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what is going on everyone welcome back to my channel i hope you're all doing well now as you can tell by the title of today's video today's first entitled parent story involves one youtube user who steals another's youtube videos and then gets very very annoyed when that other user reports him for copyrights entitled youtube user steals my videos then has a tantrum when i report them for copyrights so basically for a while now there's been this person on youtube that has been constantly stealing my videos from my channel and claiming that they're his videos so naturally i'd do what any person would do if someone steals their work i reported him for copyright which resulted in his channel being terminated unfortunately that wasn't the end of it as within a few hours they made a new channel and yet again start stealing my videos but after looking at the channel's description i come across this message which reads out the following op don't you dare freaking delete my videos again stop terminating me over and over again i'm crying stop stealing my videos stop stealing my videos ffs you will stop this now so this is clearly implying that they think that the videos they've been stealing from me belong to them and i'm the one that's stealing them yet i uploaded those videos way before this user made his account i've had my account since december 2019 and this person made theirs quite recently so how they have the nerve to turn around and say i stole those videos when i uploaded them way before he made his account just baffles me now the tough thing about this story honestly op and i can say this as someone who has dealt with this in the past is that there is very very little you can do here if the person keeps making brand new channels off the brand new channels re-uploading your videos there's nothing you can do really yes you can individually copyright strike every single one but if they're doing it again and again and again day after day after day it gets a bit tiresome and really pointless what you're doing if you keep copyright striking them so honestly i would say just leave it alone try and forget it yes it is annoying but there's really not much you can do if they keep doing it again and again and again it should be obvious that the videos are uploaded by you that is why you know you've uploaded them way in the past of them uploading theirs so although they are saying you know you're stealing them from them clearly that is not true there is one thing that you can potentially do and that is to act team youtube on twitter this is a little bit in depth guys but at team youtube on twitter and let them know about the problem and see if they can do anything about it that is the only thing i can really suggest because yeah as i say copyright striking someone again and again and again on different channels it doesn't really achieve too much all i can say is i hope you go on to become the next mr beast b selects pewdiepie and just put this other guy in the mud you know who cares about him you're gonna go into massive things doesn't matter if he's stealing your videos you're gonna go to the level above and become a successful youtuber so praise to you keep going now moving on to our second story entitled mum takes down my posters so that her nine-year-old son can have no competition in dog walking hello people sorry if i don't use the right terms all the time i'm not on this subreddit too often and this story only happened about two or three years ago so i forget a little bit about it i remembered this because my mum brought up her experience with an entitled mum to date at her work she's a third grade teacher that has many special needs kids in her classes and an entitled mum was arguing with her about whether her kid should be punished for telling someone they're a sped anyway i am a 14 year old male and this happened about two years ago here's some background knowledge so i wanted to make a little extra money because i was into stocks and i wanted to make money for my future invest in stocks buy a car that would last me past high school etc i wanted to start making money by dog walking so i started making a poster that showed why i wanted to make money and i had a doc he was a medium dog but i was a relatively strong person and i could handle most sized dogs so i started printing about 30 copies of posters and started putting them on an electrical post every 200 feet or so it took about an hour considering i didn't bike i just followed my daily routine for the next few days waiting to get a call from someone to ask about my dog walking a few days after i put up the posters i took my dog on a long walk so i was walking and just about after 30 minutes walking from my house there were no posters i swear i thought i put them up i continued my walk and i found less dog posters around this area after about an hour walk i got home and i looked at where i mapped out where i would put the posters there was supposed to be posters there i called my friend who lives near there and asked him to watch the post and tell me if there was someone taking them down and when he said sure later that day he called me back asking where the posters are oops i forgot to mention that i would be putting them up early tomorrow before school this was at about 10 p.m and my parents wouldn't let me put them up when i was 12 even if i was almost 13. my friend said okay well see you then i guess see ya wait i forgot to say that there was someone an entitled mom it was standing near one of the posts for about 20 minutes oh and i have seen her before i think she lives near me so i say okay well that's random bye see ya remember guys at this point they don't know about the entitled mum then next day i put up the posters and walked to school with my friend because i was already over there it was a normal day at school i tell my friends all about it and my friend explains about the person standing by the post doing nothing after about 10 minutes after i get home i get a call from my friend he lives further from school saying the posters have been taken down again i'm annoyed at this point so i bike over to his house and put one poster right across from his window we head in and start playing minecraft now i'm not paying much attention as i'm watching the poster there is someone maybe in their mid-40s who starts to approach it i tell my friends and we wait until they are in arm's reach of the poster they might just be looking at it my friend says i think that's the person that was standing at the poster earlier okay let's go over to them so we approached the of course entitled mother now she turns back and gives us the eye so my friend and i quickly act like we're just taking a walk my friend said yep it is the person that was standing at the post earlier okay we should approach her i'll do the talking now as we approach her she turns again and this time has the poster in her hand with a firm grip hello i say are you interested in that the entitled mum huffs and turns again she was clearly in a bad mood i say it again but a little differently are you interested in that i put up those posters and i can walk your dog if you're interested i don't want you to walk a single dog i didn't know what she meant by that she starts to rip off half the poster with the other half stuck on what are you doing well since my son is gonna start walking his dog soon he wanted to make some money so i want it to be perfect for him well there is enough space for both of us no well even so you can't take down my posters i'm also trying to make money well that doesn't matter if your parents can afford to live in this neighborhood then you are fine she complains then i remember this very distinctively when she said anyways you're too fat and tall to walk a dog you couldn't walk a puppy ha she said the hat like marge from the simpsons i was really annoyed at this point at the time i got mad really easily so i ranted well even if my parents can afford to live here you don't know anything about me and you assume that i'm fat you are a slob and a terrible parent i bet that you've been spoiled your whole life i know i contradicted myself multiple times in that sentence but i was mad my parents could afford to live in the neighborhood we live in the bay area which generally cost more than most but my family didn't have a nice house we just lived in a nice neighborhood and i was not fat i am really tall and i have a bit of a large stomach and it sticks out a bit but i don't have an eating problem i'm just built this way i'm gonna keep ripping your posters off so that my nine-year-old could walk dogs my friend said lady stop my friend spent a lot of time doing this and if he wants to make money he can you are doing a bad thing my friend was very logical but we were 12 so we look like complete idiots at this point my friend's mum came outside and yelled from across the street stop being a female dog em and stop harassing my son and his friend his mum was more like me but an adult look entitled mama please stop the reason i want to make money is to invest in my future oh shut the heck up you just want to spend it on food and we all know that i was done with her craziness i went back inside with my friends and we continued to play minecraft i would look back over to the argument at hand from the look of it it seems like my friend's mum was just being mean at this point not even trying to fix the problem and i was fine with that his mum let me stay for dinner and turns out she says some pretty funny things to this woman after dinner i took my backpack and was going to go home when i realized i brought an extra poster my friend and i put up the poster and giggled i didn't care much about this because it was a great story to tell people even if i was mad this is what i heard about the mum's conversation apparently she said that the entitled mum's parenting skills were the same as an animal who abandons her child at birth the entitled mum just kept ranting about how the whole world is crazy and no one could tell when someone is trying to be nice and how we were evil to even suggest that i was equal to her son i forget most of the stuff that happened then but i hope that me trying to fill in what i forgot was just a hair away from being the same as what actually happened but i showed my friend what i wrote and he said that it was pretty much what actually happened but he said that we were playing roblox not minecraft i think he was just messing with me though i don't even like roblox i don't even think i ever did this woman though clearly needs some help or just someone to snap her back into a realistic state i feel bad for her but she acts like that on a regular basis but at the same time it's not okay whatsoever and whatever happened to her she deserved my friend says he doesn't see her much anymore just on holidays i think she probably moved away and has family or friends that they visit during the holidays over here i made about 600 from dog walking before i stopped i spent 150 towards stocks 50 towards money for going downtown with friends and about 400 went towards a new graphics car for my failing one but i bought the graphics card about five months ago oh i mean put yourself in this guy's position guys that must be so so annoying he's doing something that is actually helping out the community walking dogs to try and get a little bit of money for himself to make his future better that is such an amazing thing to be doing and it's getting ruined by this one entitled woman who thinks that her nine-year-old is gonna walk dogs i mean i don't know about you guys i would not trust a nine-year-old to walk my dog because surely the dog could just overpower them and it's a nine-year-old at least a 14 year old or however old you were in this story they're gonna be a little bit more responsible and be able to you know walk a dog properly nine years old nah that's not competition they should not be allowed to walk a dog at nine years old clearly and you know just destroying this guy's hope of potentially walking dogs by ripping down the posters that he spent time making spent time pinning up to lampposts why what is the point of being jealous of a 14 year old kid trying to make a bit of money oh so horrible man so horrible now moving on to our final story of today's video he stole my heart medication that is serious this happened last week and i was fuming when it happened and until just now i calmed down a little bit and thought i'd vent a little bit on reddit okay a little backstory about me is i have myotonic muscular dystrophy mmd a side effect of this is cardiomyopathy and i have low injection flow of my left and right ventricles of my heart and i take two medications to help with my blood flow during the day afternoon and at night the effect of these pills is to help blood flow and that they will lower your blood pressure they are supposed to do this now low blood pressure can make you extremely fatigued tired faint cause disease spells it can even make you pass out it took me weeks to get used to this medication myself so unless you need to take it just don't do it it's not worth it anyway me and a few friends had a small get-together now we decided to have a small bbq at my place i own my own land and have a really nice big backyard and grill with good furniture and a home built fire pits which we will be making s'mores later in the day i live in the country so there was plenty of space to continue and practice social distancing and if we need to be close we wore our masks it was going great as it had been so long since we've been able to spend time as a group and the food and drinks were great most of the people i knew who were there but there was this one couple who i didn't know and apparently they had been invited by one of our other friends but i was cool with it why not right no point getting all fussy over it they seem nice at first but as they drank a little too much they got really rude towards everyone they tried to smoke marijuana in my home and when i told them not to smoke around me and definitely not in my house they acted like i was the jerk i really don't care how you feel about smoking marijuana it's still illegal in my state and with my health conditions it's not safe to smoke around me and their drunken antics were getting on everyone's nerve so we finally just asked them to leave they tried to argue with us saying they came with a friend and thankfully our friend however ill advised she was to bring them stepped up to take them back to wherever they came from i got a call on my cell phone about 20 minutes later from my friend panic stricken screaming into my phone apparently on the ride home the guy had gotten really lethargic and had just passed out and she was asking where the nearest hospital was i managed to get her direction to the hospital and stayed on the line with her because she was near hysterics and i was trying to be a good friend and calm her down i asked her what was wrong or if she knew what had happened secondhand from her basically his blood pressure dropped extremely low so really low blood pressure can deprive your body of enough oxygen to carry out its functions leading to damage to your heart and brain i don't know if that was what happened as the doctor also said he would be okay eventually i asked how it happened and she avoided the question a lot until she finally admitted that he had snuck into our bathroom and stole a bunch of my pills and had been taking one every few minutes while drinking mixing my pills with alcohol it's no wonder he was so unsteady on his feet i was livid with her at that point and i ran into my bathroom and sure enough both of my appeal bottles were empty who knows how many he took i screamed at her asking what she was thinking letting a thieving drug addicted idiot into my home she apologized profusely but i pretty much revoked her privilege to bring random people to my place ever again usually i don't mind but when those people steal the medication i need to live it's really your fault those pills won't get you high even usually they just make you feel terrible and he had to be taken to a hospital for it he honestly must have brain damage to take random pills from someone he doesn't even know he probably didn't even read anything just saw prescription bottles and stole them it was difficult to explain to my cardiologist why i needed a refill so soon since i still had a few months worth left at least i did before the lousy thief came along these pills are not addictive or anything so it was weird that i would request more when i should have plenty left he was just as shocked as me and was worried about the guy since it can seriously hurt someone if taken improperly i wouldn't have been surprised if the girlfriend had been taking them too just not as many has this happened to anyone else out there please share and let me know i'm not alone with crazy thieving drug addicts that don't seem to care that the pills they are stealing are not always pain meds by the way i'm not sure if this was the right reddit so if you know a better place let me know no it definitely was the right subreddits i mean guys let me know if i'm wrong here but that must be the most stupid person i've ever heard about in my entire life how stupid can you be how weird how messed up is your life to go into some random person's bathroom see some prescription meds and think you know what i'm just going to chug them all because why not my life is that much of a mess that i don't even care anymore i'm just going to chug some random you know random medication i don't even know what it does i haven't even bothered to read the packaging who cares i hope it's some pain meds but if it's not i don't really care anyway just get them down me what a weird bloke i mean there's no wonder these guys were acting weirdly it wasn't just the alcohol they had been downing your heart medication oh my goodness me if only they knew they wouldn't be so stupid or maybe they would who cares when you're at that low point in your life where you're just doing random drugs that you don't even know what they are do you really care what's in them anymore or do you just want to do them i mean wow that is absolutely mental and yeah don't let that woman bring random people into your house anymore because clearly she can't be trusted either jesus guys she says at the bottom has this happened to anyone else out there i mean how's this ever happened to one of you sure as heck has it happened to me because that is an absolute madness i can't quite believe it honestly what a weird weird story how can you be that dumb i don't know but hey i guess there are people that are just very dumb out there that would do dumb things like that and put their lives in danger wow anyway guys that is going to do it for this episode of entitled parents that last story wow absolutely mad if you do want to see some more crazy entitled barrett's stories check out yesterday's video right here if you haven't watched it already it's a banger it's 15 minutes long full of crazy entitled parent stories just like this one and also if you aren't already subscribe to my channel by hitting this lovely yellow r right here make sure you watch every single one of my videos every single day and that will notify you if you put the bell on of my new videos every single day same time same place you don't want to miss them see you tomorrow
Channel: Redditor
Views: 200,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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