Repairing traces on a Macintosh II

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[Music] [Music] hello hello there my name is bruce rayne from breakfast creations and thank you very much for joining my stream um a quick shout out hello jeff bernard mr krimstar thomas armstrong xeroxes labs retro techie joe williams michael's workshop thank you very much for joining me if you are new to one of my live streams please jump on and say hello always happy to say hello to new folks it is sunday quarter past 11am here at the moment and it is a nice bit overcast day today so i thought it was a good opportunity to get in here and try and get a little bit of work done because as usual i have a monstrous backlog of uh computer repair to do hello justin thanks for joining and also to mr krimstar thank you very much for the congratulations yes i cracked the 15k subscribers the other day uh which came as a bit of a surprise because i've been gradually just getting you know a few subscribers a day and then i had one day where i got 430 subscribers in a single day for no apparent reason just on that one day which just pushed me over the 15k subscribers you know quite unaware so yeah i mean here uh here i am and thank you to everyone who watches and and thank you everyone who subscribes and thank you for all the nice comments um on my vids and all that sort of stuff and during the chat here so do appreciate it and i i am glad that people uh you know sort of like to watch this stuff and enjoy um so x is returning now also i told them i said to them i rang them up and i said guys i'm planning to live stream and they turned around and they said no worries we'll hold off can't trust them those guys at spacex i'm telling you okay um well thank you very much for saying that retro techie look at this this is a live stream that is completely devoid of any mac yak members other than myself what is going on where's my support goodness me anyhow um as you can see from the oh just a very quick little recap on people who are watching my last live stream and i was working on a couple well i worked on i had a few lcs in a color classic and i ended up doing lc lc 575 and a color classic and with both of them we had fairly sketchy sort of results at the end of the recapping both of those spent a little bit of quality time in the ultrasonic cleaner and after cleaning and drying they work perfectly both of them work beautifully chimed booted everything fine so just a little reminder to folks that when you do have these capacitor leakages or these problems caused by leaky capacitors that cleaning is as important as replacing those capacitors because all that little all that electrolyte and gunk and once that electrolyte leaks out and the things stick to it and then you can just end up with these little conductive blobs throughout the uh throughout the board and they won't work so uh yeah really really important to clean that stuff so anyhow that was a happy ending to those they both worked perfectly uh scott n hello thank you for joining first one i've caught live awesome um uh they got the date wrong they already delayed to us yes i mean spacex huh huh do your idea just because they're landing uh landing uh their jets upright they think they're special or something um okay so i mean look at this there's a mac two come on make two so the mac 2 one of my favorite macs i'm just going to jump across here to the top view so you can actually see the board or see most of the board this is the mac 2 as you can see for using my hands of scale i'm just going all shawn action retro here you can see that it is a fairly significantly sized board but having said that there's quite a lot of vacant space around here it's not like really crammed in board like some of the other ones and that's actually quite a nice thing when it comes to doing things like recapping because there's huge amounts of space here with these caps the interesting thing about the mac 2 is if you have a look at this you can see that we've got we've got this surface mount electrolytic capacity here and we have little pads on the other side which you probably can't see but here and here you see two through holes and the reason why they're there is because this board when it first came out didn't have serviceman electrolytic capacitors it had through-hole axial capacitors actually actual electrolytic capacitors like these ones here just smaller in the place of all of these and what they then did later on is they replaced those with these surface mount electrolytic ones i guess that was almost definitely cost based and but of course what that also means is this particular board this later revision of the mac 2 board is one that absolutely needs recapping the older mac 2 board that has the axial caps you can actually get away with not recapping them i still recap them when i have them or if people send them to me for recapping i will still recap them but they're still going strong without them oh gosh a bit more a bit more here okay so uh mystery margo hello scarlet swordfish thanks for joining up i've seen you in a while scarlett where have i have i or haven't i i've just feel like i haven't seen your name in the chat there for a while so if you've had a uh a a hiatus from my videos which i understand sometimes they get a little bit too much um welcome back uh mike smackchak hello mike thank you uh bruce and his damn mac twos mike's not a fan of the mac 2. um but one of the great things about this being my live stream is he can't say anything bad about it other than what goes in the chat so um so anyhow uh the mac 2 the important thing from historical perspective being that it was the very first of the modular macintoshes up until this point if you wanted to get a macintosh it was a compact mac it was a mac plus the original macintosh 512k um you know sort of mac plus se uh sc no we weren't up to sc30 yet but anyhow we you know they were all compact macs this here was the first modular mac with expansion look at that one two three four five six new bus slots for putting in expansion cards you know whether it be network cards or video cards whatever the case may be over here we've got eight ram slots now although the original version of the mac 2 which this one is you would not have been able to put more than i think it's 64 in it there was a rom upgrade that would allow you to go the full 128 megabytes by putting in eight 16 megabyte sims in there um it has a pmmu or page memory management unit there is the 68020 cpu and here is the 6881 floating point unit for you know mathematical calculations floating numbers this is a the the reason i think why mac mike is so um uh kind of critical of this is it really wasn't that much of a machine uh it did you know i mean if you were running i think whatever it was system five or something on this there's a pretty zippy mac um but you know i mean the 6802a was not really that awesome of cpu i mean they didn't really start the mac twos didn't really start to get good until they were using the 68030 but having said that it is a very historical part of apple's you know sort of uh development as they um you know they were trying to to have a computer that would be seen more by the professionals because it was expandable you could choose your own monitor so you could stick a bigger monitor on you if you wanted but most importantly you could stick a color monitor on it and that was new up until that point if you wanted a macintosh you were working in black and white beautiful crisp resolution wysiwyg screen graphical user interface lots of good things about it but nonetheless black and white and this allowed you to see the world in color and that was a big big change this one didn't have any internal videos so you couldn't actually use this without a display card so you'd have to have a display card in one of these slots here and then you could output to the video but one of the things that this the old macintosh 2 brought at a very very early stage i mean seriously i was i was doing this in the in like about 1991 or something like that and you could probably do it before then but having more than one display card in there and having more than one monitor and having a desktop that spanned across from one to the other and i can remember i don't know maybe a decade later one of my pc friends showing me a setup that he had um it's probably not a decade but anyway many years later showing me a pc setup that he had with with two graphics cards and two screens again hey man check out what i've done here and i'm sort of like oh news dude we've been doing that with the mac for years um sorcerer stan hello um has the stream started or is youtube mad at me i think youtube might be mad at you thomas because the stream has definitely started we are yeah i haven't i typed that i'll type that for the benefit of thomas stereem has started there we go so there we go uh so anyhow um there's you know just continuing here with the um you know the little bit of uh macintosh 2 history here i mean i i am a big fan of this computer and that's mainly because i bought one in 1992. beginning of 1992. i bought a second hand and i think it was about 3 600 i paid for it and [Music] i then later on a couple of years later i managed to get hold of the rom upgrade for mine so you replace these two chips here and you pre play replace this little guy here and that gives you the ability to first of all address all of the memory all of the memories you know you could go all the way up to 128 megabytes but also you um you could actually put in a superdrive floppy drive so a one the 1.44 megabyte floppy disk drive in there up until then it was only 800k and i actually have a mac 2 board that i bought on ebay a mac 2 that has that has the rom upgrade my original one had it that original one is long gone but i managed to get one with the wrong upgrade so i'm absolutely ecstatic about that this one does not have the rom upgrade this is the original set of roms so this will only use 800k you generally tell by looking at the dates on these roms see this one here says 83 to 87 that one says 83 to 87 if you had the rom upgrade i think it had 88 on it something like that so anyhow i think without any further ado we're going to have to have a look at this one under the microscope we're going to obviously rip off all these old capacitors and we're going to put on new capacitors but more importantly we've got to repair some traces this used to have two axial batteries right here that would have been vata batteries with leads coming out of both sides they're soldered into the board and the big problem with those is that although they were you know very quiet little leakers they were still leakers they generally didn't do the exciting explosion that you would get on some of those max cells and stuff like that where you could just go and it would just have bits of you know bits of corrosion all over the board as they kind of blew their stuff and and put all that corrosive alkaline all over the board this one these are the the actual vatas and interestingly enough probably up until a couple of years ago there was probably no corrosion on this board this sort of stuff is only just starting to happen now but it is happening on virtually every macintosh ii board that crosses my desk and it all happens in the same place and we'll go and i'll point out those locations as we go okay uh just gonna double check uh on the uh patrick is it gooey patrick gee gui i don't know how to pronounce your surname i'm sorry patrick hello patrick thank you for joining caden yang hello um any chance you can show an imac g3 being recapped one day do you use tantalums on those one thing i can tell you is you is very unlucky you will ever see me work on a g3 imac um yes i totally accept that they that they are needing recapping at this stage some of them are they are typically though power supplies problems i don't know that they're having leakage on the on the logic boards i think it's money the power supplies run into strife and those and flyback transformers and things like that i don't work on them so i don't actually have many of them come in the main reason why i don't work on them is i don't have a whole lot of space and they are big so when you're in a situation where someone says hey i've got a g3 imac for you to repair the next thing you know you know you get two or three of them and you're just starting to run out of space so i don't work on them so that for that reason i generally don't you're probably unlikely to see any videos on them maybe in the future we'll see i mean we'll we'll see but certainly for the foreseeable future i probably won't be working on those um so so anyway yeah these these vata batteries even even though i mean when these were snipped they probably still had some voltage left in them but they were still kind of leaking enough stuff to cause some problems and generally the places i see problems are down here down here along here and here they're the most common problems now that doesn't mean that everywhere else on the board is immune i've had some where they've had problems up here around the cpu that someone they've had problems around here around the uh what is that that's the glue chip um so you know i mean anything is possible i had one where i had a damaged trace running underneath these rom slots all right ram slots sorry get some rom and ram mixed up rom ram rom ram uh and i ended up having to run a wire underneath these and then kind of stick it down and then attach it at the other end it was a poem hello donor welcome to the live stream hello friends um so i'm very well thank you donor oh my goodness dana is a funny human being i tell you if only he would get out there and do some stuff so we could watch his videos um oh yes okay look here is a really important one house of moth jay welcome thank you very much for joining the stream for those that aren't aware jay's website apple serial number is where you are putting your serial number for your mac and get information about it lots of information more information than you'll get from some of those other websites out there and not only that it includes quite a lot of vintage models and that range of vintage models is expanding every day the the choices that were up there at the moment was the mirror drive door g4 the 2012 mac pro the tam and what's the fourth one um what was the other one so anyone who's not familiar with the acronym tam 20th anniversary macintosh one of apple's best computers ever i have so much trouble saying that with a straight face um uh okay all right busy eating dinner good enough okay so 2017 12 inch macbook oh okay all right no worries fair enough not not really one of my faves so um so for me my vote and obviously you guys make your own choice up for me my vote would probably be the 2012 mac pro and the main reason for that is i have one it's my main daily driver up in the uh up in the house there so i've got a 2012 5 comma one mac pro dual hex core three gigahertz i think with 64 gigs of ram um and it's a great machine even in this day and age to be nearly 10 years old still flies so so yes i am definitely going to be saying vote for the mac pro my second choice would probably be the mirror drive door i mean i did have one as my parents had one of those back in the past and not a bad computer quite nice looking and whatnot so once again i am what is it 15 minutes into the stream and i've done nothing but yapper yeah um and i've got a new t-shirt here uh this is a fairly esoteric t-shirt um and i i invite people to tell me what the reference for this one is if anyone wants to jump into the chat and say what the reference of this particular t-shirt is as you know i have i often have discussions in my chats about fulham's going to the pictures um so yep well vina yes you are right it is an alien reference um probably more as uh as was said by michael's workshop alien 2 but yes you are basically both right with that one um so well done well done um right so let's have a look here so so anyway yes when you get a moment jump across the apple serial number go and cast your vote for the mac of the month for may can you believe it's may already what the hell man how the hell did that happen so a couple of things i'm going to talk about very quickly with this mac too just jumping back to the top view here these macs will not start up without two batteries attached to them both 3.6 volt batteries one there and one there one of them is the pram one of them is involved in the startup circuit uh but they both need to be there they both need to be present in order for this thing to start up via the soft start on the keyboard and the interesting thing is that the startup circuit which is sort of around here and around here um that is really one of the most common places for this to get corrosion and so for that reason one of the first real symptoms of one of these is the fact that it just won't start anymore you gotta try and switch it on press the button on the back here bing bing press the power button on the keyboard nothing dead uh and that often leads people to think that it's the power supply or the power supplies dead girls won't start up but it's not in most cases it's not the power supplies can have problems but in most cases it's not the power supply it's the startup circuit now i actually have a power supply floating around here somewhere in the sheds here somewhere which i'll pull out later on which bypasses the startup circuit so in other words it just forces this thing to be on so this power button here doesn't do anything it just sends it the power to be on it says be on you and that's a really good thing from a diagnostics point of view that i use all the time so when i get a mac 2 i can connect it up to that power supply if i get a mac 2 that someone says this is dead i can connect it up to that power specific power supply which overrides the startup circuit and if the thing starts up well it's like i know exactly what's wrong with it it's a problem in the startup circuit so i don't know that there's any benefit in me actually trying to see what happens i might as well how about it how about it how about let's see what happens if we just power it up right now to see if we get any noise from it because i mean why not you know who cares if something blows up in my face they might make for extra subs um where's the power supply okay okay all right he took it i had it just a minute ago who was it that's funny come on where's it going it can't be too far away for goodness sake this is crazy is that it ah there it is i put it away it's someone like me to put something away if you get a mac too yes sorry there's a bit of a running joke that i have with um dana from dana does stuff uh which you know he doesn't do a lot of stuff but you know he might one day um the he has never laid his hands on a mac 2 he has never seen a mac 2 he is a vintage mac collector and does not have a mac 2 has never seen a mac 2. and for some unknown reason i keep coming across them i now have three mac twos now admittedly i only have one working power supply but that i'm trying to rectify um so i have three mac twos and in terms of repairs i get heaps of them i mean just like mac 2's constantly and it's just a little bit frustrating for poor dana because he uh he would like one uh he nearly bought one recently but he forgot to bid on ebay which you know he obviously doesn't want one that badly um all right so we've got a little speaker connected up so we can see what it does i've got it all plugged in here to my power supply um and uh hello michael uh is there anyone i haven't said i like to will a quadra 700 start without a battery to my knowledge yes it will um so quadra 700 is another one with one of those startup circuits so if you've got you know generally you don't have capacitor leakage because they don't have any surface mount electrolytic capacitors but if you are running into trouble getting it started it's usually one or two things one of them is battery leakage because they're one of the ones that had a you know a battery or not and they can explode and destroy it i've got one over here in that state the second thing is power supplies i think the quad 700 power supply is not too bad but they can cause problems but yeah i'm pretty sure the quad 700 will start without a battery pretty sure yes yes yes yes it does okay so i'm going to just plug this in this will just come straight on because it has no power switch so as soon as i hit it with some voltage here it's going to go and we'll just see what happens i suspect nothing but we'll just see and that was a fairly accurate assessment on my part nothing happened nothing so okay we've proven it to ourselves this one is dead as a door now um and we are going to try and make it undead no that just makes it sound like it's going to be a zombie doesn't it uh not dead how about that attack of the zombie mack 2 okay oh i'm caught up in my microphone sorry there's probably horrible crackle noises coming through sorry about that folks i know that it gets a little bit iffy when i touch it so sorry folks um okay blew people's ears off uh i got an lc 550 for 50 that's a pretty good deal so the 550 which is oh what is it 6030 is it 25 mega it's 20 megahertz or is it 33 i think the 550 is 33 megahertz isn't it that's the same as a color classic 2 in terms of speed i can't remember i get all of those mixed up the color classic really should have been called the lc 500 don't you reckon it's so similar to those lc 5 range of computers shouldn't have been a color classic should have been called lc 500 or not right let's go and have a look at some of the corrosion that i've been talking about here because it is plentiful and we just want to get a little bit of a sneak peek of what it is we're going to have to be doing here once again this is all happening in exactly the same place as it always does so fairly normal all right there's a look at these rammies here we go so what we're looking for is green traces now not this kind of green but where is it this kind of green you see all the little bulges coming up on that that's basically that color green is the color of corroded oh here we are corroded copper so that's the copper underneath the the solder mask corroding and bubbling up through there so that is the green we do not like to see when we're working on computers that is a very unhealthy form of green and what's worse about this is you can get little spots of it in places so you know you might just have one little spot of green somewhere and it's enough to actually be a break in the trace so if you have a look here you have some little spots there they're probably still okay we're probably still getting continuity through there but look there's a well there's a little bit of corrosion i think that's still okay a little bit around there a little bit around there just have to see this one here that runs down there that's almost definitely shot it usually is that one usually needs to be fixed over here to where the batteries are oh look at this deliciousness look at that one wow blackening going on in there so that's nice uh then we travel along here don't push this thing with my nose there we go still got some ugliness here and then over here this this one always this one here that always goes always corrodes always always always um so um yeah so anyhow i've got a little bit of work to do here these little wires that run down here they sometimes corrode as well but we can just ignore them because they just go down to the little testing pins at the front so they're like what the what on a newer computer you would call a j tag okay this is not spaghetti mac no so um yesterday i was having just a skype call with my mac yak friends and uh during that time i was working on a mac that i that has been called spaghetti mac it's a it's a board that was sent to me by a customer a mac 2 board and someone had a go at doing trace repair on it and left it with all these sort of lines of spaghetti wire all over it that's why i call it spaghetti mac i have removed all of that and replaced all of that spaghettiness with nice neat trace repairs uh it still doesn't work uh just did some more checking on it repaired a couple more broken traces still didn't work put it away because i had too much other stuff so i put it aside to work on it at a later date pulled it out yesterday did a little bit more work found i think four more busted tracers repaired those still doesn't work works more than it did but it still doesn't work um the fact that every time i look at it for an extended period of time i find another trace damage it suggests to me that there is still an important one i haven't found yet so i've just got to get back and have a look kyle gp hello uh some tracer more likely to crowd than others yeah okay that is a really good question scarlet and i would say almost definitely um you know the um the it is almost definitely related to there being current flowing through it um you know sort of more consistently so this is all related to the battery being there so when the battery is in there there's the battery there's some electricity sitting on there and my guess is that it that sort of that accelerates that um that corrosion so almost definitely these traces that we're looking at are ones that would have current flowing through them you know not just when it's on but when it's off as well that would be my guess um it's the best i can fathom anyway um so uh let's just have a quick look at the chat here see if we've caught up we've missed out on anything here uh uh uh uh cool cool 33 megahertz for the 550 yep okay no worries color classic is a nicer sounding name though fair enough uh called the classic xl um okay [Music] not penne come on penne is like big hoop things there's no way penne i could say or would be maybe a vernon batelli how about that um spiral ones yeah that's a few silly i think for the spiral ones um retro checking my uh okay so hey bruce my color classic just got recapped by buddy it won't turn on at all still oh dear lots of reasons for that i can't really just sort of say hey try this or try that if when i'm in an instance where something like that happens first thing i would do is i'd chuck it in the ultrasonic cleaner if it hasn't already been cleaned because they do have problems with that the other is the sound chip which is up in the top left hand corner of them um that is involved in the startup and so if that sound chip has been damaged by capacitor leakage it could be the cause of the problem if there's a broken trace around there then the other one is the cuda chip the kuder chip is involved in getting that message from the keyboard so obviously when you switch them on at the back for those that don't know where the color classic if you switch the power button on at the back it's pretty much just putting it into standby mode it's not actually switching it on you switch it on with the keyboard so if you have a problem with that signal from the keyboard getting to the computer um you're not going to get it to switch on so if it's completely dead you get no green light it could also be the cuda chip which is in the top right hand corner of the board depending on which way you're holding it could also be the bottom left-hand side um but anyway he cleaned it with ultrasonic well okay yep so let me see if i just got a color classic floating around here which i probably do um nope that's the no4o that's a color classic hello color classic so problems that you are likely to see are with one that is dead just completely dead uh it's likely to be problems to do with damaged traces or corrosion or something or gunk whatever in this region here of course the most important thing is check your work whenever i'm doing a recapping job and it's not working afterwards the first thing i do is thoroughly check my work make sure i didn't accidentally create any shorts or anything like that that's number one that's always the first thing you should do doesn't matter how good or bad you are at recapping check your work first always but then you'd be looking at this area here and you'll be looking at this area here so that's the cuda chip there so i'd be looking out for problems around that they die sometimes too i've had quite a few of these where from the corrosion these have ended up getting damaged and it's when i replace them they start working beautifully again don't ask me for one because i just gave away my last one the other day and i wouldn't have given it away if i realized it was my last one so i've got to try and source some more of those because they are a common weak point so let's go the um with the classic isn't it can't you trick it into starting up by actually just pulling out the board and putting it back back in again while it's switched on i don't know if someone told me that so yeah all right so let's get into looking after this the first thing i'm going to do is start getting these old caps off uh let's go to microscope there we go that's my view that's what i call this view this view is called microscope big right i didn't even turn my soldering iron on how about that welcome to the professionals right right here writing right here artie this is my um hakko fx951 soldering on i saw someone uh chat on one of my videos the other day put in a little comment saying 500 for soldering on i can pick that one up for 50 and i thought no you can't you might be able to pick up a knock off of it but you're not going to get the real one for 50 you probably won't pay 500 either because i'm in australia i have to pay that because we have an australian tax and what i don't mean an actual tax just everything seems to cost more out here because you know we're just lucky um but uh this is the pin from the axial battery and it's sticking up and i don't want to accidentally jab myself so i'm gonna get rid of this first oh wow look at the corrosion look at it little spots all over the place it's going to be fun just everyone just got to prepare yourself for this one potentially not getting fixed today just just just just just just a warning oh smell that guess who hasn't got his fume extractor on at the moment i haven't put my gloves on either fume extractor comes on sorry about the noise folks but it's for my health [Music] come on see if i can get this little guy out this is clearly clinging on to a ground plane somewhere so the heat that i'm putting on this is getting sucked away because it's obviously attached to a large plane of copper so not having much luck there i might have to cover that from the other side i god i might let's see how we go with this one positive side's usually easier to get off because it's not attached to a ground plane yeah look how easy that one is i think the pins are bent on the bottom yep they are so i might unbend them come with that other one from the other side trace right so i just want to give a little bit of a backstory with this particular mac too because as i said i keep finding mac twos for those who might know from the sort of vintage mac circles uh a very very helpful individual called jeremy bar hyde he's very active in the vintage mac community in particular out here in australia um and he i contacted him because he actually gave me a monitor he got hold of a bunch of monitors and he didn't want them all so he said hey does anyone want these monitors and i said i would love that one please he said here you go and then i then said to him look you don't by any chance happen to have a spare mac 2 power supply i have um i have two mac twos and both of them one of them is missing a power supply and the other one the power supply is faulty now there's my intention to repair that power supply but given the fact that i don't have any schematics or anything it's a lot easier to repair something if you have a working one so anyhow he said he phoned me and he said um i do have a mac 2 power supply but it's in a mac 2 that doesn't work so i'm going to send the whole thing to you i said oh gosh okay thank you and this is it now he was kind of talking about it being a real lost cause um and so i am wanting to do this to some extent to try and you know um to sort of demonstrate that you know this level of damage isn't necessarily a lost cause it may not be an easy fix but it's not necessarily the end or just trying to get this through here if the worst comes the worst if i can't get this through i will probably just use come on i'll probably use a bigger soldering iron tip so that i can get more heat to the location because it's all about it's all about that heat there we go that should get us through so let's come in at the other side now we'll give these a bit of a yank and i think we'll get these all out and we're just going to suckle the solder out of the hole right just a quick look here we've got 30 people watching thank you to you all for giving up a little bit of your time on your whatever day it is there at the moment saturday night sunday morning look at it look at it just look at it it just seems hopeless i mean yeah i mean i really could be doing something monumentally stupid here and maybe should have just thrown this in a bin but if i can get another mac2 working i'll be pretty happy because despite what mike says the mac 2 is cool mike from mike's mac shack do check out his channel do subscribe and go check out some of his movies he did one just recently on the powerbook 150 where he had nothing but nice things to say about it sucking up that solder yeah um it is it's interesting so uh uh sam who has just said that they would like to see a diagnostic video because the fact is that i i primarily do videos on just repairing visible damage and there is a fairly good reason for that is that when i am actually doing proper diagnostic work where i'm you know sitting there getting out the multimeter or the oscilloscope or something like that i tend to go a bit quiet and i'm just not sure how good a live stream video it might potentially make so that's kind of the reason that i tend to just make it more about the soldering techniques than about the the diagnostic there is also the other problem with these and that is that most of these macs with only a few exceptions we don't have um uh schematic diagrams for them i think there is one floating around i think there's a bow mark one for the mac too those who aren't familiar with bow markers a company that actually went and reverse engineered uh schematics they were paid to reverse engineer schematics from the boards which of course would just must have been an absolute nightmare job um just going to cover this from the other side again uh just wanting to get the solder out of here um and of course when you don't have a schematic it it does make you know other than fairly basic diagnostics very difficult and then of course there's also the chips you might be wanting to look at a chip and try and work out what the problem with it is and you have you can't find any specs on the chip so you don't know where the power is supposed to go in or you don't know where the signals are and stuff like that and that that in itself makes a diagnostic very difficult as well so um yeah so anyhow it was a very long answer to a question wasn't it it wasn't even a question i still went for ages come on solder come on over i'm just trying to get all of that solar out of there but this is one that is just hot super hot i'm just going to try and tell you what i'm going to do while i'm here i'm going to scrape this a little bit this is my little scalpel that i use for doing my scrapey scrapes i'll try and get the corrosion off and see what's underneath it's always the hope is that when we scrape the top off we get something like we have here and we have copper underneath what we don't want is to scrape it and find nothing underneath this is just going to be a scraper from this thing i hope no one minds that horrible scraping noise because that's what i'm going to be doing here for like the next half an hour i suspect they're scraping i think i'm going to need a new blade soon too because this one's leaving little marks yeah yep see i've got all these little divots in the scalpel here so and they will then leave little little marks on the board so relatively i get a relatively short lifespan from these blades um especially on one like this got a lot of uv mask to remove here so as it says on the description it is a trace repair video all right let's see if i can get that last bit of solder out there too easily distracted mr rain just quoting my uh school reports adelie i can poke a thingy through there hello hello [Music] this scraping noise is really starting to get on my nerves now oh gotta take this stupid metal thing off stupid it's um it's this little rf shieldy type thing that hangs around the uh all of the what do you call those things the plugs looks like that and it's just annoying it's very annoying so i'm taking it off banished from the board so generally when i'm dealing with these sorts of traces that are as you can see sort of a bit spotty um i will generally scrape away all of the as much of the corrosion as i can so the mask away and then the corrosion i want to try and reveal just a straight line of bright copper but it's kind of patchy along some of these and so what i'm going to do once i've done enough scraping scrape there i'm going to douse it with a little bit of um you see i'm supposed to be taking the caps off first and i just got sidetracked i got completely totally distracted and now i'm starting to look at these traces come on man pull your stuff together all right i'm going to get some solder here i'm going to rub it up and down these exposed traces this exposed copper like this applying heat flux solder all these things we love all these things then i'm going to get my solder wick got a mess an email from someone the other day saying oh there are mistakes on your website come and see me to improve them you know and he said um you have misspelt the word good because i refer to goodwick g-double-oot and they obviously had some sort of bot looking around the website looking for spelling mistakes or something like that and when he saw good i mean oh you just misspelt good what an idiot it's like yeah dude have a look at the website right it's a brand name okay so i'm now running backwards and forwards along with the traces here with my wick and what i'm doing here apart from getting mouthfuls of smoke which i don't want i'm gonna have to turn up this thing a bit sorry about the noise um i'm just ending up seeing whether any of these tracers have brakes in them if they end up being a straight line it's good they don't need to have any uh repair done to them other than what i've done but if i see brakes in this then i'll be inclined to put a wire on that looks too good doesn't look too bad actually so that's pleasing is pleasing oh jj brubacher hello and welcome hello and welcome yeah diagnostic mode bruce on skype is so boring yes i know it's just there's long silent periods of silence it's just not a lot of fun that's a little bit sketchy there as well this is definitely going to need some cloning right let's get some of these caps off now i said i was gonna and i didn't and now i'm gonna it's in there ah let's get um let's get um oh that's what we want get my little heat shield which is my little little blades from those um those box cutter knife things that you can snap to different lengths and i use a little spring to make it stand up straight i hook it over the end there make stand up straight and i plunk that in places like this so that i don't melt the plastic because these things have plastic all over them and i don't want to melt it so time for the hot air station to get rid of these do not twist and pull caps off if you want to that's fine but i'll tell you what on a board like this there's a pretty good chance you're going to lose the pads if you did that so if you're someone that wants to just throw a caution to the wind and whip them off that way go for your life but you will never get a recommendation from me to do so these caps here which are the same ones you'll find on the early mac se30 they have the information about the capacitor on a little yellow label around the outside around the outside around the outside um just like that and that little label melts gets sticky and it makes these caps stick to your tweezers which i do not like we also have here little blobs of component adhesive which come off nice and easily with a little bit of heat um but there they make it a bit of a pain because they do make the component a little bit harder to get off so got ready here we go okay yep yep here we go all right let's get this guy off what temperature do i use am i soldering on or my hot air station i will answer both questions on my hot air station i'm on 435 degrees celsius or centigrade depending on which you prefer and i have this running on the highest air output that this station will do now this heating element in this is i think starting with a little bit old so i'm not sure i am getting my full 435 out of it but um but yeah that's the heat that i have it on oh that one smells i've got a little nichikon um axial capacity here 10 microfarad 16 volt and i'm going to whip him off because he's going to be replaced wit gone banish from the board you have no place here you have no power here right oh and on the soldering iron the temperature i use is 430 degrees celsius which i do not recommend other people do this is very very hot it's just the way i like to work it's the way that works for me i've tried lots of different temperatures i've tried lots of different ways of soldering lots and lots and lots and lots of methods over the years and this is the method that works best for me and so please don't leave in the comments your soldering iron is too hot because although it might be too hot for your purposes it's not too hot for me that is not meant to any specific individual that is just a general request because it's one of the most common things that i have told to me i get people jumping onto my lives onto the comments of my videos all of them saying your soldering line's too hot hey you're signing on it's too hot oh yes it is um it is obviously it's not the way some people want to work that's fine you do not have to set things at the temperature that i set them i set them at the temperature that works for me yeah i'm sorry about the blurriness it's blurry for me as well so let's see if we can rectify that situation there we go come on you little there we go matthew joyner hello let's see if we can get some of the solar out of that hole there out out this side will come out nice and easy just like that the other one is on the ground plane sucking away the heat from the soldering iron and being a bit of a pain in the backside and try to scrape off all that corrosion still looks good though it's got copper underneath it which is nice not like the one i was working on yesterday this one this whole trace was just gone completely gone completely gone just my legs getting numb said make 356. have you just arrived do i settle to you already or not i can't remember okay this one here see if we can get the last of this solar out yet whether i have to get out the big the big guns great big soldering iron to just put a little bit of extra solder there let's see if we can suck it out oh man this thing's being a cow i'm going to put the big celery iron tip on the begin come on where are you there you are this is my great big bevel tip that has a very oopsie large flat surface and that large flat surface helps me get heat where i want it just got here okay well thank you sad mac 356 for joining thank you for arriving um we're just working on a mac 2 here today um and uh it has some fairly significant uh trace damage can't wait for this thing to get hot as you can see it is a huge tip huge that's watch now let's set up okay and now let's see if we can suck that solder out we're using super powers look at that magic of heat just a little tiny bit there i might just try and suck out perfect ah you didn't see it you didn't see it you didn't see it it's also it's all clear now it is all clear it is all clear ah dave hello welcome to the live stream um where's my tip there's my tip you can tell the one that looks the rattiest is the one that i use because i use it so much right okay what's going on here what is it [Music] all right so just looking at some interesting news there that uh it's just in our little mac yak chat there some interesting information that's provided by jay from house of moth where he has basically said that apple's air tags are still using their traditional serial number format they have been threatening to start using randomized numbers on their serial numbers rather than like a coded serial number and they apparently have not made good on their threat just yet so that's nice for us wanting to use serial numbers to look things up through non-apple methods let's continue getting the caps off and observe just how beautiful that little green trace is the few traces down there isn't it delicious these do take a little bit more to get off because they do have that component adhesive holding them on but having said that and i'm probably going to curse myself by saying this the ones on the mac 2 don't seem to pop it's the later ones that seem to pop things like uh you know color clacks classics and lc575s and stuff like that they they seem to be the poppers these older ones just send it to seem to smolder a bit okay okay right let's keep going keep getting these caps off make some progress it would be i don't know if we'll get it done today but it would be really nice to hear this chime today [Music] i often have people commenting in my videos why don't you ultrasonically clean boards before you start working on them and i always provide an answer and whatnot this is probably a board that i would consider ultrasonically cleaning before working on it because what it does is it just clears away all that corrosion and would potentially highlight any traces that may not actually make prop you know may not actually make a proper path anymore it might have actually got gaps in them and so depending on what happens in the next however many minutes this is so annoying capacity is sticking to the tweezers because that yellow gunk on the caps it's just pisses me off there we go got it okay okay oh that worked really well actually as the tweezers hit the keyboard it just flew in opposite directions ultrasonic cleaning before the repair like bleach bombing uh crime scene they had heart of csi to do their job which is absolutely correct um the one one thing i will say about this though is with this sort of um repair on this sort of vintage computer i will almost definitely still be able to see the problems afterwards all right so let's go but yep this when you in particular if you've got a you know a problem computer where it may not just be a simple recap it might be liquid damage or something other than that um you know sort of having the gunk still on it will often help with the diagnostic process because the gunk leads you straight to the problems you go oh look there's gunk all over this chip let's check that dip out this one's really being awful i'm not even showing you on the camera isn't that mean brooded me off off thank you so rude all right i'm going to go back to the microscope this time because i'm not going to be showing you what i'm doing in the microscope i may as well just go to the top view i'm going to put some gloves on i'm starting to get sticky fingers and i hate sticky fingers i hate it h all right let's just have a quick look here i just want to make sure i'm staying up with all the chatty chat i am basically sitting at oh look at this i had 49 people watching at some stage it must have got really boring because they left again uh okay oopsie i was probably just practicing on about mac too so people probably jumped on to say hey let's see you do some soldering and i'm like yeah well through the back too he came out in 90 again whatever it was 687 help me here help me um off cute now there's one thing that i don't like about working on a mac 2 annoys me more than anything else about it and that is how big the board is it just doesn't fit on my desk terribly well but the fact that i now have an ultrasonic cleaner big enough to clean it in one go brings me much joy excuse me oh look at this little cat floating up here charles hello thank you for joining i know you can't see it very well but it's this is as far up as the board goes on my desk supposed to move through the microscope good night good night there are lots of caps on this good thing i have a recapping guide for this one you will find this on the website you will find a link to it in mind just in the description of this video it will point you towards my recapper mac website which for some unknown reason is going extremely slow at the moment but i will try and remedy that later today this is the revision b board macintosh 2 revision b now for all i know from apple's point of view it might be like division f or something like that but i just call it revision b because it's the second one that i'm aware of these are really solid until you hit him with a bit of heat ah would post need to stop when i'm in the garage come on jay what he's working on his lawnmower tractor lawn tractor lucky come okay so this cluster of three capacitors has now fused themselves together and they're hot ow in the bin there we go right i think that's all the cat oh one more one little guy here let's see if we can protect the serial number i don't want to burn the serial number it's not how we do things here at brancas creations um um all right okay what i've got here i ordered some over 600 cups eight bucks how many 10 10 10 000 micro farad boy they must be big or are they small stay still you thing i have to hold it down with a bit of tape that's vexing me bye kaden okay thank you for joining farewell now you stay still alright [Music] oh i just suddenly realized how incredibly hungry i am i want a pie i want to eat a pie don't have a pie right oh who's got a pet i love pets okay i think that's it for the caps just while we're here we're having a little journey around the board let's have a look at these guys here what you have there is a sound chip and then what you have over here is another sound chip one for the left channel one for the right channel same sound chip that you will find on a macintosh se30 and i think probably a 2x as well but i've never worked on a 2x can you believe that never ever worked on a 2x that's why there is no recapping guide for a 2x on my website um let's see how well these uh these things clean up look at the traces look it look it okay my normal trick for cleaning up these pads is a good size dollop of flux a monogram of flux and a bit of heat and a bit of fresh solder and a little bit of circular rubbing here very very gentle we do not want to damage anything we don't want to rip these pads off the board we're just using heat we're using the motion we're using the flux we're using the solder and we're just gradually getting rid of all that blank gunk and so what we end up with is we end up with a pad a whole pad covered in solder looking like a nice little lozenge shape like that that tells us that pad is ready to accept solder then we take the solder away and we leave it as just a nice fresh little tinned pad all ready for a new component to go on really should have taken some of that solar off my iron before i wasted it on that flick there flick that wick solder flick sometimes also called solder braid bob ribble hello he's in queensland for those who don't know queensland is the state directly north of the state i mean i'm in new south wales queensland is above there queensland is the state that includes that little point at the top right hand of our country and it is a very very big state and it is my understanding that you guys have a public holiday tomorrow would i be correct in saying that joe welcome how late are you you are just over an hour late they are in 10 minutes late we have been just waxing lyrical about the uh about the old mac 2 here talking about its strengths and weaknesses and its historical uh mark on the personal computing industry and all that sort of stuff and we are dealing with a very very nasty looking one here now no it's not as nasty as the sc30 you had that time but we are looking at something that's going to require a significant amount of trace repair so i believe it is fixable um because you gotta believe um just cleaning up these pads getting ready for the new caps to go down that's just one less job i have to worry about then i'll move on to the trace repair i'm not removing the axial capacitors at this stage other than that one that i removed earlier which is the little one because they will still be okay i'm gonna replace them later on i think they're just they're just on here is like a filter capacity so um that'd be fine they just tend not to go wrong did you find the pla color you needed not yet so the link that you sent me and thank you very much for that that place yes they do do they do do specific colors but they only do it for very significant sized production runs so it's not just a matter of saying hey i want one roll of this color certainly as i understand on the website if you want a specific color you um you know if you say to them hey i want this pantone color or whatever you have to be prepared to buy lots of rolls not quite there yet i do have to show you something that i've worked on the other day 3d printed that i felt was the most useful thing i have made so far with my 3d printer forget about your mounting brackets forget about your price replacement legs for your keyboards forget about all those things i'm going to show you what i reckon is the most useful thing i've ever made from a 3d printer i'm grabbing it now i'm going to bring it in here it is three things actually it's not just one thing but three things that i think the most useful things i've ever made 3d number one a cap for an open caulking container so this is a little screw-on cap here so that you can seal these things up when you're finished using them seal it up ready for use next time that i think is one of the best things i've ever useful things i've ever made in 3d then replacement spouts for a caulking gun 3d printed that i also believe that is one of the most useful things i've ever made then thirdly this one looks like it's really really kind of freaky but this guy here that there put it in front of my face that little thing looks like a gigantic screw that is a cleaner for one of these put it in screw pull out whatever sealant might be left in there so there we go i went on a little bit of a a little uh caulking gun um spree with 3d printing the other day and i have to say pretty happy with the end results so there we go uh okay let me just check here which color do i want i just want something that um matches the gray of the vintage max now one of the problems that people always say they say oh oh the beige the beige and it's like no no not the beige the light gray so i have found some light grays but they're still quite dark in comparison to the gray of the mintage back so i want something that's not yellowy like the beige i want something that is neutral but very light so somewhere half between the grey i have and white somewhere halfway between the two that's what i'm after ah okay here we go yeah now the screw thing yeah just you know just be careful where you put it because you don't want one of those embarrassing visits to the doctor with something like this just just uh i may end up doing this with a slightly larger handle it might make a little bit easier to work with but you know in the meantime pretty happy with that um i will probably add all of these things to thingiverse when i get around to it did i say it right dana did i say of this right get it down all right let's just keep cleaning this up taking way too long here i'll never get to eat at the rate i'm going now i had a piece of toast before i started this today with vegemite on it yum a bit of vegemite a bit of cheese yum because as we all know everyone loves vegemite i just dropped my soul away everyone without exception colorful they do custom copy on demand if you're about to get your custom color color fab is it what was the one that you sent me thomas was that it color fab because the link that you sent me um i did have a look but as i say they they really weren't talking about it being like a an easy thing to go and get specific colors made it was you know they made it sound like it was kind of like a special order and you needed large quantities and you know enquire within type situation rowell colors not pantone what's ralph what's ralph i'm from the printing industry i only know pantone and cmyk and rgb and um h was it hue saturation brightness hsb these are nasty notice how nasty these are just got to keep at it when they're really really bad when you end up with the crusty stuff on these pads being really really thick and they're just not coming off then i'll get out the blade and i'll scrape them off but i don't think i'm going to need to for these ones they are i'm managing to sort of coax that black stuff off just using heat and flux and rubbing and solder and i'll just get the last off with um with the wick color fab was one of the links okay cool bananas good bananas i have to check it again that's the thing that i found frustrating i've bought a few spools of light gray um like gray what do you call it pla filament now this is just the way my brain works black put my hand in the camera black white gray light light gray dark grey now what i'm finding very frustrating is whenever i if you imagine that if you have black is 100 white is 0 and gray is 50 so 50 black ultimately uh that i consider to be gray then let's say light gray is say 25 black dark gray is say 75 black just for argument's sake that's how i tend to think in colors the light grays that i've found are about 50 so i consider them just gray not like growing um so when someone advertises a grey as light gray and then i get it and it's like 50 black sort of thing if you were to look at it on a you know color chart sort of thing and see what 50 black looks like and they're about 50 black i look i think that's not light gray that's just grey um and i find that a little bit frustrating because you never know until you get the thing back so you get it home to look at it you've got to you know and sometimes you even need to print them because sometimes they do change color when you print but anyhow it's not the end of the world i just love to be able to print these replacement mac things that i've been making in the original mac color and that and not even just mac i mean even things like the like the sony screens and things like that they were all in kind of a light gray all of them hmm okay uh right all right good okay i'm now understanding what ra rallies what does it stand for just out of curious does anyone know what rails stands for in terms of the uh color yep another one here at that trace look at that one running its way down there but that is a nothing trace if there is continuity on there i will have flux on toast for lunch uh cleaning cleaning cleaning yeah sorry this is the boring part this is me just cleaning a little bit on the dull side sorry um yeah board divider trace really annoying look up that's a good one i like that one joke i'm warm why am i warm it's bloody autumn it's only 20 degrees outside certainly warmer in here maybe it's all the soldering iron all that sort of stuff maybe it's all these flux fumes melting my brain if you have a look at this you can see all of that smoke going up to oh no you can't see it at all if you look at this you'll see all the smoke going up the top left there and it's going up the top left because that's where my fume extractor is it's pointing down on the board and i know that the fume extractor does make a little bit of unwanted noise in the background of the audio but uh it is just a necessary evil i'm afraid well let's see whoopsie oopsies we have to think about our health when we're doing these sorts of things because we want to be able to keep doing them for years to come and really smoke the sort of smoky stuff is not meant to be inhaled i mean that's a pretty stupid thing to say of course it's not meant to be in half but then again people do smoke cigarettes so paint color chart i want to know what it stands for mark purdy hello thank you for joining so just a little recap for folks that might have just been joining recently i'll just go and see what the numbers are like the moment because i haven't been paying a whole lot of attention moving moving moving i was sitting on about 51 so that's nice to be over 50. i always like it when there's more than 50 people here don't ask me why but i'll sort of get a sense of achievement when it's over 50. um so yeah for people who have just dropped by recently we're looking at a macintosh ii um motherboard or if you want to use the apple parliance the logic board and they essentially that started off with their old compact max where they had two boards inside them one of them being the logic board and one of them being the analog board it's the same as if you're working on laser printers they have boards that they refer to as formatter boards there's you have little words little words for different things so anyhow logic board motherboard whatever you want to call it this is one that has surface mount electrolytic capacitors on it and those capacitors have leaked and so need to be replaced and i am currently cleaning off the pads for when i put new capacitors on and i'm doing that with heat i'm doing it with fresh solder and i'm doing it with flux and as you can see as i rub gradually these pads where they have these areas like here on the right where the solder is not sticking as i just keep persevering and persevering eventually solder sticks to the whole thing and that's as we get rid of the gunk that was on the pad then we just take the solder and the last of that gunk off with some solder wick like this and then we are left with lovely shiny pads all ready for new components to go on it's about getting getting that preparation done getting your good prep done on the board that makes the job of putting new caps on super easy you're going to get nice clean solder blobs the macintosh 2 is one of the boards that i one of the reasons why i ended up making my own ultrasonic cleaner because this one doesn't fit on those standard ultrasonic cleaners the ones that you buy on ebay and stuff like that or on aliexpress or banggood or whatever they have lots of upsonic cleaners that are in varying sizes but because of the way they scale up they sort of just scale up equally in the width height and depth they don't work for really long thin things like a great big motherboard like this so that's why i made my own ultrasonic cleaner which is just here and yes thank you it's my own joinery um and uh and i and i use this for cleaning these great big boards inside it has i don't know if i can just change over the cameras very quickly so i can show people a little bit here of my upsonic cleaner so yeah you can see it there a bit so inside here i've got a mess of wires but we basically have eight ultrasonic transducers and four ultrasonic power supplies each power supply powers uh two induces each and i really should have opened that up because of the way those wires hang out if i can get it all back together it'll be really good there we go i've got two big 240 volt ac uh fans here i've got a little countdown timer that you can't see because the camera's not pointed out a little cut down time for switching it on um and uh yeah allows me to just get these sorts of things really really clean and as i mentioned right at the beginning of the stream my last live stream i was working on a couple of boards recapped them at the end of the recapping they didn't work both of them went into the ultrasonic cleaners heat cleaner came out worked perfectly so uh ultrasonic cleaner when you're working with vintage boards old boards with corrosion with leakage ultrasonic cleaner is a really really important thing to have so [Music] we're getting down to i think we've got maybe two one or two more to clean here one two three three more to clean won't take long then i there will be another one that i've missed always happens when i go to put the caps back on and i suddenly find one that i haven't cleaned it's just par for the course that's just part of the brancus livestream okey-dokey all right let's get on to this cleaning here i will be replacing this capacitor up here later the one that i pointed to i know you can't see i want you to imagine a blue um axial electrolytic capacitor of 220 microfarad 16 volts i need you to imagine one close your eyes and picture it just above where i'm working and now what i want you to do is imagine that it's got a whole bunch of solder all over it now from me pointing at it with a soldering iron have you got it you got that in your head did what you're imagining look like this well that's what it looks like okay oh no you do not want to run out of your uh uh of your amtec nc599v2tf i've still got two tubes of it up in the house uh two 10 cc tubes i won't be buying the 30s anymore i've just found i i i used to buy the 30s all the time then i got a batch of when i ordered a 30 they came back and said sorry we don't have any we don't have any 30s can we send you three tens so yeah sure i'm good they sent me three tens and i actually found working with the 10cc syringe much much easier and yes i go through them way quicker but i just liked working with them so i'm probably going to do it i probably should change the description in my booty my apologies to folks who might have been clicking on links in my recent live streams and the links weren't working that is because for whatever reason youtube i generally just copy it out from an old video and put it on a new video and for whatever reason uh recently um youtube have been tacking on little unwanted invisible characters on the end of the urls so when you click on them it has these sort of invisible characters on the end so i've got to go back and look at all those old videos and start removing them start removing those extra characters so that people can actually use the links someone brought to my attention just recently said hey the link here doesn't work i'm like oh oh what's happened i will remedy that situation very soon just ordered another 30cc yeah you just got to have this stuff around it is such good flux um i was recommended it by lewis rossman during his live streams it was what he used now what i then found was that it wasn't the easiest stuff to get hold of here in australia they don't no one here sells it i should probably start selling it but anyhow and so i have to buy it from the states and that was getting to be quite expensive so i looked into some local alternatives and i did find some good fluxes i found some fluxes that performed very well the primary difference between the flux that i use you know between this flux here and the one that i found that was quite good is that uh the one that i found was quite good which is called interflux it's way stickier sticky so when you get in on things it's just super sticky and it stinks that's the other reason just cleaning off some of the gunk here to look a little bit prettier let's get all this solder off the end of this capacitor that i put on there there we go hard to get in canada that's a pain yeah i just say i mean i can't buy it i can't buy it locally here i have to buy it from the states but having said that i mean i haven't had generally had any trouble there are some things that i buy here locally for example my ultrasonic cleaning fluid because of the size and weight of the bottles you know and also because they are they are chemicals things like that can be quite difficult to ship most people use most people in the states from what i understand most people using electronics for ultrasonic cleaning are using a product called branson ec of sonic cleaning fluid and i wanted to do some comparison between different upsonic cleaning fluids i actually wanted to try and get hold of some it was just prohibitively expensive i mean seriously it just was not worth me trying to get that stuff out here and to my knowledge no one sells it here um so yeah i use stuff from a local company i have tried another one called what was it called it was awful awful stuff you can't remember what's cool uh amber sil that's right ambasil uh and i was awful that was awful it was it was you know sort of uh when i upsonically cleaned something with solder joints whereas the stuff that i normally use those solder joints come out shiny they were coming out matte so it was kind of like taking the top off you know it's like corroding the top of the of the solder joints and it just made the boards look awful when they came out so not for me no sir but i think that's all of the um oh no it's not i told you there's always run off again i think this is the last one think it c19 hello c19 okay so anyhow the cleaner that i use is made by a company out here called cleantech they sell ultrasonic cleaners and upsonic cleaning fluids of all different types they sell ones for cleaning metal and they sell ones for cleaning plastics and all that sort of stuff so they've got they've even got one specifically designed for cleaning like aluminium or aluminum as you guys say but having said that i generally recommend as much as possible try and keep aluminium or aluminum out of the ultrasonic cleaner for any extended period of time because it does make it go black it's just the way it reacts with the metal with the little surface mount electrolytic capacitors they've got a coating on them so they tend not to but when you have just a normal axial radial capacitor the top of those they're generally not coated and they tend to go black in the outside cleaner which is it's not very attractive i don't think it's a problem but it's just not very pretty aluminum right that that was the last one hey sean it's sean arrived hello hello sean thank you for turning up i was i got about halfway through your recent video before i had to come and do this this morning i had to go and do some prep for this but your video just recently on the um swap meet that you went to i just got up to the part where you were looking at the second uh what was it sun station uh which i was just mega envious of the fact that you found those for a reasonable price my goodness we don't you just don't get anything like that out here um you're gonna get if you want to get hold of something like that out here you just got to be prepared to play a fortune um so um yeah certainly i was thoroughly enjoying i didn't get a chance to finish but folks if you uh you're not allowed to watch it now you have to wait until i've finished watching my video but uh jump across to action retro and yeah let me let me do this excuse me okay so sean you are now a uh a moderator for the stream so you can post a link to that video you just did if you would like right now we're starting to get into the nitty-gritty of this stuff and that is going to be scraping all of this corrosion off these traces and finding out which ones still go where they are meant to go now we know that there are broken traces here because when i connected it up it didn't work now we have to just do mass scraping to find out what works it might don't work i do this so often but for some reason the scraping is really grating on my nerves today it's just the sound just seems more annoying than usual so if it's the same for you i apologize i apologize today if you won reservedly on mobile how dare you sean how dare you watch my live stream stream on mobile okay oh i'm hooked okay here we go there's one of the problems with using sort of latex gloves while you're working on these things you constantly get hooked hooked on things right so this is the trace that i was referring to here that goes oh wow okay here's fun here's some fun muffix this is going to be interesting let's move this out of the way let's move this out of the way need some mozart right starts here you see it there runs underneath corroded corroded corroded created created correctly created created created created credit credit credit credit credit all the way along there now this is the one that i said if this one still made continuity i would eat flux on toast and i think my bet's fairly safe we'll just expose a little bit here we will grab the beeping beep beep machine which for those who have not watched my live streams before is what i refer to my digital multimeter as it is a fluke 115 multimeter which costs a silly amount of money but i have never regretted it because it works really really well so we're going to start here so this is going from there all the way to here and what a surprise no continuity um so i have had this before and i gotta tell you what happened i ran a trace underneath the ram so i didn't have to take the ram slots off but i ran a trace under the ram and i just stuck it down with some uv masks to hold it in place and sorry flying insect um and uh while i was cleaning it up i snapped it in half and i had to do it again and i have to tell you on that particular occasion i swore just a little just a little tiniest little swear word i said something like i don't know botheration or or maybe i said uh jiminy crickets all right so i'm going to flip over to the other side i'm going to clean out this little via so this is a va here it goes through to the other side of the board and it is filled with solder and i want the solder gone but if i put a soldering iron there i'm going to melt the goodness gracious out of those um um what do you call these things ram things things ram holders so i am going to suck the solder out of it from the other side and i think it is this one here and i think it's even corroded on this side it is it is corroded on this side so this is going to be a fun one having done this before i know what needs doing but it's still not going to make it any less enjoyable yes i know dana has said there bruce doesn't swear see dana knows me quite well with uh you know we've had lots of uh skype chats and we just sit there and chat and chat and chat he knows that he knows that i never swear come on solder there we go so i saturated the wick with solder there because the truth is solder likes to hang out with solder so add a little bit more and the solder says hey i want to be part of that fun but i think i can just poke through the top of that the reason why it hasn't got sucked up is because it's all crusty and when it's crusty like that it's it doesn't go molten and so that's not gonna work because my gloves are getting sticky um okay quick answer the question fizz bin hello by the way i don't think i said hello to you today um is there a problem with cleaning analog boards power supplies in an ultrasonic cleaner short answer is no long answer is sometimes um if you're dealing with say for example a macintosh classic glass something like that you will have a speaker on it and you've got to take that speaker off before you put an ultrasonic cleaner because speakers do not like being submerged in water so that's number one um you know if you're dealing with like something like a speaker which absolutely cannot get wet you've got to take that off another is that power supplies will sometimes have things like either you know wound transformers or they might have things like solenoids which are encased you know they might have a solenoid or a relay or something which is encased in a little plastic container and sometimes water will get into those cases nice and easily but get dried out a lot harder so what i would say is that you need to kind of be aware of what's going on the board what's there as to whether you might need to approach it differently so for example i think it's the macintosh 2si has a little solenoid on the power supply what i do is i take the top of that solenoid off the cap the outside cap so it gets submerged it gets ultrasonically cleaned i put it in an isopropyl alcohol bath and i put it in the oven when it's going in the oven it's it's exposed it doesn't have any trapped water in there so you might want to with a power supply let it dry for a bit longer you know there's nothing wrong with letting it dry for a few hours before you use it and say when i i do it in a little oven here it's a little toaster oven very specifically made for this purpose it i have it set on probably about 70 degrees celsius something like that 60 to 70 degrees um to dry probably closer to 60 because sometimes at 70 some plastics can go a bit funky um and uh and then you know i just run that and let it let it dry for like an hour typically um so yeah so essentially yes you can do power supply as an ultrasonic cleaner sometimes you have to um i have had some classics macintosh classic analog boards who of course have terrible leakage from the uh from the the radial caps they just leak all over the place to make a right mess so i have to get my drill out screw out the rivets of the speaker take the speaker off ultrasonically clean them dry them then put the speaker back on with a couple of pop rivets so okay right so now we're going to move on to this thing here we're going to work out how we're going to fix this so we're running along there running i'm just going to make sure i'm following this right yeah cool so once we get to the outside here i can start attaching it to the copper i know copper and we're going to clean this up as best we can i mean look at this look how spotty it is spotty a nice big solar ball there let's take him off should we take him off nope off there we go um just these boards are spiky it doesn't matter about exposing the the copper on these the ones that aren't actually corroded i'm going to put solder on top of them so effectively tin them that's going to protect them to make sure they don't get corroded or of course if i don't use solder on them i can always use a bit of uv mask over top of them afterwards but this stage we're just assessing this situation setting and the thing is that you can have things that look absolutely horrendous and then you scrape them and you see all this nice clean copper and you think what wasn't that bad after all good to expose it though good to get all that black stuff off then coat it with some solar tin it protect it make it last longer because we don't want to just fix this we want to try and future proof it a little you know we want to make sure we can get a few more years out of this oh i'm going to smash that like button from dana thank you smash that like button or anyone who may not know the reference to the smash that like button was i think actually dana who who first said it and dana does stuff we were talking about the idea of you know some of the uh youtube content creators where you go onto their uh videos and they're going hey what's up guys uh and that sort of thing and uh and the concept of them saying here you know thanks for watching don't forget to smash that like button and then for whatever reason it then turned into smash that like button that was the bit i added to it that sort of started off with my i think probably with my christian bale uh batman hey there i'm batman for anyone who's watched those christian male batman movies that's kind of how he talks when he's batman i found a little bit comical when i used to when i watched some of those movies i was like wow christian bell talking really funny oh this is the boring stuff of course still trying to fix the flopping thing ah now flopping flopping ah yeah i'm just trying to remember flopping i mean it's flopping is usually power related isn't it i assume you've checked the voltage um from the floppy connector for anyone who might be wanting to test the voltage on those compact max that have a floppy connector you can test the 5 volt and 12 volt output just from the exterior of the machine without having to open them up by using a pin 6 and 8 or something i can't remember exactly of the floppy connector you just connect the negative to you know just some of the shielding on the outside of the board you connect you poke the positive get a paper clip or something poke it in pin six i think of the floppy connector and wire that up to your uh and connect it up to your multimeter and see what you get and if you're not getting five volts and you're not getting 12 volts you've got a problem if it's only a little bit out you can adjust it because there is actually a little potentiometer on the board that allows you to do minor adjustments to voltage oh excuse me oh come on i've already worn a batman mask in one of my live streams i did it in my um soldering techniques live stream for monday probably a year ago or something like that i do have a batman mask that i can wear i will wear one if you ask i've got 15 000 fans now i have to appease them i have to do what they tell me to do oh voice changer in his suit i like that tractor assembled tomorrow add gas and hope it doesn't explode it actually works awesome i would love you to start it up now but i do appreciate it's probably a little bit late for something where you are because although here it is it's sunday it's mowing time i know there it's saturday night quite late uh bruce's last name is rain close to wayne one letter difference i do get a lot of comments about that i was there's a there's a musician out here a guy called james rayne his name's spelt different to mine it's r e y n e and um and a lot of the time you know sort of like people like oh you're in relation to james rayne and it's like well it's spelt differently so probably not um but and then they sort of say to me oh but you get that all the time and it's like well i do get it sometimes but i don't get anywhere near as much as i get the batman i get the old batman all the time i've probably told this story on a live stream before but i actually purchased a uh uh i purchased a dvd or a blu-ray or something from a from a company and when it arrived i opened up the packaging and found a little photocopied image of the bat logo being projected up onto the clouds um and i thought to myself aha someone noticed right i'm dousing this in flux now and we're going to get some solder and we're going to try and clean these traces up and once again try and get an idea of which ones are really really bad because they will end up with the gaps on them so just getting my solder here and just giving this all a gentle rub all of these traces i've exposed we're doing two things here we are tinning them we are also cleaning them a bit as well i want to try and make them a little bit nicer and then we'll go over this with my solder wick my solder john wick i saw a little bit of john wick three the other day not all of it just a little bit of it and it looked really stupid um i i i loved john wick one i kind of liked john wick too but it had definitely lost the charm of the first one and uh and then yeah and the third one seemed like it was getting positively silly one of the things you need to be very careful with with solder wick if you're using it is getting it stuck on the board so that sold it on there if i gave that a yank i would just tear that pad off so really important that if at any time you get any feel any resistance from the solder wick don't yank it go back just leave don't pull on it at all go back with the soldering iron melt it make sure that she's not soldered to the board anymore and then lift it away and other important tips from breakers creations anyone's ever wondering what the story behind brancas is that's uh one of my most intelligent moments it's a business name that i came up with a number of reasons why i chose it but i i just love the fact that i chose the name that only people who study greek mythology know how to pronounce um i just i just wasn't using my head that day that was definitely one of my stupider moments where i went oh man look at this one look at this one okay and oh look at the dot com's available and the comma you available oh let's go with this one and then you know all of a sudden um is that branches is that branches creations uh bronchus uh-huh okay bruce's finest hour hello friends okay oh there's a little chat right here oh steve hello welcome to the live stream and michael kirschner hello from vienna hello from sydney said to me uh we should wear a leather mask but no probably not probably not um all right okay here we go uh okay yes sorry i'm just reading some of this silly chat i'm not mentioning all of it because some of it is very unrelated to what i'm actually doing but it's still making me chuckle um yes i do need more units of flux on what i'm doing at the moment okay and broncos creations yeah i can understand why you would think that because i do slur because i'm an australian g'day how you going all right yeah good thanks i've i just i've always loved the australian greeting where we say how's it going all right i just love the fact that we provide the answer as well as the question it's essentially saying when i say how's it going i do not want a complicated answer i'm turning it into a yes no how's it going all right then you can say yes no so in other words what we're saying is we're asking it as a pleasantry we don't actually want to know if you're all right well we actually don't want to know how you are we want to move on okay so now i've exposed so much of a lot of this uh uh a lot of this ugly trace it's still actually quite attacked in a lot of places so what i might do just grab my bpd beat machine and see what the continuity is like on here's going to clean it up a little bit because it's covered in gunk my gloves are starting to get a little on the sticky side so i might swap them over i use latex gloves mainly because i have a lot of trouble finding nitrile gloves i don't have a latex allergy a lot of people have to use nitrile because they have a latex allergy but i don't so i can use latex no problem um the nitrile gloves are definitely stronger but they're not as stretchy and a lot of the nitrile gloves that all of the nitrile gloves i buy i haven't been able to find any that are powdered on the inside and i've got great big fat hands so when i buy them i have a lot of trouble getting my hands in them unless they're powdered whereas these latex ones are lightly powdered so i can get them on nice and easily with my fat hands hands no yeah yeah no no no yeah so dana's dana's getting very familiar with uh some of the australian speak which is the uh the that yeah yeah um yeah how's it going it's funny isn't it because that's very australian thing to say i know as opposed to how you know how is it going or how are you doing but um how is it going yeah that's very very common here how's it going how's it going yeah look if you get sorry just answering here to mac machine 95 the battery damage is bad enough i i generally just recommend people don't even try this one here has uh you know is has enough kind of intact that it's it's you know i don't think is i think it is very salvageable um but i've had some you know battery damaged ones come to me where it's just like no there's just no chance here i could sit here because the thing is like i'm not going to just repair things for free you know what i mean um i have to recover the cost of the hours that i spend repairing things and if i spend if i look at a damaged computer and i i count up there's a break there it's not getting through you can't hear it sorry the beeps a long way away the fluke doesn't beat very loud but i think there's a break there too so i'm going to run a trace i think once we get past here we're pretty good so i'm going to run a trace repair from probably around about here it's going to go all the way along here all the way along there and then it's going to go underneath this ram like that so it probably makes more sense that i start it from this end so i'll put the wire down there and this is the trickiest part is actually getting the wire underneath those ram slots that's the part that is the most annoying the most annoying the wiring i'm going to use is 34 awg american wire gauge it's a size where it's nice and thin but it's still reasonably robust get a nice long piece here because we're actually running traveling quite a long way um now i guess i'd probably try and fit through this way how's it going all right how's it going how you going we say both okay incidentally um uh mac machine 95 in terms of the corrosion in the case if it's all that you know rf shielding around the inside just throw it away um you know i i hate ro shielding i'd rather not have irish shielding at all so let's see if i can do this oh my god i've got a reasonable way there before i hit something there we go keep going keep going keep going i might have to start running tweezers now how far did we get we're getting close this guy this must be tedious to watch i know if i was watching someone else do this it would just be so tedious yeah that wasn't too bad was it right so we're under the ram slots so i'm essentially just bypassing that this heavily corroded area here rather than actually cleaning it up i'm going to clean it up obviously in the ultrasonic cleaner most of it's going to get washed away by the ultrasonic cleaner and we'll just leave our wire behind so and then i will stick the wire down once we've done all this so i need to now poke this wire through the hole i bent the end what a klutz what a klutz struggling here i'm at a really bad angle that's my problem there we go that was a better angle because i have things you know i've got the microscope in front i've got the fume extractor you know you've got all these things floating around it makes it quite hard to to get things at the angle you want so oh come on i can't see you where are you there you are all right right so uh extremely disappointed you're not removing all the slots to clean and run that wire well you know what jay in this instance i'm just gonna have to live with your disappointment because i am not removing those slots not on your bloody life under any circumstances so as long as that's clear uh all right i'm gonna anchor it in on this side and we are going to need to run it up here a little bit because this uh this trace here isn't too crash one either so we're just going to clean this up why does only that one single trace rot under the sauce but none of the others do well this is what i was sort of mentioning before i think possibly before you were on um my so okay so one thing to understand about you know corrosion is that having a current running through something can actually increase corrosion um there's scientific reasons for it and i've read about them and stuff like that but i can't remember any of that stuff because i've got it got a head like a sieve but um you know it's you can actually you can accelerate corrosion by running a current through something now i think that particular trace has current running through it from the batteries so no current running so would you know that all have current running through them when the computer's on but when the computer's off there are a handful of tracers that have current running through them from the batteries from the battery backup process and i think that accelerates the corrosion process that is my theory i am not a chemist i am not a chemist i don't understand you know i'm not i i don't have huge understandings of of chemistry and things like that other than fairly basic stuff but i think that is what is going on because as i did actually mention at the beginning of the live stream i have done this before with exactly the same trace damage so come on man it's not just co-winking so there we go there's our first trace stuck down we've taken this long to actually i call this one repairing traces on a mac 2 and i've just started my first trace repair sorry everyone right so we are now connected up to there and then i'm going to bring this across and i'm going to bring it across reasonably tightly i don't want this wire to be kind of floating around too much oh man focus that's better see how much better it is when it's focused so i'm going to push this up here i wonder if i can just get a little bit of solder on it there to hold it up there can i get it through without melting things no let's try a different tip what's my favorite tip what i always talk about how much i love conical tips yes let's get into a bit of conical action okay where is it there it is okay swapping tips here swapping them while they're hot because this is a t12 soldering iron uses t12 tips hakko fx 951 one of the great advantages with these is you can swap the tips while they're hot because only the end of them gets hot so you can hold them at the part that doesn't get hot very very handy by just checking checking checking not conical yes chronicle and this is why i'm using it it's a bent conical so it does have a bit of flatness on the end there but i can fit that through there hopefully without melting anything i am going to enlist the assistance of some flux there we go that's the flux and we'll get some sutter on the end of my iron and we'll just see if we can oh jeez come on let's get this without oh man my hand is so freaking steady but under the microscope it always looks like i'm shaking like a drunkard there we go i think that's good enough i think that will hold it pretty much just a little bit higher so that it it's kind of a bit more on track with where the original the original is the original trace is so let's run that across there so it is we're going to have to join it up i'm going to join it up there so it's the middle one out of these two the ones that have been tinned exposed and tinned it's the middle one it's this one here so i'm gonna put that there so we're gonna just get an anchor here and then that will make life a lot easier for us so let's get rid of this stupid conical tip um sorry if i scared anyone with that at best it did its job but now it's gone because i don't like it just can't get enough heat where i want generally it's all about the heat all right need some tweezers want them to be good tweezers that meet well in the middle and aren't covered in that yellow gunk from removing the caps what about these do these meet in the middle yeah they seem pretty good all right i am coming at this at the whole wrong angle should i i flip the border and i flip the board around no i won't i will flip the ball around but not yet um um um um um if i do that don't quite when i'm concentrating don't i right now might look like an absolute dog's breakfast but once i get some flux on there and clean it up it should be fine oh no don't do that you twerp easy tiger i'm making it look like i've never done this before so sorry about that ah peter welcome yes i caught a tiny bit of your uh i arrived at your uh little uh live video last night as well peter i arrived just in time for it to say the video is finished so let's continue along here i i i i've for people who have watched me repairing traces before one of the things that i do um with no real logic behind it is i like to put these on and follow the trace that was under it rather than just running it over the top just from point a to point b i do all these little curves and stuff and you might just say well why and i don't know i just like the look of it i bend these up make sure they follow the original contour of the uh of the trace often use two tweezers when i'm doing this so i can get nice little sharp bends like that thing is that when i do these sorts of trace repairs like this where i follow the contour you can often look at these afterwards and not even realize that there's a trace repair being done that is a victory my friends all right now this just goes straight for a bit so i what i'll do this now is i will solder it down at the next curve and then i'll go back and solder a bit to a solder a few just a few little notches along the way just kind of like little tacks it is now the third one down oh no it isn't it's the third one down and then it's the second one down okay i'll stick down you silly thing right on that curve there's actually a break in the trace so there's nothing to solder onto and i might need a little bit more solder on the end of my hand as well because i think i'm soldering with virtually no solar i'm good at making excuses aren't i that's a better stop it there we go let's see i'm a little bit out of camera sorry folks a little long come on come on thank you more flex needless to say i'm not really seeing the chat at the moment i will look in a moment but while i'm doing this i'm not really afforded much of an opportunity to look at what people are saying but they will look afterwards and keep those chats coming and just remember if you're ever wanting to ask me a question if you ask it and i don't answer i'm not ignoring you i do miss things on the chat um and so i need to if you put the at brankus at the beginning it will highlight as bright orange or something on my screen here sort of whatever color it is sort of pinky color um and of course if you do a super chat you'll really get my attention you might even get a thank you so this is enameled wire the wire actually has a coating on it a plastic coating so that if i do run a wire across the board it's not going to cause an accidental short but because it is such a thin coating it comes off very very easily just with a little bit of heat and so um i can do this make it look so easy whoa thank you all right let's get a little bit of flux there and a little bit more solder and we'll stick this down and this will be the end of this particular trace repair it might be the last that's the end of this particular one i'll just do a bit of back back back back thank you all right oh oh two five one way too far they are there we go elbow um okay let's get some little joins across here just some little tacks gonna need some flux so the one thing i absolutely do not want to happen now is for this trace or this wire to get broken where it travels underneath the ram because that would be bad so i just need to be super careful and gentle oh look what i did look what you made me do it's a terrible thing to say isn't it look what you made me do okay i'm not gonna solder this all the way but i am gonna do a few tacks along the way just so that it's a little bit more robust all right let's get some bucks on there let's clean that up a bit okay i think we're pretty good i'm just going to snip it snip the end of this and just tidy it up a bit it's another thing that i regularly get comments from people about they say you shouldn't snip the end of the wire with it with a blade like that and i say okay don't get don't care don't care there we go all right so there is one great big long snakey trace repair let's see 30 board along with you oh good on you joe that's what i like to hear had no sound recap and clear and boom sound works that'll that's what we always want that is the uh the wonderfully victorious thing when you're doing those uh you know those recap jobs where something doesn't work you do the recap and bang it works so let's uh continue along here um over here i'm not sure if there any i mean we've got a break here on this wire here but i'm not concerned about this one just yet this should not stop it from actually working this will stop it from powering up from the keyboard but it shouldn't stop it from working at all so um i [Music] let's have a look here let's just clean these ones up a bit so once again i see corrosion here but i don't think the traces are actually shot about this one gotta do this one too but that one's remarkably good i've seen way worse of that one get off you adhesive you it's good 128 megs ram and mac os 8 mac is os 8 on an se30 my goodness that must crawl so do tell me here mac machine 95 what motivated you to put os 8 on it rather than perhaps a more suitable operating system in terms of matching the speed of the cpu such as say a 7.1 what was it about system 8 that you wanted to be running to have that running on your on your se30 i assume you had a particular thing you wanted to do with it in mind and i'd just be curious to know what that thing was excuse me my tummy is rumbling so it's time for food oops what have i done just click something i shouldn't more flux more flux more flux more flux flux and capacitors flux capacitors hey that's from the movie oh man okay sorry for the silence here folks just concentrating i'm just trying to continue cleaning up these as best as i can they're not really old golden triangles yes i um uh i i generally so this is this is just me it is my purposes it doesn't suit everyone else but for me when i'm dealing with a 68k mac uh let's say 66800 or 68020 [Music] the highest i would ever go is system 7.0.1 get a lot of new features with system seven so it's even if it's 701 you there's a lot more i mean you don't have to use the bloody font da mover you know you can just drop fonts into the system a lot of improvements there so 701 generally or six if i'm using like a mac plus system 608 all day long i'm not even going to bother really putting seven on that uh on an se30 i would typically run system 7.1 um on a on the aldo4os like uh you know i don't know quad 700 lc475 uh quadro 950 whatever those sort i would probably run 7.5.3 on those um once again these are not necessarily like oh this is what you should do they're just what i do and they're sort of i just find in in the instances that i've just given you they are the breast best functionality performance balance sort of uh situation um oh wow what jay it's isn't it saturday night there and you're going to bed what on earth is going on all right well what i think i'm going to do at this stage um i'm probably a good night by the way thanks for joining uh i've got this little guy over here to fix which is very very common uh that's almost definitely broken um they are almost always broken between there and there i'll just check with the beat machine they may not be but they usually are okay you can't hear it's very quiet oh wow still got continuity all i have to do is clean them up don't need to run new traces happy days happy days oh and jay if you're still there when you try out the uh trailer tomorrow if it doesn't work can you please send us a video of the tears tractor mower mower tractor um so peter i do sometimes use the wick to remove the mask but i will usually remove the mask with the scalpel um the wick i find it tends to just work as like a very gentle abrasive and helps to just remove any additional crud that might be on these uh on these traces and just leave me with a nice neat uh you know sort of tinned trace there with ones like this where the mask is is so thin i could definitely scrape off the um the mask with wick but i do pretend to prefer to do it with um with the scalpel take the mask off and then just use the wick i generally take the mask off then i put a whole big blob of solder over it and then i go back over it with the wick to remove the excess solder and just leave me with nice neat tin you know pads or traces so i am actually going to do something a little bit crazy here because you know that's just me that's that's what they call me crazy brancus just making that up they of course don't call me that um i am going to put the caps on and just try it out then i'll probably finish up the stream after that i have been going for quite a while i am getting a little on the hungry side uh we may have to come back to it another at another day because one with this level of damage isn't necessarily just going to be a one sitting job but uh we will put the caps on we'll test it out and just see if we get any more than we did before and for those that weren't there at the very beginning i basically connected power up to it and i got nothing for again for people who weren't here watching at the time these computers require batteries to switch on under normal circumstances however i have got a power supply that i use which bypasses the need for the batteries so i'm not really too concerned about whether i put batteries on it yet this is really just going to be about seeing if i can get a chime out of it we will see we will see okay um i need to put a little bit of uv mask on this before i put new caps on it that's why i'm cleaning it up um i want to just get all of the gunge and gunk off so that the uv mask will adhere to the board nice and new get some nice strong adhesion so there's using uh using a bit of um isopropyl alcohol there 99.997 or something vice pro black hole i don't know how they come to that figure but it's a figure that they quote um and i'm just going to paint over this before i put the caps on because i would like these things to be painted over before i put the caps on rather than after doing a terrible job of painting today my inner artiste must still be asleep so yes we've been hearing reports of uh some of the beige g3s requiring recapping which of course is a little bit disturbing um we know electrolytic caps have a limited lifespan but you know we've all been focused on these 68k max really we don't want to be having to deal with i don't know the uh the power pc ones having problems as well but it looks that way i have recapped oh geez i've already kept the g3 before so i do have i've got a desktop g3 and a beige one i may have just recapped the desktop one just for the fun of it because that's what i do i recap things if i run out of things to recap i have to find something certainly not running out of things to recap these days okay so i'm plugging in my uv laser and i am going to dry off this uv mask with my uv laser so i'm just hitting it with a nice little concentrated burst of uv light here can of course dry it under sunlight or you can use other uv lamps um good night moth okay um let's find the uh the guy responsible for these crappy caps and take turns publicly flocking flogging him with a spiked leather strap um it's um yeah it is a bit of a pain but you know the the thing we just have to keep reminding ourselves is that you know at the time that these things were made no one would think that anyone would want to be collecting these things you know computers have always been on this kind of exponential growth of you know greater speed smaller size greater capacity um you know sort of greater functionality they've just always been heading that way and so if you were involved in making computers at the time you would just be like why would anyone want to hang on to something older and slower when they can get something newer and faster what possible rationale could you have for that now of course for me you know growing up with these things i love sitting in front of these old operating systems i get a warm fuzzy feeling when i sit in front of like system 7 or system 6 and i look at the windows and stuff like that i mean it's just i don't know it's just it's just a lovely feeling of nostalgia that i get when i'm working with them or if you're playing an old game you know i used to love playing games i'm on i i used to have a power tower pro power pc power tower pro and i uh when i got it when i got that computer i'd like i'd literally just taken it home or something and i was like oh i need to get a game to play on this i think it was that computer and i went to a store that was essentially a pc they had pc games virtually no nomad games but i did actually find a mac version in there of a game called uh zork nemesis now obviously everyone knows the zork games that have been around for a really long time but this was zork nemesis it was sort of a 3d uh immersive mist style game where you go around solving puzzles and stuff like that and i loved it i still love that game i could sit down and just play that any time and in actual fact just the other day uh a ebay auction came up for two of the books for that that i've never had mine basically came with a little teeny weeny little booklet and the cds inside nothing else this one was like a full guide book um and i just saw it come up on ebay and he was a bit expensive so i made offer and he accepted it's like bang so that's coming next week so i'm really looking forward to that that's for me that's going to be great little bit of nostalgia um how long per side do you clean your boards in the ultrasonic cleaner that's a very good question i clean them it does depend on the state of the board this one here that has all of this horrible corrosion this one will probably spend 20 minutes on the bad side and maybe 15 on the good side maybe maybe even 25 to 30 minutes even possibly possibly maybe um the if it's something that's nowhere near as bad a more modern board you know like a classic that may not have that really crusty sort of corrosion that one probably about 15 to anywhere between sort of like 7 and 15 minutes i suppose probably per side if i'm working on a modern board like a you know a macbook pro or something like that you know or something here something like this um probably only like five to seven minutes aside something like that when i'm building things for instance i build scuzzy to sds here when i'm building those um they are i'm just getting flux off them i'm not trying to clean corrosion or anything off them just flux for those there just five minutes aside so yeah it does vary based on the level of gunge on the board so this one here this one's going to spend some quality time in there i can tell you that all right let's start getting some caps back on the board shall we going to need a recapping guide because i don't memorize all these i memorized some of them but not all of them and this one in particular has quite a lot of caps on there so i'm going to have to uh i'm going to have to refer to my guide or whichever one works for you that's where you'll find my website that has a whole series of recapping guides including a guide for this particular computer which is the mac 2 revision b and i am now just in the process of finding that in my notes here that's a 2vi apple's most awesome computer uh oh we're going oh powermak37 7300 did that once tell you what if anyone sends me a 7300 recap i'm gonna have to charge twice as much because there are so many caps on that thing and they're on both sides of the board as well uh i'm i'm struggling here where is it lc475 lc2 classic classic i'm missing a page here oh two fx portable two ci se30 oh here we go mac2 power supply pins back to revision b god oh he took me it was like the last one i looked at uh does the size of the board have any bearing on how long you clean it no it doesn't um and that's because um the ultrasonic cleaners are designed based on the amount of ultrasonic cleaning for the volume of water in there so it doesn't matter how much stuff you put in there it's how much water is in there so this one here that i've got uses eight transducers and it's specifically designed for the amount of water that goes in this tank and my smaller one over there has four transducers again specifically designed for a certain amount of power output based on the amount of water in there so it's not how much stuff you put in there it's how much water is in it how much liquid is in it and so this will clean efficiently all over the board based on the amount of um sort of transducer power in the in the ultrasonic cleaner um like the old games me too i'll tell you the one the other game that i can just sit down and play any time and that's civilization one now i know civilization two was a little bit better and it had things like diplomats and stuff like that but i love the old civilization one on the mac i love playing it i love it um all right so we are have i'm not gonna as i mentioned here before i'm not gonna be doing these um uh what do you call them these axials just yet apart from that one little actual just up here i'm going to do that one first that was a 10 microfarad 16 volt so let's grab a 10 microfarad 16 volt that's why i need to keep a few of these larger ones because i can't put the little ones on this so 10 my prepared 16 bolts goes around the way there that way it's the one on the left so it's this guy here this guy here on the left 10 micro farad 16 volts so the original one that was in it was a an axial capacitor i'm replacing with a tantalum i could actually replace it with an axial because i had them um i do actually have 10 microfarad 16 volt axial electrolytic capacitors but i am going to stick this guy on it as you can see it's significantly smaller than the cap that was on there i've never played sieve one i'll have to uh pick a machine for it yeah look it's the this is the the amazing thing about civilization it from version one it was there you know the the okay they improved it they you know they might have added stuff to it but essentially the awesome gameplay was there from version one um now i don't know if anyone has ever played uh civilization one on a wind or dos machine uh it the gameplay was there but the graphics were really really blocky whereas civilization one when it by the time it got released on the mac the graphics were way better than they were on windows you know real much more refined you know higher resolution much better representation of things so when you're actually playing civilization one playing it on the mac as far as i'm concerned is the best experience don't know what it was like on the amiga i've never played it but certainly the mac the graphics absolutely smashed the graphics on the dos version so yeah playing save one on the mac best way to play it and that's the truth so we have a grand total of 13 47 microfarad capacitors so let's not lose count where am i gonna put these caps so they don't get stolen by the fairies there we go let's put them there i grabbed four okay i grabbed four so if there's any less than four at the end we know that they've been stolen by the capacitor fairies four seven six sixteen you can see that they're on the top of the cap it's a camet capacitor i am using capacitors i used to use that was avx or something they were which were made in i think the czech republic these are made in mexico i think from memory these avx ones um they are a good a very uh reputable brand of capacitor the old chemit um and that is one of the reasons why i use them the reason why i changed brands was very very simple i started having trouble getting the other ones then once i changed over to chemet the one thing i really like about them is they have the voltage written on them as well the avx ones that i used before they had the capacitance on them but they didn't have a code for the voltage on them that i find that annoying these ones do have a voltage code on them sim three ah uh i love the aussie way of saying numbers with teen in them fourteen fourteen oh you made it out thirteen fourteen fifteen yeah well it's actually there are oftentimes when the way i pronounce numbers is confused i did a macintosh plus video one of my very first kind of youtube videos released upon the world you might say and it was um it was me just doing a tear down of a mac plus and not a lot of substance in it but it was you know it was it was a a bit of adventure for me um and in that i said um this is from this computer from or 1986 sorry so this is this computer is made in 1986. and i had all these people saying you got the date wrong you got the date wrong it's not it's not 1996 it's you know it's 1986 and it's like because i say 1986 not 1986 you know it's like but just the way i slurred in australia um and it's like i was saying 1984 but it sounded to you like i was saying 94. i used to have i don't know where they all went but i used to have so many mac pluses a long time ago like in the early 90s um i i don't know where i got them from they were probably stupidly cheap people were probably giving them away i don't know but i had back pluses all over the place and in my house i had them all networked together with local talk or phone net whenever i was using i can't remember what i was using one or the other i had one right next to the telephone uh because this obviously predates um you know sort of mobiles and cell phones and stuff and so i had a mac plus set up on the on the table where the phone was and where the speaker was i'd actually drilled little holes so the sound came out a lot better and then i used some software that was a phone directory tool so i use that for storing the phone numbers but what was really cool about that software is you could press a button and it would emit the touch tone tones of that number so if i wanted to ring someone up i could just pick up the phone because this was a old rotary dial phone it wasn't a push button one i could pick up the phone go to the software say i want to dial that number press it and it would go boop you know what i'll just hold it hold the phone next to the speaker and it would dial the number so that was a nice little bit of fun from from back then way too much spare time on my hands back then uh okay let's keep moving and keep [Music] capping kept yeah there has been a lot of discussion about that on the uh the forums i know there are a lot of people basically saying you know should definitely go up a a voltage um you know sort of a voltage rating uh when you're replacing those electrolytics with these tantalums i have to pretty much just go i mean first of all there's an assumption that the original caps on there were not already more than they needed to be so that's kind of one thing you know they're you know you're making the assumption that that the um you know the original cap that was on there was being used at its peak so there's that kind of assumption um the other is that um i originally started recapping these based on instructions from others so you know it's not like i just suddenly woke up and i was like you know i was the the you know world expert on recapping or something like that i got a lot of my guidance from other people and those people were basically saying yep no these caps are fine you've got no issue with these and so i went okay that's good uh that was when i was really only recapping my own stuff and then of course i continued recapping others now i have under certain circumstances gone in and put more powerful caps on in some places higher voltage rating but on the whole i mean you know i mean i just have to really go on the fact that um these computers are all still working so um but i know it is a it is a contentious issue on a lot of those forums it's like that whole thing about the lc apparently having a lc-2 or lc3 one of them apparently having a cap on around the wrong way that's well that's one that just poor man don't jump onto one of those forum topics wow how dirty is that let's see and of course you know another thing that i i should mention is that all of these sort of recaps i do for most of them most of the computers that i recap i have one myself with very few exceptions so it's not like i'm just you know sort of recapping them and never see them again i mean i'm i've got i've got mac 2 i've got two cx2ci2vi 660 av quad 700 quadra 950 um lc 2 lc475 lc575 lc 580 um classic classic two another classic two another classic uh i said sc30 did i say a c30 sc um mac plus 512ke uh you know i got a lot of mags i've done a lot of recapping on them so you know i'm i put it this way i'm monitoring their progress um okay so i think i it is time for me to flip the board over because i think most of the other caps are on down the bottom end so flippity flip it's faster to say what you don't have probably probably would be i've got a 610 with 6100 72 i've got a couple of 7200s g3 desktop g3 tower g3 beige tower g63 beige desktop um g4 uh g4 what are they well god i can always forget the code names from them um titanium or gray whatever g4 i've got a bunch of laptops um i've got you know sev we've got a lombard a felon and a wall street and yeah i got lots of ibooks i love the little 12 inch ones you know little 12-inch i think it's their eye books weren't they the g4 ones 12-inch ones the aluminium aluminum where the the keyboard is the same width as the actual laptop they are just the cutest little computer then i love them how many mac twos do i have dana last count it was three how many mac 2s do you have dana watch dana get triggered triggered mind you dana does have one thing that i do not have it actually has a few but one of them which is one that i would really like is he's got a mac 2fx and i do not i'd love to have a 2fx it'd be a real good addition to my collection i'm making meals i'm getting a mouthful of fumes here my fume extractor's not quite in the right spot because of where i am on the board whenever i have caps like this where you might have so two or three in a row i i need to take extra special care to make sure they're all straight because it really makes them stand out if one is crooked or not in the same spacing as the other one i've recapped the future fx's but i don't have one i mean you know look really i mean when you look at the mac 2 in terms of its performance and all that sort of stuff i mean you can kind of argue the point why would you want to grab one but as i said right at the beginning of the live stream for me they have a fairly historical significance given that they were the first modular map first color mac um first mac with new bus slots when i was first smack with eight ram slots first mac with a floating point unit first mac that wasn't a six eight 000 i think there might still be some of that adhesive under this cap because he's standing up a little bit on the board all right so there's those three on let's continue moving along so oh there's one up here that i need to stick down stick down we also call that solder so it's stick down that's my special fancy uh uh terminology that i use here i'm gonna stick that guy down guy's gonna be disappointing if this thing doesn't start and just just so everyone knows i i i give it about a i give it about a 35 chance of working after this work i give it probably then after ultrasonic cleaning probably even less because it's probably going to expose a lot of demonstrations um but we'll see we'll see i do think it's all repairable but i just might need to spend more time on it that's off but i've just got uh i've got only a limited amount of time to do these live streams each weekend and i am getting towards that limit now usually has to do with me needing to eat i put a drink down didn't i hey look time for refreshment oh man god i wish i'd remembered that earlier yeah oh energy these are two ci works oh dear i think if you were to actually get hold of a 2ci that just worked these days you would have to consider yourself incredibly lucky same with like a 2si if you have a 2si that just works they're just getting too old you know you if you had a mac 2 that just worked um which you could well have it would have to be the revision a that has the axial capacitors and it would need to have had its battery snipped away a long time ago and i got one like that i'd quite i quite literally have up in the house a mac 2 that works beautifully and has never been recapped someone had the foresight to remove the battery from it i don't know how long ago you know years ago i'm guessing so there's no corrosion not a single piece of corrosion on a single trace on any of the boards no leakage on any of the capacitors and it just works without anything being done to it and that is pretty impressive for a computer of that age too but the same could be said with things like i mean it would not be at all surprising to just switch on and have a mac se working as well without any any additional work okay got a cap here ah kate thank you very much for joining um we are working on a macintosh ii uh here that is has suffered from quite a lot of corrosion to the traces because of um uh well probably you know from battery leakage primarily um and just trying to see whether i can do within the short time span of this live stream enough repair work to maybe get it to chime uh may not get it to chime today but we will see um and [Music] it would be very rewarding if it did but i'd probably need to go over it again and look for more trace damage and do some more repairs but you never know we might get lucky so if you're someone who is bored out of your brains by watching me solder but enjoy watching me test things you've arrived at the right time because we're getting very very close to the soldering bit at the end of the soldering bit and very close to the testing bit uh decaf coffee with some rum oh that sounds pretty good to me a shout out for people who are not aware of the macintosh librarian please do go and check out her channel she has some really fun content there um and i tell you what it's slick too i must say makes my stuff look like amateur hour but never mind that's another story um and of course the macintosh librarians mascot mackie that's the only place you can go to see mackie so if you want to check out mackie go to the macintosh librarians channel all right let's just look here is morgan hello i don't think i said hello to you today mackie is watching too that's awesome i'm pleased to hear it i hope mackie doesn't mind i make he doesn't find it too disturbing seeing me do surgery on one of his uh uh one of his grandparents um but the hope is that this surgery will mean that the grandparent gets to live another day right so i'm gonna just go and look i think i've got all the caps on but this would not be the first time that i've missed one there are 13 on here so i'm gonna have to count them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve we missed number thirteen look at that look at that look at that [Music] i'm mentioning have been mentioning in a couple of my live streams lately talking about uh uh blue scuzzy which is one of the new uh new players in the scuzzy emulation game i am in the process of getting myself set up to sell them to australians it will be very interesting to see what the scuzzy emulator game looks like in say six months uh people keep asking me is the blue scuzzy going to spell the end of the scuzzy to sd and of course my answer to that is i don't know i think there is still a market for the scuzzy 2sd and may not sell as many now i know a lot of people particular people like me who have so many vintage macs are always looking for cheaper ways of uh of setting themselves up with um you know sort of emulation drives um okay let's just check this so this is the for anyone who might have missed it this is the main trace repair that i've done it's this great big long one snaking all the way along there and then underneath the ram slots and then down to here now the fact that i've really only repaired one single trace on this makes me think that it probably won't work because i think that there's probably going to be there's got to be more than one but we will give it a whirl actually we know there are some damage traces up up the other end but they're ones that only impact on the soft um start and i'm not going to be using the soft boot thing here i'm going to be using a power supply and i'm going to switch it on with um i switch it on forcefully without having to use the keyboard to switch it on so let's just change views to top view there we go and let's get the microscope out of the way because i'm pretty sure we're all recap ed so we've got there's there's 14 surface man electrolytics here in total so we've got one two three four five down here six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15. i think i might have counted one of them more than once so we just won't worry about that we'll just assume that i got it right the first time uh knows the soldering iron is essentially the key to new life uh is the extractor drowning out my ravens or are they not around today not hearing much from the ravens so uh donuts is it has a very keen ear for the birds in the area and we do have ravens here that make uh very interesting noises it's very very commonplace for us but apparently not a common sound common bird sound in other parts of the world so um they kind of sound like a child whinging uh okay so i reckon it's because the dresses will still be used yeah look charles i definitely think when it comes to the external unit and who knows there could be one coming in the future but when it comes to the external unit i definitely think the scuzzy to sd 5.5 is such a well-designed machine or thing with the exception of the way the plastic case juts out to make it really hard to connect them into a macintosh 2ci or a quad 700 that's relatively easily resolved either by getting an l-shaped adapter at the bottom so that it goes upwards or by just getting a little you know those like they call them a gender changer but ultimately it's just like a little extender plug you can just put one of those on the end of it and that allows it to stick out you know an extra few mils so that it plugs in okay but yes the 5.5 is just such a brilliantly made i've got one here in my pocket i think sorry i'm probably here it is in my pocket i'm going to bang the microphone hang on i'll just mute while i do this so that it doesn't make too much noise is that a scuzzy 2sd in your pocket are you just happy to see me okay so there it is there's the scuzzy 2sd version 5.5 and this is one of the most useful things um i you know this is i only have one um but it just gets you so much all right so let's um let's see what happens we're going to get a speaker here's a speaker excuse me mr speaker uh and we're gonna plop that there plug him in hopefully get some noise out of that we'll see um i should really check that i put these along with the right polarity it's just having one blow up on me recently it's made me a little bit cautious these days okay they all look good looking good looking good looking good okay then i get my power supply and i say this is not a genuine apple power supply this is an atx power supply that has been modified by me in order to force the mach 2 to start up even if the startup circuit doesn't work um so i'm going to connect this up now i haven't got a full size one of these plugs so i've got two half size ones that i joined together like this it's really annoying but it's just that's what was available to me at the time uh one day i must get a proper connector for it here we go yeah look at that nice okay so let's connect it up there this is all the positive voltages here that's all the grounds oh you can't see it that's all the positive the that's like your uh 12 and 5 volt there that's your um that's your negative there and that's a thing i can't remember what that is the last one's a thing hey how about i look it up because i've got a little guide for that here that thing that your feet are those that one is minus 12 volts there you go the blue one's minus 12 volts all right now once again as soon as i apply this has no power switch so as soon as i apply power to this we will know one way or another whether it goes well it's not going to chime because i haven't got any ram in it but at least it might complain if it complains that's great all right so getting my power i got to plug this in stand back a little bit because sometimes things blow up that's very promising that there was a little time letting me know that there is a problem with the ram and you know what that problem is there ain't none so i have to find some ram now one thing i can tell you if you're going to use ram on these old ones don't use this sort does not like it doesn't like it at all so i'm not even going to bother sticking this in here you need ram more like this this one that has like eight or nine chips on it if you got that you got a much better chance of it working so this for me is uh a promising enough sign to see if i can find some ram oh yeah cool i've got some got some here i've got four one megabyte sims it's from someone else's computer but i'm gonna use them anyway i only got two here this is from a macintosh classic this is a classic memory expansion board that's your one megabyte there and then another one and another one so the board has one on a board has one megabyte on it on the actual main logic board if you put this card in you expand it to two and then if you put in two extra ones you expand it to four so that's how you expand a macintosh classic from one megabyte to four megabytes of ram okay so this this ram i think i've got a pretty good chance with so i'm going to give this a whirl i'll just have to remember to put it back in there because it's not for this job it's for someone it's for someone else's computer and i don't want to be stealing other people's things that's why i keep very very thorough records of what i have here and what people give me and i take photos of it and make notes about it and all that sort of stuff because um i want people to be able to feel safe even if this stuff is here for a long time because i'm busy i want them to feel safe that they are going to get back exactly what they sent me right got four one megabyte sims in there now let's see what happens if i plug it in that is a happy chime so we are considering that a happy time so now we just go the last stages of testing and we are going to actually see if we can get an image so i'm going to connect up my new bus card this here is an interwear new bus video card provides us with 24 bit color well i think it does more resolutions but there's a little switch on the back and i don't have a manual for it so i don't know what the switches do so maybe one day i'll have to just test them all so let's plonk that there so you can see it i know it's not the best way to be looking at this on this stupid little screen but i don't have a lot of option here at the moment um my what do you call that thing the the scaler my scaler just stay up will you just stay up please just stay up and my scaler uh doesn't really work well with these older display cards it works really well with anything from like 6040 onwards but when i run it on these old 6802os or i run it with these old new bus cards it just does not like the signal coming out of them not one little bit okay let's try this oh oh oh that's that's the display card it's a vimage vimage there look at that we've got a cursor so um last thing we'll do just because it puts a smile on all of our faces i will uh connect up a keyboard i will connect up a scuzzy to sd and we'll see if we can actually get it to boot into an operating system uh may have trouble with the keyboard because we've got some busted traces around there but we'll see there we go so plugged in the keyboard get to see my bald head it's a bonus for everyone um scuzzy to sd connect him at the back now this may not work because of the termination issues related with the internal termination not terminating how many times can i say terminate in a sentence um so there's skully to sd on that i think it's system 7.1 it should theoretically boot into um let's say four minutes of ram so that should be enough for it to run even if it doesn't load all the extensions and we'll just connect him up i've got a mouse so that i should be able to make the cursor move around let's get that out of the way and then we can consider it a very successful day and i can head off and go and eat some lunch so moving the cursor look at that is it amazing the scuzzy twisty just went flicker flicker waiting was that the little flicker was that the little flicker oh that that is a happy mac that is a happy mac well thank you very much joe i do appreciate that and thank you very much to kate whoopsie whoopsie too far there we go all right it's not exactly like looking at a scala but at least we can sort of see what's happening you'll notice that the little uh little mac there is uh is in black and white and that's because it has no batteries has no p ram and when there's no p ram it will default to black and white so we can quickly change that make it in color there we go system 7.1 so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to pop this in the ultrasonic cleaner and that may not work after that because of all the damaged traces that sometimes this is quite literally sometimes the corrosion is what is keeping continuity on some of those older traces and then when you take that corrosion away it just leaves gaping holes in the traces so there is a possibility that after cleaning this one won't work anymore but that's okay i know it can work that's the main thing let's go here to i'm actually looking forward to telling the person who sent this to me that it works because they definitely had a kind of attitude like this there's no you know this thing is not it's not going to be an easy fix and look it wasn't an easy fix but i don't think it was quite as bad as he thought it was going to be here's a little set date control panel this has been mentioned on facebook a fair bit lately so i will just make mention on these vintage macs when you go to set the date and time they only give you two digits two digits to put in for the year and the way they were designed was that anything from uh 19 well anything above 19 so 20 21 22 up to 99 it assumes you're talking about the 20th century so in other words when you put in 20 it thinks you're talking about 1920. so if you're trying to set the date on these vintage macs and you're trying to put in the date as you know 1920 so 2021 it'll think it's 1921. this little plug-in here called set date which you can just grab off macintosh garden this one here gives you the option to use four digits to enter the year because the system itself does actually store the date with four digits it's just the interface that only allows you to type in two so with this you use this to set the date rather than the date and time control panel or the general control panel so you set the date with this and then it works fine so just a very very handy little utility to have around good to know about uh and then let's just go here to monitors and see if we can bring up some glorious colorlessness oops missed color millions millions look at that smooth color yummy and just because we were talking about a little bit earlier i'm going to fire up civilization oh bye steve thank you for thank you for rocking up and sticking around to the end i do appreciate it um where's my civilization i don't remember which disc it's on i think it's on disk three absolutely open up this three this will only take a second and then i'll let everyone go you can all sigh of relief um this is i backed up a hard drive from someone their hard drive was called coprofile don't look up what that word means um okay where are we multi-boot system i know i've got a games folder in there got warcraft as well gotta love the old warcraft uh games civilization tell you a funny story about civilization a friend of mine gave me a book on civilization strategies i was like awesome that's a great gift because i love playing civilization then uh i don't know about a month later he asked if he could borrow it and he never gave it back to me i think he probably should have bought himself a coffee at the same time what do you think okay so i'm not going to launch civilization because i don't have enough memory so we will sign off at this stage and i will say um thank you to everyone for joining yeah why don't i just do this all right all right okey-dokey um all right let's just uh flick over here we can be happy about the fact that we have got to make another mac 2 brought back to life ready to uh to live another whatever it is 40 years or so since then um i want to thank everyone for rocking up thank you for the people who gave me the super chats and the super stickers i do appreciate it thank you very very much um thanks for listen to listening thanks for listening to me ramble and thanks for keeping me company while i worked on this so i hope to see you at the next live stream uh if i didn't say hello to you i promise you i wasn't ignoring you it wasn't personal um thank you for keeping the chat um all active during this time and i do hope to see you at the next one so let me press the end stream button and then awkwardly wait for the are you sure you want to stop and say good night thank you and see you all next time bye now
Channel: Branchus Creations
Views: 2,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nCQm5Y-sxio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 45sec (12345 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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