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We are restoring an old Japanese house that has been vacant while we live here. We aim to live the good old Japanese life. Today, we will burn the pruned branches that have been dried. We also collect and burn dry grass clippings. The other day, I cut my left index finger with a chainsaw while working. So, the fighting power is less than half of normal... My wife sewed me gloves so I could wear them even with the bandages on. I don't use my left hand as much as possible, but I feel safe when I wear it. I do what I can do with just my right hand. the gabion here is also becoming covered with ivy... I'll close my eyes today, but I want to clean it up before the rainy season starts. It's dry, so it's light and light. The grass clippings collection is now almost complete. As usual, it turned out to be a pile of dry grass. These branches also seem to burn well. Now let's burn it. *Field burning must be reported to the fire department in advance. It's dry so it will burn easily. The pruned branches of Masaki are semi-dry. There is a lot of smoke. Please turn it into ashes and return it to the soil. Pruned branches of Hirado azalea. It's completely dry. The firepower has increased. When the fire starts like this, it will burn no matter if it is semi-dry. Try burning the roots of weeping autumn leaves on a fire. It probably won't burn out though... Let's slowly laugh at the end of the story It's burning pretty steadily now. If this happens, there is no problem even if you keep burning it. . There was only this pile of grass clippings... At this time of year, you can hear the sound of grass mowing coming from everywhere every day. And smoke from a wildfire rises from somewhere. Of course, we are doing this out of necessity, but the Satoyama landscape that is maintained in this way is beautiful. The sound of mowing grass and the smoke of wildfires are part of the scenery. As I was saying this, a sickle was unearthed from the dead grass. It must have been mixed in. This is also part of the scenery... Oh, Madake from the ashes...? No, it's my wife's work. When I'm burning in the fields, my routine is to play when I get bored. It seems to be a bamboo whip (?). Throw it in the fire. It seems like he hasn't given up yet. Well, it looks like it'll be fun, so I guess it's okay. Most of it burned. The plant ash is completed. The backyard is also tidy. Now, let's have some tea. I wanted to make a brown sugar bean plate, but it turned out to be a little too hard. There's room for improvement... I'll enjoy having this. I'll enjoy having this. My wife said the bean plate was a failure, but it was delicious... They look like Japanese caramel nuts and are the perfect accompaniment to tea. I would like to finish the demolition soon and start the renovation work. At this time of year, I'm also doing outside work such as mowing the grass, so progress is slow, but I'm starting to get motivated again. Well, this time we'll end around here. If you like our videos, please subscribe to our channel and click the LIKE button. Let's meet again. To be continued.
Channel: ふるさとの栞
Views: 24,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ふるさとの栞, ふるさと, しおり, 故郷, フルサト, シオリ, furusato, shiori
Id: rTXZUHjHsio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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