Renew Your Mind Pt. 3

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our program that we program that we're bringing to you this morning will be uh one that you can appreciate and that you will have uh clear volume uh as well as uh your visually observing the program this morning we're just going to be um in the house of the lord just going to be in the household there but there's something about the house of the lord that gives us strength that there's something about the house of the lord that gives us peace of mind there was just something about the house of god and i think that's why david says i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord now of course i want to get quickly to this i didn't realize that until this morning when i got here that i left i left my computer at home and all of my notes are in um in my computer i was up after 12 o'clock last night getting this message ready for you this morning walked off this morning and left the message uh in my chair please praise the lord the god of heaven but what we'll do is i i have a phone and hopefully it is it on there okay all right thank you uh that's kind of scary though for you to tell me what's on my phone um all right um okay all righty it was supposed to be all there you all know how these computers work you know they are in sync with all you all your other stuff well of course it's a little uh difficult to read but that's okay uh we will proceed now what we have been doing for the last couple of sundays january 3rd and january 8th uh we reminded you that god gives us three things and if you check your notes you'll see that god does in fact give us three specific things more than that of course but uh three specific things and i'm giving you this uh to assist you as to uh maneuver your way uh through 2021. now he gives us things i'm not too sure how this is gonna work uh with the with the tech team uh but we'll see uh when this is all over um visually visually i certainly want you to get the idea and that's why the janitor put these up here visual visually i want you to get the idea god gives us three things now i've already talked about one uh january 3rd and january 8th i talked about what god gives us what he fills us with the idea is to get those of you who are members of the body of christ who understand and be clear that you are not in this world by yourself jesus is with you god is with you and what god does god filled fills those who are his with certain things and the first thing uh and now this comes from god uh this comes from god and that's why i'm doing it this way it comes from god and god fills us once we become a child of god once we obey the gospel of jesus christ god fills us and the first thing that god fills us with is joy he gives us his joy now what does joy mean what do we mean when we say uh when we say joy uh and why is joy important well the definition of joy is strength the definition of joy is i've already given you this i'm just reviewing uh january 3rd and and january 8th uh so the first thing god gives us is joy so that's what you have as a child of god joy what does that mean that means that god gives strength god gives joy what does that mean that means that there is a supernatural connection between a child of god and god almighty there is a supernatural connection because when we talk about joy when we talk about peace and when we talk about contentment those are the three things that god gives us and i'm hearing here um those things come to us supernaturally god does knock on our door wake us up in the morning and and says okay here's your dose of peace for today no no peace from god to a child of god is permanent it is not something that god gives and is with us today and is gone tomorrow so god gives us peace now that's a supernatural thing so when you look for peace in 2021 when you look for peace in 2021 you're looking for a supernatural connection between your god and yourself and that means that as a child of god you have to let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus because it is a mineral thing it is not something that you can touch it is not something that you can feel this joy that god gives us comes from god and is supernatural and it is strength the joy of god is the strength of god this is what keeps us going every day when times get tough when things get tough when life gets difficult we will we rely on what god has given us and that's joy and that means strength all of these means strength of course but joy uh is the first one that we talked about and uh as i look uh at my um at my notes uh and if i can read this fine uh writing uh and i gave you the scriptures i gave you the scriptures for joy nehemiah chapter eight and verse number six the bible says the joy of the lord is your strength the joy of the lord is your strength that's the connection that's the supernatural connection between you and your god the bible says the joy of the lord the lord has joy the lord appreciates us the lord uh uh in joy and the lord uh is made at peace with us when we receive his joy the bible says the joy of the lord is your strength now we're not talking about muscles we're not talking about charles atlas we're not talking about going to the gym we're talking about a supernatural strength it is something that you get from god it is something that you don't go to the drugstore and get but it is a mental strength that gets you from one day to another the bible says the joy of the lord is your strength nehemiah chapter 8 and verse number 10 the bible says for the lord is your strength that's a supernatural connection between you and god that's a supernatural connection every child of god has a supernatural connection between himself herself and god almighty uh in john chapter 15 verse 11 i've already given you that these things jesus says have i spoken unto you that my joy you see what i'm saying god gets joy from giving us joy jesus says these things have spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy you see the connection jesus says my joy and your joy are connected and they are connected supernaturally so you can have this joy when you don't have a job you can have this joy when things are going rough for you you can have this joy when you lose your job you can have this job when death invades your family you can have this job when troubles and trials come you can have this joy because this joy is connected supernaturally to the joy of god now what does that mean that means that no man no man can take this joy away from you unless you want to give it to someone now you see this joy is untakeable when i say untakeable it means that it is with you it is secure with you because it is in your heart it is in your mind and no man can take it away and it is connected to the joy of the lord so the principle here is and i don't think i gave you the principle the prince for joy the principle is joy and you need to write that down joy is a state s-t-a-t-e joy is a state and not a trait now that's that's powerful but i don't know whether you got it or not but but but that's that's a powerful thought joy is a state and not a trait it's a state and then just come and go joy is a way of life joy is a state of being joy is your livelihood joy is how you navigate through the difficulties of life so joy don't forget the principle for joy joy is a state and not a trait you see it's not it's not something you can pick up every night and then get this as a child of god you are always if you stay with the lord and stay in christ you are always in a state of peace it is a state now we may not realize it but uh you're always in a state of peace and the devil can do you no harm because you are in you remember when the devil told uh told the lord he said ah you got a hedge around job and if you move that head i will make him curse you to your face the devil realized that god protects his own so that means that all of us as people of god need to understand that uh joy is a state and not uh and not a trait now let me how may i have this joy how may i if there are those who are wondering and i'm going to tell you as a child of god how you may have joy and how you may have peace and hopefully i can tell you before uh this message is over but for those who are not believers for those who are not members of the church of christ you may ask a rhetorical question and the talk and the rhetorical question is how may i have this joy a non-believer hears me describe this supernatural connection between god and man one who is not a christian would ask the question how can i have that joy now members of the body of christ also ask the question how may i have that joy a doc can you tell me how i can have this kind of joy well i'm going to tell you before this is over but to those who are not mirrors of members of the body of christ and watching this program how may i have this joy well this joy comes god gives it to you when you obey him acts chapter 5 and verse number 33 32 he gives his spirit unto all them that obey him so god gives you his spirit when does he give you his spirit he gives you his spirit when you obey the gospel of jesus christ when you obey the gospel of jesus christ when you are baptized for the remission of your sins when you give your life to jesus christ god gives you his holy spirit and when he gives you his holy spirit his holy spirit comes in to you and what does he do actually uh galatians 5 and verse number 22 he gives you the joy that of god almighty for the bible says that the fruit of the spirit is joy it is peace and all those other uh nine things so then when you obey the gospel of jesus christ when you are baptized for a mission of your sins when you let jesus christ into your life god gives you acts 5 32 the spirit of god and once you receive the spirit of god the spirit of god comes in your life and he brings joy he brings peace he brings love when he comes into your life now if you're not a child of god that's how you be that's how you receive this first one joy and that is by obedience to the gospel of jesus christ acts chapter 5 acts chapter 2 and verse number 38 acts chapter 8 and verse number 28 28 29 and 30 and read on through for the bible said when that eunuch uh came up out of the water the spirit of god called away philip that he saw his face no more but the eunuch went on his way rejoicing you see so you get you get this joy when you give your life to jesus christ don't lose it don't lose it because it is a uh it is a principle by which every child of god uh lived their lives now then uh once we receive the the peace of god once we receive the peace of god and god gives us his peace and why are you saying it to us uh doc simply because you're gonna need you're gonna need this joy as you go through 2021 you're going to need the joy of god you're going to need the ability to feel good about your life and what god is doing for you and you're not going to allow 2021 to cause you to not do the things that god would have you do because of the joy in your heart because of the joy that god gives you and never forget that this joy this spiritual joy this supernatural joy that comes from god will be with you as long as you stay with the lord now of course uh you can lose your joy and you can lose your peace and you can lose your contentment you can lose all of these uh how do you lose it when you get away from jesus christ when you walk away from jesus christ when you walk away from the church of christ you can lose your joy you can lose your peace you can lose your contentment and what i'm trying to say to you as you move methodically through 2021 is just know that you can make it and we're living in dangerous times we're living in difficult times i mean we're living where we're losing thousands upon thousands of people every day we're living in a country where millions have died uh from this uh uh corona virus and they're dying every day and and those of us who are here today we are here because of the blessings of god now uh it can be depressing uh because once you cut television on uh that's all you're going to hear about you all you're going to hear about basically is coronavirus the pandemic are you going to hear about that you're going to hear about how many folk are dying you're going to hear that the the undertaker is is turning people away you're going to hear uh things like that you're going to hear that the hospital uh have no a room or for those who get sick think about that think about um the fact that if you or i were to get sick uh think about the horror of this thing and and and think about uh the the seriousness of what's going on and i was looking at it the other day uh where some people were on the beach and they were out there by the hundreds no masks just out there frolicking and having a good time and and uh and coronavirus was everywhere but it didn't matter and all across this nation people are going on their way and doing their thing and not paying attention to the fact that uh we have this dangerous virus now paying attention to the fact that people are dying every day by the thousands millions have died as a result of the corona virus think about that think about the fact that if a loved one passed away i know this is horrible and this is but this effect uh think about the fact that if if if your loved one passed god forbid but if your loved one passed and and you call the undertaker and the undertaker said we don't have any room we don't have any room no need of are coming out there and picking up your loved one but because we have no place to put them everything is filled and and you you you go to the hospital to the emergency room and and the doctors the emergency doctors tell you that there's nothing we can do we don't have any facilities to do anything well what can i do doctor where you just have to go back home and uh the there's no place uh to bury folk uh because of when i say no place i'm not saying absolutely but but the graveyard you still can dig a grave but the point is that this thing has become so atrocious until the undertakers are turning people away this thing has become so atrocious until hospitals are saying we don't have any room so what do your loved ones do what do what do they do they're sick what do they do now i'm just trying to describe uh the situation in which we find ourselves i'm not trying to uh cause anybody any trauma i'm just simply saying these are facts and not only these facts but uh but millions of americans look at folk who are uh and families who are in uh these conditions but it doesn't bother them they go to the beach don't wear a mask uh they go outside don't wear a mask uh what not the mask is going to save you but it will help if you at least wear one uh when i'm not advocating i'm not selling masks but i'm just simply saying that everyone needs to do everything they can to try to save themselves so uh we're living in dangerous times and and and folk cut television on and and seeing hear how folk are dying every day yet they pay that no attention now what comes to my mind is that in the days of noah in the days of noah uh they kept on living in sin until noah went in the ark you see what i'm saying that's what comes to my mind uh what comes to my mind is that we're living in an age now where people are just laughing at death laughing at it i i don't wear a mask uh well that's up to you well i'm not let me get off mess i'm just simply saying that we're living in an age and in a day when we need to understand that god will take care of us as believers god will take care of us and you're gonna have to have your faith in god now the only way that you can have this joy is through your faith and i've given you all those scriptures you're gonna have to joy comes through faith now if you don't have strong faith you cannot have the supernatural joy now of course we come to peace peace is important uh not only is peace important and i'm missing some things here but that's okay uh we'll deal with the time we'll deal with it later to have peace mentally you're going to have to believe that's faith you're going to have to believe that god will do everything he said he will do otherwise you move your container through which god sends us peace you see god sends us peace from heaven just like he sends joy from heaven he sends peace from heaven but if you don't have faith then you will find yourself as a child of god frustrated every day peace comes from god just as joy comes from god now understand as a child of god and as you go through life as you go through 20 21 understand and be certain of the work of god in your life be certain of that be know that anybody gives you any impression that god is not with his children god is with you 24 7. uh brother preacher how do i know how do i know i have this peace how do i know that i have this joy how do i know that you know it by faith because that's the way we walk we walk by faith and not by sight so you know you have this ability you know you have this now you may not work it you may not work it but you have it as a child of god you have the capacity to deal with whatever life brings but it's important that you understand that you have to have a correct mindset of who god is and how god works now all of us those of us who are believers those of us in this room we must all come come to the conclusion that when god says he will fill us he filled us we must come to the conclusion as children of god that god put something in you and i that allows us to deal with the bombardment of life because that's the way god works let me help you with this this is a concept understand this concept god is the creator of the universe in the beginning genesis 1 1. in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth all right now watch this and i may have told you this before some time ago 20 years ago whatever the case is telling you again uh whatever and you need to write this down whatever god creates reading the bible and looking at the power of god whatever god creates he fails f-i-l-l-s whatever gods create he feels and whatever he feels he gives a function [Music] so three things god does now listen to me catholic three things god does and let me just close with this uh you have joy you have supernatural joy you have supernatural peace and you have supernatural contentment all right how do i know i know i have it because i know how god the father works he never creates anything he never forms f-o-r-m-s he never forms anything without filling it he never forms or fills his creation without giving what he forms and what he feels a function now don't miss that don't miss that because if you miss that principle if you miss that concept you're going to miss all these lessons on joy peace and contentment whatever god creates he feels and not only does he feel it [Music] but he gives it a function he forms he feels [Music] and he gives a function now you got to get that you got to get that you got to get that how do i get it i just told you god never creates anything that he does not form fills and give it a function now what's this what's this uh because it's important what he creates he feels you and i are his creation we are god's new creation we have been born again so we are god you and i i'm trying to i'm trying to make sure you understand who you are so as when we go out to deal with what we have to deal with in america you will be fortified now god creates and what he and what he creates he forms he fails and he gives it a function so it is much now as you and i you and i are his creation if any man be in christ is a new creature now what does that mean that means that i'm a new creation so what does god do what is his modus operandi with things he creates how does my god how does god operate when he creates something he never forms or create anything that he does not feel and he does not give a function so when god created us when we came to christ when we obeyed the gospel of jesus christ when we became members of the body of christ we became god's new creation now what do you know god never creates anything that he does not feel and does not give a function so when you say form we're talking about creation when we talk about filling we're talking about what god puts into us and that's what i'm doing in this series joy peace what is that feeling [Music] feeling he's already formed us spiritually you are not like your neighbor if your neighbor is not a child of god because you've been formed you walk by faith not by sight so god forms us then he fills us and then he gives us a function now that's powerful my brother uh let me see gonna tell you something else yeah that that's that's that's that's powerful stuff right there um you see god is an awesome god isaiah says he knows the beginning of the ending from the beginning or the beginning from the ending he knows so what god does is god begins what he's already finished he begins when he already finishes and he finishes what he has already begun he knows the end from the beginning see god forms a thing god makes a thing and he knows what the ending is so what he does is when he gets to the end of what he has formed and what he has filled then he backs up to the beginning and stops it oh y'all missed that didn't it i i'm gonna quit i'm gonna quit because you all miss it you see god knows the end from the beginning he finishes it he finis whatever it is he finishes he goes all the way to the end he finishes it and then after he finishes it he backs up then he starts it so you keep him because he knows the end from the beginning all right now let me move on with this um god forms and what he forms he feels and when he forms and feels he gives the function well that's that's powerful um and it wasn't time to deal with it because that's some powerful stuff god formed the fish and he filled that fish with gales and the ability to swim he god put it in him but he gave him a function he gave the fish a function he put him in the water now that fish will do well as long as long as he's in the water because he's been filled he's been formed got a function let me just do one more god created the bird and he gave the bird wings what for the fly and as long as the bird is able to fly he's pretty much safe because he's fulfilling function [Music] now like ross uh i'm going to say this i'm i'm going to say this and the reason i'm going to say this is because i'm a gospel preacher and i will say whatever god says in first corinthians chapter 11 in verse number nine god says god said and all of those of you who's looking at this whatever this thing is i'm telling you what god said so so don't come to my office looking for me i'm telling you what god says oh i just keep wasting this water it's a function when you reach a certain age we have a function watch this what's this the man this is the bible was not made [Music] function the woman the man was not made for the woman [Music] function but the woman don't y'all be looking at me look at your bible don't be sending me no mail um but the woman was made for the man that's what the bible says god took a rib from man made a woman filled her with certain capacities and brought her to the man and then the holy spirit says that the man was not made for the woman but the woman was made what the bible says what the bible says and y'all be sure and watch me when i get in my truck and watch them until like until i get out of here but i can say no less god made the man [Music] he failed him gave him a function god made the woman feel them built her in a certain way he didn't build her like he built the man he made her differently and the reason he made her differently because he made her for the man now of course that's the debate argument but i'm going to let it alone now um the fish put him in the water and as long as he's in that water now you take him out of the water and put him on the shore and then he's just jumping all over the place eating all over the place i dare you to put him back in that water because that is what he was made though there's a bird over there and you got a gun i mean a rifle or whatever it is and and the bird doesn't see you but you see the berry and and you pull the trigger but you miss the bird and if you miss that bird that bird goodbye you see because that's his function so god never see god never forms anything that he does not feel and give a function now get this because this is good for you god in the conversion process in the salvation process in our sanctification process god fills us and not only does he fill us after have informed us but he gives us a purpose now that means that every one of us in this room this morning who are members of the body of christ and who are members of the church of christ you've been formed you've been filled with the holy ghost and you and i have a function now we know what our functions are what our function is we know what it is we don't do it but we know what it is now when i was making that point about the male and the female that you know you were very excited about that but now when it comes to our purpose but it's gonna always come when it comes to our purpose then we're a little hesitant and recastletron in terms of doing what the will of god what the will of god is now let me let me just do this let me see that i catch it uh did this phone catch it uh i have one more sunday with this i mean january is uh getting you ready for 20 um 21. um okay got it it got it okay oh there's a lot of stuff here whoa um let me go over some of this in second thessalonian chapter 3 and verse 16 paul says now the lord of peace himself always give you peace by all means psalms 29 and verse 11 the bible says the lord will give strength to his people the lord will bless his people with peace this is his second glass here job 22 and verse 21 acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee that's what i'm trying to teach you you say i'm going to teach you how to have peace as a child of god in spite of what's going on john 14 27 jesus says peace i leave with you my peace my peace i give unto thee it's supernatural my peace i give unto thee not as the world giveth i give unto you now the world can give you a job the world can even give you an education the world can give you money the world can give you favor the world can give you this the world can give you that but jesus said don't don't don't don't depend on that now for your peace because the peace that i'm going to give you [Music] is the peace that the world can't give you now john 16 33 these things have i spoken unto you that in me in me you have to be in christ to get this joy to get this peace the supernatural joy the supernatural peace to get it you got to be in christ you can't get it any other way [Music] these things have spoken unto you that in me in me you might have peace in the world now i know what's going on you know i'm i'm uh i'm concerned every time i leave the house i'm concerned jesus says these things have i spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have you shall have you shall have you shall have tribulations you shall have tribulations you shall have tribulations tough times going to come job downsizing your kids can't go to school don't want to go to school that's a whole nother issue right there the the kids that's been most affected now are african-american kids but that's a whole nother thing here jesus says in this world you shall have tribulations family tribulations broken relationships friends walking away from you he said but be of good shear i have overcome the world you see what i'm saying and therefore you can have the second glass you can have peace now of course i don't have time to deal with peace from god peace of god peace with god i've dealt with that all right during my ministry here but proverbs 16 and 7. proverbs 16 and 7 the bible says when a man weighs please the lord he maketh even his enemies be at peace to be at peace with him when you get this what's in the second glass when you get this piece when you get it down in your soul when you get it down in your spirit i mean when you get this piece down in your spirit proverbs says when a man waves please the lord he make it even his enemies be at peace with him [Music] and then let me just do this quickly but richard what can i practice to maintain reclaim the peace of god in my life and that that's a general question here what can i do [Music] you all ask me what can i do preacher to maintain peace in my life uh i need your help i i need you to give me a list of things that i can do daily daily to maintain or to assist me in maintaining peace in my life can you give me some things yeah i can give you some things number one first be true to yourself that's number one be true to yourself don't act like you knew everything been everywhere nobody can tell you nothing then you don't ever have peace you'll never have peace number one be true to yourself number two focus on those things you can control that's number two focus on those things you can control you can control everything you can't control that man you can't even control your husband [Music] you can't control your wife focus on things you can control number three meditation boy that's a whole sermon right there meditation meditate you'd be surprised how to bring peace how you get off to yourself close your door meditate on the word meditate on the promises of god that will bring peace to your life that supernatural peace will begin to come number four find a balance in your life find a balance in your life find a balance you can't go through life health or skelter jumping over every box listen you got to find a balance number five do good deeds do good deeds get the focus off you and own somebody else by helping someone else get the focus off yourself get away from that me-ism it's about me it's about me it's about me it's not all about you set limits on yourself that's number six set limits on yourself you are not superman you are not superwoman set limits on yourself take time for you i know you're smart but take time for yourself but that guy has seven kids and the oldest one is is 12. but i pretty much know that that's difficult but in the midst of all of that you need to take some time for yourself i'm not telling you to walk away from your family i'm not telling you to walk away from relationships i'm not telling you to do that what i'm telling you is you and i had best understand that at some point we're gonna have to curl out some time for ourselves get away and meditate that's what i'm saying number seven accept and let go accept and let go you're trying to change folks you know when folks find out you trying to change them [Music] then that just gives them more energy to make sure you you don't change them accept unless and let go number eight ask ask ask instead of thinking ask instead of thinking now why don't you go ask the man you're sitting over here talking about i know what he thinking i know what he did you don't know nothing if you really wanted to know go ask him there he is over there and if you live your life like that you will never have peace unclutter your world that's number nine unclutter your world those of you who work at offices in some offices it's a mess i mean everything's stacked up on the desk unclutter your world you know how to do that those of you who work in offices and your office desk looks like a hurricane been through there start eliminating start taking that stuff off that you don't need oh i need a you don't need all this stuff and if you need it put it in the drawer and then the only thing that's left is a bottle of water and your computer disc that's clean bottle of water and a computer all that other stuff you either organize it categorize it and and separate it and put it someplace if you look if you don't if you can't throw it away that's the way you unclutter your life you got stuff running around in your head that you don't need practice forgiveness practice forgiveness well i can't i will never forgive her i will never forgive her well forgiveness is not for them it's for you see forgiveness is not for them anyway well i would never forgive him i will never forgive her forgiveness the forgiveness forgiveness is for you not for the other person another person gonna live his life they're gonna do what they need to do they're gonna take care of themselves but forgiveness is for you it releases you to be a better person it releases you see forgiveness is a release and forgiveness is the perf is to the person that's doing the forgiving it is uh a remedy [Music] for a better life for peace of mind you walk around out there trying to figure out how to get even with her just go ahead and forgive her and move on well it's so tough to forgive i understand that i understand that but god will help you because you see this supernatural peace comes from god and ask god for strength to get it done and god will do it and then of course i think that may have been number nine um well it should have been number nine should have been uncluttering your mind uncle well i told you about that that should have been number nine number 10 is practice forgiveness practice forgiveness now this is joy and this is peace and i've just gone over you about this peace thing now next time we're going to deal with contentment that's our third glass next time we're going to deal with contentment and then the main thing i want you to well i want you to remember as much of this as you possibly can but just know god never forms anything that he does not feel and he does not give a function but you know that so everything you need to have peace in your life god put it in you everything that fish need to swim god put it in him everything that bird needed to to fly god put it in him [Music] let god have his way now if you want peace let god have his way and if you're here today and you want to say yes to the lord if you're here and you want to the church to pray for you we're going to give you an opportunity to do that we're gonna give you an opportunity to say yes to the lord if you're in the building if you're in the room and you're not a member of the church of christ here's what i need you to do i need you right now to believe that jesus is i need you to repent make up your mind change your mind and decide to give your life to jesus christ so you can have this joy so you can have this peace so you can have this contentment you want it but you can't have it unless you're in jesus christ make up your mind to repent make up your mind to confess with your mouth that you believe jesus christ is the son of the living god and we will baptize you today that you might become a member of the body of christ and god will add you to the church if you're here and you need prayer if you're here and you want the church to pray for you we'll do that we'll do that i'm going to ask everybody to please stand everybody please stand everybody please stand everybody please stand god bless god bless now if you need the lord if you need us to pray for you we're going to do that we're going to do that if you need to confess sins we will hear your confession if you need forgiveness we will forgive because we know that sooner or later we gonna need you to forgive us for something and so if they is there anyone here uh in the room this morning that uh want to make a confession of sin brothers and sisters i've said i've repented and i want the church to pray for me that i might receive this strength that i might receive this peace i've said i have repented and you want to make that confession if you are in the house and you're standing raise your hand and we'll pray for you raise your hand if you want to make a confession of sin we'll pray for you god bless god bless god bless now what we're going to do we're going to start over all the way over all the way over all the way over all right sister okay god bless yes sir god bless okay now we're in this center aisle god bless god bless god bless all right god bless now you're gonna have to raise your hand so i don't miss you if you want american confession to say you got to raise your hand i'm sorry okay go right ahead bless any more yeah there's a hand god bless we will do just that this aisle all right god bless anybody on the other side yes ma'am i see somebody in the back god bless god bless and we're going to pray for you now there uh if there are those of you in the house who want the church to pray for you you're standing and you need prayer because you not only want joy but you also want peace in your life and you want the church to pray that the lord will be generous with his joy and with his peace i've given you guidelines for peace and uh but you may just want strength i gave you 10 things that you can practice in order to have the peace of god that passeth and i didn't get to that that passes all understanding this this this this joy is so powerful until it just passes all understanding so we're going to ask you now to buy your head as we pray our father and i god we come before you this day recognizing that you are god and besides you there is no other god thank you for jesus thank you for jesus who hung bled and died on the hilltops of calvary for our sins and father we come as your children at a most difficult time in our world we come our father to pray for not only members of the body of christ in the household of faith and but we also pray for the world we pray for the broken hearts we pray for the broken families we pray for those who have lost loved ones in the pandemic we pray for those who have loved ones and know who have passed away and no place to take them give them what they need for what they needed for bless every member of our church because all of us need you every hour and we pray our father that you will bring joy and peace and contentment in our lives bless all of those in the household of faith those who are watching this program from around the world we ask our father that you will bless the household of faith bless members of the church who are caregivers all around the world members of the church who are looking after loved ones members of the church who've lost loved ones members of the church who've gone through trials and tribulations bless the household of faith our father give them that joy give them that peace give them that contentment i know you're going to do it our father because you said if we ask you will give we thank you our father for that bless every member of the golden heights church those who are faithful to the church those who are giving to the church that this program may go all around the world we thank you our father and we pray that you will bless us all because all of us need you every hour we need you right now and we would ask you to bring into our lives that supernatural joy that supernatural peace that supernatural contentment bringing into our lives our father bless our church with that supernatural power to walk through 2021 with our heads up knowing that you can make our enemies be at peace with us and we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in the mighty name of jesus everybody said amen amen and amen god bless you may have your seat you may have your seat and now what we're going to do we're going to move quickly in the offering and we're going to ask the brothers who are in charge of the often to come quickly and let's get that done now and every one of you lay by heaven's shoulders [Music] in the preaching of the gospel television and we pray that we will continue to do it uh the process about which you do that of course will appear on the screen and if you want to do it electronically that person uh and that comes next so those of you who have not already communed we want you to know that that comes up you that is or that the lord jesus the same night in which he was the prayers and when he had given thanks he break it and said hey eat this is my body which is broken from you this dude is in remembrance of me after the same manner also he created the cup is that represents the broken mind jesus so i want to thank all those of you who are here with a good number today and we want to thank you for staying with us in our stay uh this morning i want to be hoping for coach's notes and uh the 10 things [Music] be sure and make them a part of your life okay
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 2,087
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. W.F. Washington, New Golden Heights Church of Christ, Jesus, GOD, Jesus Christ, How to be saved, What must I do to saved, One true Church
Id: 4vXKALZwOl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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