Repairing the Rapid Traverse Clutch Pack on a Kearny & Trecker 2H Horizontal Mill

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[Music] hello Keith Rucker vintage machinery dot-org guys today we're gonna have to do some work to my okay and t2h horizontal milling machine I've had this machine probably going on 10 years now and it's been a good machine but it's definitely one that has seen a lot of use over the years it's got a lot of wear in it in different places it's probably really a candidate for being rebuilt just haven't had the time to do it yet and but today what I'm dealing with is I've been working on the job and I've got a problem with my my rapid Traverse and my feed mechanism over here on the table something's kind of hanging up and not working right now if you followed my channel for a long time you may remember it's probably been four or five years ago I tore into this machine with an attempt to fix some issues with the rapid Traverse we improved it but I really needed to go back in there and make some other changes it was kind of a trial and error type thing there was some there's a spring-loaded clutch pack in there and I've changed the springs out put in some stronger ones and really needed some even more stronger ones than what was in there and just haven't done it because I've been able to work around it if you've seen me move the table on this sometimes you hear that that clicking noise that's that clutch pack in there slipping and like I said I made an attempt to repair it one time we improved it greatly but still needed to take it a step further and I just haven't done it today we're tearing into it because I've got some issues going on that's really preventing me from using the machine now and it's all in that same area so we're gonna be tearing back into this and seeing what we can do to fix it so thought you guys might like to go along for the ride so let's get at it step one is I need to take the belts off it looks like I need to replace the belts now that motor is a just kind of on a pin that pivots down and it kind of hangs and that's how it puts tension on there so I'm just putting a pry bar up underneath the bottom of that motor and that will allow me to slip these belts off and I think we got them off before I put this machine back in use I'm gonna order me some new belts it's supposed to have three on there there's only two and they're kind of ragged so next step is need to take this mechanism off here this is a clutch this is the the clutch pack that basically powers the spindle on the machine when you move the handle up top let me show you how this works so it moves that bellhousing out and engages it free spins with the motor but when you do this basically it's it moves in some pieces in there now the the whole assembly spins hopefully you can see that you'll see when I get into this a little bit further that there's two powers takeoffs on this thing one okay got that out of there one of them spins all the time and then the other one only spins when you engage the clutch so let's go ahead and move this castle nut this castle nut has got a that pin that we just cut out in it and that's made where you can adjust it it's not necessarily where you want to just tighten it up as tight as you can get it you want to adjust it so that clutch engages in the right spot and then you put that pin in there and it prevents it from coming out any farther next step here is we want to remove this little piece here this has got the bell housing on it when and there's clutch packs behind this that enable you to engaged and disengage the the main spindle now it's adjustable and the way you adjust it is is you this little pin here and it screws on and off I'm going to pull that pin out that pin engages in a gear behind it and it screws there we go alright we'll take the outer pressure plate off here there's some Springs and pins in there that hold everything in place yeah this is my clutch pack it's got a clutch lining on both sides and then there's another pressure plate in the back back there so to get this whole housing out I've got to get to some bolts that are behind this ring so we're gonna pull that on off just using my impact driver here to make short work [Music] and that should release that and we will come in here and move those as well and this whole housing just slides right out so next to get access to some stuff in here I need to take this little rail off this is a protector that goes along the front some little slides go up and down in it and also there's a trough in here that your coolant it goes from the coolant pump there's a screw down here in the bottom it holds it in place and there's two bolts up here it also holds it in place come on cheat here a little bit I'm just going to take this fitting off the top right here and I can kind of bend this over and just slide it up and over that pipe and I'll get a pipe wrench and I'll just take that pipe off down there just to get it out of my way here we go alright so next there's this housing right here this is basically what drives goes up to the knee it slides up and down these there's little tracks and here that move up and down as you move the table up and down these are splines that go into a ninety degree year and these are turning one of these turns all the time when the motor is running one arm only turns when the spindles engaged and that's what powers basically transfers the power up into the knee we need to take this cover off so that we can start disassembling this so let's go ahead and pull all these screws out and that's a shorter one all right these are just socket cap screws if I remember right there's one so there's two of these cap head screws on the front here to here then there's also two in the back on this one and two in the back on this one and I remember the last time I did this the ones in the back are a pain in the rear to get out you know what there's two bolts here on the side to go in there to let me get those out all right looks like there wasn't one on the bottom and off see we can get this cover off too like it may come there's an alignment pin that aligns it over here that makes it kind of difficult to get off even with all the screws out there we go [Music] so there are two plates under the bottom here I have taken those nuts or bolts out of the bottom of those I'm just letting those kind of drop down but you can see the gearing in here how it powers and transfers this 90 degrees over to the knee so again one of these shafts turns all the time when I'm turns only when the spindle is engaged got a little bevel gear that goes to another bevel gear that turns at 90 degrees over into the knee this one here you got a here that feeds a another gear I think this is for the rapid maybe not I can't remember which one but there's a bevel gear here as well that feeds over this is just an idler gear in between basically but now when we take this next piece out all this gearing just kind of comes out with it we're gonna leave all this stuff just kind of on here it doesn't well I think I will need to take this piece off the front here I got a number how to take it off that's just as the the knee moves up and down there's some guards here that protecting keep dust and stuff out but that's is attached here I'm gonna have to take that off I believe that we are ready now to take this gear box here out so there are again a series of bolts holding this in go ahead and take these out ooh that one's got all behind it I'm gonna put that one back in I might have to drain this crankcase before I pull this off I'm gonna have a mess now that I was thinking a little while ago that as long as I was taking all this stuff apart they'd be a good time to change the fluids so what we're gonna do this is a drain plug got a five gallon bucket here and we'll just drain that all right out of the case a little actually doesn't look bad but it's usually good to change the old and these things about once a year and I know it's been at least four if not five years since I changed on this one of course I'm not using it every day so maybe not quite as critical all right I'm gonna tap her back off Oh put that bucket someplace where I won't trip over it and spill it because that's what I would probably do all right here we go again go ahead and take that bolt on out now and see it looks like there's a socket cap screw back there I think that these three screws here have to come out as well I'm going to swap over to a screwdriver head here let's see what happens yeah that goes all the way back into the case alright there's two more screws kind of tucked in back here and I'm gonna go ahead and get these out there's one of them and nothing right down here and I believe that we have all the bolts holding this housing in place off now so next thing to do is to get it off there are two dowel alignment pins once the top and one at the bottom and right next to that is a socket set screw that just goes in here and you can push on that and it will help get that off of the dowel rods I think we're good and come out alright guys we can see the backside of this gearbox now and again this is all about a transferring power from 90 degrees to go down and it transfers to the end but what we're gonna be working on is this gear here this has actually got a clutch pack in it and we need to put some stronger springs in that clutch pack so there's a retaining pin holding this on let's see if I can get that off here we go now this should just come right off of there put a block a lid up on these hinky little here it comes yep all right there's a Woodruff key holding this clutch back on just clean that up a little bit and now I need to take this clutch pack apart I've been in this before and we'll see what it looks like when we get in there but basically what I need to do is is press down on this with a good bit of force get this retaining pin out and then it should let up so let me figure out how I'm going to do that I put this in my vise and kind of clamped it so that should keep it together while I hopefully can get this retaining pin knocked out of here [Music] alright now I'm going to very carefully open this up there Springs all back there in the back alright we did that without exploding that's good alright let's take a look at this clutch pack now so we got the top plate up underneath that I've got some retaining pins that just keep this thing aligned there's some friction materials is like what you'd find on the clutch plate or so disc brakes or whatever and that rubs against the plate behind this and we got all these Springs in here we'll go ahead and pull them all out and then down in the bottom of this are a bunch of ball bearings and you can see there's a down here in the bottom so what happens here is you got the ball bearings fit inside of this little plate down the bottom there's a spring on top of it and that basically is just pushing pressing keeping the friction on this top piece up here and when you get too much of a load on the machine it will just basically let that spring push up and push over over to the next detent on this piece and what has happened with this machine over the years the original Springs well a couple things happen number one I hope you can see it but it's kind of worn a little groove between each notch where those ball bearings have been sliding over and last time I had to support I tried to clean that up a little bit run down in there and just kind of get a good sharp edge on it but there's only so much I can do so the next thing I want to do is put in some heavier springs and I didn't have the original specs so I was kind of guessing and I ordered some Springs and decided to go with them and I probably went with a little bit too light of a spring fortunately I ordered some extra Springs I've got to figure out which ones they are but I ordered some extra ones that are a little bit heavier and I want to rebuild this clutch pack but the heavier Springs and that's what we're going to work on right now well guys I got my new Springs in this is from the old ones and it is invisibly worn down on one side and it's been compressed a little bit these are the new ones they're the 1 inch length that one's a little bit shorter but I like so I think it's just from where it's worn down these new Springs or the same coil diameter or the material diameter as what I got here now so hopefully I should have the right weight on these that's my hope anyway and I just mentioned that I got these Springs from leaf spring there's the information sheet on them and the part number if somebody's interested in what I got lhp o 6o do4 s is the part number and I'll also mention that because of the way the price brakes worked out I've got an extra set of these Springs if anybody would like to get them from me because they like said they had different price breaks for different quantities a friend of mine contacted me he actually got two sets I ordered for him so I ordered four sets so like I do have an extra set of somebody's kneading them and I can get you a little bit better price then if you just bought a set of 18 so anyway here we go here's the piece in the bottom these little D tents there's a ball bearing that fits down in those I'm gonna go ahead and drop this plate over the over the fixture there it goes there's a bronze bushing in there you can see that that is made it's a spin on this shaft looks like I'm lined up I'm gonna drop a ball bearing down in each hole all right there are 18 holes on here and now we'll drop a spring down in each one on top of that we had this little pressure plate this has got some clutch light material in there there are three tabs that fit down inside the springs that kind of line everything up and you go move over one to line up on the spline there we go and now that right there will press down right on top of that and I've got my lock ring here does it go on top of there and then lock it in place it's a groove that that fits into now I'm gonna go out to the museum and use their press to press the song last time I did this I made a little tool that basically is just big enough to slide over that that spline I bored out a hole and what I did was I put that on top of the ring here pressed it all down on there that allowed the ring to expand out over the spline and whenever I pressed it down to the right place it would just fall right into that up that groove so probably not going to film that just because it's going to be difficult to get out there and do that get my camera set up I did that in the previous video but that's how I did that so I'm gonna run out there press that in place and hopefully we'll have our clutch pack all ready to go back into the machine well let's bring you up to speed where we're at I did get it put back together but I had to change my plan so before we use the original clip that came on here I literally just laid it on top I had that little chamfer there I made this little jig last time that has it just slips right down over that stud it also has a little bit of chamfer there to help line things up and I just pressed on there and it expanded this out when it went down below the snap ring went back in place but as you can see it did not go as planned but this thing turned into a spaghetti noodle it didn't line up right and we had a mess fortunately I had a snap ring that was the right size for this job I actually ordered these when I did the job previously and I decided to go back with the original hardware the first time around but this is I think it's a very fine substitute the inside diameter is exactly right for this particular piece this is about I think this one was like 55 thousands thick this is fifty thousand six so it is about five thousand Center but I don't really think that that's gonna matter I think it's going to be just fine but as far as putting it on I built this little jig I'd literally just threw it together real quickly and it allowed me to push down on there but be able to get up underneath this with my snap ring pliers getting in there with the snap rings so anyway that worked just fine this press together it actually was fairly easy to press together probably could have done it on my arbor press here at the shop but I was thinking it was going to be too hard to do with it but there we go it is finished and it is ready to go back on to the machine so let's reassemble this and put our milling machine back together you I'm gonna give it a try here so I don't want to adjust my knee up and down or just saddle in and out because I've got it set up for a job I can test it going this way and I can tell you before we did this repair this table it was just ripping anytime I put the rapids on so we're gonna just try it out now I could not do this before I've got full wrap its here guys it hasn't slipped yet a huge improvement I cannot tell you how excited I am because I have had an issue with the rapids on this machine since the day I brought this thing home and I probably had this machine now over 10 years and I think we got it worked out I think it's finally fixed and I'm excited about that once I get through with this job I'm going to run through the paces I'm really raising and lowering the knee it's probably the the biggest challenge because that's where you got the most weight on everything but I'm confident that we've got this machine right now it is like that it's never been right since I've got it but this is uh this is a huge huge improvement and with that that's gonna be a wrap on this episode I hope you guys enjoyed watching me tear into this thing and finally get this thing fixed like it needs to be and I will just say again I did order an extra set of Springs so if anybody out there is looking for some give me a holler or you can go to leaf springs and buy them but unless you order a bunch of them you really don't get the price breaks so I can get you I got an extra set that I'll be glad to sell someone get my money back on them I will warn you they are still even with the discounts I think they came out - it was about six dollars for spring you need 18 of them for this machine so it adds up but having this machine working right is priceless so I'm excited about that all right guys I'm gonna get this machine back in production finish this job out and to have this done and with that as always thanks for watching please subscribe the channel if you haven't already and comments are appreciated as well as thumbs up if you liked what you saw we'll catch it on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 48,967
Rating: 4.9885416 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Milling Machine, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, horizontal mill, kearney & trecker, kearney trecker, how to tear down a milling machine, k&t mill, rapid traverse, slipping clutch, kearney trecker 2h, kearney & trecker milwaukee milling machine
Id: nGAGkFuf_lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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