r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom TAKES Doggo...

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this entitled mum is so insane that she'll try to steal a dog and tries to get this guy to lie on her behalf but he won't let her get away with it happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the revamp show in the cast m am entitled mother mum my mother see cop the park in my town is home to two pokemon go gyms i like to walk to the park and back at least once a day to get some distance in and take those two gems i've done this every day since about december this time around there is just the one family at the park i look over and give a look because i heard a kid screaming it turns out daddy was just messing with him after he got off a slide i walk over to a bench sit down and pull out my phone and start endlessly tapping in order to take this gym as quickly as possible as i was just finishing up i heard hard stomping coming in my direction i looked up there i see the kid's mother giving me a dirty stare as she comes towards me is there anything i can do for you ma'am what are you doing at a children's park you look like you're 17. i was 14 at the time since i had a big build i was often mistaken for being much older than i was actually i'm 14 and i'm just sitting here playing pokemon go i was actually just getting ready to leave you weren't playing pokemon go you were taking pictures of my kids for some child scheme this took me by surprise i for one was not a child m so i wasn't taking pictures of jack squat no i wasn't i was playing pokemon go give me your gosh darn phone and your name and number i don't have to give you anything i'm an adult with three kids yet only two are in the park you will do what i say so my honey buns can go back to their peaceful play time i don't have to do anything i'll be going home now i get up and start walking back to my house sit back down young man and give me your phone or i'll call the cops me feeling quite irritated but decided to say something stupid okay boomer he am raged and ran back to her kids i thought that was the end of her it wasn't i turn the corner to a separate street and hear loud honking i turn thinking it's a friend or something and see em sitting in the driver's seat stop your freaking butt right now and give me your phony name so i can call your police no please quit following me fine i will follow you home then i kept walking home with em following me i pulled out my phone and called my mother to warn her of the situation so yeah got this crazy lady following me demanding i give her my phone and won't stop till i get home just go home honey i'll deal with it so i kept walking home when i got there i saw mum standing in the front yard arms crossed looking at the car behind me i am getting out of her car ma'am is this your son yes it is and you have no right to be following him home like that why the frick would you follow my son home like that you be more bad stuff was said but my mother was angry your son took pictures of my kids in a child m scheme i took no pictures he also yelled bad things at me you deserve it b you've followed my son home illegally and are now threatening him i was dumbfounded my mum normally doesn't go off on people like this he am just stared my children have the right to not be in any pictures and not have to be in a park with a teenager playing a video game and my son has the right to not get followed by some dip crap for no reason at all and i have to wait to call the police when my children's privacy is threatened sure enough 30 seconds later a cop car comes up out of our street and parks by our driveway the police officer gets out we knew him he is the husband of a substitute teacher that teaches often at my school i'm here responding to a report of harassment that kid was taking pictures of my kids for a child m scheme i wasn't taking any pictures and he hurled foul language at me in front of my children officer this lady followed my son home after hurling foul language at him for playing a video game at a park ma'am why do you think he is taking pictures of your children because he sat on a bench facing my kids at the park by the ship the ship she was talking about was a ship play structure inside the park he didn't have to sit there he could have stayed standing ma'am there's no law mandating a teenager can't sit in a public bench to play a game you still need to check his phone and give it to me so i can make sure my sweet children aren't on there and i should have the phone too why should you have his phone ma'am i can't do that without a warrant anyways from the information here it seems like you're lying to a police officer please come with me the cop led her to his car and they drove away a few days later we got a call asking if we wanted to press charges for harassment i was busy with school and didn't want to go to court so i declined em apparently was fined for the ordeal and we haven't heard from her since of course a parent should be protective of their children but you can't just go around making wild accusations at everyone just because they're in the park with their phone that doesn't make any sense well because somehow he was sitting down rather than standing that makes a difference obviously the police officer is gonna see through your lies i hope that fine was a big one oh boy i had hoped i wouldn't run into another one but a crazy year brings out the crazy in some people i guess this happened after the virus restrictions were lifted in my area so many public places are open again and my girlfriend and i wanted a night out with friends after the whole thing going on i'm 21 male and my girlfriend is 22 female so a night out with friends obviously consists out of cheap alcohol and crude jokes in our group we drank before meeting our friends since only drinking in clubs or bars is way too expensive on to the story my girlfriend and i hopped onto the bus and i tried to explain to her that i hope that quantum entanglement could be used to transmit information between places simultaneously which would make transmission way easier yeah i'm weird when i get buzzed on alcohol and tend to talk about science and physics my girlfriend was ever so interested in what i had to say she was not but i was happy talking about it and there was some other noise in the bus among them a more less agitated discussion that i didn't bother because it's crowded public transport right get your lazy butt off my seat my kid needs it keep your stinky foot to yourself i heard and turned my head because that got me interested really quick cue the karen and her spawn about 13 years old loudly harassing a maybe 30ish dude with crutches and a foot brace that he had on the foot he extended somewhat into the walk space comfort i guess now i don't like things like this even it isn't my problem so i thought of something while karen and her spawn continued to loudly berate this guy who was more than uncomfortable and i came up with a plan that my buzzed brain thought was genius i had an interest in language especially the old swollen language and i wanted to do exactly that for my own pits and giggles i say shakespeare because that's the beacon of this language for the english-speaking world i guess so i basically told my girlfriend to watch this and strutted slowly head held up high to them while loudly clearing my throat then i began to talk who art thou to take with my seat insignificant peasant do thee not knoweth who i am or who i worketh for at this point a whole lot of heads were turned and the wtf was readable in their faces although it had a comical undertone to it as i mimicked the karen speech and tried to translate into the old swollen speech with a smile prompted by the horrid look on karen's face i continued i shall not care about the crippled for i am of such utmost importance that my family should not endure standing although it may just take the lessest of minutes to my destination karen was in shock and her kid didn't know what was going on as i was standing right before them and laying on a thick complete with hysteric dramatic arm movements i briefly looked around and some people stifled laughter and snickered i like to think they laughed about karen and my performance and not about me but what do i know before karen regained her confidence i continued and pointed at her while saying leaveth now for thou shalt not be granted the right to insult the disabled then i stared at her with a mighty alcohol buzzed grin on my face while watching her trying to get some words out she finally managed to ask me what after a solid five seconds of people snickering in the background i just said leave this guy alone take your crotch goblin and you can get lost my girlfriend burst into laughter at that and karen left at the next stop which was basically right when i told her to get lost so she left red-faced huffing and puffing the dude that got harassed asked me basically what was that and i said it worked worth it i guess and burst into laughter while going back to my girlfriend who shook her head at me while i just kept smiling about what i just pulled off it made a really good you won't believe what just happened story that i told my friends that evening and i switched between normal speaking and this old-fashioned swollen speech especially when ordering drinks and it became somewhat of an inside joke in my friend group this just happened a few minutes ago i'm still trying to process it so i took out my shih tzu aussie on a walk around our neighborhood on the way home we walked by a house with a front yard and one of those chain-link fences i saw two dogs come running at us one of them was a husky i'm pretty sure and the other was a small white one that looked like a maltese i think sorry i'm not great with dog breeds anyway the two doggies came barking like crazy when they saw ozzy and they capitulated themselves at the gate to the fence well seems like their owners didn't lock the gate very well because it flung right open and scared the crap out of me the dogs were free they suddenly got calm and came right up to aussie to say hello for some reason i pulled my little pooch away and kept walking away from the dogs it was hot aussie needed water so we needed to get home quick hopefully by the time we get to the end of the block the dog's owners would notice and run out and bring them back in right i turned around they were sniffing around the curb dangerously close to the street not a single person in sight what the frick is wrong with me i couldn't leave them like that we turned around and returned to the dogs they came bounding over hopping around excitedly sniffing my dog like they wanted to play with them and so i started to attempt to get them back into the yard trying to be quick about it in case somebody watching from afar thought i was a dog napper or something so i tried to get the doggies back in the yard but they didn't want to go in i had three pups to protect and none of them felt like listening to me they just wanted to play here comes iam who seemed to materialize out of nowhere she came by in her car and rolled down the window to talk to me do you have a dog yes this really was the first thing she said to me yeah this one's mine pointing to aussie iam smiled at me and drove off i thought she was just gonna take off but she didn't she punked her car a little bit down the street got out and then came over to me and the dogs without a word she took hold of the husky oh thank you thinking she was trying to help it's okay did they get loose yeah i told her what happened or while trying to get the maltese back inside em listened quietly holding the husky and petting him finally i got the maltese inside one down one to go i turned back to em i can take him now em says nothing i reach for the husky she pulls away from me say he ran away what just say he ran away what do you mean i'll just take him with me okay what my kids want one like this but they're too expensive you're going to steal him em says nothing i can't let you do that i reach for him again no she pulls him away again please please let go just say he ran away how hard can it be i'm usually pretty mild-mannered and i tend to avoid conflict but when a dog is involved how can i do nothing ma'am you can't take him away don't call me ma'am sorry please just give him to me you don't understand my kid needs one well you have to put him back aren't you a heartless fitch can you please let go you're heartless you're not a mother you don't understand me kinda scared lady i'll call the cops on you em stares at me for a few seconds then let's go then she just went back to her car and took off for good i didn't get a chance to look at the plate with aussie's help i managed to hurt the husky back in i also decided to go to the door and tell a guy who lives there that this woman tried to steal his dog he was totally thankful and seemed to really appreciate that i told him then aussie and i went back home what the heck i've never seen this happen with a dog before no doggo is safe it seems i think everything is or will be okay now keep your furry friends safe everyone opie seems pretty surprised by this but i think it happens a lot more than you'd know especially if it's the kind of breed that somebody wants to steal they'll snoop around your yard and if they get the chance they'll take them so they're not kidding be really careful with your dog and keep a good eye on them not only could you think how could anyone do that like steal someone else's dog but this lady had the nerve to do it right in front of somebody it'd be like lie for me so that i can get away with it like you're so insane expecting them to sympathize with you because you can't afford one more like you probably don't want to give up other expenses in your life so that you can sacrifice to buy a dog for your kid let me guess that's actually what it is right submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright blissy veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 6,626
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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