r/Entitledparents Karen Aunt tries to TAKE MY PRESENTS on my Birthday!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story will be reading today the time and title dan tried to steal my super nintendo after that change me from hourly to salary to cut my pay okay and after that am i the jerk for wanting to sue my cousin for a prank now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen does not get a super nintendo but that was my favorite one so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day the time in title dan tried to steal my super nintendo i have an entitled ant who is so evil and toxic it's unbelievable i joined reddit just so i can share her antics i'm in my 40s male so i've got over three decades of crazy selfish antics to share like ruining weddings ruining holidays telling kids they're adopted breaking up relationships getting people sacked demanding money you can't earn more money than her kids selling stuff that ain't hers and of course lying with almost every breath the list goes on i'll start with one of my earliest memories of her entitled behavior first some light backstory my aunt entitled aunt is the eldest let's call her ruth of five we've also got my second aunt who is slightly entitled but manageable my dad and two brothers except my youngest uncle kev the rest worshiped my entitled aunt they will believe anything that comes out of ruth's mouth or they did until one by one they were on the receiving end of her bs and titled aunt has five kids she does not discipline her kids all entitled brats the sort of kids who constantly fight and shout cause problems wherever they go plus the lying and stealing roughly similar ages to me it's early 90s it's my 10th birthday i think grew up kind of poor and i knew my youngest uncle got me a super nintendo this was a huge deal for me my first games console i was beyond excited party at my place on saturday morning i opened the door for my entitled ant and her broods around 10 a.m her kids came crashing in pushing me out the way as i chatted to my aunt my lovely cousins went into the living room and started unwrapping my birthday presents i protested to entitle dan but she just said her kids were helping me and how kind her kids are to help me unwrap i remember her telling me to get a broom i remember watching my cousins ripping the box of my super nintendo and fighting over how to set it up these animals were fighting pulling each other's hair and biting one another i was that skinny quiet nerdy kid with glasses so i just kept my distance my mother shows her face and shouts asking why the presents have been opened before the other guests have arrived especially my youngest uncle who was bringing a camcorder and titled ant told my mom i just went crazy with excitement and ripped everything also that i hit one of the others and they were wailing in the corner obviously my mom knows how i behave but entitled ant is a master manipulator and told my mom i go crazy and show off in front of my cousins i tried to tell my mom the truth but entitled aunt cut in with let's call your dad about your lying even at that age i knew my dad would believe in title dan so i was put on time out by my mom because entitled and suggested it i said in the corner silently crying whilst watching my cousins fight over my presence i remember entitled aunt telling my dad what a rude host i was how i was hitting others and not listening to my horror my dad tells me to face the wall and that he didn't raise me like that uncle kev turns up about 20 minutes later and goes ballistic as to why i'm on time out on my own birthday i loved my youngest uncle there's a reason why he was my favorite he was cool he was about 20. he had tattoos he gave no hoots and best of all entitled ant knew not to cross him i remember kev handing out backhands to my spoiled cousins to get them to stop fighting and to shut up i remember his hug and him sitting down and playing mario with me best 10 minutes of my birthday that 10 minutes made up for the rest of the crappy day uncle kev had to leave soon and things went to crap again i had the control pad ripped away from my hands not long after so i pretty much just sat and watched the adults were in the other room most of the day an entitled ant would come to watch us like a hawk every now and then obviously she would always ask me to do something like go get cousin 2 a drink or cousin 3 can't find your bike go get it for him also stuff like what moisturizer does your mom use what does she put in her hair how much was that dress etc this bit may not have happened on this day but my entitled ant would always ask me questions about my mom's products and other similar stuff that i had no idea about or understood about an hour later entitled ant announces it's time to leave i see my 12 year old cousin packing away the game's console and holding it like it was his i heard him ask his mom if he could take it i tried to take it back from him but i had no chance i told entitled mom he's taking my game and titled ant tells me that my dear cousin is only borrowing it and that i was such a bad host and how her kids got in trouble because of my lies i ran and told my mom then i ran to the front door to stop anyone from leaving till i got my game back my mom came to the rescue this time she just calmly took the super nintendo from my aunt who had it tucked under her arm by this point i should add my cousins break things almost instantly they had already broken their sega and titled ant was saying how i said my cousins could borrow it how she didn't see me play the thing and i obviously didn't like it that uncle kev got it for all of his nephews to share blah blah blah i see my dad coming and i just grabbed the box from my mom rant to my room and hid it i can't remember the rest of the day i remember my dad later telling me off for getting my cousins into trouble and how rude i was to my aunt that's one of my earliest memories of my aunt's antics should add that this event won't even make it into her top 30 worst antics fast forward 30 years and everyone's kind of sick of entitled ants antics including my dad everyone except her kids we're all civil but we keep our distance i'll be sure to write more about crazy ruth my blood boils just thinking about the things she's said and done over the years quick little story after uncle kev turned up and gained control he did indeed pull out his camcorder the footage starts with me playing mario for the first time and then it pans around to show my cousins all set down with tears in their eyes and kev narrating these are the worst kids i've ever witnessed then shows my entitled ants thunder face i last saw the clip around 2002 in uncle kev's house he made it into a dvd with other funny family clips our entire extended family would laugh at that clip that dvd mysteriously disappeared after entitled ann's family visited one christmas speaking of video games what was the first video game you ever played please let us know legend of zelda ocarina of time for the win change me from hourly to salary to cut my pay okay this takes place in the before times when people could go out to eat and gather in large numbers i used to work as a chef for an owner who liked to micromanage things and was a bit narcissistic i had been working there about three years getting good reviews customers loved me updated the menu made everything from scratch people used to think the place was open box slash heat and serve food quality had gone up morale was great in my kitchen annual sales went from 850k to 1.4 million about maximum capacity for the space the increase in sales and income went to the owner's head he was always spending money on frivolous things and squandering cash sound system stage for the event space etc one example i needed a new alto sham a used one would have sufficed nope he bought the top of the line one that could be used as a smoker too 12 000 versus what i wanted could have been gotten used for 1 500. granted i enjoyed that piece of equipment which after i left they no longer use the smoker function years later i still occasionally get email invoices from a vendor and see they bring in pre-cooked smoked meats now i was hourly but then the owner realized during the busy season i and my sous chef put in 70 to 80 hour weeks doing this he realized i made more take-home pay from his business than he did at peak times he'd maybe work 40 to 50 hours a week so to save money he puts me in my sioux on salary effectively cutting my pay by about ten thousand dollars a year my soon added a loss of two thousand dollars a year if we were to work at our current level of effort during all of this the owner is saying he is not expecting us to work over 40 hours a week ever he even has this written into our contracts so with the extra time off at home with family it is okay i still like the job and my staff during the slower time this was great also during this time i had won a local award for my cooking and the narcissistic owner was not too pleased he was no longer recognized as the creative force in the kitchen that bears his name so his meddling and micromanaging increased it had gone from it's your kitchen cop chef do what you want to it's my name and my kitchen do it this way morale and quality began to suffer just prior to the holiday season my sue wants to go back to his home country for two and a half months november december and january peak crazy time for us i have good help and am good with it owner approved the time off owner thinking i am going to save him some money that holiday season by working my usual 70 to 80 hours a week nope cue the malicious compliance i start writing the holiday schedule sue is on vacation i have my 40 during key prep times and peak business times the rest of my staff gets serious overtime basically the sue and i carried a lot of the weight in the kitchen and could outperform most of our small staff so with sue on vacay and i only pulling 40 full-time staff is now working 60-ish hours a week and part-timers are getting 40. things are running pretty smoothly until the owner realizes i'm not there like i have always been during the holiday rush he's in the kitchen more trying to micromanage my staff giving them poor advice contradicting my directions and timing for the events messing up the small parties my staff could handle while i am off after a few weeks of this he realizes he's going to be paying the staff out more in overtime than he saved on moving me and my suit to salary he starts demanding i work more hours to stop him or during ot to the kitchen staff i show him my contract where i am not expected to work over 40 hours a week now he says it's just a guideline i hold him too the 40 hours a week it's christmas and now i can for once spend time with my family now with my suit returning i'm burned out from the constant micromanaging and gaslighting by the owner i hand the reins to my sioux and change careers after 25 years in the industry and never look back speaking of restaurants what's your favorite restaurant of all time please let us know i could really go for some outback right now am i the jerk for wanting to sue my cousin for a prank i 31 male recently had my cousin male 21 move in with me after he got kicked out of his college dorm and had no job to pay for rent my parents told me i needed to step up and help because i own a house live alone with my two golden retrievers and two birds that i had since last year my cousin would make fun of me whenever i call my pets family and thinks i'm crazy he has a bad sense of humor and thinks he's funny he calls me funny nicknames like robot terminator or optimus prime and others because i wear a prosthetic leg that i've gotten after i had an infection two years ago i've been patient with him causing a mess and not even doing his own laundry it's been three months and it's too much already so recently he started doing pranks and using personal things in his pranks like clothes my phone stuff from the kitchen etc i usually take off my prosthesis before going to bed and since i work all day i get to bed early unlike him who stays up until three to four am he decided to do a prank and hide my prosthesis somewhere i saw that it was gone in the morning he did it twice before and hid it in his room and the garage i had had enough of his bs i asked him where he took it and he joked and said that it was inside the fridge i was livid i started screaming at him to stop it and to tell me where my prosthesis was before i kick him out he realized i was being serious and told me that it was in the attic i let him go get it and when he brought it to me he looked worried and started apologizing when i saw this socket had cracks the adjustment pyramid and pylon were damaged he told me he hid it under the old tv and didn't think it was this fragile it was there overnight so the damage has already been done i lost my crap i yelled at him while all he did was apologize saying it was just a prank bro which made it worse i told him to leave and called my aunt to tell her about what her son did and that she needed to pay for the damages her reaction was shocking she said that it was my fault because i knew how her son is and decided to take him in anyway and that she won't take responsibility for his actions i told her i'd seriously sue because i'm broke and have no money to pay for a prosthesis and crutches are unbearable i was so angry i kept lashing out at everyone especially my mom and dad who argued with me and said that i can't sue family and this is my cousin and he meant no harm i told them that he created this situation and he needed to fix it they called me awful for refusing to wait till christmas is over and family gathering is over then they'll figure something out i told them to stay out of it but until now they're telling me not to cause an issue we're in the holidays and suing my cousin will make them look bad to everyone i'm stuck here with crutches feeling awful after they all tried to shut me up and told me to wait until holidays are over then they'll raise money for me and my cousin gets away with it edit my dad offered to fix it himself but this is ridiculous he thinks that this is some object like a cd player or a tv he can fix i called him ridiculous to his face and i didn't let him touch it he clearly thinks it's no big deal i stopped taking his calls after that because he doesn't realize how big of an issue this is well what do you think should op sue his cousin or not please let us know definitely and kick him out too while you're at it the guy sounds like a real jerk park in employee parking versus i'm not an employee i've been reading these posts and it reminded me of this i hope you enjoy i'm female and was 24 at the time this happened over the course of a few weeks about two years ago i was working as a construction slash design engineer for hospitals plumbing and air conditioning i work for a company that's hired by the hospital not for the hospital itself my company had been hired to do an er renovation on an old hospital and the plans for the existing buildings were really old and damaged or just didn't exist anymore as low man on the totem pole i got the fun job of going out to the hospital to document slash investigate the existing building lots of going up on ladders and looking above the ceilings to track down pipes and ducks and such because this was an er and therefore 20 hours a day we had to time our investigation for non-busy times namely 3am to 7am in the middle of the week i was also working my normal office hours because my job offered overtime or in lieu hours and i needed the overtime pay college loans so for all these interactions i was exhausted and just didn't give a hoot so on to the story i had parked in the hospital parking garage on the top floor to be out of the way of patients and visitors i had finished early because an emergency had come into the er and i had to get out of the way i had some extra time so decided to close my eyes for a bit before driving to the office when i was woken up by a tapping on my window a man was peering in the window we will call him parking dude i waved at him thinking he was just making sure i was all right i was sleeping in a hospital parking lot parking dude gestured for me to roll down my window so i cracked it to hear him better he gruffly declared that employees are to park in the back lot or on the street if that's full next time i'll have you towed he then turned and marched back to his golf cart which he blocked me in with as i called out i don't work here he left i left and went to work thinking it was a one-time deal little did i know over the next few visits i came back to my car to find increasingly angry parking tickets about parking and employee parking from now on they were printed on 4a and very obviously homemade with a blurry hospital logo and word art parking enforcement across the top the notes threatened booting towing and demands for my supervisor's name so i could be reported i wish i still had them to share with you my co-workers and i had quite a laugh over them i even left a note on my dash saying i wasn't an employee and the next ticket had a rant about lying and that you will be written up for lying once i get your supervisor's name then one morning i came out to find parking dude waiting for me he had blocked my car in with his golf cart and was grinning at me like a cat who got the cream i walked up to him and parking dude said employees have to park in the back lot you are in so much trouble i demand to speak to your manager yes he really said it give me their name and number and the department you work for i won't let you leave until you give me your manager's name he did have my car blocked in i tried to explain that i wasn't an employee i pointed out my outfit work boots jeans safety glasses and a tool built with flashlights tape measures lasers and a clipboard with my drawn plans and told him that this is where the hospital admin had told us to park but he insisted that my disguise wasn't going to trick him and demanded to speak to my manager i was so exhausted and wasn't really up to arguing so i just pulled out my business card and my boss's card and handed them over i had told my boss about this and he just told me to ignore it as he had confirmed with the hospital that's where i was supposed to park this dude pulled out his phone and called my boss and reported me my boss an older gentleman who is also president of the company later told me he had told parking dude that he had to let me leave or he was calling the police when the dude hung up he told me i'm letting you leave this time but next time you park here i'll boot your car and find your real manager's number and report you some trick with your friend won't work he got in his golf cart and zoomed away luckily my boss found this whole thing hilarious it was about a week before i went back bad weather equals busy er and no work for me and i was almost done with my task i would be back after construction started but it's all on hold now because of lockdown i had finished for the day once again and headed out to my car to find he had sort of done what he had threatened there was a thick chain looped through the handle of my driver's side rear door and a cinder block all tied together with a large padlock i knew this guy was a bit nutty but i also had figured out he didn't have any real authority so to find this half clever half poorly thought out ball and chain attached to my car was a bit of a surprise now i got into engineering because i like solving problems i actually didn't really like math even if i'm not half bad at it and this wasn't a particularly complex problem i simply rolled my back window down and lifted the cinder block and excess chain into my car and then drove away i passed parking dude on my way out to say he was shocked was an understatement and i gave him a jaunty wave as i drove by it was a cold drive back to my office with the window open but it was worth the look on his face when i got to the office i had to go in and sign out the bolt cutters and was followed out by a parade of my co-workers to see it for themselves i had to go back in one more time i was eager to see what parking dude might do after his last plan failed i came out to find he had tried the chain and cinder block bit again this time he had wrapped the chain around the bottom of the wheel a few times and had the cinder block tied pretty close to the wheel and the chain through the handle again it was definitely chained in a way that would take a lot more ingenuity to get out of or a pair of bolt cutters i hadn't returned to the office you know just in case i cut through the chain unchained the car and then loaded the whole lot into my trunk parking dude must have been harassing some other person because he only pulled up as i was backing out of the spot he blocked my car again with his cart and jumped out he came to my window and i did roll it down just to see what he had to say hey hey where are all the chains how did you get those loose this is stealing is it stealing to take stuff he attached to my car i will have your job for this i never did hear the rest of the rant as i yelled magic and i'm not an employee during a pause for breath and drove around his cart and away it was the most dramatic exit of my life and will probably never be topped it was my last day there for now and i've since gotten a new car so i'm not sure if i'll run into parking dude again i'd like to think he is still puzzled over how i managed to unchain my car my boss did lodge a complaint but i don't think anything came of it anyway that's my i don't work here story hope it was worth the read we all want to go home karen this happened about two hours ago i was there but not a direct participant a friend took me grocery shopping my vehicle isn't running at the moment i struggled to shop because all the motorized carts are taken and i need way more groceries than the motorized carts can carry i have to lean on my standard car for support as i shop this means that by the time i have done all the bending lifting and walking my back and hips are on fire i have degenerative disc disease i shop get in the checkout line behind a woman that separated her shopping slowly into three separate transactions i'm patient as just standing still gives my back a little bit of a rest i let my friend who's waiting in the car know that i am on my way out she tells me that i need to hurry because the weather is getting bad and it's starting to rain heavily it took about 20 minutes to get through the checkout and start out the door and this is where the breakdown happens we've got entitled person karen we've got the worker we've got the inpatient customers and the police i'm standing in another line that's about eight people long waiting to exit the store the store has the entrance and exits separated with barricades consisting of poles and canvas ribbon stretched between them to help guide people through the correct doors and keep people apart my back hurts so i'm a little annoyed at the delay getting out all i want to do at this point is sit down i can hear a quarrel going on from the front of the line so i step to the side to get a look there i see karen 50 to 55 years old blonde ponytail sticking out of a baseball cap and sitting just outside the exit doors where there is an overhang or awning on a motorized cart that's parked sideways she has the entire double door exit completely blocked off no one behind her can get out creating a traffic jam of cards customers ma'am can you please move so we can get out karen i'm not moving until my ride gets here it's raining customers ma'am we're all trying to get out before the weather gets any worse worker ma'am you're going to have to move karen no i'll get wet my ride is coming we'll load my shopping and get out of your way customers lady move karen turns in her seat and glares daggers at the people there are at least six more people now behind me waiting to exit the woman behind me asks if i know what the hold up is and i explain what i think is going on the woman rolls her eyes and says there's always one in every crowd worker ma'am if you don't move i'll have to call the police to move you karen i'm not going anywhere i called my husband and he is coming to get me i'm not going out in the rain and getting sick just go around me customers we can't get our shopping carts around you karen gives everyone a one finger salute and continues to sit on her cart while people still inside the store are complaining and a few at the front of the line are shouting at the woman to move as she ignores them the worker finally decides that she's had enough and radios customer service to call the police she disengages one of the barricade straps and starts ushering people to exit through the entrance door i make it outside and head to my friend's car in the pouring rain we get everything loaded in and see that the police have shown up an officer was talking to karen i see her shake her head no and fold her arms over her chest then i see the officer grab the handle of her cart and move it out of the doorway and into the downpour i have no idea what happened after that as i was on my way home to get out of my wet clothes and put this on reddit am i the jerk for lying to my son about his grandmother giving him money i have two kids a nine-year-old son and a seven-year-old daughter my son is technically my stepson though when i married my husband he had a one-year-old baby and i adopted him my son's biological mother has never been in the picture we are very open about this with him we've told him that i used to be his stepmom before i adopted him and answer any questions that he has about it my mother has always seemed to prefer my daughter over my son due to the fact that she is my biological child both of my kids received christmas cards from my mom gabrielle my daughter had 20 dollars inside of her card my son didn't have any money in his logan my son asked me why there was no money in his card and i didn't know how to explain it to him so i took my own twenty dollars and pretended to pick it up off of the floor i told him that he must have dropped his money on the floor flash forward to a couple days later my kids are talking to my mother on facetime my son said thank you for the card and the 20 grandma and my mother basically told him that she gave 20 to gabrielle because she can only afford to give biological grandkids money logan was very confused and kept insisting that there was money in his card so i basically had to end up telling the truth that i had pretended like she gave him 20 and that the money was actually from me now my kid is upset at me because i lied to him and he is very upset in general because he knows that his grandma thinks less of him because he is not my biological kid i also think he is very confused about why she thinks less of him i probably shouldn't have lied to him but i didn't know what else to do i just can't tell my kid grandma didn't give you money because you are not my biological kid i have always raised them both equally despite him not being biological him not getting any money makes it seem like he is not as important as his sister but that is not true in the slightest he is 100 as important as her edit a lot of people have said to go no contact which i will do i have mailed back both of the cards along with the 20 she gave my daughter i gave my daughter a new 20 bill to replace it so that it's for me and not from my mother now they both have 20 dollars that came from me and not from her i've also sent her an email explaining how she can't just pick a favorite grandkid and that she will say neither until she can learn that well what do you think is opie the jerk for what she did or not please let us know no she's actually very sweet but that grandmother though she's got to go am i the jerk for telling my girlfriend she can leave if she doesn't want my niece and nephew staying with us me 33 male and my girlfriend 27 female have been together for seven years and have a six-year-old son recently my brother 35 male passed away leaving his son seven and his daughter who's also seven currently my niece and nephew are living with me since they have nowhere else to go they're getting along great with my son they're good friends but my girlfriend isn't happy that they're here we can financially sustain them living with us and my son enjoys their company so i don't see the problem last night my girlfriend told me that she doesn't want them here and i need to find another place for them to stay i told her if she doesn't want them here she can leave she was livid and she hasn't talked to me all day i know this probably sucks for her doesn't like having people invading her space but i love my niece and nephew and i refuse to leave them without any support am i the jerk edit to make it clear i do all the child care for my niece and nephew and most for our son also me and my girlfriend have had conversations about it before but we never reach an agreement only my name is on the lease and it's not her house also i have a well-paying job and savings from inheritance so i am well equipped to fight in the court if it comes to that my name is on the birth certificate and our son has my last name also i have full custody also there are no common law marriages where i live to make sure everyone understands i have 100 full custody of my son i was given full custody court order shortly after his birth so my girlfriend could focus on her education and enjoy her younger years that is what she wanted i did all the child care for our son's early years and there is no extended family who's interested in taking my niece and nephew in so it's either me or foster care to answer a common question our son's conception was accidental also we were not in a really stable relationship for the first few years so we decided i should be given full custody for all those thinking this is fake let me ask you for all the posts on here about a dad wanting to get into the kid's life after he left the mom with full custody or situation similar i have seen five with this situation in this sub this week alone would you consider them fake too because it's obviously so outlandish that one parent would allow the other to get full custody of the kid and then come into their life later i must be trolling to get attention well what do you think is opie the jerk here or is his girlfriend please let us know oh this is another good one i can't wait to read what our listeners have to say about it am i the jerk for telling my step-brother he doesn't get to ask for help after years of not being family i'm 26 female my stepbrother who's 27 and i have known each other for 20 years now our parents married when we were both seven he was just about to turn eight he has never accepted mia's family as kids he wanted nothing to do with me would always say i wasn't his sister or part of his family didn't want to know me at any point and for a long time it sucked but then i got used to it and accepted that he just didn't want to even be friends because he didn't there were some years where he would get so mad if i called him even my stepbrother or said our family when he moved out he seized all communication with me he did not show up to my wedding didn't even rsvp no just acted like it was never send and ignored his dad when he asked him about it i truly gave up at that point and decided i was better off just acting like he was a random stranger in the world now he has found himself in need of a place to stay for a while and he asked me if he could stay with me being family and all i told him i thought he said we weren't family and he said it's whatever and if he needs to he will deal with staying with me for a while i told him he couldn't stay that i didn't want someone in my home who could barely tolerate my existence and ignored me for 20 years he told me if i really saw us as family i would just accept him my reply was i gave up on that a long time ago he said i was never genuine then called me a jerk but still wants to stay with me my mom said i'm doing the right thing but my stepdad said this could be a way to finally bridge the gap and maybe we could be a family at last am i the jerk well what would you do in this situation would you let him stay with you or not please let us know absolutely not but i would call him up on the phone and laugh at his misfortune this one that just popped up on the screen you have to come see it next so head on over and we'll see you when you get there and please support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make a happy holidays video for you or a loved one come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below they make amazing gifts
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 43,700
Rating: 4.905724 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: eGfmGuiEZLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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