r/EntitledParents | Mom FIGHTS Snake

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why do we love entitle parents stories well much like watching a car crash we just can't look away in today's episode of voice he hears and title parents an angry dad and embarrassed teenager and a confused employee for a telephone company it's all the usual entitlement and demands from the dad until a startling discovery renders him speechless a man loves his pet snakes and treats them with care but of course when an entitled kid comes to visit he doesn't want to abide by the owners rules it all ends when the entitled mother goes too far and gets what she deserves for our fan submitted story their dad has always been absent but has now told their kid he'll make it to their high school graduation the kid is very happy that they'll finally be there when it matters but what does the dad do to turn the best day of their life sour you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and titled parents this story was called are you sure your son didn't make those calls I have worked at a telecommunication provider for a number of years my role is as a sales associate in a storefront so we are customer facing we sell phones and plans but also handle customer service billing inquiries and technical support I have so many EP stories but this one was the most outrageous I've encountered happened a few years ago the basic info here a family entitled dad quiet mom and embarrassed team come into the store and the dad immediately starts going off madder than a cut snake apparently we've scammed him and he not only refuses to pay the most recent bill but he's going to have us all fired if we don't fix his issue immediately I'm not too fazed by the yelling and swearing as it's not uncommon in this job but I know my co-worker doesn't handle conflict well and my manager is on lunch so I step up and try to calm him down directing him and his family to take a seat at my workstation so I can have a look at the account I confirm that this account is for the son's mobile phone the bill should be about $50 per month but this guy's been charged over $3,000 which shouldn't be possible as he was on an unlimited calling plan and hadn't exceeded his data I let him know I'll be a moment while I check out why this is turns out it's almost entirely content services these are generally voting lines competition lines content game downloads sometimes scams reverse calling in-app purchases that kind of thing this is a service offered and charged by third party the bill doesn't have the name of the company on it but I can see the number it's been called dozens of times this month I point this out to the dad who promptly loses his mind at this point he's yelling something to the effect of is this some kind of bullcrap freaking scam you people the thieves I'm not paying this if you don't credit the account I'll make sure you lose your job I'll have the freaking government crawling up your butt I'll have this whole store closed down I wait until he's out of breath and calmly continue saying that in most cases if it was a genuine error then the company that provided the content services and so charged the account a third-party provider not our company can refund the charges unfortunately because our company did not provide the content we are unable to issue a refund I explained that it's like asking your bank for a refund for purchase from a department store the bank can't provide a refund as they didn't provide the service the son at this point is vehemently denying that he ever used the service the entitled dad starts raving again same stuff as before but also demanding that I pay the three thousand dollar bill I obviously refuse and tell him that unfortunately if his son used a content service he will have to pay for it that's how the world works otherwise he has to call the company who charged him entitled dad and quiet mom both also insists that their precious team wouldn't ever do anything wrong he's such a good boy clearly I'm wrong here etc unfortunately though I simply can't put the credit on the account only the over the phone billing reps can credit and for that much money you need a third level man to do it we talk in circles for a while with the dad getting madder and madder eventually he exclaims that it's probably a fake number anyway and tries to call it from the teenagers phone trying to prove his son had never called this number before it rings on its speaker and then a sultry female voice answers hi she mentions the son by name where have you been I've missed talking to you so much there is a stunned silence as we all realize the teen had been calling an adult chat line the dad hangs up the mother looks like she might faint the son turns bright red and the dad goes super pale there is no denying yes she used his name I'm trying so hard not to burst out laughing this ballsy 14 year old has blown nearly $3,000 on an adult chat line the dad actually grabs his son's ear and drags him out the store the mum follows neither of them says anything as they leave and we never saw them again I think we've all had that experience where we've got enough phone bill and I'm like why is this like $100 more than it should be back before they were like unlimited plans and it did kind of feel like a scam so in a way I think the dad's actually kind of justified if the son was like I didn't do anything he would be like why is that $3,000 on this phone bill it's probably just more bad parenting or anything that the son couldn't actually be honest with his dad and confessed that yeah it was him did the kid really think he wasn't gonna get caught this story was called no you can't play with my snake and that's why I have three snakes one is super chilled out one is a little hissy but ultimately pretty tame and one the smallest is a straight-up psycho who I didn't even try to handle because he's an angry little danger noodle they all live in their vivarium in my living room the other day my girlfriend's friend stopped by unannounced with her six-year-old kid in tow my girlfriend doesn't really like this person but as known for years and is part of a larger group of friends so to avoid any drama she invited her in I was just chillin playing Red Dead 2 when they come into the living room the bratty kid is instantly drawn to the snake tanks I actually love it when other people's kids come over because they are genuinely fascinated by the snakes on occasion I've got my chill bow out to show them and if they seem responsible enough I'll let them hold him under close supervision I could tell straight away that bratty kid wouldn't get this chance he's only six for a start but he was very quickly banging on the glass of each for varium and demanding that the snakes come out to play I asked him to stop snakes are deaf but very sensitive to vibrations and as it's just coming to the end of winter they are particularly sensitive to eating basically it's a job to get them to eat and we're both being quiet around them to make it easier but of course he doesn't I look at the untitled parent but she just laughs in in isn't he cute kind of way like I said I enjoy teaching kids about snakes because I'm a biologist and a conservationist and any positive experiences with animals and kids is a major step in helping wildlife and I figured that getting my chill dudeee out would at least stop bratty kid from banging on the glass so I got him out it was all going well they kid responded well and seemed really interested in snake boy's tongue and whatnot I let the bratty kid touch his scales to show he wasn't slimy and he was a little less than gentle but like I said he's six but this is when it went downhill the bratty kid demanded to hold the snake now no matter how experienced you are at keeping reptiles and exotics they are still wild animals they get used to being handled but there's always a chance of getting bitten hence why I don't handle psycho danger noodle plus my lads were not getting handled as often as usual because it's winter so I said no there was a second of silence then the biggest whale of crying ever like the crying dude from YouTube but about 50 Hertz higher in frequency the entitled parent looks over and says just let him hold the snake stop being so boring this obviously made me really angry she's in my house unannounced and I'm still making an effort to entertain her offspring I tried to explain to her why I wouldn't let the kid hold my boy but it wasn't good enough my girlfriend was getting more and more embarrassed and mouths are very sincere I'm sorry in my direction whilst entitled parent continued to call me boring and stuck-up etc now snakes are all about movement when you pick them up you should always try to scoop from underneath rather than grab them from above like a bird or other predators would entitled parent didn't know this she runs over to tend to the bratty kid who's full-on blowing his lid at this point and in an effort to give him what he wanted reached over to try and grab the snake snaky boy didn't like this and he made his first ever bite on anyone it was only a little tag but enough to draw a minut amount of blood from her hand she instantly starts screaming about how the snake has poisoned her snakes are venomous not poisonous and this particular one is neither she grabbed her child and left very suddenly she texts my girlfriend saying she was going to the police for setting a deadly animal on her my Severus is a corn snake no license required and definitely not dangerous in the slightest and she even tried to get the rest of her friends on board obviously they laughed her out of the friend group apparently that was the last straw for most of them the kids behavior was definitely inappropriate but he was six years old I mean you just be pretty excited to see the snakes and want to play with them again I think this all falls on the parent if they're not setting limits and boundaries how is the kids supposed to know what's appropriate or inappropriate behavior but entitled parents are gonna do what they're gonna do and sometimes just sometimes they get bitten by a snake for it this fan submitted story was called entitled dad skips my graduation so I'm the spawn of an entitled parent my dad my parents have been divorced and I was raised with my mom in Minnesota since I was seven and I appreciate her from the bottom of my heart I know it wasn't easy anyways when I say my dad is entitled I don't mean just bratty he is literally emotionally manipulative and will try and play the woe-is-me card if he doesn't get his way which could spawn more stories for example causing me to have an emotional breakdown on my 13th birthday he wants others to bend over backwards for him but to get him to do the same would be like teaching an elephant to read I can literally count on one hand how many times I've seen him since the split so five years ago my dad invited himself to my high school graduation and my mom not wanting to fight over my big day decided to give him the auditorium ticket my high school had four tickets three for the gym where the ceremony was being held which my mom obviously would use one and she gave the other two to her parents who I'm very close with and one for a guest to see a broadcast on the auditorium so he was a pain in the butt the week before trying to stay in the house with us my mom didn't want that a because of their past and she didn't want him snooping in our stuff and be our dog is protective he doesn't mind people but he has to know that we're okay with you and that wasn't the case after a few days he relented and got a hotel a few days and an awkward dinner with him later it was the day of my graduation and it was one of the best days of my life the problems arose after I picked up my diploma to meet my family I couldn't find anyone he went near the auditorium exit and my grandparents booked it because they didn't want to deal with him after ten minutes of looking I run into my irritated mum turns out he texted her because there was a technical issue and he left after five minutes now I was in the second-to-last row in a graduation class of 200 so there's no way he would have missed me if he waited turns out he went to visit his friend and whisk on keep in mind he could have stayed there for a week instead of pestering her he had no job and his excuse to not visit where I live was that it was too cold my mother didn't want to ruin this moment so the drive home was praises and jokes and not thinking of him fast-forward to me relaxing at home trying to ignore the incident I hear my very ticked off mother on the phone cursing at my dad who was complaining about the technical difficulty and he was asking who had the other two tickets not that it was his business along with trying to say one of my grandparents who helped raise me while he only bothered to talk on the phone once in a while to watch in the auditorium at the end she told him to get lost and hung up in anger and started to bust out in hives and I decided to pick up dinner so he could both just cool off and I could just go for a walk for a bit and be with my thoughts I think sometimes parents forget how important moments like these are for kids what causes a relationship to be a good relationship it's connection if a parent has made an effort to connect with their child their child will value that parent if a parent is distant or harsh they're not gonna feel connected and they're not gonna value their parents very much this was actually probably a great chance for him to reconnect with his kid and actually start to restore the relationship unfortunately it just wasn't in his nature and he didn't really care I think us all growing up on Disney has kind of imagined we'll always have a happy ending but the reality is we live in a broken world and until it's made right again sometimes the best we can do is to find a few people that we can connect with love and be loved by them this story was called entitled mother once the GPU I'm buying is banned from the store and ambushes me a GPU is a graphics card for those who don't know it's a pretty necessary component in a computer to play video games and has some other purposes as well some backstory so my old gtx 970 decided to die on me a couple weeks back and I had just gotten some money and decided that since I upgraded most of my PC a short time prior I would go and get upgrade for my GPU I went to a local store that sells pewter pots and tech related products and gadgets this store was not the Walmart or any regular store type I guess it had a long counter with some seats on the side for customers to wait in their turn and there were like three cash registers but only two employees were there and one was at the back where they stored all of their stock they had some shelves with some headphones and generic gaming mice and keyboards up front but the more serious stuff was in the back also the store was at a big mall with lots of people but this run-in happened while most people were at work so the mall was pretty quiet I walk in and there is a guy talking to one of the employees and no one sitting in the seats I walk up to the free employee and he greets me I greet him back and tell him my story about my now dead GPU I asked him to bring me an RT X 20 atti that only arrived to that store two days prior and I saw on their website that they had them in stock of this specific location I swear at the exact moment the employee comes out from the back of the store with the GPU box entitled mum and kid walk in and entitled kid sees the GPU and tells his mom that he wants one the employee didn't notice him at first and he went to me with the box and told me that I'm in luck since it's their last one he was helping me check out and pay for the card the graphics card was around 1200 US dollars and is more powerful that many people should even need but I could spare some money for it the entitled mother overheard what the employee told me and walked up to him and this is the conversation that occurred excuse me are you buying that yes why it's the last one and me and my son already paid for it also my son deserves it more than you how did you pay for it I paid online for it and I'm here to pick it up you can't order it online from this store maybe you confuse this place with a different one you couldn't pay online since their system doesn't have that option yet are you saying that I'm lying me and the cool employee at the same time I guess so Road is that give me that card you don't deserve me for being rude my son deserves him more than you love me come on I want to go home already and play he looked around 8:09 give it to me now at this point I haven't yet paid but I was holding on to the box that was on the counter she snatches the box from under my arm and starts walking away with her kid ma'am you can't leave without paying for it make him pay he was rude to me he owes me this thing I will not make him pay if you leave without paying I will call security to come find you fine how much is it like $200 actually it's $1,200 stop lying to me this thing isn't worth that much besides my son needs it to play his games and be a youtuber I kind of lost on the inside of his point and asked what games does he play for his YouTube channel I played fortnight and I want this card to get the best graphics at this point the other employee and customer were watching this exchange and even the employee at the back came to see the commercial and when the kids said that we all started laughing almost to tears entitled mother and entitled kid looked confused and then the employee from the back probably the most tech-savvy explained fortnight doesn't need that kind of card you can run fortnight on a potato with some cables in the screen at that point I guess the entitled mom had enough and she decided to sneakily put the box in her purse keep in mind the fact that it's like 30 centimetres long around one foot for your Americans there and her purse was tiny and it looked ridiculous she then proceeded to grab the kid by his hand and started opening the door ma'am you haven't paid yet what do you mean I don't have anything on me the employee from the back comes closer to her takes the box out of her purse and tells her she is banned from the store and that she shouldn't try to steal like that in the future the entitled mum and kid go out of the store but I see her whisper something to her kid and he starts grinning they turned towards the only exit that was available from the section where the store was located at the mall and I guess they were leaving to another store boy was I wrong I finished the transaction and left the store while I was walking I felt a small pull on the bag that had the GPU I looked around and it was the untitled kid I asked him to stop but he wouldn't I pulled my bag back and he got startled and started crying the entitled mom rushed over to the entitled kid and started screaming at me help Dan you attacked my child I didn't even touch him I said and started walking away wrong move the entitled mom started screaming that I punched her kid and stole his bag and proceeded to run up to me and try and take the bag from my hands a security guard quickly rushed over what's going on here this guy punched my kid and stole his bag and then she pulled real hard the bag ripped apart and the box flew out and landed on the floor this caused it to open and a GPU inside scattered into a thousand pieces upon impact he broke my property arrest him I want to press charges stop lying and shut up for one moment you dumb gargoyle this was my bag and now since you broke it you will have to pay can you prove it's yours yes sir and I pull out my receipt that I kept in my wallet he stole my receipt shut up lady and let me do my job he checks the receipt and understands that I am the rightful owner of this now shattered piece of technology that was on the floor lady I'm gonna have to ask you to pay this man for destroying his property right now the entitled mom sees that her bluff was blown and she grabs intitle kid and runs for the exit the security guard and forms his co-workers are the exits around her and a minute or two later they drag her back to where we were needless to say that the police were called and she got arrested for damaging private property disorderly conduct and resisting arrest as well as assault as I heard from the guards of the mall she actually kicked one of the guards in the crotch when he tried to grab her on the way out I ended up suing her for destroying the GPU that I just bought and got back both the money that I spent on it as well as around 1,500 bucks compensation after-tax for all that had happened and now I'm enjoying playing games of my powerful desktop with a new RT X 20 atti while she is doing a lot of community service I feel like if it's your life goal to be an entitled parent it seems like there's a lot of running involved so if that is your plan you should really start training your fitness now because it's really gonna pay off in the long run pun intended if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit Oh slash boy see here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more alright I'll see you in the next one [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 340,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, r/entitledparents 18
Id: 4VECN-2Q_jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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