r/EntitledPeople KAREN TAKES MY NEW JOB!

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today Caryn takes my job I had literally just been promoted to after that entitled woman wants me to chance my safety because she is impatient after that no good deed goes unpunished and after that entitled parent wants money for shoes he didn't bring back because they were labeled wrong and if you're new please subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen takes my job I had literally just been promoted to warning now if you're looking for a happy ending turn back now also mobile buckle up people this is a long one big thanks for my manager for giving me permission to share this story as a forum to let off steam for context I worked in this job part-time for six years I loved that place and the only part I could complain about is the customer that made me lose faith in humanity and my coworker Karen Erin all though she has the voice of a goblin no joke though Karen wasn't actually that bad until she was given a little bit of power a couple months ago karen received a sudden promotion that no one had expected to customer service management not real title but pretty much the equivalent will abbreviate to CSM there was a different HR issue that had occurred at the job which left the position vacant the acting manager at the time our real manager was on long term disability at the time relevant later in the story was pressured by head office to fill the position immediately thus karen came to power i was upset by the sudden promotion as i hadn't even been given the opportunity to even interview but my supervisor explained to me that Karen's new position as CSM meant that she would be handling all the customers while I could actually get my own personal work done he also informed me that a brand new position technical service manager was being written up for our location a full-time position with absolutely no interactions with any customers while dealing with the complicated machinery and programs that we deal with this was my dream position he told me to hang on for three months for our regular manager to return from leave and I'll be giving the interview for the position so during those three months Karen's newfound power began to manifest bossing the part-timers around taking extra-long breaks and passing route comments to me like I just want you to be as successful as I am you'll get the position next time and just try to do better I regret now not recording these interactions but at the time I was simply looking forward to the full-time position coming up so August comes and my regular manager returns to the job two days later I am brought into her office for a meeting manager tells me that the interview was really just a formality and she was extremely proud on how much I had supported the business in her absence citing that my two supervisors had nothing but praise for me she shook my hand and gave me a big hug when I started crying my dream job I could do what I loved at the business without dealing with the customers Karen however had different plans when the manager announces to the staff of my new position we were all close there Jaron huffed I thought that was the position I was hired for she whined our supervisor who was confused by this and formed her uh no Karen you were promoted specifically for the CSM that is your title Opie's title is Technical Services Manager Karin huffed and went into the bathroom about an hour later after everyone had finished congratulating I was called into the manager's office I figured there was a paper or something I forgot to sign and went back immediately to my surprise however manager was sitting there with Karin manager Opie could you take a seat please we have something to discuss confused I took a seat out in the hallway and brought it into the office sitting down the manager then continued by the way she spoke I could tell she didn't want to tell me what had just happened but was forced to manager Opie as you know several months ago Karin was hired suddenly as CSM right me yeah of course she won't let me forget about it yeah probably not the right thing to say but I was on cloud nine at the time and when I get excited my ADHD shows manager well Karen told me that she was under the understanding that she had been working as a TSM not CSM I look at Karen and shrug I don't understand what the issue is we had talked after her promotion and she told me that the acting manager at the time specifically selected her as she didn't think I would do well as CSM she wanted to make sure there was no hard feelings between us which there wasn't at the time Karen that's not true you confronted me asking why I got the position and not him the manager just sighs look Opie just for now you two have to share the CSM and TSM side of things until we get this sorted out I'm going to get the original contract you signed from the acting manager so that happened roughly a month ago but unfortunately it wasn't as simple as getting and reading the paperwork you see the paperwork that the acting manager had Karen sign was the incorrect paperwork in fact it was the paperwork for a completely different Department actually had a TSM roll already because of this HR had to get involved and we just got the ruling about two weeks ago as the paperwork was fade it could stand to reason that it could be interpreted as TSM roll for my department the manager was instructed to grant Karen the position I was hired for and I was given the option to transfer to a different location entirely to take up the TSM position there which was completely out of the question as I don't have a vehicle except the CSM position from Karen or return to being part-time and allow the company to hire someone new for CSM I asked why Karen couldn't be given the TSM position at the other location as she had a vehicle but apparently her ex worked there and it was an extremely messy breakup it pained me but I took the CSM job as it was still an increase in pay even though I don't enjoy dealing with customers my real manager and my supervisor are extremely sympathetic for what happened my manager even giving me another hug when I broke out crying cheese bless her heart advised me to approach the labor board in regards to this as she also knew this was unfair to me but it seems as though because of the paperwork nothing is really going to come from that Avenue and my cousin who is a secretary to an attorney seems to agree I received a written apology from the acting manager about this situation she put me in which included a $50 gift card to Tim Hortons a nice gesture but doesn't really make up for hit I know it was most likely an honest mistake but still as for Karen everyone now hates her she has been throwing her position and power around for the past two weeks and basically making everyone feel uncomfortable she used to be well respected in our store but after what she had done to me everyone has now been actively avoiding her the DM of our workplace D&D group has informed me she is no longer welcome to his house my technically former supervisor forgets to ask her what she wants from Tim Hortons whenever he takes orders and two days ago her lunch was thrown out by mistake when a co-worker cleaned out the fridge as for me well I'm hanging on honestly it is clear that Karin is not right for the position as she has been making many mistakes the customers are annoying meets and no ends and I'm finding it difficult to handle the stress but with my manager understanding what's happening she's been helping me out as much as possible at the front counter my hope is that Karin will end up doing something that will get herself fired as she has made a lot of enemies and has been screwing up a lot I don't think I need any actual legal advice or anything as Karin seems to be doing that quite well on her own I'm feeling a little better now that I've got this out of my system today had been an especially stressful day with customers and I honestly felt I needed to vent some of the frustration from this situation I've gotten myself into if you've taken the time to read this whole thing thanks brief edit the secretary of the attorney is my cousin not my friend next we've got entitled woman wants me to chance my safety because she is impatient some background information this happened last year near the end of October I was a junior in high school now a senior I live in a small city in Virginia in the morning when I'm driving to school I have to pass by an elementary school that gets heavy traffic from buses and people dropping off their kids meaning it may take a while before I can pull out onto the road the crossing guards assigned to the school pay no attention to the road me and others come out of also keep in mind that I was a new driver at the time my car is a 2009 Hummer h3 that I absolutely adore but that doesn't really matter in regard to this situation now onto the story I was sitting at the entrance to my road and waiting to pull out onto the state route of course since none of the crossing guards pay attention to my road they don't stop traffic so we can pull out and be on our way meaning we have to wait for an opening to pull out I'm looking left and right to find any possible openings for me to pull out onto the State Route I looked right cars coming then I look left and nearly jumped when I saw a middle-aged woman standing at my driver's side window who had gotten out of her car behind me for whatever reason cautiously I rolled the window down to see what the issue was me uh has everything okay mail her are you having car problems uh no I'm just waiting until it's safe to pull out her oh honey you need to go you're holding up traffic if there's an accident that's what insurance is for my jaw dropped open after she said that I was completely livid inside but I took a deep breath and nodded acting like she was right okay sorry she walked back to her car and I rolled the window up while wondering who the heck does she think she is yeah you're right lady I do have insurance but I also don't want to get into ridiculous accidents that are easily avoided if people are coming past my road I'm waiting until they come by no matter how long it takes I'm not going to jeopardize my or others safety just so you can be satisfied I get that you have somewhere you need to be but I care more about being safe when I'm driving a motor vehicle then taking risks to get to class on time I'd rather show up late to school and be in the hospital because of something that could have been avoided part of the reason why this had me so angry was because I actually got into my first car accident at that exact same place two months prior to this happening it was a very minor accident with damage and the person at fault couldn't be determined so me and the other person just decided to drop the whole thing and go on about our lives and still scared me a lot though and it's made me a very cautious and careful driver next we've got no good deed goes unpunished this happened today and I'm still on shock someone could be this entitled to someone like my mom some backstory my mom is a bit of a hippie electric car driving CSA using zero-waste er Habitat for Humanity volunteering farmers market organizing hippie and had me as a teen she got married to my stepdad and they lived in an off-the-grid house beautiful place on a lake in New England a couple of years ago my stepdad passed away and my mom has been really lonely so she's been helping out single moms in between houses in her Coach house the average stay is a week or two although on occasion she rents it during the winter she doesn't charge the short-term boarders for anything I try to get out there for a few months a year with the kids to spend time with her and she always has our place beautifully set up but won't have boarders there because we're visiting and masks my oldest three months also has asthma so dust and mold are triggers for him it's so bad that we had to move houses move to a smaller town and I had to quit my job so I could stay home because he gets dangerously sick fast I'll be visiting this weekend so she wanted the place cleared and cleaned by Monday so early in September my mom was at the CSA and overheard a very young single mom with a new baby living out of her car asking for help purchasing food because inserts hop store here and she won't have a place until mid-september this girl presents herself as a teenager who wants to save the environment and has dropped out of school and was kicked out of her house because she got pregnant my mom being the bleeding heart she is tells them that they could stay with her for an no charge until they could move into their new place mid-september well to my mom surprise and honestly no one else's this girl is a complete mess she leaves all of her clothes all over the lawn in the rain covers spills with carpets etc she didn't want to use the high-efficiency heater and bought an electric without telling my mom and left all the windows open every day so instead of generating energy my mom had to pay hundreds in electricity for three weeks my mom found something sweet for the baby but the girl only wanted organic cotton or wool touching her little infant and rather than give it back she used it as a rag this is the quality of person she is and then it gets worse this girl started avoiding my mom so my mom sent emails asking her move-in date to the new place because we're coming to visit for October finally after getting a hold of her dad from the contact info she gave my mom he tells my mom that she isn't 17 like she's led on but 22 and has been like this her whole life she actually broke the lease in her last place because she didn't like the air and cancel the lease to the place she was supposed to move into for some other complete BS reason and didn't tell my mom and had the option to move in with any of her four older siblings but refused to because she didn't like their location / personality / rules so finally this woman child responds to my mom and says she'll be out on Wednesday so she could start cleaning then Wednesday rolls around and my mom goes into the guest house and her stuff is all still there on top of that because she left the windows open mold has set in and she was using the electric heater on high while she was gone next to a pile of dirty clothes and sheets the bathroom was utterly stained covered in mold and trashed so my mom starts to bleach the bathroom and this utter piece of human garbage comes home and starts accusing my mom of trying to hurt them because bleach has worse than mold she then tells her that she'll be out on Friday Friday rolls around so my mom goes back in there the girl still has some stuff in there but her Coach house is completely trashed my mom needs to redo some of the floor replace a mattress repaint and get in professional cleaners to clean up the biohazard that the girl has created we were supposed to be down last Saturday but had to move the date to this weekend because of the mold and chemicals used to clean but what really upsets my mom is the amount of garbage generated by this girl in three weeks she refused to separate any of her garbage and generated a dumpster of trash my mom sent her an email calling her out for her hypocrisy only to have a response that she my mom was a narcissist I was trying to help her only to feel better about herself and was violating her personal space she was so entitled that she has put out a smear campaign against my mom in the community my mom who honestly has done more for her community than anyone can imagine often anonymously it was widowed at 50 who couldn't do something mean if her life depended on it and believe me I was not an easy kid I just got off the phone with my mom and I'm completely shocked she had sent a picture and she had used disposable diapers all over the kitchen and in the fridge and pantry spilled shakes were all over the counter and floor the repairs are looking like a few grand plus cleaning I wish there was a happy ending to this story but I'll be going down this weekend if there are any updates sorry if this came out as a rant but I'm just livid next we've got entitled parent wants money for shoes he didn't bring back because they were labeled wrong yesterday I was out shopping for shoes at a department store I was in there when it opened and already saw an employee not having a good start of the day for starters she was a stockroom employee I know since I shopped there often and have with her she is really nice intends to compliment everyone with almost every breath she takes one can tell when she is stressed since she insults herself out loud more which she was currently doing as before she could open the registers customers were coming in I was just looking at shoes not wanting to overwhelm the poor thing she finally got the registers open when this early looking man came in waving a receipt in her face give me my money back it's wrong he snapped at her with a heavy accent she smiled and took the receipt all right let me check but what is the issue she said in her sweet tone but she didn't compliment him yep she wasn't happy with him the shoes are too much let me check she punches in some numbers into a device no that is correct it is not correct they are wrong different color shoes shouldn't be different prices I checked the shoes they were not labeled correctly they were labeled correctly I did it myself so I would know however I get your frustration and your confusion I don't get why it's like that either but as you can see they are correctly priced she showed him the device with the prices no they are wrong he then grabs her and pulls her along to the shoes they were here and they were labeled wrong you have to fix this I am sorry but you are incorrect they are labeled correctly as you said they were different colors different colors have different prices on sales I don't even know why it is a frustration even I deal with oh how I wish things were more even but alas they are she was wiggling her wrist free from him as she talked he kept at this for about 20 minutes until the worker said it seems I am unable to help you sir please allow me to get someone who can assist you better the man grunted agreement the worker then got on the phone to call her manager I have this customer I have explained to him this price thing with his receipt several times already and he still doesn't get it I am getting very frustrated can you please help me darling oh thank you really she just calls people darling without meaning anything romantic it is a good gauge to tell if she doesn't like you though she returns to the man after she hung up with her manager and said okay my manager is coming down to assist you soon I hope that is helpful the man grunted at her again after that the worker went to being able to help other customers that were coming each customer was breeded with her usual very flirtatious yet complementing ways of speaking the manager came over and started to talk with the man from before he started to shout about how things were not labeled right how the service was terrible and how he wanted the sales employees whom helped him fired for being incompetent he pointed at the girl and then talked about another I need to see the shoes in question I can't fire my employees as I don't know who served you and she is a stockroom employee not a sales associate she was doing the best she could to help you that is why she called me and after more yelling the man was given a ten dollar gift card and he left in a huff the girl was helping me with shoes hey what got that man upset I asked her oh I do apologize about that darling I wish I could tell you all about it however wouldn't that be rude of me now are these shoes the ones you wanted let me know of anything I can help you with as I would love to make customers smile she said and handed me the shoes I asked for and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day the gaming fin 200 Zekrom Dreamwalker the wakingdream kissy spider and hi i'm nyx become tomorrow's reed generals by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 53,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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