBook experienced all the symptoms described just now and its logic board doesn't have any shot to ground or any kind of chip explosion of right Nance so everything is clean and pristine but if you measure the voltage around and all three power rails for the nuns will fluctuate to zero volt for every 23 seconds just a side note to our fellow technicians this is just one of the signs a single nun is dead because of one out tbw but you should do your homework and perform all voltage measurements on the rest of the logic board to make sure you are having the same exact case as this one so don't be a monkey by blaming the nuns without making the proper measurement so you can see all of them are clearly fluctuating to zero volt for 3 seconds and return back to normal voltage again restoring this MacBook with Apple configurator 2 will be stuck with error 9 USB host error for those who don't know what is this Apple configurator 2 we will explain it again later The Simple Theory for this voltage fluctuation might have to do with this unresponsive red pcie lane as the t2 chip unable to read the single dead Nan causing it to restart the enabled voltage for every 23 seconds over and over again and if you take the single one out Nan and try to reprogram it with the non-programmer you will finally get an error that says non-repair fail we will talk more about this programmer later on with all of that being said you're not gonna be able to replace this single dead man with any nun you pull off from another donor Mac even if the Nan is the same exact model and brand or capacity because the firmware inside this donor Nan is not of the same color with the ones you're trying to fix so this is not gonna work next you cannot simply replace the single dead man with any third-party nvmees available from the PC markets out there because this nvme doesn't have the required Apple non firmware in order for it to communicate with the D2 chip unless someone in this world is genius enough to program this third-party nvme with the proprietary firmware only then maybe it might work again so this is not gonna work too next you also cannot simply remove the t2 chip and use this PCI X4 to connect with the third party nvme because the t2 chip itself is now playing a major role in the system functions and has become the home to various controllers and iOS than the same trick we did to the T1 MacBook is not applicable anymore so where can you find the non-replacement source for all these dead Macs well there are only two available sources right now and the first one is by utilizing a set of usernands pulled out from a donor Mac and the second one is by installing a brand new nand to your logic board so use and pull out nands will give you two options of repair the first one is the direct transplant method and the second one is the non-programmer method for the first method basically you need to remove all these nands from the logic board even if you know some of them are not dead yet and then you need to find a set of working nands to pull out from a donor board let's say you're taking the nands from autonomable Air 2020 with a dead CPU and directly transplant them to the Target Mac we want to repair after soldering this pull out nands to the logic board the ssd's voltage should be stable and not fluctuate anymore but you should know and realize that this directly transplanted nuns are not empty and the Nan's firmware section carries all the SSD stats information like the ssd's lifetime left tbw stats and all other related SSD infos so right now your Macbook will never turn on because the Intel EFI inside the Nan is missing in order to restore the correct Intel EFI you just need to connect this logic board to another MacBook with apple configurator to install and this specific software from Apple will help you to wipe all previous content inside the lens and download the new Intel ufi from Apple server using Wi-Fi and transfer it through the cable and finally into the nuns again when the new Intel EFI successfully restored the demands your MacBook should be able to turn on again and you can begin to install Mac OS apps personal files and everything since the nuns firmware section that came from MacBook Air is not wiped out you can view this information later in the drivedx apps so it doesn't matter if you directly transplant this nuns to MacBook Pro or Mac Mini or maybe iMac Pro the SSD stats and tbw information here will always be the same the pros for this direct transplant method is that all SSD stats are genuine and not reprogrammed meaning that if you've got lucky and have the ssds with 95 and above lifespan then it is a real value not real program and of course for this method you don't need any expensive programmer to reprogram the nands but the cons to this method is that every nun replacement is hit and miss because if you pull out the nuns from a dead CPU logic board you will never know the tbw and lifespan it has until you resorted them to the logic board restore the correct Intel ufi install Mac OS to the Target Mac and only then you're finally able to check the SSD stats with the drivevx apps it's a long tedious and winding road to only know you've got a not so good SSD if you are a logical technician what will happen if you have a mad customer just because the SSD stats are bad a second option of repair is by utilizing the non-programmer or flasher the concept of using this non-flasher is pretty simple and from the name you can already understand that you can take a single Nan from any logic board and of course it comes with a non-firmware inside it so you need to plug it into the non-programmer and remove the original firmware inside it and reprogram the Nan with the target firmware we need and this blue firmware was actually copied from another nun in China so basically you are creating a duplicate Nan for yourself based on this Nan in China this also means that you can take any pull-out nands from any donor logic Bots you have and gather all of them together to make a working Nan combination but right now we have a problem The Firm West inside the nands are not binded together and not having the same color because obviously they were pulled out from various boards now the zeroth none at the top already flashed to Blue so what we're gonna do is to reprogram each one of them to the target from where we need so you need to flash the first nun to Blue followed by the second Nan and finally the third none after all of them are reprogrammed to the same color according to the numbering sequence they are now ready to be transplanted to your target logic board and the t2 chip will easily read them as a single SSD storage and you will be able to revive your Mac using the same Apple configurator too this special external non-programmer is the JCP 13 made by the JC team in China we would like to clarify this is not a sponsored video by them it has a special none socket to insert your nan and it will automatically scan your non-model they initially created this tool to reverse engineer the nuns firmware for the iPhones with dead non-storage as you can see the options for iPhone 8 iPhone 10 and iPhone 11 Etc because eventually lands on these iPhones would die too so now they have added the support for MacBook lens too as you can see several Mac models are supported here technically both of these iPhones and T2 Max are using the same type of pcie nands but their only difference is the firmware inside them the pros for this method is that you can pull out the nands from various logic boards and reprogram all of them with this tool so you don't have to rely on just one donor board like the direct transplant method and the process is quite straightforward to do next you don't have to worry about your customers complaining the SSD has a bad tbw or bad lifespan left because the tbw stats you duplicated from the lands in China are quite decent actually but this also brings the cons to this method as we all know for a fact that these tbw stats are fake and not real because each of your nuns initially has a different lifespan left and different tbw stats so when you reprogram these Nuns with the firmware you downloaded from China the firmware simply overrides and fakes the actual non-stats showing you a duplicated lifespan left as well as duplicated tbw stats it will simply tell you A 1 out 60 lifespan Nan is still a good 95 even though the real Nan Hardware is not that capable anymore so your customers MacBook might be working with this nuns for some months and hopefully years but one of the none with the lowest actual lifespan would certainly die first and remember it only takes a single Nan to kill your Macbook so after wasting a lot of time explaining to you how to solder a used one out SSD here's the third option for repair the brand new SSD replacement but guess what you will not be able to buy this new SSD anywhere from the PC markets not from AliExpress not even from China unless you are bold enough to pull your trigger on the Mac Pro 2019 SSD kit so yeah in order to buy this kit you have to be rich enough to spend 2 800 for an 8 terabyte SSD kit from so this kit is intended for the 2019 Mac Pro 71 but what will happen if we try to directly transplant this kit to the MacBook Pro to prove this crazy and expensive Theory we've gathered all of the money we've had from the MacBook repair and finally bought the cheapest one terabyte SSD kit from the Apple website for six hundred dollars just a quick comparison that you can get a Samsung one terabyte nvme SSD for just 100 bucks unless so when the Mac Pro SSD kit finally arrived We examined the box and make sure it was the right thing then unbox the packaging and confirm that this kit looks pretty much like the iMac Pro's SSD so before we did something destructive to this expensive SSD kit we've decided to save more money again just to buy this completely shattered devastated 5K LCD poor iMac Pro from eBay for 1200 and carefully tore down the shattered 5K LCD just to check out its logic board from the chassis and set up a weird test bench to test multiple SSD combinations using the SSD kits we had and the result was pretty impressive as the Mac Pro SSD kit is fully supported in the iMac Pro this successful little experiment further adds our confidence to finally transplant this one terabyte Mac Pro SSD kit to our client's MacBook Pro 15 inch 2018 that suffered dead lands from blown tps6 to 180 so basically we remove all of the eight nands from the SSD kit and sorted them to this MacBook Pro one by one we will upload the full guide video for this so make sure to subscribe to see how we did it before you even ask the nun from this SSD kit is slightly wider than usual so you cannot reprogram this new Nan with the JC programmer after restoring the MacBook with the Apple configurator 2 we were able to install the Mac OS and finally install the drive DX apps to look at the tbw stats of the SSD kit so you can see here it has a 100 lifespan left with only 26 gigabyte tbw that was used only for installing the Mac OS and Intel ufi so it's a pretty legitimate value for a new SSD kit from Apple if you still don't believe it is possible here's a quick view of how it looks like with 89 sorted on with all of that being said today we want to give you a special offer to upgrade your 15-inch or 16 inch MacBook Pro to 8 terabyte storage and we won't charge any label fees but you have to buy this 4 terabyte or 8 terabyte kit and send it all together with your MacBook logic board to us we guarantee 100 that it will work and succeed and we will upload the whole process to this YouTube channel if you have the following MacBooks and your pockets are strong enough to try this you can leave your message to our email or Facebook but how do we know that the Mac Pro SSD kit can only be transplanted into these three MacBooks why can't you use the same SSD kit for MacBook Air or Mac Mini or any other Mac well here's when you need the landing pads rule the basic fundamentals of how the nuns are arranged onto the max logic board it doesn't really matter which repair method you're going to choose between these three all of them have to obey the landing pads Rule now the term Landing here actually came from the MacBook schematics diagram Apple uses this term to describe how many nouns are there on a specific logic board and we believe the team Landing actually came from land grid array or LGA as you might know for PC motherboards but before we explain these rules there are several terms you need to know and familiar with and that is flp's nflps as well as tlps but don't freak out just yet this is not a rocket science or anything you've got to do with the thermodynamics law in engineering school so it's really really simple to understand actually let's have this logic board as an example it is the main logic board for the a2141 MacBook Pro 16 inch 2019 at the top side you can see three of them stuffed finance and one pad is left unstuffed turn it to the other side and you will see another three non stuff on the pads and another one pad is also left empty let's rearrange them so you can see better foreign so as you might know each of these nuns got their own Landing Pad beneath any Landing Pad started with land is called functional landing pad or flp so we're gonna Mark flps as green because they are functional and ready to use when you remove a nan from the logic board you will get a functional Landing Pad beneath it because this specific Landing Pad has local components like capacitors and resistors around it and thus it is ready to accept another donor none unlike some landing pads like this one has no sorted none at all and you should notice local components Around The Landing Pad are missing so this pad will never work without this component and thus the name non-functional landing pads or nflps so we can precisely say that this logic board has 6 flps and two nflps that gives you a total of 8 tlps or total landing pads if you look at The Landing Pad shot we've created here this is how we come up with these numbers for flps nflps and tlps let's have another example to make it clear this a2159 Macbook Pro 13 inch 2019 has a single none and a no staff at the top side and the other side also has a single Nan and a no staff that gives you two functional landing pads and an attitude non-functional landing pads so for the specific logic board you have two flps two nflps that end up with four tlps the rest of landing pads are not present on the logic board now you already know the meaning of flps or nflps it is time to read The Landing pad's rule rule number zero 500 gigabyte limit for T2 max if your T2 Mac originally has a 500 gigabyte storage and lower the your logic board can only accept storage size within this range meaning that if you have a Mac with 120 gigabyte storage size from the factory then you can upgrade the storage size to 250 Gigabyte or maybe to a maximum of 500 gigabyte limit but not more than that but if you have a stock 500 gigabyte G2 Mac from the factory then it's quite unfortunate that it cannot be upgraded any further if the t2 Mac has a one terabyte SSD storage or higher only then this Mac can support up to 8 terabytes of SSD upgrade because when you buy a T2 Mac higher than one terabyte SSD Apple will give you the upgraded version of T2 chip with 2 gigabyte of ram but if you buy the t2 Mac within the lower range Apple will downgrade the t2 Ram to only one gigabyte size this requirement might have something to do with dram cache size for the whole SSD operation so please remember this rule before saying yes to your customers who need to upgrade to 8 terabyte SSD next rule number one all nuns must be transplanted as a whole set meaning that if you directly transplant four nuns from a donor logic board then you must transplant all of them to the Target Mac you cannot just take two of them and match with other nands because there will be firmware color mismatched so the same case applies if you reprogram the nands with the JC programmer as you need to reprogram all the nuns to the same color then you must trust one all of them to the Target Mac and if you directly transplant a set of nuns from the Mac Pro 2019 SSD kit then the target Mac must have 8 flps to fit all the eight nands rule number two nands from the lower flps can be transplanted to high flps this is where the flp numbers will be handy if you pull out a set of nands from 4 flp boards like the Mac Mini 2018 you can transplant them to a 16 inch MacBook with 6 flps and you can just leave the rest of the landing pads unconnected and it will work just fine just don't forget to cut off the 3v3 rail for the unutilized Ocarina chip is the reason why the landing pass chart is arranged this way as the nuns from the Mac Mini can be transplanted to Apple Max with higher flps the same case will apply if you reprogram the nands in the JC programmer and let's say you choose to duplicate two flp nouns from the MacBook Air 2018 so after reprogramming your nands your duplicated Nance can now fit into all of the Mac Mini MacBook Pro iMac Pro or even Mac Pro with 8 flps so this is how the score i7 15-inch MacBook Pro 2019 end up with only 120 gigabytes of SSD storage just enough to keep this poor MacBook live next rule number three nuns from the high flps cannot be transplanted to lower flps this is quite obvious right you can't transplant 8 nands from the Mac Pro 2019 SSD kit to the MacBook Air 2018 because you simply don't have enough flps the other five landing pads are not present on the actual Hardware making this direct transplant method is impossible so now you know why the 13-inch MacBooks with 4 flps cannot accept nands from the Mac Pro SSD kid next rule number four nands from the same flp numbers are swappable you might already get this one nuns that came from the same flp numbers are interchangeable between the same class so nuns from the Mac Mini are directly swappable with MacBook Pro 13-inch and vice versa rule number five nuns mustaf the 0-0 Port followed by the zero one port the first four flps at the top here belong to the zero zero port and the remaining four flps represent the zero one port so when you stuff the donor nands you must fill in the zero zero Port first followed by the zero one port if you never know this Sports numbering exists in the a 1990 MacBook Pro the 0-0 port is all the Finance on the right wing and the zero one port is all the remaining four nines on the left chicken wing you can check it out by opening the board view for this main logic board go to any nuns on the right wing and look for pin 87 that reads SSD 0 clock request 1 so the number 0 tells you this Nan is connected to the zero zero port and if you look at the other wing on the left another nun with the same pin number 87 reads ssd1 Cloud request 2 so the number one here tells you that this nun is connected to the zero one port so when you stuff the nands on this logic board make sure to stuff them on the right wing first but why is this really important because on the a2141 MacBook 16 inch the port location is Now inverted the zero zero Port is now located on the left chicken wing while the zero one port is located on the right wing so for this particular model you need to stop the donuts on the left wing first if you don't believe me go check your board view now while on the iMac Pro 2017 both of the 0 0 and 0 1 ports are literally represented by these two physical ports this spot on the right here is the zero zero port and the left one is the zero one port if you look at the Mac Pro SSD kit we've bought you can find a specific numbering on both of their pcbs that ends with 0 0 and 01 numbers so this 0 0 SSD must be plugged into the right port and of course the zero one SSD to the left board if you purposely installed them on the wrong Port you will end up with error 9 USB hose error in the Apple configurator too and if you purposely remove the zero one SSD from the zero on Port you will get another error that says area 35 every formatting the nands the same concept also applies to the Mac Pro 2019 that has the same physical Nan ports inside the chassis rule number six Nan sequence must follow the zeroth first second and third order now not only these two ports are numbered but every single Nan is also numbered on the Zero Zero part the numbering starts from zero to three and the same numbering scheme repeats for the zero one part so these nuns are so picky and sensitive to these numbers so to know the exact numbering for each Dance open up the board View for the same logic board and go to the same pin 87 that reads SSD 0 Cloud request 1 that tells you it's a nan on the 0 0 port with the first order let's see another one this pin 87 reads SSD 0 Cloud request 2 that tells you it's a nan on the 0 0 port with the second order so after numbering all done and ends make sure to match them on the target board with the same ports and number meaning that you have to mark them from 0 to 3 before pulling it off from the Dawn and Mac and directly transplant them exactly with the same numbering order on a Target Mac like 0 to 0 121 222 until you finish it till the end this sensitive Behavior might have to do with RAID 0 striping arrangement foreign don't make mistake with these numbers or else you're going to end up with error 9 USB host error rule number seven nflps are not functional unless missing parts restored let's take the nands from this Mac Pro SSD kit so there are a total of eight nines and you want to transplant them to the 16-inch MacBook Pro but there is a single problem you might have noticed you only have 6 flps on the 16 inch map logic board and the other two pads are nflps so this nflps are not usable unless you restore all the required capacitors and resistors around the nands because all these components are required for the non-strapping and operation so they must be present if you want to convert these NFL piece to flps thank you rule number eight Nan's brand cannot be mixed it is quite obvious right you cannot mix killxia Nance with any other brand like Sandy's Nance and the other way around and finally folks that's the end of the landing pads rule if you correctly follow all of them we will guarantee you'll be able to rescue some Macs with dead ssds so here's a quick recap of how to successfully replace the dead lands on the t2 Max next let's move on to the M1 Max family finally so maybe this one is what you're waiting for these are all the M series Max that have been introduced by Apple so far and of course they are arranged in this chart in a way that obeys the landing pads rule so the actual hardware for the M1 SOC is easily found when you remove the heatsink from the logic board and you should find the nands for this Mac nearby the M1 SOC then this is how Apple fits the M1 components on the logic board compared to the previous generation T2 Mac this time the M1 SOC has taken the place of the t2 chip and apple completely faced out all Intel CPUs and PCH leaving only the M1 as the main processor next the old lands with the Intel ufi Inside are not needed anymore after removing the old lens just like the t2 each Nan is hardwired to the M1 SOC by the pcie X1 link so Apple upgraded them with slightly power efficient ants operating at lower voltage compared to the previous generation for this reason even though they physically look the same in dimension and design technically we believe they're not the same and not compatible to each other on the actual logic board Hardware you can only see a maximum of two landing pads for the regular M1 SOC so the rest of 6 landing pads on this block diagram should be deleted and not present at all and even though you see 29 chips here every single one was also pre-programmed with proprietary and firmware so each of these firmware has worked together to be treated as a single storage again and they are also numbered with 0 and 1 and as usual this firmware has carry the related infos regarding the ssd's lifetime left serial number power on time and cycle count as well as tbw stats to complete the t2 M1 transformation Apple upgraded this 4 megabyte ROM chip to 8 megabyte size and replace the content inside it with a new version of iboot specifically made for the M1 SOC and of course you can view this iboot version after extracting the Chip's content with the external SPI programmer and view the hex Dom with the hex viewer so right now your M1 Mac is still not able to turn on or chime yet because your nuns here are empty and have nothing inside except the non-firmware the thing is all M series Mac also need another Mac OS loader inside this nands that functions just like the Intel ufi to be able to turn on or down so by using the same secondary MacBook setup like before you can use the same Apple configurator 2 to restore the Mac OS loader called iboot 2. this iboot 2 will be downloaded from Apple's online server together with the Mac OS Ventura and get transferred through the SBC cable and finally into the nuns all these processes are being done in the factory and you need to go through it again after replacing the nands when both of them are successfully restored to the nands your M1 MacBook should now able to turn on and of course you can start to install various apps import your personal files and everything else so this is how a complete block diagram architecture looks like for a working M1 Mac next we believe this pcie nands actually support pcie 4.0 or Gen 4 which explains speed for each Nan to reach plus minus 1500 megabytes per second of read and write so the total speed for RAID 0 nands should be around plus minus 3000 megabytes per second of read and write like what you get for a typical M1 MacBook and if you buy the newer version M2 Mac they simply swap out this M1 SOC with the M2 SOC M2 Mac also have the same two landing pads for the nuns here except that they usually stuffed it with only a single Nan for the base model that result in slow SP you're getting with this M2 model only around 1500 megabytes per second of read and write next when they introduce a much powerful SOC like the M1 Max they simply replace the ordinary M1 footprint and the Nan's landing pads are now upgraded from two landing pads to eight landing pads again for a typical M1 Max 500 gigabyte SSD configuration you're gonna get 49 stuffed on the landing pads at the zero zero port and the rest of zero one port remain unstuffed and become nflps so on the actual Hardware you should see the phone and stuff on the left chicken wing as the zero zero port and the zero one port on the right wing remains empty then as you might have expected 49's configuration will be much faster as it quadruples the speed of a single pcie 4.0 so most people will get plus minus 6000 megabytes per second of read and ride the same block diagram is used even if you buy the lower performance M1 Pro SOC so they will swap out this M1 Max and replace it with the M1 Pro or maybe swap it out with the set ultimatum M1 Ultra okay we don't have the actual picture for it so now it doesn't matter which SOC you're using the logic board operates properly as the CPU can still read the iboot loaded directly from the nands and everything will be nice and smooth and everyone's happy with this mag extraordinary performance until finally again one of your nun dies dies foreign okay okay I know some of you believe ssds can last for a good 10 years and everything we explain is brilliantly said that's fine you can say what you want but why why is this Nan came from the M1 MacBook Air doesn't last for a good 10 years this is a kic 2279 kic stands for kyoxia Corporation and when you try to plug in this deadline inside this JC programmer it will end up with undetected prompt there is no short or any explosion sign on this nun and it doesn't matter how hard you try to clean or maybe recondition this Nan but you will never get it to work but if you try to plug in the same kic 2279 pull out from another working M1 Mac the non-programmer will easily read and identify the nun model this kic227 is widely used in the first generation M1 Mac as well as the M1 Max M1 Pro Mag lineup well don't get it wrong we're not saying this that none came from this second generation MacBooks well at least maybe not yet and of course when a single nun dies all the rate zeroed contents inside them will also be corrupted including your personal files Mac OS as well as the most critical iboot to loader so that's what you might have expected the M series Max will experience sudden death too just like the t2 Mac and your Macbook will never turn on again because of this corrupted iboot 2. but that's impossible right because your Mac should last for 10 years and since this lens were pre-programmed with proprietary Arena and firmware the enhanced replacement options should be limited to the same three choices we explained before but unfortunately the only available option right now is the direct transplant method the other two are not even an option right now because the non-programmer JCP 13 currently doesn't have the options for the amount Mac at all as you can see only the t2 Max listed here if you try to plug in the M1 Nance inside this programmer it can correctly identify the non-model kic227 but there is no specific option to reprogram the M1 lens and if you try to duplicate the nands manually using this read and write function your Mac will end up with various areas in apple configurator too most probably the JC team is still working hard on this but we can't really guarantee if one day they'll figure it out and I hope they finally will next for the new none option we cannot buy it directly from Apple yet because at the time we upload this video the most awaited Mac Pro with apple silicon is not even announced yet so you can't buy the Mac Pro SSD kit yet and thus this is not even an option with all of that being said direct transplant method simply means you need to transplant a full set of donuts from a good working M1 Mac to the dead SSD Mac but if you notice the landing pad shot for the M series Mac has the several color regions the blue region at the top includes all the tested non-compatibility for M1 Max M1 pro model and please note that the nuns can only be transplanted within the same blue region this is confirmed by swapping the nands back and forth on several 14 inch and 16 inch MacBooks we have next the gray region is what we call the gray area that includes all models that are not tested and swapped yet including the M1 iPad and the M2 Mac so one day after we finally tested them one by one it's either going to the blue region or maybe to the green region you can also test it if you want and tell us the result for us to update this chart then the green region is all the first generation M on Mac and of course nuns can only be transplanted within the same green region this is confirmed when we try to transplant the nuns in the green region to the blue region such as transplanting nouns from the M1 Mac Mini to the 14-inch M1 Pro MacBook but we finally got an error that says error 21 Library USB restore so the only way to cross the color region is by using the non-programmer like combining two sets of nands from the green region and reprogramming them to make a complete set of nands for the blue region but this idea is still impossible because the JC programmer is not ready for this kind of task so that's it the same landing pads rule applies to do this successfully but one rule has changed and removed rule number zero that states the 500 gigabyte restriction is not applicable anymore because for the M1 you can have a 2 terabyte SSD with only 8 gigabyte RAM configuration every other rule is pretty much the same just like how we explain for the t2 Max We're not gonna go through each of them for now but we want to highlight the rule number five regarding the zero zero port and zero one part rule number five Nance mustaf the 0-0 Port followed by the zero one port let's take this M1 Max 16 inch logic board as an example you can see there are four nines on the left chicken wing and this is a one terabyte SSD configuration and then as you can see nothing on the right wing but only the non-landing pads by following rule number five we can safely assume the left wing is the zero zero port and the right wing is the zero one port to confirm this open the flexbv board viewer by Paul Daniel and yeah he's not sponsoring this video so you can see this is exactly the 16 inch M1 Max logic board and as you go to any lens on the left wing pin 87 shows you the Nan address that reads non-zero Cloud request 2 RL that tells you it's a nan on zero zero port with the second order if you check all four nuns on this wing all of them start with non-zero that addresses the zero zero port on the other hand any nands on the right wing pin 87 starts with none One Cloud request RL the number one here addresses the zero one port then right now we all can agree the left wing is 0-0 port and right wing is the zero one port right so by using the same strategy we can now evaluate why all these famous YouTubers failed to perform the SSD swap on the Mac Studio we will put the links to their videos in the description and the following Clips we're about to discuss are respectfully owned by them in the first video Luke miani started with two Max studio both of them are the M1 Ultra Max studio with a one terabyte of SSD size so he started to disassemble the first Mac Studio and got to the point where the removable nuns were accessible before we proceed any further this clip shows that the zero zero port for the M1 Ultra configuration is located on the left side of the Mac Studio and the empty port on the right here is the zero one port because by default the front ends are stuffed on the left side just like how you solve for the 16 inch logic board just now except that the four nines are now removable on a separate PCB you can cross check the M1 Ultra tear down by Max Tech and use see the stocklands are also stuffed on the left board back to look miani's channel so basically he took the nuns from the 0-0 Port of the first Mac Studio and plugged it into the zero one port of the second Max studio so if we illustrate what he did on the block diagram this is what you will see he basically moved four nands from the 0-0 Port of the first Max studio to the zero on Port of the second Max studio to make a combination of 2 terabyte SSD but please note that the firmware color here is not the same and the Dawn and ants were pre-programmed to only work with the zero zero part not zero one so this is not gonna work next in the second attempt he took the original nands from the 0-0 Port of the same Max studio and moved it to the zero one board so to illustrate that on a block diagram it will look like this simple pot swap but since these lands were pre-programmed to only work with the zero zero Port not zero one then this is not gonna work too even if you try to restore it with the Apple configurator 2. next in the third attempt he basically swapped the two nands between the max Studios to the zero zero Port so if we illustrate what he did on the block diagram this is what you will see so this one is supposed to work but since he didn't perform the DFE restore using the Apple configurator 2 then he missed the chance to get it recorded on camera but that's completely fine in the second follow-up video Mr miani posted he came up with another Mac Studio but this time the land swap was going to be between the M1 Ultra and the M1 Max model in the video he found that the position of the nuns for the M1 Max model is Now inverted and located on the right side of the Mac Studio as opposed to the M1 Ultra if you look at other teardown videos by Linus Tech tips or iFixit the default non-position for the M1 Max model is also located on the right side of the Mac Studio then we can safely assume that the zero zero port for the M1 Max configuration is located on the right side well the fact that it differs from the M1 Ultra is simply because different PCB routing is required for a different SOC so Mr miani repeated the experiment by combining nands from the M1 Astra into the M1 Max to make a total of 1.5 5 terabytes SSD size meaning that he plugged in that one terabyte nands from the zero zero Port into the zero one port and of course it ended with area 21 Library USB restore frustrated with the result he finally swapped the original nands into their respective Mac Studios and performed the Fe restore and of course it succeeded to restore without any problem the same thing happened to Linus Tech tips when he tried to swap the nands on both of their Max Studios and thank goodness he began with a simple non-swab on the same zero zero port so of course on the first attempt he looks so happy knowing that you can actually swap the nands on these Mac Studios but he quickly turned to frustration as combining both lands to the same Max studio didn't work because he simply populated the zero one port with the zero zero Port nuns and ended with error 6 failed to handle message that was also the case for I fixed its attempt to swap the nuns on both of their Mac Studios and I think we don't need to explain it again with all of that being said if they ever want to revisit the experiment now and still want to try to upgrade the nands the only way to successfully perform the upgrade is by buying the base model of Mac Studio from the Apple website M1 Max CPU is fine but make sure to don't forget to customize the SSD storage to at least 4 terabyte SSD size or higher to force Apple to staff both of the 0 0 and 0 1 pods meaning that Apple will give you 2 terabytes of nands per Port after you receive the 4 terabyte Max studio you can begin to tear it down and before you remove both of the nands label them with the respective Bots number and then you can finally swap them out to any M1 Ultra Max studio with the correct ports position and restore it with the Apple config ready too to illustrate this on a block diagram this is what you will see well obviously we're not gonna do this experiment now because of time and money constraints as we have spent a lot of money by purchasing the 14 inch and 16 inch just to perform the soldered non-swap so that's it folks here's just a quick recap of how to successfully replace the onboard ssds for the M series Mac [Applause] foreign and things could have been a lot better if Apple starts selling new individual nuns just like how they sell the Mac Pro SSD kit on their website or maybe they can start selling through their independent repair program so that people like you don't have to worry about that SSD issues and people like me don't have to sacrifice a good working MacBook just so you can have good ssds with good tbw stats and ultimately we don't have to scavenge one out donations from dead logic boards from eBay because you know these logic Bots came from those people that said ah SSD swap use is fine SSD scale last for 10 years you know and when Apple starts selling new nuns they can actually make more money by designing the MacBooks with built-in none sockets so whenever your SSD dies you can easily remove the old ones and buy the new one from Apple and install them to the logic board yourself don't deny this apple you have these non-sockets during the Prototype stage and you decided to remove them for the mass production why didn't you just leave it there we kind of guarantee you will sell more MacBooks when you make the storage removable well if both of these suggestions are rejected then someone like the non-manufacturer like the Chinese non-manufacturer why can't you just create new customly designed Nan exactly like this with whatever 3D Nan or v9 SLC qlc MSC or anything you can come up with as as long as it is new and not worn out yet and program it with the apple and firmware use in the JC programmer then boom to worry about Nan sauce anymore well that's all what we have but it doesn't mean we are 100 agree with all of these Pro capitalist suggestions but at least it is much better than having none the last solution is what most people will say stop buying them well does it really will stop anything I don't know let us know your thoughts in the comments and we're gonna keep doing modifications to existing MacBooks and see you again at iboth RCC Channel reverse engineering at its best have a good one and thanks for watching
Channel: iBoff RCC
Views: 139,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mac Studio, SSD swap, Ssd replacement, Dead SSD, dead NAND, replace NAND, M1 ultra, M1 Max, M1 Pro, M1 Mac, T2 Mac, T1 Mac
Id: yR7m4aUxHcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 45sec (3465 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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