Renovating TWO Loft Bedrooms With A Panoramic Roof Deck | Sarah's Summer House E4 | Abode

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong you know what's interesting tommy what's that well you can't paint with anyone else we can't really work with anyone else did you ever think about what would happen if we hadn't found each other no i have not ever dream of having a country retreat and fixing it up so it's perfectly you well i'm doing just that to my own summer house it's rustic remote and on its way to remarkable stick with me i'll show you how to create the getaway of your dreams normally there are four seasons in a year but on my calendar there are only two that count winter and cottage season did it survive the winter as soon as the ice melts and sometimes before i head north to the family getaway look at that but this year is different there is no relaxing by the lake because i'm renovated ramp's not quite attached yet no yikes so do we just make a giant leap i've roped in my old friend tommy to help on this project and already we're upping the comfort factor tommy they brought us a bathroom how soon can they set it up i gotta go it's beautiful it's a designer shade of yellow we've also created a living room addition and redone the guest rooms my family is growing by almost half a pound a week so this place better get as big as fast wow this is completely different upstairs we've got the master bedroom and the kids room both of which had impossibly low ceilings until we raised the roof last fall it feels massive we've got some great clearance here now right we have over six feet you can see the original slope of the roof the roof may be high but it doesn't look so dry is the fact that we see light there is that what it's not a good thing oh my gosh yeah we had a little rain come in over the winter a little rain just a little bit so if we've been here a few months ago there might have been some snow in here look at it at the end it's insane somebody told me once it's all just time and money sure and we have neither the stork is circling these rooms have to be done before it finds me this is going to be a room that's going to be shared by my daughter and whatever this next one is going to be if i knew that i was having two girls or if i knew i was having a girl and a boy i'd have a much better sense of how to decorate this room so right now i have bad floors no walls and no idea about a color scheme the only thing i do know is i want to take out this window put in a door and add a roof deck off the master bedroom lots to get done pays to stay positive you know sitting on the hot tarps i'm thinking you better get back to the city and get to work because somebody's got to pay for the repairs ah yes money always helps tommy and i have a shopping date and it starts with the sandman tommy how about this bed that's a kind of a cool bed it's great one thing any home can use is storage and look the drawers are solid wood and dovetailed that's good quality and it's on sale are you enjoying all this spending over i'm loving all this bending over now for the mystery kids room it's kitty land aren't we going with more bold color we're going with more unisex yes fish are fun do you like the fish oh come on what is that it's a fish toy it's three fish all smelling each other's bums no they're three fish swimming in a line which is what oh thomas you can get this as a twin bed with a trundle that pulls out i think trundles are genius i like that idea you have a limited number of bedrooms and you only have so much space available but you can really maximize sleeping capacity with trundles sure trundle away well we've got the beds sorted out and meanwhile back at the island work is trundling along [Music] look at that wow that is progress madam adding all these windows to the second floor is going to give us incredible light in the bedrooms but it is pushing my budget into the red and my husband alexander is pushing me even further into red this is red fabrics and i know how much you love red and that is my favorite color i know and i was thinking we'd do a red and white scheme in the master bedroom can i just say this is a big victory for me okay don't rub it in just tell me what fabrics you like no yes that's it more red here less red there okay let's try to be a little more specific it's kind of fun that's actually really playful i think that's beautiful yeah i love it okay what else have you got that's nice you like that yeah okay that's a winner this one i'm gonna say no to okay why kind of reminds me of going fishing it's a bit too winter okay yeah this one's too formal it's emerging lanes of traffic or playful cottage nautical reminds me of my aunt and uncle's basement okay so let's just look at what we've edited down to i'm really liking where we're going actually with all of these i'm glad you are because i'm thinking the things you do for love never thought i'd see the day when i said let's do a red bedroom i didn't think i'd see the day either but uh i'm glad we're starting to see it because it's good i'm gonna have to temper this with a bit of white and cream okay yep oh look at this how about this for the floor uh no nice we're gonna replace the buckled floor with new hardwood so we replaced the floor because of the damage from the winter right so what we need to do is get a sander in here because i just want to paint them yeah the maple is fine but for me i grew up in a cottage an old cottage with painted floors and i like that you like that i like it i like it so and two different colors so we'll probably take one color in the master bedroom and then another color in the kid's bedroom okay are these windows coming in any more than what we've got here our roofers got delayed so unfortunately our windows can't be sealed and put in place properly yet we put plastic on it should be fine for a couple of days we had a huge storm here three days ago the floor got soaked it's now buckled and it's gonna have to be ripped out for the second time which is crazy these floors are eating away at my budget i need to save money on the walls my options are select pine or naughty in the select pine you're going to get the odd pin knot one or two of those okay as opposed to the redder knots they're all solid they're not going to fall out on you and what's the price differential between going with a select and a knot select pine's about twice the price sometimes a little bit more than twice the price of knotty pine okay yeah so i'm thinking i'm liking the knots i'll save a few bucks and the knots will add some rustic charm back at the island i'm making doubly sure that the windows are properly sealed because i don't want to do those floors a fourth time one day i'll be able to brag and tell them your mother cut all the foam out from around your windows meanwhile alexander's making himself useful hauling the pine paneling over to the island there's a fair amount of wood there so hopefully we can get it all on the boat it's tough shoehorning all this stuff onto a boat for a long ride to the island but that's just one of his jobs today as for alexander's other job hey vito a fish out of cold water what do i do about this gap that's here tack it at this point and then level it there great okay have fun piece of cake oh my god i think you might have to move the turing sewing it up he's doing a great job when i shove it in you can see the gap when you're dealing with a factory end on a board always cut like a quarter of an inch off of that because they're not necessarily 90 degrees or square to the board coming from the factory sounds good alexander's taking care of the stairway then we'll get some reinforcements to tackle the bedrooms everything's one by eight again horizontal set it level and go up we saved a lot of money going with the naughty pine but i'm looking for a way to downplay the knots solution whitewash let's go oyster bay for the kids just go for it a wash will tone down the yellow in the wood you still get a rustic feeling but it's nice and light so we've nailed down the color scheme for the master bedroom so the question is you wanted the color of your sweater or the color of your hair we're still stumped on the kids bedroom clock's ticking we need to choose what color is the kid's room going to be we know right now that it half of the room is being used by a girl and the other half is being used by we don't know we don't know we know that we've got lots of greens and blues everywhere else in the main floor correct so what colors are we left with i don't want it to be lavender i don't want it to be black i don't want it to be gray i think beige is boring so pretty much we've got yellow orange it's yellow i like it fine is this way too feminine well it is a floral does the polka dot make it seem more masculine no all i know is i really like both of these fabrics they're 13.99 a yard they're 100 cotton they're great for a kid's room the older child is a girl she's the boss there you go you know other times that i visited this island i've had a glass of wine in my hand but isn't it much more fun with fabric samples no someone's not convinced but one thing i'm sure of this is the last time we're laying floors and we're not stopping there i grew up in a cottage with painted floors and i like that you like that i like it i like it you know the funny thing is now that i see these floors sanded i almost feel guilty about painting them because they look so good but i think it's okay these are the existing floors they owe us nothing and there's nothing more cottagy than painted floors so here we go careful you're splashing on your pilates outfit listen at this stage in pregnancy painting floors like this i think it's an olympic sport when painting a floor i always like to cut the first coat with about 25 mineral spirits it helps the paint soak into the new wood you know what's interesting tommy what's that well you can't paint with anyone else we can't really work with anyone else did you ever think about what would happen if we hadn't found each other i don't know i would be an awfully bored individual the trick to cutting is you have to have a really good angled sash brush never overload your paintbrush patience is key and you have to watch where you're going you have to be looking ahead yeah but you also have to know where you've been exactly it's sort of like life and in life as in painting you don't want to back yourself into a corner i've never painted newly installed hardwood floors before i've always only painted old pine floors which always have a gap and that's kind of what contributes to the cottagey look i'm a little concerned because at this point as i add the next two coats on i think i'm going to end up with something that looks more like linoleum or a gymnasium sheen floor veto's guys clearly did too good a job installing the new floors and there are no gaps there are no spaces there's nothing that would indicate that this is actually a wood floor under here so it's looking a bit funny but i'm gonna keep going with it and see what happens so my new plan is to use an old sander to make the new floors look old while tommy and i go shopping for old stuff that really is old i love those little stools they're milking stools right yeah and look here's another one this is totally your color this is a plant stand but wouldn't that make a great little side table that is adorable for 25 already painted the perfect color isn't this the color that the floors are do you like the chair did you send the paint colors i i sent a memo ahead saying i will be decorating the cottage in these colors if you could please just have everything ready look at that gorgeous now what about bedding what if we could find two quilts that were different that didn't match oh that one is charming okay that's a that's a contender maybe we can take these outside to get a bit more space to look at them sure it's so pretty oh i don't know did you bring the picnic no but i i'm sure i could wrestle one up fast it's interesting i think we have two pairs i think we have two and two okay let's try that i've never seen the floral which is so used in my life and the first one that i found is a winner these are hands down a great pair okay let's love them done this calls for a celebration we deserve this after all that good shopping although this ice cream reminds me we need to follow through on the red master oh look at the red you could even hang that on the stairs so use it as a wall sconce really great idea i wonder i love that i wonder if they have two of them what do you think of that desk i like that desk if you're gonna put a desk in the bedroom you don't really want papers and stuff to be left out on it and if it has an angled top it means that whoever is working at it can't really pile it up with papers because they'll all fall off so it's really a laptop desk but isn't it kind of good to have it sloped towards the front i think it's fabulous it's don't tell anybody don't tell him and while tommy and i were decking out the rooms work has started on the deck outside the master bedroom unfortunately our new deck isn't making the grade what's our problem here the door sits lower than the deck oh yeah it does doesn't it yeah okay so what do we do do you make it so that you hope that you don't trip when you come out prom becomes not only a trip hazard it's also a concern in the winter when snow will accumulate against the door sure you're going to get ice pushing up underneath and it's going to wreck my beautifully painted floors there's a rubber membrane because the floor surface for the deck is actually the roof of the screen porch below so you don't want to be screwing into the rubber membrane so you've got the styrofoam then the pressure treated then the deck boards go on top making it a floating deck so the solution here is one of two things raise the door and you've got room here to go up six inches or thereabouts or create like a step up okay raise the door means rip off all the interior trim paneling yeah that's not okay next i don't want to move the door vito's got another solution so you cut out a pad right right outside the door correct so you would come out basically at the proper grade from the door and you would have almost like a trough like a well that's going to run around and then you step up onto the deck [Music] the deck is underway and to maximize the incredible views i want to minimize the railings so we're using heavy mesh in a welded frame it's easy to install and it virtually disappears inside i'm adding some interest to my painted floors with a stripe and to the stairwell with photos let's just go random today hope it works the key to success with these is we chose a frame that has an opening that is slightly smaller than the size of our photographs right when you frame them up they'll always look amazing because you can cross them and you can cut people out if you want to bad guests yeah you know i think we've made good time then it's on to the finishing touches perfect storage for kids stuff books diapers toys you name it easy to keep it organized and it looks cute getting furniture to a remote location that's a half hour boat ride away from the mainland is not exactly easy so when i was designing the room i wanted to think about the long term and how we would need this to function in years to come i want the kids to be able to have friends over for weekends and sleepovers so i decided to get trundle beds the beds just pull out and then neatly tuck away the big challenge with the kids room was trying to figure out how to design something that would work when you don't know if it's a boy or a girl [Music] i think it's possible to create a space that appeals to the imagination of a child through colors and patterns and playful touches without actually having it kid designated [Music] the photo wall was a surprise i had no idea what's going to happen but it's just great memories and a great spot on the staircase and i love just browsing those and so does robin every time i walk up she goes there's daddy and me eating pancakes or there's mummy and me in the boat it's really fun there's something about the infusion of pieces that have had a previous life that make the overall design experience so much richer in this room we've got everything from quilts and textiles to the bamboo chairs to the vintage desk and when you assemble them all together each time it's a new and fresh approach there are a few things more cottagey than painted floors i absolutely love them don't think just rugs put some paint on the floor cottages and country homes are a perfect place to experiment with color it's easy going it seems happy and friendly and lighthearted you know sarah's always more about white and so forth but finally i got my red it used to be that there was really no views from the master bedroom we had a window facing north where now we have a door that leads out onto a magnificent roof deck the best thing about the master bedroom and the kids bedroom looking at them completed is that there's nothing serious about them it's all bright cheery happy prints and colors that feel like they've been pulled from a wildflower garden and overall it just sums up my take on summer living which is carefree and full of fun it's a sheeting set whoa there's a big bug on it that's just a shad fly he's it's jurassic park it's a baby you look like this come on fly away there this is what happens when you do your paint projects outside should we leave that there to become a fossil do you think put like a sealer on it
Channel: Abode
Views: 46,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full episode, Home improvement, DIY, Interior design, Home Makeover, Luxury Home, cottage home, country home canada, home interior design styles, interior design trends 2021, luxury house on island, professional interior design, sarah richardson, sarah richardson design, sarah richardson full episodes, sarahs summer house, sarahs summer house show, tommy design inc, summer house retreat, roof deck, roof deck house design, country retreat, cottage retreat, home renovation
Id: 1stjtwZzjfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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