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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today and title dan tries to use my parents to steal from me after that am i the jerk for telling my brother to move out when he objected to me having a baby and after that so my hair isn't acceptable let's see about that now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get to steal from anyone you always ruin my plans so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled aunt tries to use my parents to steal from me now i honestly never thought that my parents would be stupid to be caught like this they've never done anything like this to my other siblings but hey this incident happened because my aunt decided to lie and tried to steal from me so a few years back i moved out of the family home and bought my own home nice little place i could call my own and do my own crazy ideas that i couldn't really get away with naturally i had given my parents a spare key just in case there was an emergency or i forgot to return something now after a while of living on my own and saving a few quid here and there i managed to get my gaming room slash nerd cave all set up me and my old man built a custom desk so i could have my xbox my computer and my switch it's not a fancy setup like i've seen online but i love it even more that the desk is mine there are a few wobbly cuts paint's not dried like i thought it would but it's perfect to me so naturally after finishing it and testing it making sure that things were in reach when i sat down i had to show off so a few pictures were taken and shared online because the internet is mainly for bragging and showing off i had a message from my aunt saying that as i'm an adult i shouldn't be playing silly games and that i should give her kids the switch naturally i said no but i promised if i got bored with it i will message her offspring the first chance to buy it i don't think she approved as she left me on red that all happened at the start of the year but then everything started and i thought nothing more of it now after most of the year being on furlough restrictions are easing off and i'm back at the office working the other day i get a phone call from my mom she's at my place with my auntie to pick up the switch i had promised to my cousins now i had let a friend of mine borrow it because him and his wife were thinking about one and wanted to try it i told my mom just wait i'm finishing in a few minutes and i'll be there i get home and sure enough i see mum's car and auntie's car i burst through the door and made mom and auntie jump me looking at my aunt what do you think you're doing here and i'm here for that switch you said i could have it me i said if i get rid of it i'll sell it to you mom you told me you bought it off of him me well it ain't here and well i'll take the other thing i started walking to her before mom calmed me down me get out now and i never want to see your face here if i do i'm phoning the police aunt quickly left and mom started apologizing to me and told me how ant said she bought it off of me but it said that we were struggling to organize a time for her to pick it up i looked at her and all i could say was i want my spare key back now i'm being bombarded by my sister and brother about how i made mom cry but i asked them how would you like it if mom was going through your stuff and giving away your expensive crap speaking of switch what's better the xbox or the switch please let us know neither pc gaming for the win am i the jerk for telling my brother to move out when he objected to me having a baby i'm 26 female and seven months pregnant the dad won't be involved but i have a girlfriend who will be there was no cheating my brother is 20 and he's staying with me while he attends uni he's heading into his final year where he'll be writing his dissertation i own this three-bedroom 1.5 bathroom flat with a mortgage the deal is that while my brother stays here dad pays the mortgage and i cover the expenses both of which are about 500 pounds a month i told my brother about the baby a couple of months ago he just sort of said okay and had no strong reaction good or bad i felt it was a little underwhelming but didn't question it a few hours later he asked if he can still stay here when the baby comes and i said of course he can and that was it about a month after that he asked me about my childcare plans i outlined my fairly comprehensive plan he said that's good because he's not helping out i said i didn't expect him to then two nights ago i finished up the nursery in the spare bedroom though the baby probably won't be in there for at least a few months after the birth brother asked me what the nursery at my girlfriend's place looks like and i responded that my girlfriend doesn't have a nursery at her place my brother asked if that meant the baby would be here every night i said that i'm the mother of course the baby will be here with me my brother then went off on me saying i should have made that clearer because this is going to mess up his studies evidently he thought that as i spent about half my time at my girlfriend's place this would continue and me and the baby would also spend half our time at my girlfriend's place post-birth i explained that as i am the birth mother and i'm the one with enough space for the baby the baby will be staying here every night my brother then said that's unreasonable he's doing his dissertation how do i expect him to sleep with a screaming baby in the flat function on the daily or bring girls back to the flat he then said that i should move out because i'm the one moving a baby in never mind that i literally own the flat at this point i told him that this is my flat and he could either stop being a brat and leave or he could move out but i'm not leaving my flat and i'm not going to listen to him complain about free accommodation he then told me to buzz off and went to bed i saw him this morning and he looked at me like he was waiting for something but said nothing so i kept quiet dad has since texted me saying that my brother told him everything and while i was in the right for most of the conversation i lost the high ground when i called him a brat told him to buzz off and rub the free accommodation in his face and i should apologize for what i said am i the jerk if yes i'll apologize well who do you think is the jerk op or her brother please let us know i think uniboy needs to find somewhere else to write his dissertation so my hair isn't acceptable let's see about that this takes place in the early 2000s i was working in a video slash dvd rental store at the time and was only a couple of weeks into the job but was enjoying my time there at the store was me two managers other guy working the register and the regional manager for the area i've always liked having a splash of color in my hair and it had never been an issue with employment until this instance at the time i had my natural brunette hair short and spiked up with a blue patch at the front which happened to be the same shade as our employee shirts which pleased me one day a few weeks into the job the regional manager walked in a woman with a chip on her shoulder the size of her ego she did her checks on how the store was running etc and was talking to me as i was the newest employee there making sure i knew what i was doing and stuff as she finishes up she says offhand to me by the way you'll have to take that color out of your hair i want it gone before my next visit this surprised me as i'd read the employee handbook to make sure i was following all uniform guidelines and made sure it wasn't an issue with the two shop managers so i asked her why i had to change my hair she instantly got healthy and puffed out her chest and said because i told you to are you questioning me me no i was just wondering what guidelines i've broken as i've read the employee and uniform regulations and didn't see anything about hair color in there and want to be sure i haven't missed something regional manager because i told you so and it's an unnatural hair color you'll have to get rid of it that annoyed me as i've never liked having to do something just because so i told her well other guy at the register has bleached tips manager 1 dyes her hair blonde and manager 2 has maroon hair none of those are their natural colors so i don't understand why i'm getting singled out regional manager did not like this and since she couldn't give me an answer just repeat it because i'm your boss and i told you so and if you don't want to change your hair you can leave i will be here next week and i want that color gone so i said i understand i'll fix it no worries but just to be clear so i'm in keeping with your guidelines other guy manager 1 and manager 2 have acceptable color and styles to which she said yes and i asked and is my hairstyle ok did you want me to cut it a certain way or anything or is it just the color she started getting annoyed again and said you can keep it like that just get rid of the color so i confirmed that i would have it sorted before she came in next week which seemed to satisfy the beast and she walked off in a cloud of smugness at having laid down her law as soon as she was out of the door i told the shop managers what i was going to do and they laughed but said they'd have my back when she came in again so my blue patch of hair had to go no problem colored tips dyed blonde hair and maroon hair like the other staff had were all hunky-dory so that weekend i did all three to be on the safe side i bleached all my hair near transparent blonde with maroon tips spiked up in my usual style as apparently that wasn't an issue well turns out that that's not what the regional manager had in mind well surprise she came in the next week and lost it took me in the back with the two shop managers shouting about how i was blatantly ignoring her and that she was going to see to it that i was fired i acted innocent and surprised and said that i had checked with her that this would be okay before she left my hairstyle was fine colored tips on the other guy was fine and she had confirmed that the maroon hair the shop manager had was fine she was not backing down and assured me she would report me to the head office for my disrespecting original manager like that she stormed out of the shop on her merry way so again i told the two shop managers what i was going to do which was get in touch with the head office's hr department myself as i was following all written company regulations as well as the regional manager's arbitrary rules and she seemed to be discriminating against me personally for whatever reason and i would be pursuing unfair dismissal as there was no reason to fire me i was good at my job and got on well with all the customers and staff it was only the regional manager out to get me so i did just that emailed the head office's hr saying what had happened and the two shop managers also emailed on my behalf backing up that i was following all guidelines including the ones the regional manager made up and that i was a model employee for them anyways but i liked them and they would attest that i was being singled out and harassed by the regional manager if i got dismissed because of this the next day the shop managers called me in to say that hr had been in touch and that of course i wasn't going to be fired and there is no company guidelines for things like hair color and not to worry at all about it have my hair any way i wanted once it wasn't unkempt awesome that's all i wanted happy ending now let's do this super duper happy ending couple weeks later the new regional manager walked in to introduce themselves turns out i wasn't the only one having issues with the regional manager being on a power trip after they had several complaints from staff and managers in different stores throughout the area she was demoted to a regular store manager i was the straw that broke their back it seems have you ever had a manager single you out for something if so what did you do about it please let us know i'm singling you out right now for forgetting to smash that like button don't be like that bruh am i the jerk for telling my bro that he can only have my secret recipes if he pays me for them so my brother is a tech whiz he developed an app for his daughter who just started kindergarten it's customized for her addresses her by her name that sort of thing to help her with her sight words and counting this is not something he's planning to sell or anything it was just a fun little project anyway during a zoom chat a little while ago he had nice show off all of the fun new skills she's learned thanks to his app i was like that's amazing and asked if he could share it with me so i could get my own daughter using it she'll be in kindergarten next year he initially said no because it was customized for nice i asked how hard it would be to modify but he said that's not the point he said if i wanted a custom built app i'd have to pay for it when i asked how much he sent me a quote suffice to say it was way more than i had expected i asked if instead of making all the changes for me could he just send me the source code so i could figure out how to customize it for my daughter on my own time i'd never share it or sell it he again told me no saying it wasn't fair to ask him to hand over the end result of his hard work without appropriate compensation fine fair i accepted this and didn't bring it up again fast forward to a couple of weekends ago we were having a socially distanced potluck at my parents house my mom asked for me to bring two specific dishes a mane and a dessert which are kind of family favorites that i have made for many gatherings in the past these are both recipes i've spent years perfecting and including gradient slash techniques that aren't found in any of the generic recipes i found online anyways sister-in-law was raving about my dishes saying she even tried to recreate them at home the last time she had had them but couldn't get it to come out right bro then asked if i would email him my specific recipes here's where bro thinks i became the jerk i said i'd have to work out how much they were worth when he asked what i meant i said it's not fair to ask me to hand over the end result of my hard work without appropriate compensation well he got mad and started calling me petty and saying the two situations are entirely different i said i don't see how a recipe is just a way to program food to taste a specific way he just kept insisting it was different eventually sister-in-law convinced him that it wasn't worth it but things were a bit tense between us for the rest of the day and he's been really short with me ever since every time we talk he makes some kind of comment about it he likes to be right the last time we spoke he brought up that source code is copyrightable but recipes aren't which proves it's different i just said all the more reason not to share them then but i'm beginning to wonder is it different am i the jerk here well who do you think is the jerk ob or his brother please let us know i just want to know what those recipes were sounded really good karen threatens to call the police for a pet hotel keeping her dog from her i work at a dog hotel that caters to wealthier clientele and since i'm a canine caretaker i feed slash walk slash train slash give medicines to the dogs and don't deal so much with people which i'm very grateful for still there are times when i bring a dog to clients who then turn out to be entitled karens or kins not much fun when they act stuck up and arrogant right well here's a story about the night shift yesterday at work that gets interesting i was taking a poodle mix named curly out for a walk and i got a call on milwaukee saying that curly's owner was waiting to pick him up it's hotel policy to take the dogs out to go before they've returned to their owners this entitled karen didn't get the memo so when i passed in the hall with curly heading outside she was shrieking so loudly that i could hear her through two closed door hallway sections and the hotel each hall is blocked by doors so if a dog escapes one of the suite rooms they'll still be partially contained anyway curly did his business and we were headed to the lobby and to karen her conversation was recorded on security cameras so our conversation went like this karen i want my dog give me my fur baby come here curly karen storms into the building even though no one's allowed in without a mask or permission which of course she had neither karen curly my baby boy receptionist ma'am you can't be in here the canine caretakers take your dog outside to you shut up and give me my dog receptionist do you have a leash it's hotel policy the dogs can't go without no i don't have a leech give yours to me referring to me me i'm sorry ma'am but this is my leash if you'd like a leash i'll get you one of our spares no i want yours ma'am please don't yell i'd hate to have curly feel anxious then give me your leash i'm sorry no fine then i'll just take my dog and go don't expect me to do business with you again me gives curly to karen me realizing my mistake ma'am it's hotel policy that we can't let dogs leave here without a leash or harness i'd still be happy to get you a spare if you'd like karen just give me my dog i don't have time for this bull or for you b me getting sarcastic but curly is a boy ma'am how can he be the bee i knew i could have gotten fired over this but it was a worth it comment karen if you don't give me my dog then i'll sue you for keeping him from me this is illegal i'll have you in court by now one of my co-workers was running to karen and me with one of our spare leashes and gave it to her she yelled at us several times but left and swore never to do business with us again we have karen's and kins like this all the time who say they'll never come back to the pet hotel again after the karen left my manager came up to me and told me i had some courage then this morning he texted me and said that karen came back with curly because she had to go to the city and curly couldn't go with her all she requested in colorful terms was that i know what i did yes karen i know what i did followed hotel policy and dealt with an entitled karen i hope to never see again i know i will have to eventually but today is my day off so i'm enjoying it speaking of dogs do any of you have a dog and if so what kind please let us know my poodle is better than yours am i the jerk for telling my wife i won't give her an allowance every month me male 23 and my wife female22 got married two months ago she moved 100 miles away from her family and friends to live with me in my city we live in a three-bedroom new build home with a nice spacious garden my wife currently has no job since she left hers to live with me she's been having a very hard time finding a job since everything that's been going on i work full time and earn three thousand pounds a month i also rent out a property of my father's which covers our rent for our new home i pay for the groceries and anything the house needs she covers the car insurance wi-fi and her own bills with her savings i must say my wife is a very good stay-at-home wife she cooks very nice meals and bakes these amazing cakes for me every few days she makes me pancakes in the mornings as hers are honestly the best i've ever had and she makes sure my lunch is packed and dinner is on the table when i get home also the house is spotless last night she expressed to me how she was running low on her savings i cover literally everything so i'm not too sure what she spends her money on anyways she told me she would like 100 pounds a month so she can use it for her creams she applies at night or just so she can get her nails done and use it to feel nice i told her i won't be giving her any allowance and if she needs anything like her nails done or her creams to just ask me instead and i'll transfer her the amount she got into a mood because i said no but i reminded her how i'm the one who's covering everything anyways and how i don't even want her to work because she doesn't need to am i the jerk for refusing her request because she did get into a mood the entire evening and acted just off well what do you think is opi a jerk or not please let us know bruh am i the jerk for being upset about my boyfriend's mom kicking me out because i cried in front of his family my boyfriend who's 23 and i whom 21 have been together for three years now i've been aware for a while that his mom doesn't like me and has had her concerns as she puts it about our relationship i'm not entirely sure why and my boyfriend doesn't understand why either currently my boyfriend is living at home with his parents and i'm doing the same as we both graduated college in may and are working on moving out he invited me to come over labor day weekend to spend time with him his family which consists of his mom dad sister and brother-in-law spent most of the day teasing me and making fun of me over almost anything i said or did like they wanted to go outside and throw frisbee and i have horrible aim so they kept mocking me his dad even threw a frisbee from a position where i couldn't see him with the intention of hitting me with it because they knew i wasn't paying attention i didn't think it was funny but i played along then before dinner they decided to play a game it's a card game and there are ways to get people out in the game early on and they can't play again until the next round his family thought it would be funny to mess with me the entire game i was targeted to the point where i was the only one with no points and i barely even got to play during every round even when it would make more strategic sense to play on someone else who was close to winning they would play on me one of his family members even said that it was fun to watch me lose they were also making fun of me for any mistake in the game i made when i've played only a few times before at that point it was getting to me and after i made another mistake and they all started laughing at me i started crying because i was embarrassed and then excused myself when my boyfriend came to talk to me he told me that his mom wanted me to leave because she wasn't going to deal with this she also told him that he should break up with me because i'm too sensitive and if i can't take a joke i can't be part of their family i explained to him why i was upset and he understood but he couldn't go against his mom i cried for a while and grabbed my things but before i left i went to go apologize to his mom for making a scene his mom told me she thinks i'm bad for him i'm weak she can't ever see me as a mother or a wife and i ruin everything when i'm around i even asked his mom what i had done to make her feel that way about me but she couldn't answer the question i didn't know what to say so i just stayed quiet and left when she was done my boyfriend then told me he needs a few days to think about things because he wants to be with someone who perfectly meshes with his family like his brother-in-law i'm devastated and i feel like it's my fault for getting upset but i also feel like his mom's reaction crossed a line so reddit am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk ob or her boyfriend's mom please let us know i think the boyfriend is the biggest jerk of them all how you gonna let your mama treat her like that bruh i made my boss retire and took her lab equipment as a trophy i'm a second year graduate student going for a phd in biochemistry as such i'm simultaneously both a student and government employee working for my university as a researcher the way my program is laid out you take a general course for the first semester then rotate into three or more labs doing work for and learning techniques from the professor's running said labs for a few months before moving on after your third rotation in a lab you're allowed to join the lab permanently as you work on your thesis project as far as my circumstances went i didn't like my first lab everyone had a thick chinese accent that made it hard to really hear what the professor slash lab techs were saying although they were great people the second lab didn't have funding to pay me as a grad student leaving me with my third rotation lab i opted to join that lab as the project seemed extremely interesting and was in neuroscience meaning i would be able to learn techniques others in my program would not and i was very interested by that prospect about a week after joining the head of the biochemistry department reached out to me apparently the older students i know had gone to him with concerns about the professor i would be working with so he started digging apparently the nero and molecular medicine programs no longer allow her to take graduate students from their programs at all because she was known for having fits throwing tantrums throwing things and being an all-around jerk in general i later found out that she was read the riot act on multiple occasions and tried to deny maternity leave to a pregnant student from one of the programs which later blacklisted her because she couldn't understand why a student who was about 28 at the time would get pregnant just to give you some context for her demeanor i was concerned by the rumors but it seemed to be a stark contrast to the person i was working with boy was i wrong about that i was told to watch out and keep the department in the loop fast forward a few months and progress has slowed to a crawl the project i had been working on turned out to be wrong and the preliminary data was done by an undergraduate student who upon revisiting the lab couldn't replicate her own results because she messed up her data a bit to seem better so she could get out of the lab faster fast forward again and communication between my boss and i have broken down every email i receive has text and bold italicized and underlying font to get it clearly across that she was talking down to me she no longer offers me help stating that she doesn't have time for me but whenever something goes wrong or doesn't work i'd be asked why didn't you ask for help she was hypocritical or self-contradicting on most points however it best suited her at the time i found myself walking much more quickly past her office to avoid eye contact and the hour and a half long lectures slash rants that would normally follow worked later hours to enjoy the peace and quiet of night one project i was working on involved injecting lentivirus an hiv-based agent used essentially as a molecular syringe to get cells to express whatever dna we wanted them to into the brains of mice which were either a disease model or a control model i won't go into detail here but essentially i had to do practice runs before we spent thousands of dollars on disease model mice and ultra pure lentivirus these practices were carried out flawlessly and i showed my boss exactly where i had injected the mice again i won't go into the details however every time i showed her where i had injected the practice solution which was fluorescent she would say that's not the region of the brain you're supposed to be injecting i want the ca1 region of the hippocampus unbeknownst to me this jerk had no idea what that region of the brain looked like and was looking for the wrong part of the brain she worked in the nero department gave me the coordinates to inject into this region herself and worked alongside labs that specialized in this after we had well exceeded the amount of practice surgeries permitted in her grant i realized that she was an idiot and showed her a mouse atlas highlighting the area of the brain to be injected and showed her a side by side image comparison to my real injections furthermore the atlas had coordinates that showed you that my injections were as accurate as possible after a bit of stammering she brought me outside and pointed to a poster on the wall i wanted you to do this injection why didn't you inject this she was pointing at a different further forward region of the brain i showed her the coordinates she herself had provided me with for the surgery and told her because you didn't tell me to by this point we had one week until the actual surgeries were to be done in a panic my boss told me to do a practice run with brand new coordinates this was crappy because it took me a week just to find out if the coordinates worked or not and if they didn't i wouldn't be able to test any corrections before the surgery additionally she had apparently put off mandatory veterinary training and demanded that i do the new coordinate surgery in front of a vet who if he had a problem with my techniques be it with the animal or with sterility of my tools would not allow me to do the surgery and would effectively end my project while this wouldn't normally be a problem my crappy boss was using a neighboring labs equipment which i had no way of cleaning or sterilizing prior to the surgery everything rested on the other lab through some miracle everything in the surgery suite was up to standards filters had just been replaced the place had just been swept trash removed and the equipment was recently autoclaved i got a pass from the vet on my technique but was told that i couldn't do the surgery for safety reasons i would have to do it in a more controlled environment with more personal protective gear if i was using lentivirus which again was impossible since we were borrowing another lab's equipment which couldn't be moved after some discussion i'm told by my boss to just throw on a respirator and do the surgery anyways the day of the surgery comes i'm ready i anesthetize knock out two of the mice and start the surgery about half an hour into the surgery i noticed that they've both stopped breathing this had never happened before i grabbed the neighboring lab staff to help and they tried to resuscitate the mice with an adapted form of cpr but it was no use they were gone after 30 practice mice injected this way ended up just fine these expensive mice had died i would just like to point out that i have never before nor have i since lost an animal during surgery there's one thing i haven't mentioned yet these mice were supposed to be anesthetized with a drug mixture injection but since my boss never got the license to obtain that mixture she disobeyed her approved protocol and had us use other means of anesthetizing the mice it turns out that this particular line of mice was exceptionally fragile and wouldn't be able to live under our method of anesthesia however we were collaborating with another lab which was doing half of the surgeries for us this lab had the license to obtain and use the mixture those mice survived due to the disparity between their success and our failure i'm pointed out is the problem despite my arguments fast forward a few months and my boss and i both arrive at the conclusion that neither of us wants me there anymore i go to the head of the biochemistry department and tell the bio kim head about my decision he asks me what happened and i said it just didn't work out i was still trying to just drop it and let the whole thing just slip into the past however it turns out my boss had been angrily writing him behind my back for months about everything that she didn't like he was extremely tired of it i was outraged by the fact that instead of talking with me about these things like an adult she went behind my back to my department head but what really upset me is that she was also apparently spreading lies about me to the head of my department hoping she could get me kicked out of the graduate school so her reputation wouldn't get tarnished further and she would continue to take students from my department after this essay of exposition cue the revenge the head of the biochemistry department just set me down told me that he would give me a list of grievances levied against me by my boss and asked me to address them in a formal letter which would be sent in to a governing committee which would deliberate on what course of action the department should take with me leaving the lab the letter included lies that i would have to disprove this was easily done and i was able to cite witnesses as well blamed me for the deaths of the expensive animals and wasting the lentivirus and several other points i took my time writing a rebuttal letter after approximately 24 pages i was satisfied with my work i outlined how the premise for my project was based on falsified data how my boss ignored her iacuc approved surgery protocol for convenience which actually led to the deaths of the animals appended with an email from the veterinarian regarding this to support my claim how my boss unnecessarily used animals for training surgeries beyond three times the allowed amount in her protocol solely because she couldn't even identify the region she wanted me to inject how she would constantly harass threaten and demean me with witnesses from the neighboring labs cited how she would constantly forget even talking to me about things and claimed that i was lying about things she witnessed i honestly think she had alzheimer's but the neighboring lab thinks it's a form of traumatic brain injury i even included a note to ehs the safety department about the breach and safety protocol regarding use of lentivirus without proper air flow control and without proper personal protective equipment every single documented safety violation protocol violation harassment or threat was included in my letter i didn't hear back from the head of the department but word got around fast through the department even though it was supposed to be secret the professor was blacklisted from the university as a whole and could no longer take on students from any program meaning she could only hire lab techs and post docs additionally the only other person in her lab who basically carried the lab and knew everything just left today with that the lab has officially been retired my old boss is no longer with the university and i even got to enjoy going through her lab equipment to appropriate for my new lab since it was all technically property of the university it was the greatest feeling of satisfaction i've ever had please come watch this video next you will love it and if you join as a channel member today we'll give you a special shout out to our next video and to have us make any kind of video you want us to come visit us on fiverr link pin in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 56,582
Rating: 4.8848686 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 4phnzhyWPzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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