Reno My Reno - Sand Lake

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weekend retreats are a haven for di wires who know just enough to be dangerous go and when property owners get in over their heads hey Dave you got a sec playing a boring again Dave when you got a minute we're here to save them from their reto gone wrong and masterpiece in just two days we're going to whip these weekend warriors into shape I'm Dave depends here and this is Reno my reto newlyweds David yo and Judy sovereign recently bought this summer retreat as a future retirement dream but the living room dining room area is not so dreamy the low ceiling was not part of Judy's vision for an open airy space it was the ceilings that kind of did us in David thought he could handle raising the ceiling on his own but when he started ripping it down he came across some pretty intimidating stuff so this is the space this is it tell me how we got to this point we were looking at something for our retirement we looked at it last fall and we purchased it and start doing some construction around the place so how did you get some parts finished some parts not there's like a mishmash of stuff going on here I'm telling you I walked in this place what a gong show it was dark it was dreary yeah I wanted to lighten it up and I thought okay David can handle some of this stuff let's try it needed love and and David considers himself to be dr. love so absolutely Dave I think you hit a home run here but I just feel warm and cozy in this I always look for possibilities I don't look at things the way they are I know they can be changed and I saw it with this cottage I know I knew we could turn it in from a dark dreary low ceiling place into something that was beautiful so yeah we started kind of looking at things and doing a few ideas started out with the shiplap but I'm kind of an IT guy I'm not really you know a carpenter house guy got up to the ceiling area and and realized well the ceilings a little bit too low so that's when we started peeling off little bits here and there so I peeled off a couple more and a couple more and next thing you know I had half the ceiling down and it was getting away on me pretty fast we kind of went a now what and we got a fireplace over here that was standing here in the middle of the room so we've had it moved over thinking that we would Center it on this and this could be like a feature wall so this is the feature this is this your feature yeah I could try it anyway yeah well did you use glue to put that on woods used a little bit of glue and some of them are actually you know stick on with a bit of two-way tape on the back end of it who uses two-way tape to put on stone that stuff works awesome on wall paper - it's like tying a rope if you can't tie knots tie lots not let you do anything else anymore if you stand back and actually look at what's going on in here it's a bit of a disaster well yeah but you know what that's okay the room has a great deal of potential so here's what's gonna happen Dave you're gonna stay with me and the boys and we're gonna teach you how to do things properly well I'd appreciate that that'd be great and I can promise you when you come back in two days you're gonna love this room I can't wait I buy total confidence in you and total confidence in you hey this is awesome I have faith in him I mean isn't that what marriage is about all right enough lovey-dovey we got a lot of work to do right let's get going they obviously have a vision we just got to help and get to the finish line so what I want to do here is make this space light bright and airy and to divide it into two distinct living and dining areas we start cutting first two or three layers a roof ceiling we started hacking away at it and hacking away at it there's saws going in every direction this job is overwhelming the whole time I'm cutting here I'm like holy crap man we got ourselves into a bad one here we got going on up there dude I get up in the Attic to assess the situation and I see that the roofs just keep coming we get one down here's another one let's take that sucks down I'll cut the next one out we're in deep because there's three D Roos up there it's unbelievable this keeps getting uglier and uglier look it roof roof roof well you got engineered trusses up there which means we can take all this stuff though literally we can cut everything out of there it's the last roof do they put on is clear span over top they're all engineered to hold the weight so all this garbage down here going once we get this old roof oh the i-beam won't be holding up anything so we'll be able to get rid of it if I rip it out these old roofs this will allow us to raise the ceiling about a foot and a half then we can clad the bottom side of the truss with a new ceiling I'm kind of wondering if we're gonna be able to get this done in two days thought we're gonna do that on three I never would have dreamed that that much wood would have come out of that ceiling now I've got you know wood over there for probably a year and a half we got a couple Dave's on the side every time I'm here Dave I'm turning around so his last name's Joe so yo come here yo the old man yo-yo ma yo yo yo mama you know at the end of the day if they're gonna do all I work for me they can call me whatever the hell they want yo we found the blueprint see I knew I had a plan somewhere you did have a plan looks like it might have failed but you had one usually demos like pretty easy cut a bunch of stuff and get it out of there this is day one man and it's not getting any easier there's stuff everywhere in this place boys it's time to get this thing out of here and it does not look like I've got everything stripped around the i-beam and I could see the end of the pocket exposed it definitely had to go come down we got a couple ladders set up and we all got in line and got it out of this place watch this no boys on three one two it was really heavy but once it's out of there it opens the room up immensely now we got all this stuff out it's like really coming into its own take you seriously could you have you looked at yourself in the mirror I can't believe you let me go all day like this so Dave yeah you know what I like your idea of the feature wall I think we're gonna probably keep that it but I got something that's gonna be way better for this wall oh yeah I think you're gonna love but let's get this stone off okay when he came in and he started banging on the wall and they actually literally fell off it was kind of stunned to be DeLeon agreement maybe the two-way tape wasn't such a good idea I didn't realize that they would come off that easy voilá well uh just like that all boys let's get this clean right out let the dust settle and then tomorrow we can get right at it how only do you think you're gonna keep us here you hear something won't be here as long as we need to be here can I ask why you didn't run that all the way down like I told you to so we got 16 footers out of there why didn't you use one oh we do all right finally God this framing done we got a couple little pieces down there and then we're done finished excellent so all we got left to do is I just want to get those heat ducts moved and then we're gonna do the poly we'll get on the ceiling and then I got a special project for you today excellent do a little bit of framing on your own looking forward to it perfect Subway's so we're just finishing up the framing and anthony comes walking in with this money looking breakfast sandwich that I happen to make how's the sandwich you got some culinary skills day well you know I got to look after you got what I do all right I'll finish this up I'll be right back all right I've done enough dirty work already for this place so you know why this insulation it's got to go back in the ceiling I pawned it off ano it's one of those things that low man on the totem pole BAM I get I get nailed with all the crap jobs he's gonna be really impressive here a masterpiece we gave him a little manly applause to make him feel good these guys are really really on to me yeah we want to get the heavy 6 mil poly on here is that's gonna seal everything up and help contain the heat well we really tucked that up didn't we their job well done all right we got the poly all done it's time to move on with the finish of this room all right I really like the shiplap you guys got going on here so we're gonna finish that and then we're gonna put a tongue-and-groove on the ceiling and I know Judy really wants it light and bright in here so we're gonna actually spray everything down a nice off-white color and we got a whole new floor that's gonna look wicked okay you're gonna love it all right and then this right here is gonna be a brand new feature wall and the stove is gonna go up against it and I got tile to actually go on this wall instead of stone you're gonna work on this from start to finish really okay don't get nervous you're gonna be all right I'm gonna help you with it help you get started but you saw me with my hole to a tape thing right let's throw that in the garbage because we're done with it okay I thought the feature wall would be a perfect thing for him to try because it's gonna be the main part of the room and I found out when we stripped it all that this wall is way out of whack so we're gonna set up a whole new wall in front of this old law and this cement board will go on then the tile okay good this is a great job for him you know take the level and level a line up from the outside edge all the way up on both sides okay I showed him how to level it all and thoroughly explained what needed to be done better nails so this wall typically would take I don't know maybe 20 minutes so I went back to doing or I was gonna do and we had check-in won the issue I've got this is my gap okay understandable first wall then check into I'm pretty low level I just want to get the ceiling done every time I turn around its Dave you got a minute Dave then check in three where's David's anybody seen Dave well I'm about to put this board up across the top as a cap and I asked why you didn't run that all the way down like I told you to we got 16 footers out of there why didn't you use one oh we do hey Dave and then check in for know what you don't want me to get anything done today I got up to check in eight for one wall you got the framing square on you yeah what's a framing square Jesus we're in tight here he explains things to me really well and I get into it and then BAM I lose my train of thought I can't figure it out like I didn't think would be that difficult it's not to Ian I don't think anyone has taken longer for a project than this guy we're putting the ceiling on we kept creeping closer and closer and closer to him there were so many things that were frustrating a crap out of me tape measure jamming pencil breaking why the car we chemin studies actually saw it on YouTube once cutting the beams the wrong length three studs in an hour it's not bad yeah I was pretty frustrating but I got through it which is a good thing so we did over 400 square feet of tongue and groove ceiling and the time it took to do eight studs so I've got my board ready put the screws in screws in screws in then you're good to go okay this stuff is so hard to drill it's crazy finally got one up take care of the crowd applauding you I think you're applauding cuz they want me to come in and help you finish this wall yes I had to step up cuz otherwise we're gonna be here all night we got so much other stuff that's got to get done the sun's going down and you're still working on this well I could certainly use the help great day boys got all the ceiling done a little bit of ship flap left to do and then guess what we got to do what's that paint painting and a lot of it oh yeah I hope you're a lot faster at painting than you order to build the stud walls I think it's time what just rode in someone tell do it I've got it go scram huge transformation from yesterday who was it ever we got a lot done last night boys yeah a lot we got a big day ahead of us today yeah so I'll tell you what I think we let's just get this trim done we got all this flooring we got to get done so I think we team up and do all that get it up to a certain point then a couple guys can break off to do the tile a couple guys can do the baseboard geez we got a lot of work that's good I know what we do well let's get at it okay yo how do we go from seventy nine and a quarter to eighty and a half the windows crooked the doors are crooked the roof is crooked everything cookin measure that side we're trying to put trim on and make these minor cuts really nice and we're dealing with some whacked out maybe it's my tape measure crazy maybe in three quarters seventy nine and a quarter final evolution how's it look it looks perfect now it's time to get this carpet up boys alright I've been waiting for this all damn day let's get it out of here so we're hitting this carpet out of here I want to get this floor down and start finishing it off something's about to feel some pain hey you might not be very good at the Reno's but your capability good at the demo go yeah good good good we're going along pretty good here yep I'm gonna set you up on a little project I'm gonna get you to trim those last two doors for us while we keep going on the floor I got faith he can trim these two doors Dave's actually gonna give me another project so this is the reveal okay yeah and then we'll miter these okay and go all the way around so I explained how to trim the door I set him free one last time 45 so that's it cut the first piece but he cut it for the wrong side but luckily it worked on that door I think uh hey Dave then the next piece he cut it completely short forgot to add the miter let me try this dorkus you know what crazy things happen in this place well you got saved yes you got a short door here this guy's taking a little bit of a beating on this job put the miter on it first and then you can measure it if you need a hand measuring to the short side of the angle just give one of us see y'all don't come and hold the tape corner hey Anthony yeah what we're here and hold my stick please pardon I need my measuring tape yeah yeah you want a quarter damn thing is what happens too short so what was your measurement on this again was 81 in the quarter so what does that say right there 80 in the quarter it looks like you're gonna finish the short door before the big door even though you've been cutting for the big door I couldn't take it anymore I really couldn't I think it's time oh yeah what did someone tell you're throwing it in right now okay man do it I've got it get out of here go scram I had to throw in the towel on it you know but I try hey man hey what's up so I had to throw in the towel so now you're my problem yeah why don't you get a broom and sweep up down there one all right I'll call you if I need to yo yeah that's how you do it his tiles look at awesome eh yeah I like it this is all we got left Merrill actually just showed up she's got all the stuff to put in the room nice so let's just finish this off and we'll be done well where's Derek and yo I don't know where'd they go I said I don't know he owes a no-show say it isn't so oh it's so bye dry stacking this tile and putting this stove in place that we picked out it's gonna give this cottage just a little bit of a modern touch well you ready yes okay this room looks so good they've changed from a couple days ago yeah you really blew the roof off this one you do me a favor what's that can you fluff these flowers for me my manhood is slipping away by the minute I need to see it I'm not our fluffer no no no like droopier but fluffy this is wrong between dealing with yo the demo and the Renault I think this place turned out great see we got new cushions for this rattan yeah just it makes it look brand new the murals come in and she's done a fantastic job putting the whole room together and I can't wait to show Judy she's gonna be blown away they're a little vintage touch what do you think of these I always knew you had horns David and Judy's living room dining room was a nightmare when we got here the ceilings were low and looming a far cry from Judy's vision of a light and bright space with a ton of hard work from David and the team this space has been completely transformed well you ready yes okay she walks in and she's done I absolutely love it it's fantastic I I it's better than I imagined Oh I'm speechless and that's tough I think we hit a home run well thank you what do you think oh you guys did a fantastic job well I gotta tell you this was a major amount of work for everybody I can imagine just by looking at the bags under his eyes there must have been quite a few late nights here the amount of effort that was put in is off the charts really the big thing for me was to get everything out of the ceiling and open it completely up how they got rid of all that stuff there was literally an i-beam that ran right through here that must have weighed a million pounds oh yeah yeah I got the bruises on my shoulder to help watch for it we put TNG on the ceiling and it goes really well with your like siding them we trimmed everything out that looks wonderful the shiplap I love it beyond words it's just fabulous absolutely fabulous and then we overhauled it with a nice off white paint because I know how important it was for you to have this bright and the biggest thing for this entire room is the feature wall we just kept some clean lines going with a dry stock tile so he framed the new wall all by himself yeah and how cool does this stove look in this room it's crazy I've never seen anything like that it totally fits the room I hoped for brightness i hope for cheerfulness and it's achieved everything on my list check check check double check
Channel: Judy Sabby
Views: 20,047
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Renovation, Reno, RenosGoneWrong, CottageLife, CottageReno, DIY, Remodelling, Shiplap, ChalkPaint, SandLake, Cottage, Dave Depencier, Cottage Reno, Renos Gone Wrong
Id: HtvD_wMRu8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2015
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