Repentance - Apostle Eric Nyamekye

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in a world where many are struggling to find truth in the Word of God the Church of Pentecost through a sponsored program the Pentecost are brings you godly and soul inspiring messages from seasoned men and women of God your life and my life is centered on Christ you should live a life to the extent that there should be no difference between our private and public the more God gives a dozen leadership a more material Mirada we should be conscious of blessings for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul marriage is good family life and it's up to you and me well God up this year our theme remain in Christ on his basic message is based on 1st John chapter 2 verse 24 to 25 as our men and women of God rightly divide the word of truth for your understanding Pentacles are hence T V remain in Christ is basically praise the Lord my dear friend and let me once again welcome you to your most favorite program the Pentacles our proudly sponsored by the Church of Pentacles had cortez we are once again privileged to have the chairman of the Church of Pentacles apostle Eric Cabana Namita own Pentacles our so my dear friend we now go to the Church of Pentacles Thomas Wyatt assembly where he teaches still on remaining the basic message of Christ focus on repentance when not me all some water [Music] huh Seattle now what's stopping me I see the stuff and ie the road the you a lot my god when also concede at all the wet paint hugs of me I see the stock [Music] that saves my Oh [Applause] Oh Lord my God when water concede at all I see the space and ie the rolling center i pile up that you a large banker when not me awesome wonder consider all the wet I see the head shakes my car Oh [Applause] [Music] that's it Oh [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] sorry Nickelodeon's me you are crazy you are crazy I paired you up [Music] ha-ah please [Music] [Music] I'm Jesus I brother friend I'm Robert [Music] [Applause] [Music] my keys [Applause] on you [Music] you [Music] all right tubby Oh [Music] Oh Yuma [Music] Oh Oh [Music] yeah Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] me happy [Applause] Oh [Music] No yeah Oh Oh yeah nobody you wanna kill me [Applause] thank you [Music] resulted why is the honor true around the truth heavily before he he won the Lord God Almighty is he on that roll this word hello God Almighty is he on it's worth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] indeed you on the clan of Kings indeed you are the Lord of lords we consider all the words the hands of men and we say you were great but bless you this morning and a mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray with Thanksgiving amen [Music] [Applause] now we are stuck me on the basic message of Christ which we are supposed to remain in last week we said that when we are talking about a basic message we are talking about the fundamentals of the faith that which their possessor should not let it go or should not allow anyone to take away from him or her we are saying that in contrast to what the writer of the Hebrews was saying in Hebrew statuses that we shall forget the elementary doctrines and move on on to maturity this one is remaining in the inalienable message of Christ we were saying that Hebrews chapter 6 the concern from Chapter five was about the Christians maturing while they were not maturing the rector was saying that you need to move on on to maturity but here we are saying I remain in the basic message that which you have to keep that which you need to guard jealously this morning now speak on repentance repentance now repentance lends itself in two strands we have repentance if you like repentance a and repentance B or repentance one repentance to you now the face repentance has to do with the unbeliever who has to repent for the remission of his sins so that he or she will come into relationship with God I want to repeat that again the phrase repentance there call on the unbeliever to turn from his sins and come to Christ so that he will become a child of God so the first repentance is for the remission of sins so that one will be called into the body of Christ or one can be called a child of God so that by the spirit that fellow can say Abba Father so all of us here if you are giving your life to Jesus if you have responded to this call and you have repented you have become a Christian you have fulfilled their repentance one but in the course of our Christian journey repentance is still expected so repentance is not the one that brings you into relationship with Christ is once but in your Christian journey they space for you to be repentant so that you can have continual fellowship with God so the first one is to build relationship with God as a child where you become the child of God he becomes your father the second one is when you have become a child and you are in your father's house whatever you do that is wrong you repent so that fellowship with the father will continue so the second is for closer fellowship with the father the first is for relationship with the father are we together Frank so the first one brings us to Christ the second one cause us to walk with Him now I want to look at a first part the first part repentance and faith in Christ is a means or the means to entry into the kingdom of God to repent is to change one's mind what did I say to repaint is to change one's mind now hold that one close and it is a means to enter into the kingdom of God you cannot come into the kingdom of God if you don't prepare enough faith in Christ you cannot you dare not come in you just don't join the people of God known you have to be called and the space granted us so that we can have that calling is for us to repaint and accept Jesus as long so it is the means of entry into the kingdom of God let's read Matthew chapter 21 I'll take from 28 to 31 what do you think there was a man who had two sons he went to the faith and said son who and worked together in my vineyard I will not now I want you to pay close attention to this I'm going to talk about a man and his two children he wants them to do something for him and look at the eye reactions so I will read again what do you think this is coming from Jesus there was a man who had two sons he went to the face and said son go and what together in the vine and I will not he answered but later he changed his mind and went then the father went to the other son and said the same thing he answered I will say but he did not go which of the two that what the father wanted the face the answer jesus said to them truly I tell you that as colleges the processes entering the kingdom of God ahead of you let's go to 29 I will not was the reply of the fashion he answered but later he changed his mind and went as it repainted yeah I said to repent his devotee to change one's mind so when the father said go and wear for me in the farms on the Viet he says our not but about was a later he changed his mind then the second one said I will say that our goal but he did not go means that he also changed his mind so in both cases they all repented so repentance can be for good or for evil some of us can repent and go back to the world can shake your heads at this thing is enough let me go back it is repentance repentance is a change of mind is to tame or to retain now if you are going to let's say this one is like maritime and then you decide that I am no longer going to go to Malaysia I want to go to Liberia as a compliment yeah so calmly it means that now the decision is in my mind nobody knows but I was heading towards mulatto if I decide in my mind to go to Coco Marie what I'll do is to tend or to retain and face Anna - this is what we mean by repentance a change of mind to another - so when we are saying that this man the first one repented the second one repented everyone had his own direction but the conclusion is what I want you to pay attention to the verse 31 which of the two did what what his father wanted the first the jesus said to them truly I tell him that tusk collectors now they are supposed to be sinners because they were collecting taxes in favor of room and M publishing their own people that use if you like and they were amassing wealth from this so the common tasks a letter was heated by their fellow Jews because they saw them as evil people who were using task relation to kind of or them so they didn't like them so the task alotta is a sinner then the prostitutes so that one too in Jesus time the prostitute was also considered as sin mob by the Pharisees who think that they know then Jesus is saying that they are entering the kingdom of God ahead of him what he's trying to say is that he is looking at the task a letter and the Pharisee as the second son who said I will not but later changed his mind and then he saying that you people are the I will but you have you are used to change your mind so if you don't take care that transfer letters of quite a few are we together yeah if you don't take people you never expected who be found in heaven because later on they change their mind in 1985 there was this general convention at labahn that was the last General Convention the Church of Pentecost he wrote I was part of that convention so yes once we were going around singing and job with those days with the young ones we usually would not take any seat or bench we will we enjoyed going around and jumping and dancing and then once you a dream that I saw this guy he was a dining hall prophet intima second rescue at that time but that guy was so wicked so wicked he could knock you with a stone now you do this they are all knocking but he has a stone in them between their fingers you know Kiwi first to mean why he's a dynamo professor you can imagine how you treat before in regards to food and anger when I saw him clapping I was shocked then I dodged because I was so afraid of him even under the change because I thought that if he saw me say hey what are you can kneel down because he has caused me to kneel down in front of his house in down summer he saw me in that area so you also live in a lot near down you also live in the same I kneel down that was my punishment for me living in dust man as he was also second then near down I'm not down in front of his house he went inside a certain man came as a box what way why yeah I couldn't say that a senior's actually near down I looked at his face the mass are you sick cut off so I got a hurry but I saw this very person at the convention I was shot when we went back to school he joined description I was still not comfortable with this young because he is a task collective task a letter several years down the line I'd come from South Africa as a missionary on a fellow and then my vehicle broke down at offense so a will to look for someone to guess and mechanics could fix it when I got out of the car here was this with Bible in his hands are you going to you I'm a presiding over Chris idea is he so some people can go ahead of us and all that they need is a change of mind one day one day a change of mind change of mind so once you have changed your mind you've come to Christ don't change it again otherwise some people go ahead of you it is the means of entering into the kingdom of God to repent is to change one's mind as H illogical category repentance is used to describe that the liberabit tenant of a person from being is God to become an obedient and living in right relationship God so when I tell audience a repentance is saying that somebody turning from being against God and coming to live in relationship with God as a son or as a daughter it is a sense of inexpressible shame and degradation and also a sudden realization that God demonstrated his love for us even when we were still sinners now we are saying that I'm moving this way then suddenly I realized that uh what a shame this is who I am when you are helpless about your life and you see that ah this one what can I do suddenly there's a realization that Jesus died on the cross for you and then you turn and you embrace across you are saved in the Garden of Eden when man saw his nakedness they run away from God but in repentance when you see your sin you go towards God and you embrace the service that is repentance it is not that running away from God but embracing the finished work of Christ so when you go out and we tell the sinner please come to Jesus repent and come we are just saying that you are helpless about your sin you are helpless about your shame but Christ has done it on the cross on your behalf he has died in your place come to him that realization is what we call repentance Paul says the opening of the eyes in Acts chapter 26 from the 17 and 18 shall we read that one as chapter 26 from 17 and 18 I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles I'm sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God and do what open your eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God so repentance is the opening of eyes to see who you are who you truly are as God sees you and then you are septons of Jesus as Christ brings you into relationship with God when that happens the Bible says that you are saved hallelujah let's look at Paul himself and let's take his testimony 1st Timothy chapter 1 verse 12 onward I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has given me strength that he considered me trustworthy appointing me to his service even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief so Paul says that all that I was doing I was a loss against Christ but I was doing that in what ignorant and what unbelief that's why we are saying that it is a sudden realization it is the opening of eyes so to him he is saying that my eyes were blinded but somehow now I can see hallelujah that is his testimony the grace of our Lord was poured out on me in abundantly along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst but for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me the worst of sinners Christ Jesus my display is immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life now look at how is ending in verse 17 now to the king eternal immortal invisible the only God be honor and glory forever and ever you see he is thanking God he's thanking God because he was so zealous he was he was doing all these things in ignorance and unbelief now somehow God has opened his eyes as a father I thank you to Dakini immortal the invisible the holy God who has saved me thank you are we together so that is how we should see a sinner when you see somebody smoking or when you see somebody in armed robbery if see anybody in any avert don't get don't just be insulting or don't despise the fellow they are blinded the Bible said the enemy has blinded them we need to pray and talk to them about Christ maybe the eyes will be open so that they will see the under Katniss and a sub Jesus as long hallelujah are we together now what is the nature of repentance how is repentance like the nature of repentance many people unfortunately associate repentance with emotions like crime we used to have this sister who was so smart very very smart smart in evil things and yet she was a very good singer once upon a time we went to church and there was this strong message and we thought that today our sister has repented because the way she was crying so when we closed all the young guys we met I thought you they asked for sisters so so and so we tangoed a week later somebody came to report that this sister is chasing the husband so so she didn't repent so all the weeping and the crying and not that amounted to nothing so sometimes we associate repentance to emotions but it is not so if we ask you - Judas who explained this thing to you see Judas was very emotional he went to the chief priests and then he threw the money to the floor and they say ticket I've betrayed an innocent blood and survived then they told you what does that concern us take your money to see us and then above the Judas started weeping this is Judas on the way to betraying Christ and he has done it and then if he are truly repented he started weeping why do you think you should have had that you where should I have gone if Judas are truly repented where should he have headed it's the one in white it should have gone to the other 11 disciples would that be correct I think that should be correct if truly he had repented now you were 12 because of you there your young guy is saying that 11 so if he has really repented he was carry and he had thrown the money on the floor and the chief priests say take it take it it is yours and Judah started weeping but he will not go to the disciples if you are truly repented you should have gone to the disciples but in Rada he Butterfield and then he hung himself and dimed if sometimes repentance could be associated with emotions sometimes people are emotional about what they have done they weep and then they change their mind let's read 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 I'll take 9 and 10 yet now I'm happy not because you were made sorry but because your sorrow led you to repentance your soul led you towards repentance if your solo does not lead you to repentance then it is not repentance it is remorse when normal but the ones occur it is just you are being remorseful you know I guess sorry about what you have done but repentance is a change of mind so you have to 10 all to retain if you are just sorry about insulting your husband and you could insist I'm sorry and then you stop what you are doing you are you are still doing it you have not repeated they have not repented at all are we together fine so that is about the nature of repentance the nature of repentance is repentance is not guess emotions or observing religious rites some people go to church going to church does not mean you have repented no no going to change us know me you have repented sweeping the cha cha does not mean you have repented brain does not mean I've repented reading the Bible does not mean you have repented putting a cross on that's not melee of repented now what is important in this regard is not putting on a cross or whatever let's read Galatians 6 verse 15 so far as repentance is concerned Galatians 6:15 halation 6 verse 15 can we read together neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything now circumcision or circumcision is religious right now the Jew who pride himself in circumcision because it was a covenant between Abraham and God or the nation of Israel and God so every Israelites every Israel male price in self in circumcision is a religious right that is why David Ortega liked that uncircumcised philistine because we pride himself in the circumcision it was really just right but he says neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything what counts is a new creation now you cannot be a new creation when you have not repented what is important is what a new creation a new creation is what counts it is inward change of mind but by an outward what did I say repentance is an inward change of mind but when you change your mind on the inside of yourself no one who sees what will prove that you have repented is that it must be bad bad at word action it must be backed by and at what action the repentance is an inward change of mine backed by an outward action let's demonstrate this in the prodigal son now the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 let's take it from verse 18 this is the prodigal son now he's going to spend all that he had and he wants to come back home he decided to leave whom he requested the daddy to give him the share of his estate and so he went and then led a hard life and squandered all that he had now he wants to come back home wanting to come back home means that Israel is repented he has repented in his original decision he wants to come back home but let's look at verse 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him father I have sinned against heaven and against you do you think you are saying this with the mouth or it was just a thought you can just think about that I am no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your height sevens now this is I believe a thought that has come in his mind cut verse 20 so he cut up and went to the father verse 18 19 saying that I will set out and go to my father then verse 20 says so he went to the Father that is repentance I'll read the first line of 18 and a second line of 20 and let's see how would you look like I was set out and go back to my father so he got up and went to the Father that is repentance you cannot say that I'll go I'll go I'll go I'll go go I'll go I'll go every day I'll go I'll go to their father every day I'll go back to my father every day I'll go back to my father every day I go by thank Jesus or campin Annan and you never wanted a fad you never but this one is in I'll go to my father and then the Bible say he set out and went to the Father that is repentance and in what change of mind that is backed by an at word action that is why John told the people were coming to him for him to baptize that you brood of vipers if you think that now you want to come to the Lord show it by works that befit your repentance that is why James also says show me your faith without works and I'll prove my faith by my works which do not save but works I a testimony of your faith so that if you think that you have believed in Christ prove it by works that is what repentance means an inward change of mine back by an outward action now Paul says that they didn't know me they never knew me but now they had that the one who was persecuting the Saints is between the gospel and because of me they praise God so he was persecuting the scenes but now he has ten and is preaching the gospel the same thing that he was angry at now he loves and ababa say he said because of me people praise God that is exchange life a repentant life hallelujah now J I Packer says this repentance is changing of one's mind so that one's views values goals and ways are change and one's whole life is lived differently if we are truly repented your life must be led differently your values what you put premier on what you like your goals are all change your repentance you sometimes you hear somebody saying that when we used to go to the disco pie if you have repented and you still decide that this code is you have no change you'll be deceiving yourself because your whole life is supposed to believe what differently that is repentance repentance repentance starting a new life can you repeat that after me repenting means starting a new life so if we say you have truly repented then you must start a new life a change life living your life differently now the repentance number two it's a sense of continuous limitation now when you are born again John says that if you confess since he is faithful and just to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness what John is saying is that if we say we have nothing then we deceive ourselves then we make him a liar because sometimes we are we sin so John is saying that if you confess your sins is faithful and just forgiving that is to recognize our continuous limitation as humans - sometimes we do what God does not like otherwise first John chapter 3 verse 9 this is what first John chapter 3 9 says I want you to pace closer into these particle events I want us to read together no one who is born of God will continue to sing because God seed remain in them they cannot go on sinning because they have been born of God can he read it again yeah no one yourself myself no one born of God will continue to sing of us are born of God lift up your hands and see this future is for you no one will continue to sing no one because cross seed remains in him the nature of God is in him they cannot do you agree with this they cannot go on sinning you don't look at somebody's face and say yes look at yourself the tendency to sing and what you are doing can you answer an affirmative that this one is correct anyway you can't take it away from structure so let it be there I want you really tagging no one who is born of God will continue to sing because concede remains in them they cannot go on sinning because they have been born of God and as the dv8 is it wrong how should he has stated it so that you would have accommodated yo your wits no one if you are born of God you don't continue to sing that one would have been easier he says he cannot sin because he is born of God what does this mean it only means that to us same is not a weakness but sin is a mistake now listen because this is who you are once you are born of God you cannot sing so if you sing don't say that God I am weak you are not weak you have made a mistake now if you make a mistake because you have missed their mark and sin is missing their mark if you miss a match you have made a mistake if you have made a mistake what do you do you correct it so if for any reason you fall into fornication so god of saying that is not who you are that is the new life does not accommodate this this one is a mistake if it is a mistake then corrected don't continue in it and say that I am weak I am weak but mighty no no no no no don't cry over that it is a mistake correct it was a simple question don't get this wrong those of you here one plus one it's what - if you write three what is that it is what it is wrong so mistake what do you do you correct it if you don't follow Christ with this mentality you will never grow this one is supposed to bring you in fellowship all of us are children of God but if you keep seeing with you it would distance you from God sometimes we sing some songs like my god Judy is God far away it's go far away from any of us no we are in his hands what a song means is that close our fellowship so if you keep saying it to distance you from God any time that you see that you have said something that you shouldn't say say Father forgive me if you say what is this do to your food father this is my mouth you shouldn't be telling people food that is not how the new creation is that is not how Jesus without spooking he see this in me Father forgive me and then you tell yourself this thing after watch it I don't have to allow anger to ruin my life so that I will tell my wife you to throw that out beat my wife so if you beat your wife yesterday don't today and they tell yourself that it is a thought no it is not their thought yesterday's was a mistake corrected that is know who you are if you knew the sort of person you are God sees you as holy if you are not holy the Holy Spirit will not have come into you so blessed are you who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly not stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of scoffers his delight what he wants to rule your heart so for you things should be a mistake it shouldn't be just something that you say that I'm weak no sin is not about weakness see if Leona Thomasina we are family of lions and what is the weakness of our lions no don't joke of sin it is the only thing that can keep you far away from God don't joke you sing so sin is a mistake it is not a weakness in Revelation chapter 2 all the churches in the mine on the seven churches God called them to repentance but these were churches so you can say that they were full of what Christians how will you become a Christian you must repent and assert Christ so all these churches were on again churches but let's go to Revelation to Revelation chapter 2 let's read verse 5 revelation 2:5 consider how far you are falling repent and do the things you did at first repenting what do the things you did at fest now this is to a church rest system repent therefore otherwise our soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth that is to a church that is to a church now verse 21 I have given a time to repent that is to a woman in a church verse 22 so our cast her on a bed of suffering and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely unless they repent of their ways this is two people in the church so in our Christian walk there is the need for repentance when we sin but you must see sin or singing as a mistake so that you don't keep on doing it now if you want to see that someone is not clever at all especially the children when you take their exercise books or notebooks you see that there are a lot of Corrections but the rest of them you see that sometimes they correct the very simplest till it makes a who because 1+1 is supposed to be true the teacher says to they arise 3 what is it here is it right for here is it and then the paper stone don't let your paper tape huh I want you to love Jesus so much so that you wouldn't want to sing again Seng mean that is my mentality I love the man so much so that I don't want to do anything against him I don't want to do anything to disturb him I love Jesus and I don't want to do anything to disturb him so I wouldn't even do something and say that God you know that you see and weak no love him and if you love him Jesus said you obey my Commandments saying to us is a mistake so he's calling all the church in Asia manner to repentance in fact when you do not repent what you are actively doing is keeping Jesus outside the door of your heart revelation 3:20 says that I am standing at the door knocking if you open our coming so don't keep him out of your hat if he you are not his or you don't belong to him you will not keep on knocking he would have gone somewhere else but you belong to him and you are his he wants to come in but same is knocking the door has locked the door so I want you to be someone who has space for Jesus so that Jesus would be comfortable in your home so that you will not be outside the door knocking you keep him outside the door if an unrepentant spirit what a damn importance of repentance when you repent you maintain a close fellowship with the father that one I've said it over and over again number two we need to repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness of from God because of the accuser of the Brethren the devil if you don't repent the devil work easy and you will lock him you make your prayers of non effects if you don't confess your sins you maintain that God's hand is not able to deliver you but the Bible said that his sons are not shot that he cannot deliver the reason why he does not strike for his son is because of sin and if you keep sin in your heart that they will keep on accusing you and frustrate your life so be careful of sin revelation 20 verse 10 if you repent of your sins as a Christian it demonstrates that you will love Jesus John 14:15 and then 3531 the last one that I want to say and then I'll bring this message to a close when you repent of your sins it is a proof that the light in you is not darkness now listen much is 6:23 when you repent of your sins what that means is that you recognize your your sin so you are turning from it what that means is that the light in you it's not darkness sometimes you keep on sinning and you are joking we've seen you're joking is sin now you disturb your conscience now you sing a you don't think you have even seen when somebody's brother what are you doing nowadays you don't come to church it's coming to check by force you are going far away now the light in you is becoming darkness sister why are you doing that am I the only person doing it now you do it and you don't see it we call that light in you is becoming darkness this time why don't you stop don't stop even the thickness is there do it the light in you is becoming darkness until now your heart and your conscience is seeing you leave Church now you wear short pants because you have repented you move among a community of people who teach people how to shock people that they dancers they are not sure the pants is like this it's on top like that and you cut to walk in the mists of some young men she shocks the young guys by she reserved she's not shocked what is happening is that the light in you is darkness now but once you see your sing you sing and the Holy Ghost convicts you and you realize that this is what I've done it is wrong it means that you are still alive it means that there's still light in you take hold of that and repent don't be joking your sin until your conscience is destroyed maybe when we talk about repentance we have always thought of the unbeliever but today I'm saying the repentance is in two kinds the first one is - for the unbeliever to come to Christ to be related a child of God the second one is for us who are born again so that our conscience is not destroying so that a light in us will not become darkness have you gotten something this morning yeah you need to repent say that now as we are going home there's somebody that you are not on talking terms with what are you going to do I have been a pastor for a while I've seen with my naked eyes when I've said let us move keep on shaking one another then my eyes will be fully into people that I know they don't talk I was watching them I was watching them I love you with the love of the alone I love you they love of when this one day saw that they were heading the same direction this one say I can see ready I can see you who in who I can see and this one see the glory of the Lord don't be deceived God is not mocked whatever you sow it is that which we reap my heart is for us to produce very good Christians people who are like Jesus people walk in the mists of their people and pedis are the aroma of Christ I'm praying that you be one of them I want go back home repenting at your attitude towards your spouse repent at your attitude other white plains even if you go to work and you know you don't do you don't work it away you are expected and people say that you are lazy you can repent of your laziness when you sleep bad you don't even find a need of tidying up the place you wake up and you just go people say that what kind of person are you you can repent of that repentance is not only a verse in it's about attitude your whole life you have to leave must believed differently Javy rise to our feet I wanted to just be quiet and then reflect in what ways is God calling you to repent I want you to be upstanding Jonah chapter 2 verse 8 yes give that me Jonah to 8 now look at it closely I'll read those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be Diaz this is not my husband I'm clinging to him you forfeit the grace that will be this is not my wife I'm clinging to her you forfeit your own wife the wife that God has prepared for you you forfeit it if we like be joking with somebody's husband you will never get one to mine yeah because you forfeit the grease that could be yours if you like be taking monies that are not yours from the workplace ever get that which will be enough for you that is why you need to repent the scripture is true those who cling to what less idols though forfeit the grace that could be Diaz shall we lift up our hands and let's begin to pray I want you to go into the recesses of your heart and tell yourself what am I doing wrong where should I change decide in your heart and turn completely with actions that is how repentance is and in what decision backed by an outward action I want you to pray I want you to go into let the love s of God pray those of you love him repent of your sin so ow I'm not going to go this way again I love you so much I'm sorry for disappointing you I don't want to go this way again let go eat some of the things we must let go if you let go you are going to lose some money but let it go all kinds of trade and business that is not done in the spirit of Christianity let it go don't be a fraud don't be a fraud don't don't no not at all don't be a frost ax not at all I am all Sandara remember I want you to speak with your mind use language that you understand repentance is not about speaking in tongues it's about framing mind pray with your mind touch the very thing that you know is wrong touch it and say God forgive me of this forgive me of that forgive me of that touch it touch it touch it touch it you can hide anything from his eyes you may hide it from other people but not from his eyes no no not from him he knows it he knows it he Cole of us under the under a relative a promise under it the name of Jesus please open your eyes again first Kings chapter 15 verse 5 fair skins 15 was fine for David had done what was right in the eyes of the Lord and had not failed to keep any of the lost command all the days of his life assert in the case of Iria the heat and I'm praying that this will be your Scripture maybe you didn't know you have done so many things let it be said of you that from this day you did what was right in the eyes of the Lord that should be your goal wanting to do what is right in the eyes of the law those of us who want to do what is right in the eyes of the law from today forward let us lift up our hands and then begin to bless God together tell him God goodbye world now stay no longer with you goodbye pleasures of st. stay no longer VD of made up of to go goes away the rest of my life I've made up my mind sagal bascially [Music] goodbye world [Music] [Music] my I [Music] to see my Jesus something we bless your name Oh God your web has come and your Wes's that because of this wedge we are cleanse we pray that your grace shall be continually release on to us that wherever and the areas that we have made mistakes by saying we will have a change of mind chain of attitude change of ways and we will walk in your way having close relationship with you that we will not give opportunity to the devil the accuser to accuse us to weaken our faith and our prayer life and even our lives as believers may you hold us in your hands and may you fulfill you are wearing us that truly giving a country I've been able to to all that you taught us we are walking away your wish and we are shining in this dark world as pass and through us as happy intend onto you may your name forever be preached may your name forever be as so telling a dog because you are God we love you we bless your name in Jesus name we have prayed a man with a lot bless us and keep us with a lot cause his face to shine upon us and give us peace may the Lord lift his countenance upon us and make us great in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit so my brothers and sisters in Christ you cannot hide anything from his eyes you can hide from other people but not from his eyes this has been the worst of the chairman of the Church of Pentacles apostle Erica Mena in amateur on repentance may God grant us grace to do introspection correcting the wrongs in our lives so we will always maintain our position as children of the Living God and our friend if you haven't accepted Christ as your personal Savior let today be a turning point in your life turn away from your sins and Christ your Assyria and then when you are in Christ you become a new creation and all there were things passed away so if you have accepted our message and give it in and you like Christ to come to your aid to City and can you repeat these words of the main Lord Jesus I accept you today as my Lord and personal Savior I will live for you all the days of my life so help me God God richly bless you and if you have preset prayer can be call any of the numbers in the screen and we will assist you and now the touch of Pentacles is all over Ghana and abroad so wherever you find yourself go to the nearest church or assembly near you and finishing with a birthing day there will be the Word of God beauty up and you will grow from grace to grace and you will always always be firm Christ may God give you grace and may God be with you so my dear friend we shall once again come your way with your most favorite program the Pentacles our proudly sponsored by the Church of Pentacles uh tortoise nest week god bless you shallow peas carrots Baba [Music] [Music] [Music] we will never [Music] that death of Christ brought as great Liberty he alone is the savior of the world if you remain in his word in good and evil times it will be world with you in good and evil times it will be were with you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] the basic word even in me comes we remember it we [Music] we [Music] Lovitz versus coddled well seen us so I must love my brother ancestor in good and evil times this s what shows we're children of God that is the basic word this is what shows where children that is the basic word [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Apostle Eric Nyamekye
Views: 33,815
Rating: 4.6957746 out of 5
Keywords: Repentance, The Church of Pentecost, Eric Nyamekye
Id: kVxEbxu4Kk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 48sec (4908 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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