(upbeat music) - Hello. My name is Deanna with Renew Active by UnitedHealthcare. The format of today's
class is walk for fitness. Today's class will be
about 30 minutes long. You won't need any equipment. You just wanna check your area, make sure it's clear of any hazards. That you have room to move left, right, front and back. Remember, listen to how
your body feels today and do what you can do. You guys ready to get started? Let's go. Let's start our warmup. Let's start marching. (feet tapping) So, we're gonna do a lot
of marching movement today. You're gonna get a nice walk in right inside your house. (feet tapping) Okay. Let's start some shoulder rolls, keep those feet going. Nice, slow shoulder rolls just to warmup upper body. Two more back. (feet tapping) All right, let's take 'them forward. (feet tapping) Last two here. Let's keep that march going, get those arms pumping
a little bit with it. (feet tapping) All right, we're gonna
do some hip circles. We're gonna help that
lower thigh and hips. We're gonna start marching. Take your leg, open up to the side. Nice and slow. One more on the side, I'm gonna switch. Okay, let's switch other leg. Just wanna get everything warmed up, upper, lower body. All right, let's march it out again. (feet tapping) So, remember today, the march is gonna be at your own pace. Whatever you can do, you don't have to keep up with me. (feet tapping) Okay we're gonna hold steady, we're gonna reach up, pull back, lift up those toes. Again, the side reach up, pull back. This is warming up our cap and ankle joint a little bit. You got one more here. Okay, let's go ahead and switch sides. Reach up, pull back. Reach up, pull back, two more here. Just keeping it nice and easy. Nice. Okay let's take it wide. Just gonna come down slightly. We're gonna press the shoulder forward. Let's switch other side. So, here you just have a
soft bend in your knees. Just bracing yourself on your upper thigh. The whole set I want you to do a little tuck. Tuck the chin of the chest, round the back a little bit. Now this other way, everything up. So, we're doing a little standing cat cow. Tuck under. Release. Couple more times here. Tuck, release. One more. Let's roll it out. Let's start that march again, keep those legs going. (feet tapping) All right, shoulder rolls again. Couple more, we're almost
done with our warmup. (feet tapping) Let's roll them forward. (feet tapping) Couple more here. All right, let's just march it out. All right, we're gonna have three different movements in this section. We're gonna march, we're gonna step, touch and pull and then we're gonna march with a wide and then a bicep curl. When you do your curl, you wanna use some resistance. So, like you're pulling
through quicksand or water, either way. Okay, let's march it out. (feet tapping) That's pretty much how our format is gonna go today. We're going to have about three different movements in each section. All right, let's reach and pull side to side. Reach, pull. We're gonna start off slower and speed it up. But take it at your own pace. You wanna keep it here? Keep it here. All right, if you want, take it a little bit faster. Staying low on those legs, so slight bend, reaching and pulling like you're grabbing
something pull it back. Get those arms working. Even those whose lack for fitness we're gonna work total body today. (feet tapping) Couple more here. All right let's slow back down. Reach, pull. Reach, pull. There's a couple more here. Let's go back to our march, right here center. (feet tapping) Ready for those bicep curls. Arms turn out, keep them against your side, up, side. (feet tapping) Up, wide. So, again use some resistance, like you're pushing through water or you're holding some heavy weights in your hand. Just think about it. (feet tapping) All right if you want, you can take the tempo up. The march - it goes with your march now. One, side. (feet tapping) You're not ready to take it faster, keep it slow. (feet tapping) Move, what feels good for you today. All right, we're going back to our straight march. Let's go. (feet tapping) We start pumping those arms a little more, it feels good for you. (feet tapping) So, you wanna make sure, you're lifting your
feet up off the ground, at least a little bit, just to keep you safe especially if you're on carpet. (feet tapping) Let's keep it going. We're gonna go back to our reach and pull. We're going to start off slow just like we did first round. Reach and pull, reach, pull. So, a little bend in those legs, you can see from the side. Just a slight bend. So, you wanna lock out your legs. All right, take it a little quicker. If you want, join me or keep that same slower pace. (feet tapping) So, we do do this class live, we get about two miles
in during our class. You won't get that much in today but you can still get a good workout in walking just inside your house. All right, let's slow it down again. Reach, pull. You got it. How are you guys feeling? Body's getting warm now? (feet tapping) All right, march it out. We're going back to bicep curls. To those arms out, here we go. Slower to start. (feet tapping) Wide, front. Wide. You got a couple more here. If you want, you can increase your tempo. Front, side. (feet tapping) Nice job. You're doing great. There are two more and right back to our march. All right, right to that. (feet tapping) Okay next section, we're gonna march. We're gonna take some tap backs. Tap, tap. That's our second part our three moves. And our third is gonna be a march with an L shoulder raise. So, just like you're making L's, you wanna make sure
your arms don't come up any higher than shoulder level. Not up here. Keep it low. Okay let's march it out. (feet tapping) Again, march at your own pace. So, if this is too quick for you, you can take it here. (feet tapping) Okay, let's take our tap backs. So, tap, tap. So, when you do this, you might find your
body gets a little tiny. Slight forward lean, that's totally normal. You just don't wanna be here. So, you want to keep your chest up. Nice, tap, keep tapping it back. Are we ready to march again? Let's go march it out. (feet tapping) We're gonna start those shoulder raises, same thing here. Use some resistance as you're lifting, your arms should be in L. Are you ready? Let's go. Start slower, fists. Remember to stay at
shoulder level or below. (feet tapping) Just keep it here. So, one arm to the side, one arm to the front. All right let's go back to march. Pump those arms. You feel comfortable? This feels like a good pace for you? You can play with lifting these up a little bit higher march. (feet tapping) All right we're going back to tap backs in four, three, two, one, tap back. So, this you're gonna
feel a little bit more on your glutes and your thighs. And so we're working body today. All right back to march, march it out. How's everybody feeling? Remember you get water, take
breaks whenever you need it. (feet tapping) You can always pause the video and come back. All right shoulders, L's. Nice strong arms, through resistance. (feet tapping) March it out. We're gonna do one more set. You got tap backs coming up. Here we go. Tap it back. Tap, tap. Four, three, two, march it out. (feet tapping) You're doing great, keep it going. Just keep those legs moving. The arms get too much, just forget them. Here we go. Arms. (feet tapping) You're doing great. You're getting up and
moving your body today. It's always such a good thing to do. 20, 30 minutes every day, major health benefits. (feet tapping) All right let's just march out. (feet tapping) Okay. Next section. We're gonna do, it's called the V-step. So, we're gonna march, for move one. move twos of these steps. We're gonna step front, front, back, back like you're making a V. Wide, wide, narrow, narrow. All right, let's move two, then we're gonna march it out and just some back flies. So, your elbows are going
to the back of the room. You should feel it in the back. Same thing using resistance. All right let's march it out to start. (feet tapping) Keep that march going, our V step is next. No arms to start with that we may add some. We're gonna take that V step so wide to narrow, making a V with your legs. Let's go around and take it slow. Wide, wide, narrow, narrow. Wide, wide, narrow, you got it. Take your time. Let's do a couple more. If you want, you can take it up, a little bit speed. But you don't have to, you can definitely keep it here. One more. Back to your march. Let's go. (feet tapping) Okay. We're going to our back flies next. So, get your arms right here ready, like you're holding two handles. And your elbows are
going back to the room, you're opening up. Up, down. Like you have wings. You're spreading them, bringing them back. Use that resistance. You don't need weights
to get a good workout. Keep going. (feet tapping) You got four more here. Last two we're going right back to march. Let's march it out. (feet tapping) You're doing great. How are you guys feeling? Remember take breaks when you need to, hydrate when you need to and then come back to moving. Keep it going, you've got this. We're gonna move two. We're going back at this
stuff nice and slow. It's up to you if you
wanna increase the speed. Let's go V-step, wide, narrow, wide, narrow. Wide, narrow. Again. Keep it going. Again, here you wanna make sure you're picking your feet up especially if you're on carpet. One more. All right let's march it up. Let's go. (feet tapping) Four, three, two, arms here back flies back. (feet tapping) Keep it going. Keep those legs going. March it out. Keep those legs going. Remember to take it at your own pace. Okay, we're going to the new three moves. Always start with a march. Then, we're gonna heel and pull. The arms getting a
little tougher this time. We're gonna keep them up and bring them in. So, we're not dropping them. Keep them up there in that much. So, side and again
staying at shoulder level and go at your own pace. There we go. Just march it out. Keep that much going. Okay. It's pull, reach and pull. So, you do a little heel tap front, reaching and pulling. If you're feeling fatigued in the arms or anything right now you can always drop the arms and just take the heels only. Always remember to listen
to how your body feels. Don't overdo it. You wanna push yourself, but you don't wanna overdo it. Okay, let's take it back to that march. (feet tapping) You're going to add those arms. Take 'them out to the side. Here we go. From side. Front, side. Front. Go at your own pace. Just try not to drop 'them. Keep it going. The arms are feeling it now. You're getting a little fatigued, but you can push through it. Last two, last one, march it out. (feet tapping) All right. Let's do the tap and pulls, let's go. Front, pull. Front, pull. Nice and slow here. Keep it going. Yeah one more. Let's march it out. Keep those arms going. We've been marching for a little bit now so we wanna make sure to keep that heart rate from getting too high. If you're feeling it too much, take it slow and lower. (feet tapping) Okay we're gonna add those arms. Take 'them out. In and out let's go. (feet tapping) You're doing great. Keep it going. (feet tapping) Staying here a little bit longer and get some good arms going today. (feet tapping) Four more, three, last two, last one, march it out. (feet tapping) Okay. Next section, we're gonna march. We're gonna tap, front, side, back, march. And switch, front, side, back, march. Our arms are gonna come out again. We're gonna do a T-arm, bicep curl. So, I want you to really
use your systems on this. Think about flexing that bicep muscle. Okay. Let's march it out. (feet tapping) We're gonna take that front side back tap. In four, three, two, hold it. Front, side, back and march. Let's switch legs same thing. Front, side, back and march. Back to the first leg. Front, so we do this before we start the front, side, back you're gonna completely stop and then take your front, side, back. Stop, front, side, back, march. Great job. (feet tapping) Stop, front, side, back, march. All right. One more time with the other leg and then on arms. In four, three, two stop, front, side, back, march. All right let's add
those arms on our march. Arms out to the side, palms up, fists, again stay at or below shoulder level, you can keep it down here if you need to. Curl, curl, use resistance like
you're going through water or quicksand. Flex that bicep muscle. (feet tapping) Keep it going. Eight more. That's four. That's two. Let's go right back to march. (feet tapping) Keep those arms going, open out. Okay. We're tapping again. Front, side, back, then we stop first stop. Front, side, back, march. Stop the feet. Other side. Front, side, back, march. You're doing so great. Stop. Front, side, back, march. (feet tapping) Stop, front, side, back, march. We go one more time on each side. Are you ready to stop those feet? Front, side, back, march. Stop 'them. Front, side, back, march. Arms out, lets curl, in. You got this. We're almost there just a little bit more, we're gonna cool it down. (feet tapping) There's two here. Let's go one more time through everything. March it out. Strong march here. (feet tapping) All right ready to stop the feet? Front, side, back, march. Stop the feet, other side. Front, side, back, march. And stop. Front, side, back, march. Stop the feet, front, side, back, march. One more time. Each side. Front, side, back, march. Other leg. Stop, front, side, back, march. (feet tapping) How does everybody feel? All
right keep those feet going, arms out. Get those bicep curls. All the arms out for a second first. We're going right now, curl and out. curl and out. Keep on going, we're almost there. You got this. Come so far today, I'm so proud of you. Four more, that's two, that's one. Let's just march it out. (feet tapping) Keep marching. All right want you to
get ready to cool down, you did an amazing work today. You got a lot of steps in. Slow those feet down. You need to grab water or a towel. We're gonna get ready to cool it down. Okay. Little bit wider legs. Let's just breathe up and exhale it out. Just slowing everything down. Up and exhale. Legs keep it here as shoulders roll. Keeping those feet stationary this time, just nice shoulder rolls. We're moving those arms a lot today. All right, now take them forward. Right, now, hold it forward. Place those arms deep down. Now, we're gonna open to the back. If you can, clasp your hands but you can't just hold
your arms back there. Pull down slightly, nice stretch in the shoulders. Okay, feet together. So, we're gonna do those hip circles that we did in the
beginning but nice and slow, this time we're gonna hold the foot back and push into that calf. Nice calf stretch, you wanna make sure to stretch
your calves and ankles, they did a lot of work today. Okay step it in. Hip circle other side, one hip circle keep it to the back, pushed in to that calf. Hold it here. Nice job. Step it in. Take up more deep breaths up. Great job to everyone. One more up and relax. Just kind of shake everything out. Thank you so much for joining me in Renew Active by UnitedHealthcare today and I will see you soon. (upbeat music)