r/EntitledPeople "KAREN CLAIMS TO BE A MODEL!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today my father-in-law's girlfriend thinks she's an instagram model i give her a reality check after that karen gets us suspended for a week and after that making my landlord pay over 100 000 for a sink now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen doesn't get to be an instagram model how dare you so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day my father-in-law's girlfriend thinks she's an instagram model i give her a reality check father-in-law has been dating kylie for about a year she is an aspiring instagram model she doesn't work and he pays for her life and if anyone asks she says she's a model even though she isn't actually making much money off of instagram i don't think she knew who his ex-wife was when she met him but my mother-in-law was a huge supermodel in the 90s she was mega successful travelled the world and kylie definitely knew who she was when she heard the name kylie hates her and constantly talks crap about her to the point my oldest kid doesn't want to be around his grandfather because of what he hears her saying about his grandmother last time they were all together she asked my mother-in-law how many guys she had to get with for the necklace she was wearing mother-in-law has a boyfriend and they have an open relationship so kylie was pushing one of her friends at him who was blonde and saying she found him a replacement because she knows he likes blondes but her friend is younger i'm so sick of having to witness this crap and having to worry about what is going to be said in front of my kids mother-in-law's boyfriend said sorry i don't date fake models and they left kylie was saying what a jerk mother-in-law is and i told her that he is with someone who was a legit model so why would he downgrade kylie took this personally and said that he's rich and could beat with someone younger again i said but he has a legit model just because father-in-law was an idiot and settled for an insta model why would he kylie burst into tears and father-in-law was very upset but i'm so sick of her parading around like she's famous and successful i thought my husband would be on my side but he says i'm way too involved in his mom's drama now i feel a little bit like a jerk because i really think i heard her do you think it was wrong for op to say this or do you think our instagram model got a taste of her own medicine please let us know talk smack get cracked that's what's up bruh karen gets us suspended for a week okay i work on elevators and was at this time an apprentice working on service jobs with a mechanic we'll call him rick now rick was a really nice guy we got along really well but he had a bit of a short fuse thrown tools were fairly normal if he got frustrated anyways we were working on an elevator with the machinery in the basement and some of it was only accessible from the elevator pit we took all of the steps we normally would put signs on the walls all over the buttons saying that the elevator was out of service barricaded our work area at the bottom floor shut the elevator down and went to work now this elevator had the buttons and doors on the same circuit as the cab lights which is very unusual for elevators and we hadn't turned the light switch off because well we wanted the lights entitled mom never found out her name now comes into play i'm working in the elevator pit and i hear the elevator doors open and then hear the mom step in and the loud noise of the buttons in the cab being hammered this quickly turned into her banging and then kicking the doors and screaming for help this progression took less time than it would have taken for me to get a word in edgewise i being the nice guy i am yelled up to her to press the door open button but as the sign she'd have to move to press the button said the elevator was out of order a few confused sounding seconds later the door opened and the mom exits i'm thinking okay no big deal situation over nope the mom storms down the stairs pretty fast i'll admit and starts pounding on the bottom door where we've barricaded off our area so she's already inside a barrier that's very much there for her safety and she's screaming at me that i trapped her in the elevator and i need to turn it on now because her baby was on the fourth floor in her stroller and needed to come downstairs to go to an appointment now rick and i are as i've said pretty nice guys and if she'd come and asked politely when the elevator would be fixed he'd probably have sent me to go help her hey i'm the apprentice that's the brakes but i'd happily go and give her a hand today would be different i stayed where i was because frankly she can't get to me so she can have her tantrum then rick arrived she saw him and his elevator company shirt and went off that i had trapped her and the elevator fell and her baby was in the hallway and needed to come down right now so we better get the elevator turned on right now now rick is also very smart and has been doing service for many years he calmly tells her we can't just turn it on we have to complete the repairs for safety reasons the mom goes off again losing her mind at rick before using the classic entitled mom phrase i want to speak to your supervisor rick is prepared for this you see rick is technically his own supervisor and his business cards say service supervisor on them so he hands her his own card and walks outside to the van of course she calls him tells a story that almost resembles what actually happened which is the last draw for rick don't lie to rick so he maintains his composure and tells her that our behavior was unacceptable and that he would be suspending us for a week without pay after a few minutes he came in knocked on the door where i was waiting so i opened it up he leaned down and whispered pack up and act angry so i played along packed up the tools and carried them to the van straight past the mom still fuming in the hall on the way out she asked rick what was going on and when the elevator would be back rick looked at her deadpan and said well i just got suspended for a week and i'm the only one who can do this job so in about a week a week later we returned and flipped the switch i had finished while we were waiting for her tantrum to subside speaking of elevators are any of you afraid of elevators please let us know i love letting one rip when the elevator is full making my landlord pay over 100 000 for a sink so i'm a college student and i rent a room from a landlord and live in a house with multiple other students the contract for my room clearly says that i have to fix all the damages to my room that i have caused at my own cost and that all the bigger issues in the house will be covered by the landlord well one day i noticed that my sink is kind of clogged and it's making a weird noise he says it's probably my fault and that i should get a plunger to fix the problem a little background info about the house that i live in all the sinks at the top level of the house connect to the same pipe and everyone heard the same noise so the chance of it being my fault would be almost zero but since i had to fix the problem on my own i tried my best however you might have guessed it but i'm not really good at this since it's not my job i even have my dad check it since he knows more about this stuff than i do and he says the pipe is clogged somewhere but doesn't know exactly how far down the pipe so i tried my best to fix the problem myself but since it's clearly a bigger issue that is not my fault i contact my landlord once again he still refuses to come and fix the clogged sink even after me clearly stating that everyone is hearing the noise in the house and tells me to solve my own problems like an adult would well since i'm legally not an adult yet and having tried my best me and the other residents in the house had decided to give up trying to fix the issue and just let it be a month later one person in the house had water coming out of her sink because it was completely clogged and within days everyone was having the same issue because now everyone was complaining to the landlord he had to fix the problem since it was a bigger problem within the house than everyone was experiencing not only did he have to fix the clogged pipes of all the sinks but he also had to fix the water damage that we all had in our rooms because the water would just come out of the sink when he finally decided to hire someone to fix the problem the costs were already up to one hundred thousand dollars and probably will be even more since some of the other people living within the house have sued the landlord for not agreeing to the contract and for neglect of his basic duties as a landlord he even called us and screamed at us why didn't we mention the problem earlier to which i replied that i tried to solve the problem as an adult by informing my landlord who was supposed to fix it but that this clearly didn't help so a couple of additions for some of the comments i just saw i made a mistake in the title and wanted to type for fixing a sink i'm 17 years of age and in the country that i live in everyone over the age of 18 is regarded as an adult and it's possible for people under the age of 18 to rent if they attend uni why the costs are this high is because it's an old house and everything had to be fixed walls and ceilings had to be removed in the entire house to even get to the pipes and all the pipes had to be renewed because they also were old and not in a proper condition due to the water leaking through the ceiling some of the people stuff in the rooms like tvs also were not working anymore and the landlord had to replace these how i got to this estimate is because we talked to the guys who came to our house to fix this and they said it could easily be one hundred thousand dollars because so much had to be torn down and replaced since it's a big house with many people living in it you can imagine that it took a while to fix everything hope this helps have you ever had a plumbing problem that messed up things in your house please let us know my toilet's always getting stopped up but the chipotle is worth it yes am i the jerk for getting salty about my parents matching my sister's savings account with mine okay this is weird so this summer i got a job so i could help save up for college now i have a twin sister and i hate to say it but she's one of the laziest people i know i love her to death but she doesn't do much for herself for years i made her lunch because she always said she didn't know how to use the stove or oven i'd offered a teacher but she'd always say tomorrow we're almost adults i'd work six hours a day for four days a week every time i got a paycheck we also got a meal allowance since it was connected to a school program and they wanted students to have a normal summer and lots of families are struggling at the moment my mom would take the money and put it in my savings account but she'd also put the same amount in my sister's in trade my sister was to do a ton of chores and stuff normally she'd do a little and go okay rest is yours and i'd clean the majority personally i don't care if she wants to be lazy fine but i'm not gonna so her now having to do the chores made her really upset i made about two thousand dollars and that's all gone into my savings and my mom had matched my sisters the thing is she hasn't done much around the house except wash dishes a few times and clean our room once with our mom while i was off at work i only wanted to work for half the summer so now i'm home for the rest of the summer until school opens back up now a few nights ago i was talking about not wanting to use my second plate if we have bread or salad we have two plates to have room so they wouldn't have to do as many dishes i normally vacuum dust and sweep slash mop the house as well as pick up my sister and mine's room and clean the windows along with taking care of our cat my mom does dishes and laundry and my sister and dad do the occasional help i also help my mom out if she asks my mom says oh don't worry about it because i'm not doing dishes tonight so i thought okay so my sister and dad are i finish get up to go rinse my plate off and walk back out to go say i was gonna take a shower my dad stops me and says i have to do the dishes i explained the deal we made the deal that was his and my mom's idea my dad tells me that now that i'm no longer working i need to help now i'm furious i'm happy that my parents want to help out my sister but i worked for half the summer stayed up late night stressing about getting things in on time and trying not to mess up while my sister only has to do a few chores which i do all the time anyways i thought i was getting a break because of this they're basically just handing money to my sister while i had to work for it my dad is saying i'm being an entitled brat and should do what i'm told like i normally would but this seems so unfair from my perspective it looks like my sister is getting two thousand dollars for just doing what she normally does just with my mom's help instead of mine and a little more force than me just taking over so reddit am i the jerk what do you think are op's parents in the wrong or not please let us know her sister's going to make a fine karen one day reminds me of my younger years not only do i not work here but neither does anyone else a bit of background my house used to be the village post office and when i say it used to be i mean over 20 years ago we bought the property 10 years ago by which time it had been totally converted and no longer resembles a post office in any shape or form the post office is now slightly further down the street and a building that has a huge post office sign on the front and looks nothing like my house different size color everything my front door opens straight into the kitchen and is rarely locked it's a small village and i seem to run some sort of drop-in center for my kids friends i was sitting eating dinner this evening with my kids when the front door opened and in walked a lady me hey can i help you with something as i walk towards her forcing her backwards through the open door lady yes i have a parcel here to send as she tries to duck around the side of me to get in me pardon you've got a parcel lady yes it's to be delivered tomorrow me well you'd best be taking it to the post office then as i almost physically push her out of the front door onto the street lady well obviously that's why i'm here at which point the light bulb in my head switches on me i'm sorry this isn't the post office anymore hasn't been for a long time the post office is a few doors down that way lady yes yes very funny now could you actually do what you're being paid for and allowed me to send my parcel me yes if you go to the post office which is just down there pointing i'm sure they'll send your parcel for you now i'm going to return to my kids to finish eating dinner as i walked inside closed and locked the door while listening to her having a strap outside by all accounts she found the post office sent her parcel and lodged a formal complaint against me which gave the post office staff some entertainment for the afternoon i'm really unsure as to what she was thinking she's not even from the village as i say it's a small village and she walked into what is obviously a house with a family sitting at the table eating when she walked in did she think i had hidden the post office counter behind the fridge or something my husband keeps wandering into the kitchen asking me for stamps or envelopes or various other post office type things am i the jerk for being upset at my parents for not helping me pay for college my parents didn't have much money growing up we always had the bills covered and a bit for the occasional pizza night and a gift for each birthday and a family gift for christmas my parents said that they wanted us all to go to college and even encouraged us to join free college prep programs at our school for first generation college students my brother has bipolar he used to cry and scream in the mornings when he had to get ready for school every day even when he was 18. he would sometimes skip class and smoke after school and didn't do well academically after applying at all of the state schools he got into the worst one no scholarships i worked hard in school i was interested in medicine and i ended up getting some scholarships and got into great colleges i talked to my parents about loans and fafsa and they said i couldn't possibly afford to go to the good schools because the scholarship was non-renewable i would have to pay all my dorm fees tuition books food i couldn't cover it so i gave up my dream i went to tech school and got an associates part-time while working worked and saved then did four years college all on my own i was even asked to move out at 19 and still did it the economy hit my parents hard my older brother moved back home after three years of college he failed out and is now working at a gas station and periodically moves home when he can't afford rent my dad found out mom took out loans in secret to pay for my brother's college he's so angry but i'm angry at all of them because if she offered him loans that she will need to pay back why didn't they help me he didn't even show up to his classes and was on probation he failed appreciating the arts for heaven's sake dad doesn't understand why i'm upset with him but i really don't want to be speaking to any of them right now i'm working a 35 000 teaching job and i'm drowning well who do you agree with op or their parents please let us know i used to have college loans too until i filed for bankruptcy yes do not make contact with anyone from work once upon a time i was working with a major australian telecommunications company i worked in a call center with a group of underemployed lateral thinkers it made work great as you were always discovering new things but it made us a bit of a challenge to manage as the department tried to hobble us to fit into the cookie cutter molds they expected of call center operators we had a manager who was if i was to be generous useless he once went on leave for two weeks without a replacement being arranged i put a balloon with a face drawn on it at his desk as our interim team leader team productivity under mr balloon was measurably better than when the team leader was there and i proved it with reports and all suffice to say our manager did not command respect fast forward a few months and one of our colleagues figured out how to spoof emails our manager had a certificate he proudly presented on his desk saying he had graduated something something in college having completed a course in frontline management he was extremely proud of this and so the target vector was clear my colleague went to an internet cafe back when they were a thing and sent a spoofed email to our manager the email was built to look like it was from something something college the email demanded that manager provide evidence of his competence as a frontline manager or his certificate would be withdrawn now manager's world was appropriately shaken when he got this email he must have complained to the appropriate higher ups because the infosec squad jumped straight onto it they traced the email back to the cafe's ip address okay in retrospect we could all see this error in judgment they printed out mug shots from the company's internal directory and identified my colleague as being the person who sent the email colleague was pulled into a day's worth of meetings as manager managers manager etc all lent on him pretty hard trying to get him to confess so they could dismiss him for misconduct i think the company realized they were on shaky ground to try and prove that colleague had really done anything wrong oh the days before bullying was codified having sweated colleague all day with no effect manager's manager put him on paid leave pending investigation with strict instructions do not make any contact with anyone from work as they didn't want rumors of a pleb messing with the ruling class getting out months pass colleague has not been in the office the company has completed their investigation but need to let colleague present his defense but his mobile is disconnected and he has connected a new phone number with a competitor and he has moved home and he is not replying to emails he has ghosted and the company doesn't know what to do more months pass i guess it gets to a point where the company can deploy a colleague legally dead or at least say he has abandoned employment they stop paying his wages a few months pass manager's manager is walking through a business district in the city and runs into colleague colleague is in a flash suit with a briefcase obviously hustling to a meeting himself manager's manager says hello asks colleague what he's been doing with himself i work for the major tech company now i've been working with them since a couple of weeks after i was put on paid leave i would have told you but i was told not to communicate with anyone from work thanks for that second paycheck though lady tries to get in my car while i'm trying to parallel park a couple years ago i was back in my hometown after being gone a few years interviewing for a new job i love the city i'm from and i had deliberately planned to be there for my birthday weekend so i could spend some time in some of my old hans i decided one day i would stop by the locally owned coffee shop where i used to spend hours consuming coffee and free wi-fi catch up on all times now the coffee shop is located along a very busy four-lane street during off-peak hours though it's legal to parallel park and the lanes closest to the sidewalk i've always hated parallel parking but i decide it's easier than waiting for a spot to open up in the very small parking lot in the alley behind the coffee shop i luck out and there's an open spot at the very end of the road so i just need to pull in but it always makes me nervous pulling in because of how busy the road is and when i get nervous i get worse at parallel parking so i pull up and start backing into the space and i think i'm doing okay when suddenly my back door flies open in the middle of me straightening up my car a middle-aged lady just starts picking up a bunch of bags and trying to stack them in my back seat the lady just starts trying to load her stuff in my back seat confused and still halfway in the road i ask her may i help you ma'am she replies no i just need to get all my stuff in and then i'll be ready to go i still haven't caught on yet and i'm like why do you need to load your stuff in my car where are you going well i need to get the stuff in the car so you can take me to the location i think i suddenly realize what's going on ma'am i'm not an uber driver i say i'm trying to park so i can get in the coffee shop now keep in mind at this time i was driving a 2011 chevy malibu that seemed better days a couple dents a smashed front end this is on top of the fact that i'm pretty messy in cars and my entire back seat was filled with stuff from work to garbage it wouldn't have passed the inspection if i wanted to be an uber driver i checked once when i was desperate for ways to make money on top of that there's no indication on my car that i'm an uber driver and i'm literally trying to parallel park my car surprised she stood up and her actual driver was on the side street just in front of us trying to flag her down it was at that moment she finally realized what was going on oh well never mind then she said as she took all of her stuff back out of my car and marched over to her actual uber driver as i finished parallel parking no explosive entitlement like other stories but i swear someone is going to get in a car one of these days thinking it's an uber and become story fodder for our slash let's not meet and yes i got the job and it was a great birthday weekend i was so happy to be going home even if there's some weird people there you think i'm trying to steal your money have it your way then some background i'm a commercial and industrial hvac r technician we specialize in large ac in refrigeration systems mostly involving chillers it's first thing on a monday morning when i get a customer's call in about one of their chillers being down cool beans i don't have much on my schedule for today and haven't even left the house yet this sounds like a great place to start off the week i get there and find all kinds of problems with this chiller we're talking at least a week's worth of repairs assuming all the parts came in the next morning for some context this machine is absolutely ancient by this point i had lost count of how many times we'd tried to sell them a new one regardless i make some phone calls so i can work up a price on the repairs and see how soon i can get the parts a few minutes in and i find out that the manufacturer no longer supports this model no big deal i explained to the customer that we can either replace it or retrofit it in my opinion retrofitting machine this old is a waste of time and money but we have to give them the option it pays just fine either way after a 30-minute conversation with the customer and several lengthy phone calls the customer decides it's finally time to replace the chiller i tell him he'll get a quote in the next few days and talk to our sales team who sends it their way within minutes of receiving the proposal the customer is blowing up my phone about how the price is too high and we're trying to steal their money i'm driving so i can't talk but have my phone mounted where i can see any calls and or texts i receive after about 15 minutes i pull onto the shoulder and give him a call back he's still upset and starts yelling about how we added extra stuff to the quote just to take their money here's the thing this new chiller uses a different style compressor than their old one these new compressors are really really loud normally this doesn't matter but this chiller sits less than 100 feet from a large neighborhood and a daycare the unnecessary extras he's complaining about are the sound dampening options for the chiller are they expensive sure at the end of the day though it doesn't really matter they're going to need them i tried multiple times to explain this but he refused to listen and informed me that our conversation was over give me what i want or i'll find a company that will you know what sure thing boss i inform our sales office who had me hand deliver the new proposal along with a document explaining the issues with what he's asking for i had him sign it and left him a copy three months and a few hundred thousand dollars later and guess who can't run their brand new chiller why you might ask it violates the city noise ordinance anytime it starts up they get fined need to fire it up to do maintenance find need to fire it up because the other chillers are down find control system hiccups and accidentally starts up find their brand new chiller is nothing more than a big expensive paperweight even better though is that we're currently installing all the sound dampening equipment we originally quoted however as we're having to change everything out in the field instead of it being installed at the factory it's going to cost almost three times as much as it would have in the first place but hey maybe they'll listen next time threaten my roommate enjoy failing your class during my second year in college i lived with three friends in a house that had another four guys living on the other side of the house the two sides of the house had a lot of mutual friends as my roommates had known them from high school so we had tons of parties together during the year and got along pretty good until a few months before final exams each side of the house had its own electric water and cable bills which we paid separately i always handled our bills and paid them each month but our water bill was actually in my roommate's name i'll call him bird so one day the biggest jerk on the other side of the house le jerk who handled their bills walked into our house when i wasn't there and confronted little bird and yelled at him saying we owed him over 500 apparently their water bill each month was about 125 and ours was 40 to 50. le jerk thought there had to be a mistake in the billing so we should split the bills down the middle after i was told about this confrontation i contacted the water company and asked about the billing i was told over the phone the bills were specifically split up to each side of the house but a person would come out to check the water meters the next day a technician stopped by and looked at the meters to make sure they were operating correctly and that they were billing to the separate sides of the house he confirmed there wasn't an issue with the meters or billing and basically said they are probably using more water end of story i told my roommates about this but because of my schedule i didn't seal a jerk for about a week during that time he confronted little bird a couple more times who told him about the water company's position but again he was yelled at inside our own house and was again told that we needed to split the bills with them then the weekend comes my roommates and i head to a house party hosted by some mutual friends at some point during the party i was in the front yard when a friend runs up to me and says lejerk is trying to fight little bird we run to the backyard and through about 50 people i can see le jerk with his roommates behind him in the middle of the circle pushing bird yelling that he owes him money and he throws him into a beer pong table where he had held him down saying he was going to beat bird up i nearly lose my mind as i see this and immediately grabble a jerk say a few choice things and shove him away i wanted to do more but it wasn't worth it yet so the jerk and i actually had a class together we weren't friends never sat together and since the whole water bill incident we never even looked at each other in the 500 person lecture he always sat with one of his roommates and i sat with one of my best friends rose as the water bill fight somewhat subsided and the final exam got near lejerk and his roommate started to act more civil and would even make small talk to rose and i in the hall about the final worth 75 of the grade topics to study blah blah blah they knew rose and i had a's in the class it wasn't a very difficult class but i enjoyed it and actually studied quite a bit and knew i'd probably get an a and maybe i had let rose cheat off me on the first test i told rose i had a feeling le jerk and his roommate were up to something since they were being so nice and that i expected them to try and cheat off us so i came up with a plan if they tried now the format of the test is important it was a packet of questions with the answers a b c and d listed vertically and then you transfer your answers to a bubble scantron which is another sheet of paper that gets put through a machine not sure how familiar people are with it with this format i told rose that i would circle an answer she would look over and circle the same answer with a big circle ensuring that anyone looking could see we would do this for the entire 100 question final before marking our answers on the scantron the key to the revenge plan was that the actual answer was always going to be the answer directly below the circled answer so if we circle a the answer we put on the scantron is b if the circle answer is d the answer we put is a for a few days i kind of thought i was being weird and crazy to come up with this plan because there was no way this guy actually thought he would cheat and i was blinded by anger either way when the day of the final exam came we got to the room early and i sat on the far right seat of a row with rows to my left guess who strolls in and decides to sit next to us for the first time all year after he threatened my best friend a month before oh yeah the jerk dude had no shame and snuggled right in the seat next to rose with his roommate next to him rose and i could barely believe it and had to use some serious composure before the test started the two of us operated like a well-oiled machine we circled our answers large and at the end we went back through and marked the correct answers onto the scantron during the test we could both see le jerk and his roommate leaning and copying our circled answers unreal fast forward to the summer break and the jerk's roommate came over to our side of the house when he saw rose was there with me he opened a beer and chatted for a bit before he finally got to what we were waiting for so how did you guys do on that test i remember looking at rose and saying something like i don't remember exactly but i know i ended up with an a in the class and she chimes in saying yeah that sounds about right because i got a 92 on the test the look on his face told us everything we needed to know and he mumbled out really the jerk and i both failed and have to take the class again we've got another video you're going to love it just popped up on the screen so come watch it and we'll see you when you get there and support this channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a special shout out to our next video and have us make any kind of video you'd like us to by visiting us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 80,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: K3TYqsej-3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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