r/EntitledPeople - Insane Mom Spends $250,000 of Child Support on HERSELF!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear ridiculous stories about people who seem to think they deserve more than others guys today's episode is absolutely insane the stories you're about to hear will have you shaking your head so much that it might fall off it actually might fall off guys i hope you enjoy the stories and do subscribe for future videos oh and dark fluff plush for everybody who wants it right here you have a few more days left to grab it so if you want it link is down below at disney world we have quite a few make-a-wish families now if you're not familiar with make-a-wish it's an organization that grants wishes to very sick boys and girls these kids often don't have much time left and it breaks my heart every time they come to visit the characters everybody in the room gets very emotional now make a wish families do get special treatment in the parks as they should these kids usually can't wait long in lines so if you have a make-a-wish pass you have a fast pass to everything for rides it's easy just send the family through the fastpass line for meeting the disney characters it can get a little bit tricky we have some characters that meet outside and therefore do not have a fastpass line in this case make-a-wish families just come up to the character attendant the person that takes care of the character also known as me and shows us their special pass so on this day we go over to the next family in the regular line inform them that the make-a-wish family is going to cut in front of them and after they're done that next family will get their turn now usually people are hot and sweaty and tired but they get it and they wave me away with a quick oh it's no problem go right ahead sometimes their kids do get a bit upset because they don't understand why the make a wish kid gets to cut in front but the parents explain that they're doing a good deed by letting a really sick kid go first and that's most people i'd say about 90 of people will understand the other 10 will sometimes get huffy but i ignore them they'll be fine to wait another minute often people get upset because they don't know what make-a-wish means but it's often pretty obvious that the child is very sick so people can put two and two together with context clues and we always explain if they don't get it but for the most part american families have heard of make-a-wish and know what that means however people still get really really mad so i had a co-worker who was in costume who saw make a wish family i let the next family in line know what was going on and was shocked to hear the entitled dad's response i told him i'm sorry sir but if you could please wait a little bit longer we have a make-a-wish family who's gonna go first thank you for your patience now the dad angrily says to me are you kidding me we've been waiting forever this is ridiculous there's no way she's gonna go first i tell him sir please understand that this family has a very sick child who can't wait in line too long it'll only be a few minutes i then turned away to focus on the make-a-wish family and dad pouts like a child the guy then says well well if i knew that i wish my kid had cancer so we could cut every line and everybody froze princess aurora my friend who was working and everybody around turned to stare at the dad the mega wish family turned to stare at the dad aurora was pissed and said something to the effect of well that wasn't a very princely thing to say before turning her attention to the make-a-wish girl the make-a-wish girl's mom looked like she was gonna cry a man behind the dad got really angry barely kept his composure goes right over to the dad and says i bet our friends over here would give anything to be on your shoes don't you think at that point everybody starts to boo the dad and people were screaming at how rude and horrible this man was the dad knew that he had put his foot in his mouth his daughter was oblivious to the whole thing thankfully as she was quietly playing with her barbie and barely even blinked when she was told that she'd have to wait a bit longer during their turn princess was great with the daughter they had a long talk about how a real princess is kind patient and compassionate towards others dad slunk away embarrassed and i hope he learned from his behavior what an awful and heartless thing to say i wish my kid was sick so we could cut every line do you sir do you really wish that i love how op's co-workers stayed in character while essentially making the dad feel like a complete idiot like seriously how the heck can you even say that out loud oh i hate people sometimes so just some backstory here my parents divorced when i was in kindergarten so i was no more than six years old my mom got full custody of us now she was a typical narcissistic parent and i believe she suffers from some sort of mental illness anyway ever since the divorce she would always tell us how it wasn't her fault that we didn't have enough money for things and blame my dad for example if there was nothing to eat for breakfast and we complained like how small kids often do when they're hungry she snapped and said it's your dad's fault so cry to him i just learned to never complain and to be able to do without and spend my childhood taking care of her my sister and i were trained from when i was about eight and she was ten to come right home from school to do our homework and then clean the house and take care of ourselves we were always told don't ask me to make dinner make it yourself and do all the chores so mommy doesn't have to do anything now it sounds bizarre but we thought that was normal as well as being berated every so often and told on a daily basis that dad was a complete scumbag who left us it got worse during my senior year of high school my grandma died a few months before that summer and my mom quit her job due to an inheritance from her now the inheritance wasn't even that large it was close to 75 000 back in 2000 and guess what my mom blew through all the money my grandma left before the summer was over she then refused to get another job and kept coming up with excuses to not work she would say things like my back is hurting there's no jobs out there the economy is bad while she was going out drinking with her friend and acted like a carefree teenager so i spent my senior year working hard at school and trying to juggle a part-time job after school and pretty much taking care of an overgrown child who refused to work or help out any time a utility shut off or there was no food in the house she just griped you have a job why can't you pay for it now i would always think um i don't know mom maybe because that's your responsibility i know dad gives you child support so here's where it gets good if i brought up the fact that my dad sent her child supports and we all knew he sent child support to help us she would flaunt that child support check and laugh and refer to it as mommy's paycheck so flash forward to when i'm about to choose a college and my mom keeps bellyaching about the cost and of course has zero dollars saved in a college fund my freshman year i was pretty much able to swing the cost of tuition and my room and board and got a decent amount of grants i almost became unable to receive financial aid for my second year of college why because my w2s were mailed to my home address and my mom being the caring and supportive mother she was decided to shred them and throw them in the trash i found out because my sister was home that weekend and saw it my mom denied and when i came home for spring break and pressed her for it she lied and said her friend had them my sister then called my mom out on this bluff by calling the friend who said she did not have any of our tax information she was very concerned and told me and my sister to request a duplicate now my mom was pissed that we had checked with her friend and called her out on her bluff but true to her word her friend did my taxes for me and we figured it out at this point i learned that my mom had not been helping out my sister at all with tuition like she claimed she had and my sister had mentioned it to my dad who called her out and demanded to know where the child support was going my mom sat us down and told us that he wasn't paying her enough money barely enough for food and utilities so that's why she couldn't help us out during my second year of college my w2s were once again sent home and my mom once again accidentally threw them in the trash i had to request duplicate w-2s for my summer job not once but twice because she kept throwing them in the trash i filed my tax return late that year and as a result i wasn't able to get the full amount that i was receiving before anytime i complained to her about money or no food in the house it was always complain to your father he did this to you well the summer before my third year i was burnt out on my mom's bs i was working a full-time summer job and saving as much as i could but she was refusing to help me out at all while i was at home with food or anything at one point she was pissed that instead of paying the phone bill so she could make long-distance calls to her friends that i had the audacity to spend my hard-earned money on a cell phone and pay that bill myself my mom told everybody that i should just drop out because i wasn't applying myself hard enough i was in the honors program and she would also tell her friends it's so hard when you have kids in college they come home they eat your food and they always come to you for money okay there mom so at the end of the summer i had saved up a thousand dollars but the school won't let me move into my dorm unless i paid fifty percent up front which was about ten thousand dollars now i didn't know what to do as all summer the university had told me that it was fine and on move-in day they told me i could not move into the dorm so i called my dad in a panic and spoke to someone who agreed to give me 24 hours i moved in and the next day my dad showed up first thing with a coffee and donut for me and told me not to worry that he was gonna fix this once and for all we went from office to office on campus and he co-signed a loan which he later paid off for me and then he paid the balance of my tuition that the loan didn't cover he then took me out to lunch and told me the truth that my mom never helped my sister with her tuition my sister later confirmed this but was not surprised that my mom had lied he told me that he had co-signed a loan to help my sister and my sister was able to get a scholarship and do co-op to pay for her last two years he also told me that my mom was not so poorly off as part of the divorce settlement he had to continue to pay the mortgage and the property taxes on the house and even though my sister was on her own he was still paying the same amount of child support of about two thousand dollars a month despite the fact that i was living on campus for 75 percent of the year i was shocked my whole life my mom made us believe that we could barely afford food when my dad was covering the monthly mortgage and sent her 2 000 every month there was no excuse for electricity or water to have ever been shut off my mom had not given me a dime she could have easily helped out with tuition and food now i was hurt to think that my mom was just living off my child supports and constantly making me feel guilty about wanting anything or for not being able to cater to her every whim i thought about how bad she made me feel growing up and made me feel worthless when in fact if it had not been for me or my sister she would have not had a roof over her head after the divorce my dad then asked me to grant him access to my account so he could prove to his lawyer that my mom wasn't paying for college and that i was he asked me how i'd feel if he took care of college instead of paying my mom child support that sounds good to me he even told me i could spend my breaks at his house instead of my mom's i called my mom and told her that my dad had taken care of the issue and she had no remorse my mom told me it was my own fault for not planning my finances better and for pissing away my money all summer i just played it dumb and said she was right but pointed out that i had done what she told me to do and complained to my dad a month later my mom called me pissed my dad had spoken to a lawyer and there was going to be a hearing in their divorce case my dad had proven that my mom had not been paying for mine or my sister's tuition and that was the very reason my dad was obligated to pay child support until i was done college my dad told the judge that he would gladly pay for me to finish college but was not going to pay my mom any more child support and he would also stop making mortgage payments on the house if my mom didn't want to take over the mortgage they could sell the house and i could live with him over my breaks mom was freaking out over this and called me selfish i just reminded her that my tuition must cost a lot more than what she got in child support since she was never able to help me out with cost of school so here's where she goes insane she tried to get back on my dad by not paying utilities on the house to make it seem like she needed the money she then told me that the electric and water were now shut off so if i wanted to come home for winter break that i needed to help her out by sending her a few hundred bucks now i just told her that i would miss her but that i would be going to dads for winter break she was pissed and cried about how selfish i was for not wanting to come home for christmas to see her now a little side note about my mom the christmas before her present to me was throwing out many of my personal belongings why my mom was pissed off at me that i didn't want to come home one weekend to help her clean the house to clean the house that she lived in now let me tell you a little bit about how my trip home goes to get home i have to take two buses two trains and then wait for her to hopefully remember to pick me up at the train station which was a whole 20 minute drive she's forgotten me before plus there was finals and her response to me for not coming home was she took all my things through the wind boxes and threw them out on the front lawn most of my things were destroyed by being left in the rain and people came by and took most of my valuable possessions thanks mom anyways i told my mom that i would come visit her over winter break once she got the utilities turned on i told my dad what was going on and he said he and my stepmom were thrilled that i was gonna stay with them for winter break he also called my mom and reminded her that the child support had not stopped and they were gonna list the house in a few months so what was this nonsense about the utilities being shut off she was pissed but magically came up with the money to turn them back on that spring my dad took over my college tuition and he even made sure i got my full financial aid since he'd picked up my w-2s for me my mom lost her child supports and was told by the judge that she'd better cooperate with the sale of the house and keep up with the utility bills so it would sell so the real kicker is it was cheaper for dad to pay college costs than it was to pay child support and to think all i had to do was do exactly what she'd been telling me for years complain to your father now some of you have asked are things better now it depends on what you mean i'm not as close to her as i am my dad and stepmom but i still have a relationship with her and some have asked how she treat us growing up now she wasn't 100 bad but her bad moments were pretty bad and outweighed the good ones granted i've met a lot of people who've had much worse so i try to remember that after college she was trying to pull the same pity card she had when i was in school this time she was trying to convince me to move to a different state i declined and then she called my sister and complained about how i have a daughter that doesn't want to take care of me my sister and i both had a laugh about that now my mom isn't even 50 years old she's perfectly healthy and refuses to work there's no way that i was going to move in and take care of her she pretty much spent most of my adult life trying to convince us that either we take her into our homes or we go and live with her she moved into my grandparents old house in philly until they died and then wound up staying in various relatives houses and coming up with excuses not to work she finally wore out her welcome at so many people's houses that she wound up in a hospital and then in a shelter and she now lives in subsidized housing it's a cute apartment but guess what she still complains about how bad she has it and how no one wants to take her in she's not even 50 years old she's got a long way to go guys that was an absolutely insane story that mom is truly something else the biggest question i have is what the heck did she do with all that child support money like with dad covering the mortgage she would have gotten well over 250 thousand dollars in child support over the 10 years she definitely could have paid tuition and kept food on the table the dad definitely did come in as the hero in the end but where the heck was he all those years before opie contacted him like if my kids were constantly neglected and starving i would have done everything i could to regain custody over those kids and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys if you enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people i'll link it right here a neighbor toes opie's car from his parking spot so her freaking boyfriend can park in it it's a ridiculous story and if you haven't heard it go check it out and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 142,648
Rating: 4.9660921 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, fail, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, instant karma, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled neighbor, neighbor tows my car, nightmare mom
Id: lxPqc1PJB7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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