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my son's birthday is coming up and he needs video games but I'm not going to buy them / our first story will be reading today I don't have enough money but since my son's birthday is in five months you should buy him a gift from user JD Phoenix after that entitled mother demands I spend Christmas with her after 20 years of not knowing me from user cliff ale after that entitled friend steals my animaljam account then wants to be my friend gets ruined and shamed on YouTube from user angel and then we'll be wrapping up with the awful mother of ladies eh from user Lapine loyal thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a thing I don't have enough money but since my son's birthday is in five months you should buy him a gift before I begin this happened a week ago I just didn't have enough motivation to write this until now cast we've got my dad we've got entitled coworker we've got co-worker and dad's boss this isn't my story this is my dad's he doesn't use reddit so I figured I'd post it for him my dad recently got a job at a huge radio company his boss there is a family friend who also worked at my dad's old job he instantly got my dad into a good rank fifth from CEO he works in a cubicle in the city so he rides a train to and from it now that the context is over let's begin so about a week ago it was pay day everyone got their money and we were about to go home a fellow co-worker of my dad entitled coworker probably a Karen had this conversation with another co-worker it's my son's birthday in a couple of months I better prepare he wants a couple of games for his birthday what kind of games he wants this game called fortnight which seems like a cartoony Hunger Games I presume this kid showed the mom the trailers and explained it but I know the Battle Royale version is free so the kid is probably scamming the mom into getting a V buck package mainly because parents can't seem to understand video games for some reason the rest of the games my dad doesn't remember the entitled co-worker explains how she is running low on money so she needs help paying for the gifts I found this funny because my dad explained that she comes into work with her $1000 purse and latest iPhone 5 gallons of makeup and done nails and hair we could already tell she had bad spending habits entitled co-worker then turns to my dad hey Obie's dad do you mind paying for my son's gifts my dad barely knows her so this game has a surprise I'm sorry but I barely know you or your child and this is money I need for my own family the entitled co-worker listed probably 10 to 15 games that this probably entitled kid wanted to get oh come on you know me she said in a fake friendly voice besides my kid got above an 80 on his finals so I want to reward him for his hard work I'm sorry like I said I don't feel like I'm acquainted enough to be handing you money besides if you can't afford the gifts yourself how would you pay me back pay you back but my kid deserves the gifts I don't owe you anything at this point my dad regretted meeting her at all for the last time no why are you so mean I'm a single mom who can barely pay her bills this was a lie the entitled co-worker actually had a husband I struggle all the time just to keep the lights on do you really think I'm going to tolerate this answer my dad felt it would be fine to get a little rude to counter her rudeness well if you can pay for a console games a TV expensive clothing an expensive handbag premium makeup and a child then I think you are more than capable to afford a couple of games for your bratty son entitled co-workers started to play the victim and shame my father this isn't fair I am not paid enough for this crap all you men in your high paychecks ruining my life she rained really low in the workplace so her pay wasn't even high to begin with but I've heard she barely shows effort in the workplace steals co-workers lunches and drinks from the fridge etc hand over the cash out of the boss like I said before my dad knows his boss really well and he doubted that this low effort close to being fired lady would be credible enough to get my dad in trouble my dad repeats his answer I said no go ahead and call the boss she unsurprisingly calls him down she shoves her paycheck into my dad's hands enter boss what seems to be the issue untitled co-worker starts talking in an attack towei and screams Opie's dad stole my paycheck when I wasn't looking fire this jerk boss looks up at my dad and they both look utterly confused boss and dad had a little chat using facial expressions instantly a green this lady was crazy while the entitled co-worker screams why don't we check the security camera to find the true culprit yes my dad's boss acted very casual about the situation almost jokingly they all meet up at the security room and they roll the tape the entitled co-worker is clearly shown shoving the paycheck into my dad's hands the boss turns at the entitled co-worker with a grin you're fired her face turns blood red she gets really mad talks about how she didn't deserve this for doing just one thing wrong completely forgetting about her builds up over her time working there the low efforts and lunches bad co-worker connections the entitled co-worker tries her hardest to form an alibi but failed miserably she refused many times to leave but is then taken away by security to this day my dad has never seen this lady again thankfully hopefully this kid never received their gift mainly because they asked for a legit 15 games all priced 30 to 60 dollars I'm really glad my dad's boss knew my dad but to be honest she would have lost either way next we've got entitled mother demands I spend Christmas with her after 20 years of not knowing me hey mr. reddit and the re or me love the videos keep up the awesome work disclaimer first-time poster long time listener on mobile English first language names changed etc backstory I was adopted by wonderful parents at birth they have provided for me everything I could ever need a good education international travel support when needed and much more story when I was 20 years old I met my birth mother her current husband a pushover so isn't featured in this and I found out I had a younger and an older half-brother we'll call them John and Terry for this story all of us have different fathers also not featured much or at all the year was 2004 and it was mid February from what I remember and I was excited in meeting them for the first time they were busing in from out of town at about 8:00 in the evening I didn't get much sleep so was quite exhausted at this stage we ended up talking all night at the bus station found out that I had to be given up for adoption because birth mother's parents didn't want another baby in the house she had been living with them at the time also found out that I was an accident thought it was weird that she had said this but paid it no attention also found out that John and I had a lot in common like a love for UGL Pokemon and a lot of other things we decided that it was getting a little chilly and was check-in time for where they were staying for the weekend I ended up dropping them off and went out for a bit to process the night while I was out I had a couple of text messages from birth mom asking when I'd be back let her know that I had something to do then would be back afterwards got everything done and head back for about an hour or so had to excuse myself as I needed to head out of town for the night a friend had bought me a ticket for my birthday to an all-night party I couldn't really turn this down really glad he did the driving where he at 30 hours running on no sleep at this stage on the drive constant text messages from birth mom asking and stating when will you be back why do you have to go away we came all this way for you and so many more along those lines I ignored them and had a wonderful time on our way back I managed an hour of sleep best hours sleep I have ever had I checked my phone again and more text messages so I responded saying we're an hour away she said come see us as soon as you get back I told her that I have things that need to be done before I can and will be around at about 4:00 p.m. again she again stated but we came so far to see you after all this time hardly any sleep the rose tinted glasses and me being a pushover at this time of my life I really didn't see the entitlement here so I just went with the flow went around at about 4:00 and birth mom said that they had cancelled their return bus tickets that I was to drive them all home but I could stay with them for a few days it was cool I thought I had get to spend more time with them so I went home and packed for a few days away we left that night I have no idea how we survived that eight-hour Drive as we're nearing on 65 hours with minimal sleep by the end of the trip a lot of energy drinks I think once we arrived I said I needed to sleep otherwise I will not be awake enough to appreciate being there she wanted to show off her home ah okay then stay awake for another two hours before I fall asleep while she's mid-story thankfully they all realized that I was exhausted now and woke me to move me to a bed it was about midday when I woke still real groggy when I started getting told that I should spend Christmas with them that's ten months away I thought and I said I'd think about it they didn't bring that up any further I'd chauffeur them around to where they needed to be during the visit and was generally manipulated into doing things for them hindsight is great huh so after a few days there I head home nothing more interesting until September when I had more messages except that I had gone back to study at University and gotten a full-time job as well what are you doing for Christmas not sure at this stage I may be working roster isn't out yet so I will be able to tell you closer to the time that's not good enough you will have that day off it's a public holiday I might be working I don't know yet please don't try and pressure me into committing to something as I may end up having to disappoint you you get that day off you will spend Christmas with us no arguments really you want to play it like this don't push this otherwise I'll cut all ties with you you haven't been in my life for 20 years what's the rest of my life without you don't speak to me that way I am your mother no you aren't I have two wonderful parents that love me and really care for me you just want another person to push around I'm done with you please don't contact me again I want nothing more to do with you I never did hear from her again I went on to complete my studies get a great job and have amazing people in my life fast forward to 2012 and I get a message from John on Facebook saying that birth mom had passed away John and I still keep in contact to this day I've lost contact with Terri mr. read it it you have full permission to read should this be up to standard thanks for letting me get this out after 15 years next we've got entitled friends steals my animaljam account then wants to be my friend gets ruined and shamed on YouTube so hi first of all this happened a while ago about a month also I am bad at writing stories I fail at English I'm 15 by the way so you can understand my reason for bad writing skills on laptop not mobile so everyone in this story by their game username not their real names we've got entitled friend we've got my other friend and we've got the hacker and me so back story I've been playing animal jam for years and recently at that time started to livestream that's how I got lots of hard to get items within I meant lyric game username also our backstabbing entitled friend we got along well then I met my other friend we became BFFs right away but then one day I went on Google Hangouts they sent a link for a cool fan art but I had to log into it with my Google account Gmail stupid me did nothing happened I saw these other emails me being dumb didn't really think of why they were there until it happened I was asked by entitled friend to go live on my YouTube channel so I stupidly did a bit into it a guy named auth 0 started saying this you've been added to the spam cult what who are you say bye-bye to your account next thing I know I get logged off the game well I start fighting logging back in and they logged me off I stopped once it said that password is incorrect I tried to reset my password after ending the stream but it said that email you've entered does not match our records I'm like what so I went back to my gmail by the way it's my mom's email but I use it for games and have access to it and there was an email from the game makers thanks for playing we want you to know that your account is now under blahblah at blonde calm fake email I was furious I went to entitled friend and she said this angel will give you your account back if you give us a friend's password forty rims rare item Monday's game item or a spike collar to be a princess what do you mean princess and switch my account back over you can't steal it also give the email back they locked me out of my mom's email until I reset the password we are a mean group and I am the queen you give me items and in return we won't touch your account and game items so join or leave us alone note they messaged me what no you stole my account and items then want me to join you to do this to other people I don't even know that's a big fat no fine remove her from the group my friend LA said she was sorry and did I went to my mom and she got mad but I wanted revenge I went to the hangouts chat and sent this and then I got my password back instantly well so what they changed it to not the email though I am glad to say if you do not return my account items password and email back I will be notifying the police and will have you all arrested for what you've done to me also please note because entitled fring you claim to be 17 they'll charge you as an adult also just so you know you stole my mom's email and an animal jam account I spent over $200 on so we can go to small claims court your choice bye she freaked out I just laughed I was just beginning my revenge act next Bruin her YouTube life she did videos almost twenty a day so I knew I could get her this was also how I used my YouTube channel to ruin her on her live streams I spammed all of them by saying be where she is in an insane group and if you stay on her stream and you have an animal jam video channel leave and unsubscribe now and don't fall for her lie I haven't done that to anybody in two years she did it to me look at my live stream I gave a link she ended each stream then deleted her channel gave my account back and to other accounts I assumed she stole but I found the rightful owner and gave the one back and used the other one to ruin her acted like a fan then rubbed it in her face that she was such a liar and she did do this check out angels channel I then went on her game account and sold all the items then used it in a video saying this is what happens when you mess with someone who knows how to mess you up big-time this went on for a month to be honest this gets me upset just writing this they asked to be friends again ignored now thanks for reading hope this gets put on a video please let me know if it does bye and our final story of the day the awful mother of ladies eh hello I have no idea where such a story would go but I figured I could share it here especially since mr. reddit already read one of my stories and I've had people wonder about more from my mother so you're quick but extremely relevant backstory my family consists technically of five people my father nerd pants Mick Dungeons & Dragons fanboy my mother narcissist psychopath my older brother a military vet with two cutie pies and the star of my life son of my sky my little brother we'll call him Little Wolf my real biological parents are divorced this happened when I was around 16 years old I guess my dad reconnected with an old flame and couldn't stand my mom's abuse anymore honestly that whole shebang was just a mess of he-said she-said of my mother trying to put us against each other emotional abuse and teenage angst the try and salvage their relationship they had a baby one year later they were divorced dad left moved two hours away and we maybe saw him once month it was tough I'd never and probably will never get along with my mom my dad was the only one who would listen to me when I talked who actually asked me why I did something wrong instead of slapping me full force across the face who understood some people laughed when they're nervous stop slapping her for smiling when you're screaming at her and so on and it hurt I was a heartbroken teenage girl to my surprise my mom actually got a job she began working at a retirement home for nuns and I thought oh this might be good she can actually get off her lazy butt and do something with her life as she had been previously living off my dad's meager trucking paychecks and any money she could get off of me it was not good every day immediately after school and until my bedtime I was made to watch my little wolf every day a baby takes a lot of patience and attention and did I mention miss narcissist is also a ridiculous neat freak she would hurt me frequently but these weren't the worst part the worst part I starved my mother ate dinner with the nuns she was eating chef cooked meals every day and instead of purchasing food for her children with the money she earned at work she'd get her nails done every week or go out to fancy dinners or buy herself a new clothes day as food just make something no mom there's a packet of flour a container of rice and a few cans of tomato sauce that's not food and up until just now you'd been making us dinner I have no idea how to cook but remember how I said Little Wolf is the light of my life I may have been unhappy sometimes I may have even done things I regret but I never ever let that kid go without food if there was anything at all to eat he ate it if there wasn't I stole it I went to entire years subsisting on scraps making sure that if nothing at all that he was going to eat and grow up healthy I finally snapped one day or maybe she did every single day my life was school watched the little one sleep my grades which had always been the highest were dropping horribly between my literally dying body and inability to do any of my homework with all the housework I had to do mom came home one day and the couch cushions were crooked yeah wolf and I were playing I literally just came down the stairs from putting him to bed there were insults there was arguing because of the pillows no because I was speaking to her in English she yelled at me in French I don't know how we wound up like that but she slammed me into the wall digging her sharp manicured nails into my arm like she always did I pulled up my big-girl pants I threw my phone at her it broke into pieces I told her I was sick of her and the way she treated me I told her that a person speaking the language they're most comfortable in or pillows on a couch in a house with children being crooked wasn't a reason to slam your get into a wall I told her how tired I was of existing solely to take care of her child how much I hated her hated the French language and most of all how much I missed being able to do things a normal kid could do seeing their friends going for walks heck I even missed doing my dang homework I'm sure there was more but I guess that whole incident was so dramatic in my mind but I can't remember all of it just bits and pieces the moment my exams were done I moved in with my father food situation wasn't much better with my mom also bleeding my dad dry for child support but at least I knew he was trying at least I knew he cared nowadays little wolf lives here with me and my dad and the amazing woman to whom he's engaged and her children and our cats and our dog we're a big happy family I guess even though things were tough we've managed to work it out in the end I can say that maybe I'm a better person because of all that because mom I am nothing like you you've made me do some horrible things to survive you've made me question why I even struggle to exist but then I Little Wolf and remember he's the only good thing you ever did I won't let anyone hurt him like you have whoops that got rambley um enjoy does living a good loving life out of spite Johnny's revenge I think it does and congrats to our Regenerist of the day Jacob Maury Kessler Jax Santa and dragon blader you know what to do become our next three generals by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright [Music] you
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 52,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: MzrJM9gx-Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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