Inside Sarah Richardson's Luxury Island Home | Sarah's Summer House E6 | Abode

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong sir hello hi i just went to the doctor voted off the um that's going to make it interesting ever dream of having a country retreat and fixing it up so it's perfectly you well i'm doing just that to my own summer house it's rustic remote and on its way to remarkable [Music] stick with me i'll show you how to create the getaway of your dreams my summer home renovation sure has had its share of ups and downs your roof got ripped off look at that whoa so can i call that an approval that's a fruit nice we have proof that you were riding a septic tank tommy pull me in richardson shut it off okay oops the situation with the windows is pretty bad this is the hugest waste of money happily the results are fantastic it's the escape of my dreams though it's not as if i haven't been helping i have to get this done before this baby arrives are you out of your mind i'm due in four short weeks but there's one last thing to tackle more accommodation for overnight guests come summer this place is all about family and friends and each one needs a place to lay their head let's see just what shape will it take so if we want to add to our existing sleeping capacity we can either put some funky old boat here in the harbor that we can't use anymore or we can build a bunkie in the trees you've done some research what do you think we should do i like the idea of the boat the problem is as you can see the water level is pretty low in the harbor right also we do get a pretty good surge that comes out of the south so i think where we're going is monkey your tent a tent he can't possibly be serious today you can buy really good tents with windows and and they're really durable i mean they'll they'll put up with any wind they'll be able to easily take the weather out here realistically this is for our mothers to stay in couldn't we look at this in a different way we're going to have salvaged materials we're going to have some extra doors some extra windows couldn't we instead design a super simple bunkie he knows he's not going to win i think that you know please please gonna have a monkey please you really want a monkey you want a book you've always wanted a monkey i really like a monkey please please please okay right there we can have a bunkie only if i get to help build it you can build the whole thing i'll just bring the lemonade well luck is on my side but i love bunkies and i want one right here it'll easily be worth it but before we take the plunge we need some coordinates just gotta get through the shrubs here far enough from the main house for privacy just a little bit further and at least 25 feet away from the high watermark for building codes so this is 25 feet perfect so we can go ahead with a bunkie that rocks so now we just have to design it by we he means me here's what we want to do but first i need one more approval i want to put a bunkie a tree house little no not a change just a little cabin okay looks like vito is gonna need some convincing right in here within the trees as much as possible really yeah what how small it's bigger than you think in here about 10 by 12 10 by 14. here yeah here okay i get the point the space is tight for our bunkie but we'll have way more room once we clear the site 11 feet wow how bad huh 10 by 14. yeah 10 by 14 10 by 12. okay that's that's 12. okay ah veto's becoming a bunkie junkie it'd be nice if we could put the cedar on the roof here to match the other building try and reuse what you have for uh material we've got some leftovers right so why not reuse some of the doors and windows that came out a nice sized window right looking west west there is no more spectacular view right on the whole island yeah how long would it take to build a little tiny structure like this working time i'd say we probably get it done in three to four days that's the right answer three days the stork's not delivering for three weeks plenty of time [Music] but before anything goes up stuff's got to come out heavy stuff no small task given that it's got to be done by hand we're trying to save money so heavy machinery is not in the budget it's taking the brute strength of many and the best intentions of a few and i'm gonna just get this little piece off here this one right there it's a good workout i think we can build this monkey now we're good don't show your hands you're welcome anytime even with all the brawn it's a little rocky we soon discover that without the right tools it's pretty much pointless one big piece of bedrock is preventing us from building far enough from the water line stumped by mother nature how does that be though 23 feet yeah yeah that's not good enough i need two more uh-oh the high water there which is effectively the corner of the dock is 23 feet and we need 25. so what are our options here one is we move the whole thing this way which gives us a bit of a problem because then we're up against this rock the other option is turn the whole thing that way which would bring the corner back and then the third option is to build a smaller bucky uh-huh is there a d don't build the bunkie no would you be willing to live with a 12 or 13 foot bunkie because that would save us the problem well here's the problem you've got your bed dresser a couple of night tables and a chair just your basics and you really don't want less than 12 by 14 feet minimum for comfort sake vito's devised a way to get an answer once and for all genius making a template of this actual physical size of the bunkie have a look at how big it is and if we need to position it or twist it around kind of thing it's easy to do when they're looking at an actual like template of the actual physical size of it just makes it a lot easier that's a great way to look at it we still need to go this way if we put that right there there we're good what's with that tree you might end up having to lose that one sadly something's got to give i love birch trees but the fact of the matter is that one's not doing very well and bridge trees only last about 25 years and the chainsaw's right there and the chainsaw is right there there's no sense building a permanent structure around a dying tree with the birch gone our bunkies finally found a home as for the birch we've got an idea oh it's windy the logs from that birch are getting a brand new life okay you ready to make a lamp vito's done all the hard work he cut them down to 14 inches high he drilled through them with a spade drill bit so now it's ready to take our lamp socket base now i've got the wire here yeah we actually found wire that already had the plug attached brilliant which makes our job so much easier it's one last step so i've just got a little length of rigid copper here right and we can just use it as a chase so that it's easy we don't have to fight to get this piece of wire through we'll just tape that on now when the wire comes out the base of the lamp we're gonna have to raise the lamp up a little bit with nibs right that way we don't have wood that may be still a little bit damp because it's very green wood sitting on a nice bedside table there you go look at that easy as pie lovely okay this is literally a cottage industry this is amazing who knew making your own lamp was so quick okay may i have four nibs please you may [Music] that's a four nib special and the last thing is we can just take our lampshade click it into place is that beautiful most attractive and now nothing's standing in the way of our bunkies it's gonna be fun with building supplies on the way we just need the footings to go in and we're off to the races since there's no foundation here the footings are attached right to the bedrock with rebar and cement to form a solid base [Music] we're making sure to build this bunkie to last a lifetime after all the elements are just as harsh if not harsher out here than at the main cottage it looks like the hardest part was just getting out of the gate we lost three days resolving our sight issue but we're back on track now thanks to vito's plan of pre-building the walls it goes up in a snap [Music] look at that view amazing however i'm a bit worried that this view might come at the expense of the main cottage view here we are on our beautiful new roof deck and our bunkies coming along bigger than i thought i mean i'm so excited because the view when you're in it is great i just don't want to stick a giant block in front of our view before they put the peak on the roof do you want to consider just going with a flat roof instead of putting a peak roof on it i think we should go over there and look at it okay so the monkey's too tall nobody said this was going to be easy [Music] time to stop and take a critical look the one thing i'm wondering about the flat roof is do we end up making it look like we dropped one of those big shipping containers you know what it looks like one of those fishing huts blew up here off the ice the guys are building pretty primo ice huts these days oh darling that's just what i wanted a fishing nut just how are we going to see around this okay can we see 5 12 that's five okay and 4 12 and then let's see what 312 looks like stepping it down to a 312 alex we'll probably have to beef up those two by sixes if we could go as low as we possibly can without having to beef up the lumber okay so we'll have to experiment with a 412. let's just do that i mean what do you think about that sir i was gonna say can we go with a 3.75 12. so my bunkie's compromising we're lowering the roof pitch to ensure great views all around okay let's get these windows in fellas we're using leftover windows and other supplies from the main cottage to try and keep the project on the budget wow you guys have made amazing progress look at that you got windows and doors and a roof now what about the inside pine paneling is great if we could reuse whatever we have left over for the flooring i think that's probably the quickest and easiest hopefully fastest baby's coming yeah i don't have time to talk to you you don't have time to talk to me i'm out of here and i'm heading straight to where i can be most useful the fabric store okay drapes it's a drape mission i was sort of thinking um i think that's a little too city mouse we need country mouse i'm sort of into this touch of gray i mean what if we started looking for some gray accents to bring in sure i mean that's a classic cottage stripe at only 6.99 a yard this fabric is a sweet deal so we basically need about 26 yards next accessories for the bunkie if i can keep tommy focused i'm kicking it 80s style shout out to android jean gables boy george oh boy george wright i have green gable boy tommy oh look at that what do you think why don't you do the tushy test okay i'll sit down if you insist oh that's nice is it good it's pretty charming it is pretty cute this is a no-brainer as is a doctor's appointment and some interesting news so when we're um hello hi how are you hi we're both here i just went to the doctor um and i've just been voted off the island what oh she said it's less than two weeks away less than two weeks well that's going to make it interesting but if alex has the airplane ready and i have my catcher's mitt and some towels can we just like get one more day out here tommy you're on your own yeah great the boys will come to accept this gonna make it a little tricky but uh i mean bottom line is it's super exciting but uh i have mixed emotions about the news i don't really love the or relish the idea of finishing the project without sarah i like babies i'm convinced it's either going to be a boy or a girl boat rides are out of the question now so as i bid farewell i can only hope my bunkies delivery is just as exciting [Music] there's still a lot of work to do on the bunkie but the boys have really kicked it into high gear it's got a roof insulation exterior cladding the same as the main house and now paneling it will make the bunkie feel rustic and cozy i'm liking it [Music] this place is ready for paint which is a good thing normally but for tommy a small miscommunication has left him a little upset before i arrived this morning the painters had already started on the interior and they actually painted the wrong stain on the windows this is a huge problem for sarah she wanted the entire interior of the bunkie to be in a semi-transparent stain not in a solid stand [Music] thanks to a little creativity and more left over lumber we found a compromise we're replacing the trim and staining it translucent this time like the walls i think i'm gonna love it [Music] all drama aside it's time to add the comfort factor to the cabin and up up with people and backwards without yours truly on hand tommy is having to think for me sarah is somewhere having a baby and i've been told to wing it so i'm gonna do a little experimenting and see what works and what doesn't [Music] i love it looks like tommy's in my delivery times are in sync baby fiona is without a doubt by far better than any bucky and as fiona grows may she love our bunkie too thanks of course to tommy and our ace team i was really nervous about it because i really wanted this to be so her at the end of the day i think i managed to pull it off and get it done the way that she would like it there are a few things for me that just say cottage and having a bunkie or a sleeping cabin is one of them what could be better than arriving as a guest and being told that you're sleeping in this little cabin that is just slightly removed from the main cottage [Music] when adding another building on to a pre-existing structure it's always important to me to make sure that there is a direct visual link so the exterior colors i use are the exact same as what's on the main cottage entirely calming and soothing and tranquil we strip this structure back to the bare elements there is no plumbing it is just four walls and a few windows after all i'm not expecting guests to move in for a month with steamer trunks full of clothes i reused some windows that came out of the original cottage and the leftover building materials that were hanging around on the island [Music] after the birch tree came down i was happy to be able to find a home for those logs and turn them into bedside lamps it was an easy inexpensive project and i have to say i love the look it's hard to imagine where we started on this project so near and dear to alexander and me it's looking great every project has to be a labor of love this one definitely was we don't need that tree i think you might have to move the chainsaw there's been blood sweat tears lots of hard work but in the end i think it's all paid off this is the kid's room one day i'll be able to pray is that cute or what love it we can actually accommodate our own growing family now that we have a new daughter we have a great space to entertain and enjoy friends and family and really at the end of the day that's what cottaging is all about [Music] i don't think i've ever seen rooms that are more signature sarah richardson than these rooms and maybe most importantly the carefully considered needs of the people that she loves the most i feel a little choked up actually about it [Music] it is without a doubt bar none my favorite place in the whole world and it's done there's green and blue white white they're so not white that's white that's not white this feels so nice can you just stroke this for a second i thought it would experience what i'm experiencing it's been a while since i heard that okay now you can come see it oh nice that's excellent is this the bar it could be sure
Channel: Abode
Views: 137,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full episode, Home improvement, Renovation, Interior design, Home Makeover, Luxury Home, cottage retreat, country retreat, home interior design styles, home renovation before and after, interior design trends 2021, professional interior design, professional interior design tips, sarah richardson, sarah richardson design, sarahs summer house, sarahs summer house show, summer house retreat, tommy design inc, dream summer house, bunkie cabin, building a bunkie cabin, outhouse
Id: Sqve_u6t6fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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