【脱サラ古民家DIY】荷台は超凸凹のチッピング塗装に!15万キロの軽トラを刷毛とローラーでDIY全塗装 ハイゼットジャンボ Japanese mini kei truck (後編) No.169

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Thank you for watching. A 150,000 km, 12 year old light truck will be completely painted. The rust and moss were removed during the footwork, and the primer treatment was completed. The paint is ZAKUZAKU, which I also used on the bathroom walls. It can be used on iron parts, and seems to be good for waterproofing, rust prevention, hole filling, and light trucks. Provided by Nippe Home Products Co., Ltd. The source of the rough texture is silica sand. Stir well as it will be precipitated. It's sunny and hot like midsummer. It started to feel rough. I'll paint it right away. It's okay if it looks this faded the first time, but since I've applied a primer, I'll apply it a little darker. If the paint is too viscous, you can thin it a little with water. Paint small areas with a brush and large areas with a roller. It was a very hot day with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, so the paint dried quickly. Actually, I've been wanting to paint it since I bought a light truck three years ago, so I had an electric spray gun ready, but I wanted it to be rougher, so I applied it with a brush and roller. Three years ago, when DIY painting became popular, it was rare to see light trucks in colors other than white, but now DIY painting light trucks and light vans has become commonplace, and you often see gray, blue, and brown cars. . Genuine vehicles are available in several colors, and I think light trucks are no longer white. Hard paint called Raptor Liner and uneven paint called chipping paint are now relatively easy to do with DIY. I thought it would be more interesting to paint it in a non-ordinary way, so I decided to paint it with a rough texture this time. The loading platform will be painted with a super uneven surface. I'm going to paint the cargo bed. I'm looking forward to seeing if I can make it super uneven like I imagined. The mat that originally came with it is not bad, but because of its durability, it weighs about 20 kg. And dirt accumulates under the mat. When I open the door to get in, I'm concerned about the inside of the door being white, so I paint as much as I can. Araucana riding on the battery cover before it dries. It has cute footprints. Undercoating is complete. I feel like I used about half of it. Araucana caught a very large earthworm. I fought for about a minute and was able to successfully eat it. The sunset is beautiful again today. The day has changed and the weather is nice again. If you use a brush, it will look quite uneven, but if you use a roller, it will blend in and the unevenness will no longer be visible. The sunset is beautiful, but the color of the rising sun is also very nice. Lately, time has been so fast that I rarely see the sunrise. The small bumps feel very nice. The paint adheres better the second time. This area was difficult to paint, which is unique to Hijet Jumbo. Use this sand aggregate roller to paint uneven surfaces on the loading platform. It is made of a rough mesh-like sponge. Will it work? The goal is to create an uneven coating similar to chipping coating. It seemed like I applied a little too much, so I spread it over a wide area. There are exterior walls of houses that look like this. I will continue to spread it further. It seems correct to apply it in this direction against the press line of the loading platform . As you increase the number of times you roll, the unevenness will become smaller. Keep rolling until you get close to the image. I felt very good. It looks like Godzilla's skin. It looks like it will come out exactly as I imagined, so I will start painting it all at once. This seems to be fine even without a rubber mat. It may be rough and your luggage may be damaged. LOL I started to understand the balance between the amount of paint and the number of times I rolled it , so I got used to it by the end of the process. White clover grass grows all over the place, but it goes out of its way to eat the white clover grass near my feet. Can you see how the texture of the bumps changes? I almost step on it sometimes. I will apply this to the lower parts such as the tire houses. I could have applied ZAKUZAKU, but I had prepared it for a while so I wanted to try it. Recently, the sound has become somewhere between "piyo-piyo" and "kokei". This big Amakusa Daioh seems to be the first to change his voice. This male-looking gray Araucana is also mixed with ``Mosque''. I was also able to paint the battery cover that was stepped on by Araucana. The cargo bed also looks good. It seems to be quite thick, but it has dried out due to the strong sunlight. It felt good before too. That's what I thought, but I was concerned about the white color that was visible through the gap. In the end I decided to remove the bumper as well. I should have removed it from the beginning. Here I skipped the adding step and just applied the primer. I just applied primer. All that's left is the inside with the door and bumper removed. The first can is now gone. As long as you don't apply thick, uneven paint, you might be able to paint one car with one can. Paint the outside of the flap normally, and paint the inside with uneven paint. The tilt is complete. I'll also paint the inside of the bumper. I used a brush for the fine details. I'm also starting to notice the slight rust color on the muffler. Apply the heat-resistant paint you used on the wood stove. It's matte black and looks beautiful. I'm going to remove the regimen. Areas covered with paint are more likely to tear. That's the key. I'll touch up these areas later with a brush. I was able to mask it quite well. My wife did some touch-ups and I'm painting the truck bed for the third time. I also painted some thinner parts. I made a stencil of the loading amount overnight. The bumps look good in the morning sun. I'll add everything I removed. The mirror parts etc. were previously spray painted with chipping paint. I was standing it upright while painting, so the bottom part wasn't painted. Attach the lights in the back and paint any areas you forgot to paint. Install the battery and check the lights. We won't be using the keyhole, so leave it as is for a while. I'm going to put the license plate back and try the stencil. I use Hyakuyen white spray. I couldn't find white paint in cans, so I poured it into a container and turned it into a liquid. Put it on a sponge and pat it on. It's bleeding. It was probably a mistake to use the spray. But it's okay because you can erase it. You can try again and again until you succeed. Now that the black color has dried, I'll try again. This time I decided to just spray it. Is everything going well this time? It feels like a spray stencil and is totally fine for me. My wife doesn't seem to agree with it, so I'll fix it at a later date. The molding that was attached to the loading platform was also pretty worn out, so I bought a new one from Amazon. It feels good and familiar. BEFORE AFTERIt may not be suitable for rice fields. After the project was completed, it rained heavily, but of course it was okay. This is a container that contained paint. When it dried, it looked like rubber. With this, you can rest assured that it won't rust for a while. The cargo seat was also updated. Up until now, I had been using ropes to prevent rain from accumulating, but I also bought special poles.
Views: 8,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 田舎移住, 地方移住, 古民家, 古民家DIY, リフォーム, リノベーション, 脱サラ, 空き家バンク, 古民家再生, DIY, japanese, traditional, house, 古民家暮らし, 京都, Old folk house, KOMINKA, KYOTO, 脱サラ古民家, diy, 再生, 改築, 改装, 田舎, 田舎暮らし, 作業, 補修, 家, 生活, 家族, 木工, 暮らし, リノベ, 日本, 田舎生活, 田舎ライフ, 工事, 物件, 壁, 庭, 天上, 移住, 京都府, Countryside, Japan, Japanesehouse, Japaneselife, Kyoto, 構造用合板, 合板, 地域おこし協力隊, 外壁, 次男君, 鎧張り, 桧, 檜, 里山, システムキッチン, 調理台, 断熱材, スタイロフォーム, グラスウール, 捨て貼り, 掃き出し窓, 廃墟, 片づけ, 整理
Id: pArQHxqphIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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