r/EntitledParents - Lady Makes me CRY at First Job...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach in today's subreddit entitled parents this story is called entitled mom an entitled kid try to steal usb i've had a few entitled parent stories before and it would seem that my town is just very entitled the rules for this story are me entitled kid usb stealing little crap teacher teacher who helped me get it back friend one the same friend from my first entitled parents story friend two a different friend this time from the second story the one who was assumed to be my boyfriend in that story yeah no entitled mother we don't see much of karen but when we do see her oh boy principal the principal i would call him the head teacher where i'm from but for the sake of you americans and others he is principal on with the story i write books and basically i have two usbs one is the shape of a horse which you pull apart then the usb is inside i keep this one at home as it was quite expensive and holds 53.6 gigabytes i think i then have a one gigabyte usb that i take places it is just a normal usb that i use when i'm at school i then put all my work onto that go home and then put it onto the 53.6 gigabyte usb this means that my one gigabyte usb if i lose it it is only one day's work lost not five months worth one day i'm in the school library two days ago and am working on some photoshop stuff i was drawing the races for the story it will be a fantasy one an entitled kid made an entrance wow what are you drawing i am very protective over my work and get embarrassed when people talk to me about it even if they mean well oh just on some sketches i was pretty much done with them by this point so decided to try to disengage the conversation uh i have to go now though i ejected the usb i learned to do that first hand a few months back is that where you keep all your drawings yeah uh you interested in drawing yourself i already do i draw way better than you i was kind of irritated but i thought it could just be a slip of the tongue so i let him off sure well see ya i began to walk away and then i felt a tug on my sleeve why don't you just give me the usb i'm better i can make your drawings better sorry uh no i need this for what i'm working on fine but i should still get it you just buy a new one why don't you buy a new one they aren't much no give me yours i just walk away i thought that was the last of entitled kid but a few days later i was called up to the office when i was called in the principles i knew there was something wrong and sitting there smug grins on their faces were entitled mom an entitled kid there she is principal expel her now whoa calm down we need to hear op side of the story but she took my usb i knew what was happening and after being on here for a while i knew what to do sir this is my usb and i can prove it hush entitled mother cut him off no she is stealing my son's work please entitled mother calm down can i please use your computer sure my do that as the grins unentitled kid in entitled mother's face falter i boot up the computer and plug in the usb can i prove it's mine go ahead entitled kid if this is yours what size is it how many gigabytes uh 16 gigabytes he says with confidence wrong it is one gigabyte and what does it have on it drawings of what um i can tell you exactly what they are up they are fantasy races from a book i've been planning to write for the last five months is that so yes and i can prove that since you can ask me any question about the work on the usb and i can answer right i move away from the computer what is the race that specializes in stealth archery my answer this kind of thing repeats with me answering easily every time is that enough proof yes it would see entitled mother cuts him off once again no it would not my son is writing that book and she plagiarized the entire thing and where is your proof on that usb the one he knows nothing about and i know everything yes you changed everything can i go now yes principal gives me the usb i'll have you baked into an enchilada that girl is lying that is my son's usb that was uh the entitled mother spitting and screaming about uh something okay that woman is uh messed up for multiple reasons uh first being her enabling her son to steal someone else's usb and um two also allowing her son to steal potentially a lot of work that someone has put into something you know like how messed up do you have to be they're both jerks and uh principal good guy because you know he uh he did the right thing here also what happened to the teacher and friends one and two weren't they part of the cast did they did they not tell the right story this story is called entitled mother thinks i can tutor her son anytime i've been tutoring kids in math and english for a few years now the entitled mother in question is a family friend and the parent of my first student since they have been my first ones and the kid is actually pretty smart they just forget a passage here or there i've always charged them next to nothing 10 euros per hour apparently it wasn't enough she started saying that we had to reschedule my lessons because their precious child had soccer practice which was fine by me i mean yay extra free time the real problem arrived when she started to send me messages to book my lessons for the same day in just a few hours then came the bomb here's the cast entitled mother the lovely lady me well me and good kid note this pretty much happened all over text can you come tudor good kid today at 3 i'm sorry entitled mother but it's almost 2pm you need to tell me in advance if you need lessons i just told you you have more than one hour you can come one hour isn't exactly a lot plus i really can't leave right now i'm at university there's no need to treat me like this it's not like i don't pay you the money really isn't the issue here i need time to understand what good kid has to do and i've already told you that i'm in class right now do you think i'm stupid i know you go to my university and you don't have to follow the courses if you leave right now you can get here in less than an hour with public transport we need you for four hours good kid has a test tomorrow i usually do two hours and i'm losing patience okay i'll try again you're right i can leave and i can get there in time but i won't i need to follow this lesson and you didn't give me enough time to prepare plus i have scheduled tutoring with another kid at 5 so i can't stay with good kid for 4 hours if good kid wants they can try to do some exercises by themselves and send me a message if they get stuck on something i really can't do anything else she exploded she tried to call me five times during lesson and i always rejected the call stop calling me i'm in class answer me i'm paying you yeah 10 euros i'm paying 10 000 to stay here if you have something to say just write or wait another hour don't you dare bring money into this conversation i'm paying you way too much for the amount of work you do we've always been good to you while you were tutoring good kid i even bought you a gift for your birthday last year i asked you a favor once since you are always available for us and this is how you treat me well step off we don't need your help i'll find a better tutor for good kid one that knows math you know what fine you're paying me half the amount i usually charge you treat me like your own personal tutor while i'm tutoring it's a miracle if you offer me a glass of water and you only bought me a gift because i came to an unplanned tutoring on my birthday all dressed up for my birthday party and you went out to buy it while i was tutoring good kid good luck finding another tutor that accepts my pay and your times after that she just wrote some obscenities at me and then stopped writing altogether i still helped goodkid via message that day since i felt bad for him the only one who lost without doing anything i heard his exam went okay is it over no she called my mother still she was a family friend after all and told her that i had been extremely rude to her without reason my mother almost killed me before i had time to explain and then apologized profusely jump forward a month or so my grandfather passed away due to a rapid illness and we were devastated he was loved by the community and entitled mother knew him very well since she was always at his in my grandma's house growing up she said nothing she didn't even come to the funeral and she knew about it because her other child is in the same class as my sister she only wrote something to me the day after the funeral i kid you not hey i'm sorry for heating up after you overreacted last time i wrote to you could you come and tutor a good kid today in the evening i really wanted to go to her house and shout at her for hours but since i am a good person i just blocked her and never heard from entitled mother and good kid again man entitled parents are always at their most entitled when they want something from you i mean i i guess that's in the name you know entitled um but it's just it's just shocking you know they want something they desperately need something yet they're a jerk to you about it they make it feel like they're doing you a favor by you doing something for them oh man and um man that woman's not very uh good not a very good person if she didn't even care that someone's grandfather died and didn't even mention it the day after the funeral like come on what is wrong with her this story's called entitled parent makes me cry at my first job this post is not as dramatic as some of the other ones but at least it's true this was five years ago at my first job when i was 18. i worked at a perfume counter at a now defunct department store and it was my third day there here's the cast there's me entitled parent nice co-worker so i'm working at the counter tidying up and gift wrapping the little perfume bottles when entitled parent comes in entitled parent doesn't look like a typical karen she's brunette and older and has a sleeping baby in one of those baby slings on her chest since i'm so preoccupied with my wrapping i don't notice her so i assume she got tired of waiting the three seconds it took for me to acknowledge her exca use me oh hi how may i help you i need to return these now she plops a bag of stuff on the counter which contains mostly clothes not my department and a perfume bottle she also has like 10 receipts for all this crap stapled together uh okay ma'am you want me to return all of this um yes that's why i brought it up here okay okay it's just i'm new and only trained in returning perfume right now i can return the perfume for you but i think someone in the clothing department would be better suited to help you return the other items a lesson i'm in a hurry i've got to get him points baby to an appointment and i don't have time to go to two departments you'll return all of this for me right now i have more important things to do than stand here with you at this point i'm taken aback i have never had someone speak to me like that before in my life so i try my best to do the returns i'm supposed to find the item on the receipt scan it then scan the item but i can't find most of the items in her bag on any of her receipts so i keep checking over and over trying to find the items while she's glaring at me and telling me to hurry up which isn't helping my anxiety ma'am i can't seem to find items i don't think you have the right receipts what the hell do you mean i don't have the right receipts of course i do are you stupid or something check again i'm trying to hold back tears at this point mahem i looked through your seats a bunch of times i can't find them i can't return them oh yes you can just look at my credit card or something here she shoves her card at me look it up our system doesn't work that way we're not target i can't do that are you kidding me i should be treated this way i'm a rewards member go get your manager right now so i run out trying to find the manager but it's a big store and i can't find her anywhere i kept getting more and more anxious so i asked some corkers if they could help me but they all told me to get the manager who i couldn't find which made me more anxious so i go back to entitled parent what took you so long is the manager coming i'm sorry ma'am i can't find the manager i are you freaking kidding me you didn't even look for the manager did you just because you're too much of an idiot to do my returns doesn't mean i shouldn't get my money back i want you to return all my items and i want my money back that's when i broke down and started to cry not tears rolling down my cheeks but full-on sobbing entitled parent goes white as a sheet hearing me cry the baby on her chest also starts to cry why are you treating me like this i didn't do anything wrong i'm i'm having a bad day and you think it's okay to take it out on me i didn't do anything to you what's wrong with you well it's your fault [Music] thankfully my co-worker from the counter who just got back from lunch saw me and ran right over hey op what happened i was trying to return her stuff but she didn't have the right receipts and i tried to find manager but i couldn't and then she called me names and yelled at me and it's not my fault co-worker tells me to go to the back room and i stayed there till the end of my shift trying to stop having a panic attack i don't know what happened to entitled parent okay um that is horrible wow um i don't know what i would do if uh you know i made someone cry at work i mean i would feel horrible for doing that because that means i was being a big jerk but like that's just a weird situation and i feel horrible for this person the redditor here um crying at work is not you know ideal i don't think i've ever cried at work but i can probably tell it's not very comfortable this story is called a religious nut job entitled parents don't approve of me dating their son i was attending an anime convention around two years ago and it was the first time i had gathered the courage to cosplay doki doki literature club had been out for maybe a month or two and was super popular so me and my friends decided to go as the main girls with me of course dressing up as monica the whole thing was amazing conventions themselves are always fun but when you're cosplaying it's a whole new thing during this time it wasn't uncommon to have people come up and give all four of us compliments or ask to take pictures with us it's also important to note that for whatever reason that there's protesters at these conventions there's your usual overbearing religious nut job fun police types but i have no idea what they actually protest anyway one day we're walking around when this guy who looks to be about our age comes up to me and my friends were going out for food and has this conversation with us about our costumes getting into the game giving us compliments etc he then asked to take some pictures with us asking for some specific photos one is where we're all trying to pull at him and then he wants to take one-on-one photos with each of us with me in the background looking angry or spooky it makes sense if you've seen or played the game the final picture is of me holding onto his arm with a big smile while he looks terrified after the photo we're exchanging instagram information and i casually ask if he's there with anyone and he got super uncomfortable and said he was there with his family as the day goes on we're messaging each other over instagram and things had started to get pretty flirty eventually he asked me out to dinner at a restaurant near the hotel we're staying at the date itself was pretty good it was funny and we watched a lot of the same shows and could banter back and forth on differences in opinion a few weeks go by and we're dating at this point we're over at his place and things are getting pretty hot and heavy on the sofa luckily nothing too raunchy was going on because his parents walk in with groceries out of nowhere apparently he hadn't told them about me because they were all like oh who are you although they didn't seem too upset on what they had walked in on i'm beyond mortified but the parents sit down across from us after putting the groceries down and start asking me questions what's my name how did we meet etc the both of them seem very excited to meet me at first i introduce myself and tell the story of how we met and pull up our photo together with me in costume and show to them they get these grim looks on their faces like they just found out i'd killed someone and give their son this death glare at this point they're asking me to leave and i'm asking if i did something wrong and apologizing if i did well it's just we want someone modest for our son and we don't see you two being a good match what you don't exactly line up with our beliefs is all please leave we need to talk with our son i don't understand you need me to spell it out he doesn't need some atheist floozy in his life mom don't you raise your voice to your mother walk your little friend out and say goodbye they argue for another minute or two before my boyfriend walks me out he gives me a kiss and tells me he's sorry and he'll call me later when he finally calls back he explains how his parents help organize those protests at conventions and how they had some weird views like that he said he fought with them for over an hour about how he was done with their bs and they demanded he never speak to me again he ended up moving in with me about a month after that it was kind of soon but he didn't really have anywhere to go since his parents had given him an ultimatum and apparently his entire family is like that on the bright side we're still together so at least the story has a bit of a happy ending man that's kinda that's kind of awkward if i'm being honest i don't know this seems like uh a lame disney movie in terms of plot i'm not saying the story is bad i'm just saying like the stakes aren't as huge you know i don't know uh well that was a cool story i liked it the parents are stupid and um they're very controlling and just stupid but good story don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 5,908
Rating: 4.9336491 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 2sVHdbUKzW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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