Rep. Gowdy Tears Into Clinton Before The Break | TheBlaze

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"I have no idea"

The arrogance is so utterly infuriating

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

Blumenthal violated the Logan Act by negotiating on behalf of the US with foreign powers France, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Libya

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dirtranger 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2016 🗫︎ replies
but I want to specifically address the family members that are here there is no theory of the prosecution mr. Schiff because there is no prosecution there's a very big difference between a prosecution where you already have reached a conclusion and you're just trying to prove it to people this is an investigation which is why it's so sad that nowhere in that stack that you just put up there where the emails of Secretary Clinton the emails of the ambassador 50,000 50,000 pages worth of documents eyewitnesses that's the real tragedy to the family and the friends when you're told that there have been seven previous investigations in an ARB you should immediately ask why did you miss so many witnesses why did you miss so many documents this is not a prosecution mr. Schill you and I are both familiar with them I've reached no conclusions and I would advise you to not reach any conclusions either until we reach the end there are 20 more witnesses so I'll agree not to reach any conclusions if you'll do the same with that madam secretary regardless of where he ranked in the order of advisors it is undisputed that a significant number of your emails were to or from a Sidney Blumenthal now he did not work for the state department it were the US government at all he wanted to work for the State Department but the White House said no to him do you recall who specifically the White House rejected Sidney Blumenthal no I do not after he was turned down for a job at the State Department by the White House he went to work where he I think he had a number of consulting contracts with different entities well he had a number of them do you recall any of them I know that he did some work for my husband well he worked for the Clinton Foundation that's that's correct okay he worked for Media Matters that I'm sure he did he worked for correct the record I'm sure he did when you were asked about Sidney Blumenthal you said he was an old friend mm-hmm who sent you unsolicited emails which you passed on and some instances because you wanted to hear from people outside which you called the bubble we will ignore for a second whether or not Sydney Blumenthal is outside the bubble but I do want to ask you about a couple of those other comments because what you left out was that he was an old friend who knew absolutely nothing about Libya was critical of President Obama and others that you work with love to send you political and image advice had business interest in Libya which he not only alerted you to but solicited your help for and you often forwarded his emails but usually only after you redacted out any identifiers so nobody knew where the information was coming from what does the word unsolicited mean to you it means that I did not ask him to send me the information that he sent me and as I have previously stated some of it I found interesting some of it I did not some of it I forwarded some of it I did not I did not know anything about any business interest I thought that just as I said previously newspaper articles journalists of which he is one a former journalist had some interesting insights and so we you know we took them on board and evaluated them and some were helpful and others were not we're going to get to all the points you just made but I want to start with your your public comment that these emails were unsolicited you wrote to him another keeper thanks and please keep them coming greetings from Kabul and thanks for keeping this stuff coming any other info about it question mark what are you hearing now question mark got it we'll follow up tomorrow anything else to convey question mark now that one is interesting because that was the very email where mr. Blumenthal was asking you to intervene on behalf of a business deal that he was pursuing in Libya what did you mean by what are you hearing now I have no idea congressman they started out unsolicited and as I said some were of interest I passed them on and some were not and so he continued to provide me information that was made available to him I don't want to parse words and and I don't want to be hyper technical because it's not a huge point but it is an important point you didn't say they started off unsolicited you said they were you said they were unsold they they were unsolicited but obviously I did respond to some of them well and I'm sure the rest him anything else to convey what are you hearing now I'm going to Paris tomorrow night we'll meet with TNC leaders so this an additional info useful still don't have electricity or blackberry coverage post I arranged so I've had to resort to my new iPad let me know if you receive this will talk about the new iPad and a little bit here's another one this report is in part a response to your questions that's an email from him to you this is this report is in part a response to your questions they'll be further information in the next day if you're the one asking him for information how does that square with the definition of unsolicited I said it began that way mr. chairman and I will add that both Chris Stevens and Jean Kratz found some of the information interesting far more than I could because they knew some of the characters who were being mentioned and they were the ones the kind of persons with the expertise that I asked to evaluate to see whether there was any useful information we're gonna get to that in a second now before you give mr. Blumenthal too much credit you agree he didn't write a single one of those cables or memos he sent you I'm sorry what he didn't write a single one of those cables or memos I don't know who wrote them he's the one who sent them to me what would you be surprised to know not a single one of those who was from him I don't know where he got the information that he was did you ask me did you did you ask you're sending me very specific detailed intelligence what is your source that seems to me like a pretty good question I did learn that he was talking to or sharing information from former American intelligence officials by the name of who wrote those cables I don't recall I don't know mr. chairman you had his information passed on to others but at least on one occasion you asked um this Abidine can you print without any identifiers why would you want his name removed because I thought that it would be more important to just look at the substance and to make a determination as to whether or not there was anything to it well don't people have a right to know the source of the information so they can determine credit it wasn't as you just said the source of the information that was you didn't know that madam secretary and that's what you just said no no mr. chairman I know I knew that I knew that he didn't have the sources to provide that information I knew he was getting it from somewhere else whether they utilize Wireless he knew others in Washington it could have been a variety of well if you're gonna if you're going to determine credibility don't know what you want to know the source well it wasn't credibility so much as trying to follow the threads that were mentioned about individuals and as I already stated some of it was useful and some of it was not well um did the president know that mr. Blumenthal was advising you he wasn't advising me and you know that he was your most prolific email or that we have found on the subjects of Libyan Benghazi that's because I didn't do most of my work yeah I'm not challenging that madam secretary I am NOT challenging that all I'm telling you is the documents show he was your most prolific email or on Libyan Benghazi and my question to you is did the president the same White House that said you can't handle him that can't hire him did he know that he was advising you uh he was not advising me and I have no reason to have ever mentioned that or know that the president knew that I don't want to draw your attention to an email about Libya from mr. Blumenthal to you data at April's 2011 it will be exhibit 67 and this is this is informative should we pass on an empathetic align identified to the White House if you're going to pass something on to the White House why would you take off the identifiers because it was important to evaluate the information and from a lot of intelligence that I have certainly reviewed over the years you often don't have the source of the intelligence you look at the intelligence and you try to determine whether or not it is credible whether it can be followed up on well I'm going to accept the fact that you and I come from different backgrounds because I can tell you that an unsourced comment could never be uttered in any court room you have we're not talking about courtrooms mr. chairman we're talking about intelligence we're talking about credibility in the ability to assess who a source is and whether or not that source has ever been deliver knows anything about Libya or has business interest in Libya all of which would be important if you were going to determine the credibility which i think is why you probably took his information off of what you sent to the White House but here's another possible explanation they may give us a sense of why maybe the White House didn't want you to hire him in the first place in one e-mail he wrote this about the president's secretary of defense I infer gates problem is losing an internal debate tyler and by the way Tyler Stoddard Drumheller that's who actually authored the cables that you got from mr. Blumenthal Tyler knows him well but and says he's a mean vicious little I'm not going to say the word but he did this is a email from Blumenthal to you about the president Secretary of Defense and here's another Blumenthal email to you about president's national security adviser frankly Tom Donilon 'he's babbling rhetoric about narratives on the phone briefing of reporters on March the 10th as inspired derision among foreign serious foreign policy analysts both here and abroad and here's another one from what you say is your old friend Sidney Blumenthal this is a quote from him I would say Obama and by the way he left president part out I would say Obama appears to be intent on seizing defeat from the jaws of victory he and his political cronies in the White House in Chicago are to say the least unenthusiastic about regime change in Libya Obama's lukewarm and self contradicting statements have produced what is at least for the moment operational paralysis I think that may give us a better understanding of why the White House may have told you you cannot hire him Blumenthal could not get hired by our government didn't pass any background check at all had no role with our government had never been to Libya had no expertise in Libya was critical of the President and others that you worked with shared polling data with you on the intervention in Libya gave you political advice on how to take credit for Libya all the while working for the Clinton Foundation and some pseudo news entities and Madam Secretary he had unfettered access to you and he used that access at least on one occasion to ask you to intervene on behalf of a business venture do you recall that you know mr. chairman if you don't have any friends who say unkind things privately I congratulate you but from my perspective I'd like that I don't erect them I don't I don't I don't know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four Americans I'll be happy on us I'll be here to help you understand Madam Secretary I want to reiterate what I said to congresswoman Sanchez these were originally unsolicited you've just said that perhaps the main if not the exclusive author was a former intelligence agent for our country arose to the highest levels of the CIA and who was given credit for being one of the very few who pointed out that the intelligence used by the Bush administration to go to war in Iraq was wrong so I think that you know the sharing of information from an old friend that I did not take at face value that I sent on to those who were experts is something that you know makes sense but it was certainly not in any way the primary source of or the predominant understanding that we had of what was going on in Libya and what we needed to be doing well Madam Secretary I'm out of time and we'll pick this back up the next round but I'll go ahead and let you know at a time why it's relevant it's relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to Sidney Blumenthal as drivel he it was sent to him to read and react to in some instances on the very same day he was asking for security so I think it is eminently fair to ask why Sidney Blumenthal had unfettered access to you madam secretary with whatever he wanted to talk about
Channel: TheBlazeNow
Views: 2,815,819
Rating: 4.8460879 out of 5
Keywords: Trey Gowdy (U.S. Congressperson), Tears (Biofluid), TheBlaze (TV Network), Bill Clinton (US President), Politics (TV Genre), After, Break, Before, Into, Spring, School, Day, Dance, World, Nightmare, Christmas, Dark, Lily, Hours, Television (Invention), Storm, Midnight, Turns, After School, Follow, Life, Luke, Cab
Id: MxpJvrclIfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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