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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today i kicked my karen cousin out of my house after that hoa member doesn't know the rules as well as he thinks and after that am i the jerk for not giving my daughter the basement sweet now for every thumbs up this video kids one karen has to eat a bowl of lucky charms hey sign me up without any marshmallows so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day i kicked my karen cousin out of my house a little backstory i bought my first house at 26 years old it was a three bedroom house and i was single so after talking to my best friend and cousin we decided to all move in together fast forward nine months and i ended up falling in love and moving into my partner's house i told them i would be moving out a month in advance and my cousin had her friend move in then after about six months living with my partner i lost my job of five years and needed money keep in mind i had been charging all of them the exact amount of my mortgage i made absolutely zero profit after 15 months of renting to them i told my cousin that i was thinking about raising the rent so i could make money and she immediately got angry keep in mind we've been close our entire life she said the house wasn't worth the extra money it's a brand new remodeled house with brand new appliances and refinished hardwood floors and the house next door rents for fourteen hundred dollars and i was charging them all a total of nine thirty the mortgage i told her i was still raising the rent and left it at that a week later i went over to the house to talk to her and she said they were all going to just move out and find somewhere else to live i was hurt but i understood so two weeks after my cousin told me they were all going to just move out i was talking to my mom who's a real estate agent and i decided that since the housing market is hot i wanted to just sell it and be done with the stress i texted my cousin best friend and my cousin's friend who lived there a little paragraph about how thankful i was they stayed and paid the mortgage and how much i appreciated them but that i would be selling the house in a month this is when my cousin just unloaded saying i was a jerk for kicking them out keep in mind this is a month after she told me they were moving out and i gave them another month before i told them i needed them out she said i don't have family loyalty when in reality i knew she was smoking in my house among other things and i stupidly said nothing because they were paying my mortgage family loyalty was me asking for rent and then paying a week after the due date or the electric bill they never paid on time and when i would request the money and text they would thumbs down the text every time immature things of that nature the story ends with my mom finding another house for them to rent them moving out the night before i said was their last day and them leaving my house absolutely trashed our family is pretty good at not picking sides but my mom and her sister my cousin's mom have definitely not been talking as much as normal since my cousin has told everyone in our family that i'm the jerk so am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or their cousin please let us know add contact wherever they're trying to move to and tell them your story might change their mind about wanting to run to them hoa member doesn't know the rules as well as he thinks this story primarily takes place between me and crappy neighbor who's a member of my community's hoa so a bit of background me and my three roommates moved into a housing community that is basically just a bunch of cookie-cutter townhomes all of these homes have garages that open onto streets that wind through the community this is important later with your front door opening to a path on the other side of your house there are also some free parking spots on the edge of the community where there are no houses when we first moved in we quickly found out that parking could be a bit of a pain during the day especially when people had guests during the weekend now my roommates and i admittedly have more cars than the average family because we usually have to commute for work we each have one we try to make parking easier by using the garage but we all have tons of sporting equipment so we can usually only get one car in the garage when all the parking and all the free spots is full we just park our cars right up against the garage and leave them there during the day or overnight we had seen other neighbors do it and it still left ample room for people driving on the street to get by well one day crappy neighbor came up while my roommates and i are in the garage organizing some stuff and tells us that we can't park there overnight as it's against community rules before we had a chance to respond he added and if you do it again i will personally make sure you're towed his first comment was pretty reasonable we just moved in and didn't know that rule but his second comment really just made him sound like a jerk and wasn't necessary one of my roommates simply responded that we didn't know as we just moved in and we wouldn't park there overnight anymore well neighbor clearly trying to assert his dominance responded with good you better not because i'll be watching well from then on we did follow those rules if we parked in front of our garage during the day we would make sure to move before we went to sleep this worked out for a while until one fateful day one of my roommates stopped by quickly after work to grab some dinner and clothes before heading to his girlfriend's this was around 7pm so he just parked up against the garage as it would be quicker than the parking spaces plus it was early enough that he didn't think he'd get towed around 8 pm he went to head out and his car was gone guess who was there though crappy neighbor standing right outside immediately he said to my roommate told you you were going to get towed if you parked here again neighbor and my roommate argued for a bit before roommate came back inside and calls the car lot well it ends up they're closed so he'll have to get his car in the morning the kicker they're going to charge him an overnight fee all in all it comes out to 500 which isn't a small amount of money for us the neighbor has been a jerk to us since we moved in and even though it wasn't my car that was towed i took it personally to make sure we didn't get towed again we decided to read the community rules and lo and behold we found out that the street in front of the garage is actually considered a fire lane and no one is supposed to park there at any point during the day between crappy neighbor treating us like this and the fact that we could hear him yelling at his wife every night not a big detail to the story but just wanted to say to add to my point that this guy was just a jerk i start to plan my revenge since lockdown started i've been able to work from home and my desk conveniently looks out onto the street between the houses this means that i can clearly see crappy neighbor's garage i start to take notice of when he parks his car out in front of his garage for about two weeks i noticed that he would come home around 1pm and leave again at 2pm on the third week i decided i would begin the revenge on monday true to his schedule he stopped by around 1. after about 10 minutes i gave the tow company a call and said that he was parked in the fire lane and if they could come and remove his car 20 minutes later a tow truck rolled up hooked his car up and towed it off about 15 minutes later crappy neighbor came out and i could hear him start to yell back into his house presumably at his wife he then left and didn't come back until later that evening after he had gotten his car now it was funny to do this and i made sure to send snaps to my roommates who didn't work from home but i wasn't done yet see this jerk apparently didn't learn the first time because literally the next day he parks in front of his garage again what do i do well the exact same thing as the day before of course again crappy neighbor comes out realizes his car is gone yells at his wife and then goes to get it now after this time he's a bit smarter and parks in an actual spot before going in to get his lunch or whatever it is he does there midday he does this for about two weeks before he decides that it's okay to park in front of his garage again well who's still sitting at their desk every day and notices this immediately well me of course and being the concerned resident that i am i immediately call the tow company and off his car goes again and again this is met with yelling i wish that this had a more satisfying ending but after this third time i decided i would stop because i genuinely felt bad for his wife who he seemed to do most of the yelling at as if it was her fault that he was the jerk what i can tell you is that it definitely cost him over one thousand dollars if he hadn't gotten my roommate's car towed then we wouldn't have ever found that fun little rule the best part was that a number of my neighbors would have their cars parked there at the same time and they'd never have their cars towed which made it all the better than it was we have had a number of other encounters with him in the times since this has happened and i have another story that involves the actual hoa that i'll probably write later that one is still ongoing though so we'll see how it ends up edit two by popular decision i've decided that this story actually won't conclude with me stopping i've had lots of advice about recording him yelling at his wife and trying to help that situation i've also been told that i should figure out if he's using hoa funds to pay off these bills this one may be a bit harder to obtain since we're just renters but i'll see what i can do one thing to note is that he has no idea that it's me calling and i'm trying to keep it that way i will keep everyone updated with my progress and if anything new happens have you ever had a neighbor that you just couldn't stand if so what was wrong with them please let us know am i the jerk for not giving my daughter the basement suite i've been remarried for two years now and we recently had a son i also have a 14 year old daughter for my first marriage and a 12 and 9 year old stepsons when my wife was 5 months pregnant i asked my daughter if she could swap rooms with my stepsons we had only 4 bedrooms at the time and my daughter had the largest room our plan was for my daughter to take the second largest room my stepsons to share her larger room and convert the smaller room into a nursery i thought this was a fairly reasonable ask but my daughter made it into a huge fight and worse was when my ex got involved who then threatened to take me to court to reduce my custody of my daughter all over a room this caused way too much stress at home and i gave in which i do regret now but i then proceeded to renovate the basement suite with my father's help the basement now had the largest bedroom with a lounge and a full bathroom it's very easily the nicest part of the house the kids then started fighting over who would move down there and i very firmly told my daughter that i renovated it because she refused to give up her room so my 12 year old stepson gets to move down there i don't know if it's just puberty but she has become extremely hostile and downright mean over this she no longer comes over as much as before citing the unfair room as the reason my ex fully supports her and i have to wait five months before i can even fight this in court at this point i'm not even sure it's worth the legal cost because she'll be 15 in december and her opinion will count in the court am i the jerk for not giving into my daughter's frankly bratty demands it's hurting me that my daughter feels like i'm pushing her out of the family but i want to stay true to what i think is right all attempts to get us in the family therapy has been denied by my ex and my poor father now feels terrible because he's being partly blamed since he helped with the renovations well what would you do in this situation would you give her the basement suite or not please let us know i'd probably take it for myself to be honest sounds really nice it's morphin time while in a box chain store with my wife i head over to the electronics section to browse around and wait out a husband's worst nightmare of i just need a few things there's a girl there that i'm guessing is in high school since she had a high school sweatshirt on the same color of the box store colors she's looking at cell phone cases with middle-aged man walks up to her and asks her to get the key to a display case for xbox or playstation something i was not paying attention to either of them until i hear the excuse me this girl is five foot nothing in a sweatshirt and jeans this guy is close to six foot and dressed in business casual and is very confident in himself he doesn't even suspect how outmatched he is with this kid she says i don't work here and the self-important male karen starts i am not going to get the dialogue between them exactly right since i have nowhere near hero girl's ability to think on my feet like she did plus it went on for a couple of minutes and would be forever in this post guy then why are you behind the counter her i'm not behind the counter you are by the counter straightening inventory so you better help me or i will get your manager i cannot remember this part without hearing it's morphin time in my head i actually start to go over to help the kid out but there was no need hero girl turns to face the guy i'm looking for a specific case for my iphone so are you going to help me or not mail karen wait what i don't work here neither do i i'm not going to get into the whole thing but he would demand something out of her then she would demand something from him and it would end the same way every time i don't work here neither do i this went on for a couple of minutes and hero girl pulled out all of the stops he would say something and she would come back with a sick grandbaby son lost his job dad was passing mom got hurt daughter got married she had to have had 5 parents and 10 kids and the whole time this guy just kept going they threatened to have each other fired so many times it was head spinning as he got mad and moved closer to her she would say six feet or i will tell your manager you're violating your store's distancing policy he would back up a little and say i don't work here neither do i that happened twice the woman that was working electronics came out and asked what the problem was and they both tried to have each other fired she tried to say neither of them worked there and finally said i don't get paid enough for this stuff and left them to it a woman with a small kid bumped into me from behind and then started watching with me the kid tugged on her arm to go and she said hush baby i'm watching this that made us both chuckle a manager came up behind us and looked at the scene and said really he finally tries to intervene but can't get a word in edgewise it ends finally with both of them saying the exact same time i don't work here neither do i think abbott and costello who's on first the male karen looks at the girl then the manager then the girl then the manager the manager finally says out of the three of us i am the only one that works here now how can i help you hero girl where are the iphone cases manager points to the aisle and hero girl says pleasantly thank you she absolutely bounces over to the aisle without a care in the world manager turns to male karen and you sir he stammers for a minute and finally sheepishly explains what he needs the woman that bumped into me says better than anything i've seen all week on netflix me i rushed to find my wife and tell her what happened so when you hear the excuse me say something like there you are where's the ketchup works like a charm finally if hero girl reads this either make a post of what you said or post it in the comments you were brilliant am i the jerk for notifying local shop of their underpriced goods so there's this card game my friend and i have been playing for almost a decade now and recently a couple of their old seal booster boxes have been selling for upwards to one thousand dollars fast forward to today when i'm browsing my local vendors online shop i surprisingly see two of these rare boxes sealed going for 15 on their shop i quickly messaged them to let them know of the money they would lose if someone else were to find these and they told me they would de-list them for now and decide what to do with them i didn't buy them because i felt that if i bought them at that price i would be scamming them and i really don't mind not having them i then told my friend about it because i thought that he would appreciate knowing that our local vendor had an important piece of our game's history however he then told me that he wanted to buy them and flip the boxes for profit when i told him that i let the shop know of the value and that they had delisted them he said that i did him over on potentially a lot of money as well as started making rude remarks i started doubting myself thinking i should have told my friend first and i wasn't loyal enough as a friend to him but on the contrary one of the shop's owners thanked me for letting him know since he had been out of a job for a year now because of lockdown and has been worried about running out of money so am i the jerk here edit i forgot to mention that the boxes were in the clearance section of the shop which may have been important information edit thank you to everyone that offered their opinions and awards for my problem i learned a lot from the different perspectives that you all have given me i definitely see the reasoning behind both sides and i will do my best to put what i have learned in this thread into practice edit some additional context because people are asking my friend doesn't flip cards or collectibles for a living he works at his family run restaurant at the moment well who do you think is the jerk op or their friend please let us know bruh buying nephews lunch means i have to buy random people's lunch this literally just happened i work for a security company that has a branch that transports patients from regular hospitals to psychiatric ones anyway our local office is in one of the main hospitals here i started getting hungry and we didn't have any transports at the moment so i decided to go down to the cafeteria and get some food when i got down there i was surprised to see my second eldest nephew who will call r looking over everything with a defeated look on his face i walked up and said hey r what are you doing here he turned and said mama had to bring papa here because the only doc around that he needs is here side note they live an hour and 45 minutes away okay so why are you down here looking so upset i asked i got hungry but i don't have enough money to get anything he replied no worries get whatever you want i told him i texted my mom to let her know he was with me eating versus lost in the hospital while we were in line soon as i had paid for our food a random woman taps me on the shoulder looks me in the eye and says aren't you going to pay for mine too i never planned to i responded why not you paid for that kid who has been hanging around for half an hour why not pay for cute girls too well first of all the kid as you put it just so happens to be one of my nephews who is here with my mom and stepdad somewhere second of all i have a girlfriend of the last five years that makes you look like an angler fish third why the heck would you just assume that i would buy you anything you are rude as heck i'm going to report you to the hospital director and have your job good luck i don't work for him so i don't see that happening and why do you have a hospital id badge not that it's any of your business but my company written office in this building and we have them so we can scan through the doors whatever i'm still reporting it okay well the person you're talking about is two people behind you and just saw the whole thing so have fun with that then i walked off and joined my nephew at the table not sure what was said after i walked off but i saw the woman leave the cafeteria with nothing and the director came out of the pickup area laughing his butt off won't adjust the schedule so i can attend prom back in my younger days before most people had cell phones i was working at a fast food restaurant during my senior year of high school the main reason i decided to work there was because one of my best friends worked there and around the time i started working our other best friend joined us we were very close and we spent our minimum wage earnings on stupid stuff this fast food restaurant was the king when it came to burgers so we had to learn how to prepare a whopper of a hamburger in no time flat we also had to learn how to manage the fried food stations the registers the drive-through all specialty items and all cleaning and end-of-day operations we were pretty sharp kids despite being stupid teenagers and within a couple of months we could run an entire shift by ourselves normally there were at least four or five workers and a manager we were regularly scheduled with just three of us and a manager to work all the night shifts and we enjoyed working together and running the store we knew the manager was saving money on labor costs which made the whole store look good when compared against other stores in the district but we didn't care we worked hard had fun together and made a nearly criminally small wage for our efforts at the time it seemed like we had made it big as it tends to do prom season came around we all went to the same school so we all had prom on the same day compounding the issue one of my friends was taking another worker as his date thinking it would help with scheduling we notified our manager several weeks in advance we were all told no we found that amusing because of course we were going to go to our prom well the company policy was that as long as you called before missing a shift then you wouldn't get in trouble for calling in with an emergency we timed our calls so that we would all call within a few minutes of each other the poor manager on shift almost broke down crying but we felt self-righteous as teenagers often do i was the last to call and the manager was full on begging me not to call out sick we went off and enjoyed our prom the next day when we went in for our shifts we found out the store had struggled in our absence the manager had scrambled to get people to come in on their scheduled day off incurring some overtime to call overtime discouraged with that company would be an understatement some of the managers glared at us while some others gave us knowing grins within a week we were only ever scheduled with two of us working together i'm sure it ended up costing the company a lot but it was also very clear that the management had gotten in trouble for not fixing the schedule when we informed them of our prom the story does have a happy ending i met my wife while working there and we've been together for over 20 years now am i the jerk for saying that i won't attend after work events because people from hr will be there i've always been told to avoid any and all interaction with hr get any interaction in writing they're here to protect the company and its assets at the cost of the employee they're snakes don't give them any information not relevant to your job etc i've never had any issues good employment record overall and i've also only rarely interacted with people in hr in the past in the first place but this job i've been at for about two years now is organized so that there's hr people in the department rather than them being in their own department now we're back in the office and things are slowly opening up and we've had a few happy hours scheduled i would ask who all was attending they'd include hr and i'd decline without saying why this kept happening until someone caught on and asked why i always ask who's going since i'll say no anyways and i said i mean i might consider going if people from hr weren't also going they were confused and asked what the issue was so i said i don't socialize with hr still confused they were like why not lisa's a really nice person i said that could be true but i think it's inappropriate for hr to be mingling with regular employees they're in a position of power the girl i was talking to said that was a jerky way of looking at things and that it made me come across like a snob i said it's not that i think i'm better than they are at all i just don't think socializing with people in a position of power over me is the best idea especially if there's alcohol involved i followed up by saying i wouldn't hang out with my boss or supervisor either she called me weird and has been avoiding me since she mentioned it to a few other co-workers and i guess it started a big dialogue among them a couple of people said they never thought about it like that but agreed but warned me that i might be seen as creating a hostile environment and discriminating against the hr employees am i the jerk thanks for the votes y'all i understand clearly that i am not the jerk hr are there to protect the company and not the employee and i should continue to avoid any interaction with them that i can and get every interaction in writing but i should stop asking and simply avoid pointless interactions and socializing with them as a whole so as to not call attention well what do you think do you agree with op on hr or not please let us know so is hating on hr like new or something cause i've honestly never heard of it got into a shouting match with some customers we had our major crazies of the year last night another servers table group of seven they were rowdy but okay until near the end one guy starts like he's about to throw up at first i thought okay maybe he's choking but he kept going and his friends were like oh he just ate the whole pile of wasabi he's okay and he kept heaving loud for minutes he didn't go to the bathroom just [Music] over and over he never actually threw up but the whole restaurant couldn't help but hear it one of my tables was looking a bit sick themselves just at the sound of it they were at this point already in the process of paying and leaving which i assured my tables one of my customers though went up and told them that they were being disgusting inconsiderate jerks which while i don't disagree them's fighting words so now this party of seven is like squaring up with this dude and another table of mine gets up and circled the wagons around them no blows were thrown just heated words seven top was like we were just having fun and the all disrespectful jerks ruined our dinner we're never coming back so the group of seven left for a minute then the heaver comes back in to shout at that customer again their friends dragged him out then a minute later one of the women came back in and got chewed by staff at this point i stepped outside to make sure they were actually leaving and sure enough the jerk heaver was trying to come back in again thus far i'd always been kinda elsewhere like getting an order and it not been part of the confrontation but i was done with these people i talked to him like he was a darn dog pointed him back at his car where his family was and told him no you are not coming back inside if any one of you steps inside again i am calling the cops you are leaving right now i don't shout but i did dude was upset he was like i just spent 300 darn dollars here and i said and you just ruined dinner for everyone else none of you are ever allowed back one of the ladies by the car goes i have to pee and i shouted too bad then then the jerk heaver cements my opinion of the lot by saying oh forget you guys and forget your masks so i went inside and grabbed the phone dialed the non-emergency number and came out and stood where they could see me with the phone to my ear they shouted at some randoms who were walking through the parking lot something about how they should never eat here then they left oh boy am i the jerk for kicking my aunt and her five-year-old out of my house because of my bonsai tree i'm 20 male and my aunt female 38 had a very big fight with my uncle a month ago she said that she caught him watching videos of some girls dancing on instagram or something that doesn't matter she took his phone and smashed it in the wall grabbed my cousin who's five and got out of the house my grandparents live far away and my parents aren't on good terms with her so she came to my apartment i loved plants and made kind of a garden in one of the rooms with all types of plants including my treasure a two old bonsai tree that i got from my father when i was born he grew it himself when he learned that my mom was pregnant anyway i had to find other places for my plants since they were going to be staying in the room most of them i gave to my friends to take care of until my aunt had another place to go that was supposed to be a few days but they ended up staying almost a month the only one that stayed with me was my bonsai everything was fine at first until my cousin saw my bonsai he looked very interested in it which made me very happy that he liked plants as well and i took it for him to take a closer look i needed to water it anyway he was very careful to not hurt the plant and seemed very worried to touch it which made me even happier that he respected the plant and was careful with it i went off to get water and left him alone with it it took less than a minute for me to hear a crack noise coming from my room i came running back to see my tree knocked over to the ground with shards of what was once its vase and my cousin crying my aunt came soon after and almost stumbled on my tree when she came in to help her son while i was saving my tree she was furious that i left her son alone and that i prioritized a stupid tree over him that's not even true i first checked if he was okay and only when i saw that the worst he had was some small cuts on his hand i went for the tree she said that she would burn my bonsai when she comes back she took him to the hospital while i went to find an emergency vase thankfully the tree was okay when they came back i told my aunt to take her stuff and get out since i can't risk hurting my tree she was shocked that i was prioritizing a tree over her and my cousin and that i would let them be homeless over it i told them they can simply go home and figure it out with her husband i gave them the rest of the day to take their stuff and locked myself in my room with my bonsai obviously the next day i wake up with my grandfather furious with me saying that i should have thrown my tree out of the window for my cousin obviously my aunt had told him her own version of the situation which is not a new thing every time someone does something she doesn't like she calls her dad manipulating the truth as much as possible in her favor this is part of the reason my parents don't talk to her anymore i don't think that i'm the jerk but would like an outside perspective of it what do you guys think edit thanks for the response guys there is something that i need to clarify though i did take care of my little cousin first i'm sorry if i expressed myself wrong but as i said he wasn't hurt just a tiny cut in his hand it took a minute or so for ant to see what happened and by the time she came i had already cleaned up his wound i did not ignore him while i was looking for a vase i'm surprised people actually thought that but anyway thanks for the reply guys you're not gonna believe what happens in this video so please come watch it next and we'll see you when you get there and huge shout out to our newest official channel member tina thank you so much for supporting the channel it really means the world to us join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to head over to our fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 43,124
Rating: 4.925211 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 1T0lr0wa64M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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