r/EntitledParents | Workers SHOCK Manager With Dress Code

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there's nothing like a wedding to create a feeling of happiness bliss and romance that is unless an entitled person gets involved this woman gets frustrated when her wedding turns sour as entitled grandparents stir up family infighting and drive a wedge between different family members after being humiliated by their manager this waiter decides to do their job exactly as requested funnily enough it's the manager who ends up paying the price in the end these hospital workers are just doing their job when their boss her Karen starts to get overbearing and controlling what does Karen want and what hilarious compliance do they do in response you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears entitled parents featuring malicious compliance this story was called entitled grandparents decided to choose between grandkids I got married last year but a year before that me and my now wife settled on a venue and then started the process of whittling down guests we have a ceremony capacity of 80 I come from quite a large family with few friends she has a small family but lots of friends mostly we share her group of friends however this did lead to us making a couple of rules number one only inviting family members to the day part of the wedding we had both actually seen during our five-year relationship no random cousins or uncles who never enter our lives number two no one below 16 we came to our own conclusion rightly or wrongly that we would rather have more adults fair who are more likely to enjoy the day instead of kids who may not also if we invited all the kids in the family it would be a quarter of our capacity so when we got engaged my grandparents only ones I have left on my side were very happy and immediately told me to invite who we wanted and destroyed everyone else do what we want once we made the decision regarding venue the decision around the inviting children followed pretty much after this is where the drama begins I'm the oldest grandchild to their oldest son had three sons my dad and my two uncles my dad and his oldest brother bull have kids over 16 youngest brother however has four all under eleven this uncle and aunt tend to use my grandparents a lot as extra child care and support which is fine however it had led to this situation where they are regarded as their babies and need extra attention however the choice we made led to my grandparents immediately saying they won't come to the wedding if they aren't invited this took all of us my parents included by surprise especially as we heard the auntie and uncle affected were fine with it however my grandparents strong-armed them into agreeing with their position this led to my dad having a conversation with the grandparents to try and make them see sense I never got the details all I know is that it ended with my dad leaving the house after telling my grandmother that the words stubborn would be set on her grave and he's usually a very controlled individual two days later my sister 21 at the time dropped by dares to say hello she was there chatting normally and my grandma just cuts in and goes so then what do you have to say about it all this took her back but she defended our position my grandma argued that we were picking on them and always believed we were better than that family she also said she wanted a nice picture of all the grandkids together my sister asked her how she could be choosing between the grandkids doesn't she love us all the same she didn't respond for a few seconds before eventually saying well they are younger they are a babies my sister left in tears I felt terrible and responsible for the fallout my dad talked me out of going around and having it out with them he said leave it and we will see if they come around time passes and I'm delivering invites to relatives I was also rushing to meet a friend so it was very much in and out of houses I arrived at their house and only remembered the situation as I walked in I and then the invite and was immediately told they would not be attending I was stunned into silence I told them the decision wasn't personal and all kids were welcome for the evening party they told me it wasn't fair and it should be everyone or they won't come at all I finally crack and shout at them I state I didn't realize my grandparents attendance was conditional they reply with how do you think this makes us feel i blurt out how do you feel my grandparents aren't coming to my freaking wedding they asked me to leave I walk to the door turn around walk back grab the invite I say you won't be needing this and leave I haven't seen them since on a plus note the wedding was amazing the additional friends we invited really made it a party atmosphere and I wouldn't change it for the world I've decided it was their loss and it's something they will have to live with planning a wedding is stressful enough this coupled to then have some entitled grandparents thinking that they could run things their way would only make things even more stressful that's the tricky thing when it comes to family members like this they forget that it's not their day and it's not about them and what they want and if that's the way they're going to treat their grandchildren he can understand why he took the invitations back this fan submitted story was called dance mom gets put in her place by my 15 year old Savior I've been a dancer since I was three I was an only child for nine years and was obviously social but no friends the best solution was activities and I apparently jumped for joy at the thought of ballet classes a little background I lived in a smallish town in Kansas it managed to have two studios somehow but most kids went to mine it was the most prestigious of the two I'm not bragging by any means far from it actually my family wasn't exactly poor but they worked super hard to pay for classes leotards and recital costumes a disproportionate amount of my classmates however were doctors and lawyers kids so I hope you can imagine the amount of entitlement runs rampant ok so story time my studio was ramping up for recital I was eight or nine if I remember right this is close to 20 years ago forgive me they split the large group into a few smaller groups for partner routines I was in one but by watching other ones over and over I grasped the choreography boring I know but it's important I swear one little boy maybe five was crying cuz his partner was out sick and felt embarrassed so his mum asked if I could stand in of course I don't want to see him cry all goes well boy feels better and we hug next routine starts practicing and I noticed another boy alone similar situation riding out of my last good deed I offered to help him as I know the routine he thanks me can we get in places in the story is me the dance mom and chesley the hero of this story enter the dance mom yes a doctor's wife I was half friends with her daughter who was in the routine but the entitled apple doesn't fall far from the entitle tree so arms distance friends I don't gel well with those types dance mum barges onto the floor mid routine as I'm helping this boy separates us and points her finger in my face you're not in this number what are you doing well I just thought I would help him because his pot did the dance teacher tell you you could do that I didn't think so I'm sure he can handle himself now go sit down by the mirror I ran out falling a 40-something year old woman yelling at an 8 year old doesn't generally go well I was intercepted by one of my favorite older dancers chesley older to me at the time meant 15 honey honey honey what's wrong what happened I explained the whole story as best I could 3 sniffling and snot coach as sore red she shook it off for a second and hugged me for a long while don't worry honey I'm gonna take care of it and off she went to be studio I followed I may be paraphrasing with the 20 years between and all but basically excuse me dance mom why are you shouting there's a little girl out there in tears because of you do you want to explain why she was slightly stuttering well she wasn't technically in the routine yeah and was trying to be nice and help that boy out in a partner dad's what a horrible girl so horrible you had to yell at her and embarrass her in front of all of her friends I didn't exactly yell then why is she out there crying her eyes out I suggest you go out there and apologize you are supposed to be the grown-up chesley stormed out but not before giving me a light forehead kiss dance mom did apologize but even as a kid I could tell it wasn't sincere it was so the other dance moms wouldn't think she was a monster Chesley did get in trouble but not a terrible amount basically a stern talking-to I apologized when I found out she pinched my cheek and told me not to worry followed by a wink I've been trying to find Chesley for 15 years now asking people she knew Facebook stalking the works no dice I just want to let her know I plan on naming my daughter Chesley if I'm bestowed a go Chazz if you're out there I will never in my life forget what you did for me if you're her I know you'll remember this for at least I hope so feel free to bother me one of the easiest minorities to forget about is children often adults can get away with treating children like crap because well they're just kids and it's easy to forget how we were treated when we were children ourselves this story was called separate and label each seat even if it's on one check you got it I'm a student and I took some time off to focus on my studies I found myself in a pinch and needing some cash so I looked for a very quick serving job close to my apartment I found one at a pretty low volume mom-and-pop pizza place the manager was your typical bully who liked to let everyone know she was the one in charge and love to get on someone's case if they didn't put the pepper shaker back on the table in the right any small thing she had the opportunity to reprimand someone for she took it she also loved to humiliate people I was new and instantly the staff really seemed to like me I was overall usually in a good mood and had a lot of inside jokes with most of the staff the checks tabs for the tables were handwritten so I liked to abbreviate things to make the process quicker if things were on one check I didn't feel a need to separate seats as they were going on one check anyways so why should it matter as the checks are handwritten the cashier was the manager and they were in charge of ringing up the receipts and totals of the check on the one register I had a table of three on one check so I wrote it on one piece of paper all under one seat she calls me over loudly in front of the whole staff to embarrass me I'll be X and she will be el4 entitled loser pay yet M what if I told you about keyboard sheets oh they're on one check okay we'll all sheets need to be separate even if they're on one check seems kind of like a waste of time since it's handwritten and all yes I need to know each seat separate it's not that difficult so for the rest of the day she would patronize me and clap each time I would separate every two top table I had at the end of one shift a cook could see how crappy she was treating me he pulled me in the back and said hey I think you did a great job today you killed it he was so genuine I left the back smiling ten minutes later she told me she needed to talk to me I was assuming she was going to tell me I did a great job separating checks nope she said the tables looked like crap and I need to put the napkins on the right side of the tables not the left I had had it the next day I was the closing server I was alone just me her in the kitchen super slow night then we had a large party come in it was 14 people no problem the entire restaurant was empty and I was the only server I got their order then took a seat as they were eating I took my sweet time separating each single order by hand I made sure to use my very best handwriting spelling out each individual word no shorthand tonight 20 minutes after close they still hadn't asked for their checks I was in no rush that night but my manager was can I get the checks please and witty to go sure no problem I approached the table hey guys we're wrapping up no rush but I have your checks I separated them all are you all separate or on one Oh put us on one now at this point I could have just stapled all 14 checks together and asked for the calculated total and asked the manager to simply type the total plus tax but since she was so hell-bent on separate checks I delivered 14 separate checks for her to calculate up herself [ __ ] Bert Julie Utley yep it took her about five minutes to calculate it after gathering them up I add the separate turtles staple them and circle the total I hand the check over and let them hang out for another 15 minutes before handing over a payment I go and swipe the card and tell them to have a good night the manager / cashier is in charge of closing out the final payments she sees it's on one check death was on one check seriously I know they changed their mind it would have been so much easier for me to have just put it on the one piece of paper huh the death glare she gave me was priceless I cleaned the table off with a grin on my face I quit two weeks later shove those separate checks up your butt Catherine many people are just happy to do their job just do what they're told and they don't really mind in what way they have to do it I much prefer trying to find any way to improve efficiency if I can so bosses or managers that refuse to listen even when it can make everything done better that can be the most frustrating thing at a job let me know if you've got any stories where you had a great idea for your workplace but just won't listen to this story was called Operation undershirts a dress code policy strictly enforced and hilariously complied with so in my early 20s 21 I start working as a phlebotomist I drew blood in a large Hospital I had just moved and knew no one and also just didn't know that area or city I worked evening shift 1300 to 2130 after completing the training I was put on my normal shift with my fellow workers who to my surprise were all my age or younger we became fast friends great peeps fast forward a year our shift is the busiest shift for stat draws and traumas in ER the pace is tough but we're great friends and we handle it and help each other out a lot all the hospital staff for the most part know us and love us for our hard work and professionalism our boss let's call her Karin so Lee works day shifts and has no idea really what it's like on our shift she loves to nitpick about silly things and she doesn't feel like she is accomplishing anything unless she is telling you where you're wrong and how you can improve our shift is three guys and one girl we all dress in scrubs and a t-shirt underneath we usually wear any kind of t-shirt as long as you can only see a solid color and it matches or looks okay Karin one day notices and reminds us all that the handbook specifically says that our undershirts have to be white and that with colored undershirts we are very unprofessional I make a remark about all the crazy colored prints graphics on the scrub tops on day shift who are all female and how I don't think having our undershirts are any more unprofessional than a Sponge Bob scrub top she explicitly says that they are permitted in the handbook but our undershirts were not and we better fix it as soon as possible and the next person to show up to work without a white undershirt will be sent home to change so later that night I have a solid idea and propose it to my awesome evening shift cohort let's all go out and buy white undershirts along with the most outrageous and ridiculous scrub tops we can find my idea is praised and we all go shopping after work the next day we meet in the parking lot and all walk in together my buddy Jonas is sporting a black scrub top covered in vivid red smooching lips will is looking very professional in a white top with Strawberry Shortcake cartoon images all over and I'm wearing a baby blue and pink Dora the explora scrub top all with white undershirts we walk in and there's lots of laughing and yelling and we draw a crowd in the lab in walks Karin her face turns red as we proudly display our commitment to professionalism and our 100% handbook dress code compliant outfits she mutters a thank you and scurries off to consult the director who is awesome the director laughed and said well you won Karen they're compliant we became famous all across the hospital for our malicious compliance and occasionally were our fun scrubs to work for the rest of our time together great times now that's the kind of people you want to work with obviously not like Karen unless you know you want to get on someone's nerves but I mean what can Karen do they did exactly as they were supposed to do honestly I'm not even sure where you would buy scrubs let alone themed ones so if anyone knows let me know if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit pause slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one you're not in this number what are you doing
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 212,872
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 42
Id: TY_u7d9sjB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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