Renew Active Workout: Walk for Fitness 4 | 25 min

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(upbeat music) - Hi, my name is Emilia and I'm with Renew Active from UnitedHealthcare. I'm a certified personal trainer and a group exercise instructor. And today I'll be teaching a class entitled, Walk Well now Walk Well will be similar to taking a walk in the park. However, we're gonna add in some additional upper body and lower body movements so that we can really get our heart rate elevated. All right, before we get started, we wanna make sure that we have on some comfortable shoes and they have good grip and also the space around us. Make sure that there are no obstacles in your way because we will be moving quite a bit. If at any time you need to take a break or you feel uncomfortable, feel free to stop and then you can start back when you're ready. All right. Are we ready? Let's go. So, we're gonna start by just marching in place. So, just simple marching plays that those legs moving (feet thumping) you can walk slowly and pick in place, and then I want you to start moving your head. So, we're gonna start by looking down and up. So, just warming up that body, down and up down and up, two more down and up, down and up. All right, we're gonna add into our warmups. We're gonna go ahead and stop marching. We're just gonna roll that head to the side and roll to the other side. All right. We're gonna do that five times. This is two, roll. Just loosen up that neck. Three, two more. Yes, four and last one. AlRight? Now, we're gonna do some shoulder rolls. Just roll your shoulders forward big circles. And roll it to the back. So, loosen that up and then we'll go back into our forward march, so we're just marching in place and let those arms swing higher side as we march or as we walk. So, just think you're walking to the park. It's a beautiful day, sun is shining we're feeling good. Then, of course, remember today, we're gonna add in a little bit more upper body and lower body movements to really get that body working. Now, we're going to start with a bicep curl. So, I just want you to bring those elbows right up towards those shoulders. As we continue marching and bring it down, we're gonna do that 10 times and then we'll start now. So, one, two, and just continue marching three, four, five really squeezed those biceps, six, (feet thumping) seven, (feet thumping) eight, nine, and 10. All right, we're gonna go into a lower body move. It's gonna start with tips for those step forward with one foot set right back, alternate and then we're going to march four times. So, one, two, one, two, three, four, one, two, one, two, three, four. All right. So, that's the basic movement. We're gonna do that a total of 10 times. So, we've done two already. We have eight more to go. So, again, we're gonna start with that left foot and then move over to the right. So, we'll go left right? march, march, march. We'll do that. For three additional times starting with the left foot. And then we'll switch over to five, starting with the right. All right. So, back to that left foot, step step one, two, three, four step one, two, three, four. Last one. Step one, two, three, four. I remember moving to that right leg same things we're gonna go right left. Right left. Right left. That's one four more. Let's go step right left. Right left. Right left. Right left. Right left tat tat, tat, tat, tat tat. Last one, one, two, three, four. Back to that regular march. This is our home base will always come back to our regular home march. Right? So, march it here, we're gonna just march it for about 30 seconds. We're gonna move back to that upper body. Now, this time you're going to watch me first do that upper body we'll continue marching. So, keep that marching. We're still walking through that park and have your elbows bent right by the side, hands infront of you. All right. We're gonna open up just like that. And then right back, if those elbows are gonna do that 10 times, are you ready? Let's go and open. Close two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and 10. All right. Back to that regular march, here we go pump those arms. Let's get those knees up a little bit higher slow down this step and just give the knees up. So, you to do that for about 30 seconds. High on knees, pump those arms. Remember, take a break. Anytime you need to. And then just jump back in. In about 10 more seconds and then we're gonna start back over with our taps. All right. So, same thing. We're back to our tap step. So, again, we're gonna tap left, tap right? And then we're gonna march left, right, left right. We'll start from the left for five times and then the right for five times as well. So, start with that left, ready? Let's go left tap right tap, march, march, march, march. Two, march, march, march, march, three, march four march, five march and rest. All right. So, we're gonna do the same thing on the right side. Tap right tap left, and then right left right left. All right, let's go. Tap, tap march, march, march, march. Right, left march, march, march, march, tap tap march, march, march march, four. Five. (feet thumping) All right now continue marching or slow it down. And then we're getting ready to go back to those arm extensions. So, again, you'll start with the elbows by your side and we'll extend out and bring it back each time. All right. 10 times and continue marching. Let's open up and close two and close, three and close, four and close, five and close, six and seven, eight, nine, and 10. All right. Now, we're gonna bring those arms down to the side and go back to our highest step. This is how to catch our breath and we'll do that for 30 seconds. Get those knees up. There we go we'll take a quick break right after this. So, stay with me. If you can, can you take your break now? That's fine. Then, we got 10 more seconds. Give it to me. All right. Go ahead and rest for a second and rest for a minute. And then we'll get back into the workout. All right. So, finishing out that break and getting ready for the next portion of our exercises. Again, we're gonna repeat the first circuit and then add in some additional exercises. So, again, we have our tap tap. So, again, left tap, right tap. March, march, march, march. All right. And if you can add in those arms do with me. So, you're just tap tap of those arms and same thing. Pump, pump, pump, pump. So, starting on the left again we start with the left for five. We went to the right for five as well. All right. So, tap, tap march, march, march, march, two march three march four march five march. And now switching to that right side. So, same thing, but tap right. Tap left, right left, right left and same thing with the arms. So, just opposite arm as to do your taps and your marches. Right? First I start with that right, let's go. Tap tap, march, march, march march tap tap, march, march, march, march tap tap, march march two more tap tap, march march, tap march, March, March, March, and last one. There we go. All right. So, moving into that next movement we're going to go into our curls. So, that's just some bicep curls that we did at the very beginning. When we were just the regular march, march and curl. There you go. March and curl, pop those arms. (feet thumping) Give me five more. Really squeeze that bicep, every time you fill up. Three, two and one, all right. Now, we're gonna go to a step four. So, we're going to start moving in place of it. Just step four forward, four steps back now to do that step simple same thing. Once you just start marching, start by pumping your arms as you march , so we're gonna march, march, march, march then we're gonna go one, two, three, four, and then back starting with the same leg that's forward. So, one, two, three, four, right? We'll do five times starting with the left foot and then five times with the right foot. So, let's go one, two, three, four, one, two, three four one two, three four one two, three, four, three more, two more last one. All right. Now, wanna switch to the right. So, same concept,. Right? Left. Right. Left. Right left. Right? That's one. Go into five, two, three. All right. That's three. There you go. Four and five. Let's go back to our regular march. And again, let's pump those high knees, slow it down. Give me 30 seconds right here. Kinda catch your breath. We're moving quite a bit. And so we have that forward march. Ready to go back to that forward march. And so we're gonna add in some arms. All right. So, kinda just keep it here. Think about what you just did with that, forward march. So, again, we're gonna do the same thing adding in some arms, You would watch me first, and then the second time we'll do it together. So, starting with our left foot, you're still marching but starting with the left, we're gonna go left forward. And as we stepped forward with that left, left arm goes up. So, we'll go up, up, down, down, and then as we go back with the right, right arm goes up, left arm goes up, right arm goes down, left arm goes down. All right. So, make sure again, good space around you. We're going to move and we'll start with that left side surrounded five with the left and then five with the right so do it with me. One. There we go down and down and then up, up, down, down that's one one more up, up, down, down, up, up down, down, up, up, down down one more. Alright, now move into that right leg. So, same thing we're gonna say right? Five times. So, up with the right. Up with the left, down with the right, down with the left Take it back with the left, back with the right down and down. All right. So, again, we'll do five steps without movement. Let's go up, up, down, down, take it back down down. And two It's a three, two more. Oops. There we go. Last one. Right, left, down, down and back, back, down, Down. Right? Let's march in place, that slow march, those knees up. Catch your breath. Great work guys. You are doing excellent. Now, the next movement is going to be a side step. So, if you catch your breath? We have our fourth step and we're gonna go side to side. So, again, keep marching. I'll show you that next movement. We're just gonna start in place. So, with your feet together, you're gonna take two steps to the right. Two steps to the left. So, we're just gonna go step tap, step tap, step tap, step tap. All right. Now, we're gonna do again just, two the right, two to the left. So, we're going both directions. We don't need to start over. We'll just do 10 sets total. All right. So, start slightly over to the left just a bit and start with those two steps to the right. All right. So, step, step and left. Left Two And left, left going to 10. Three? And left left. There's four. There we go. Keep it up. Five, and six, seven, eight, nine, and our last one, bring it back home. There we go again. Let's take it back to home days those time marches and knees up, elbows up. All right. Now, we're gonna go into a tour. So, twists. So, we're going to start with our feet together, we're bring one up. And you're going to turn that knee towards that elbow, as elbow towards that knee as you bring it up. All right. Your option is just to bring in the knee up and turn the upper body instead of bringing the elbow all the way over or otherwise try to see if you can get the knee up and the elbow at the same time then we're just gonna cross 10 times five on each side. We'll start with this arm. All right, let's go. So, we're on one, two. There we go. Three, four, keep that core tight shuffle a little bit of a crutch. Six, seven, eight, nine, and 10. All right, bring it back home. Let's go to that regular march again. You're gonna catch your breath. Doing great. So, keep imagining we're in that park it's beautiful, look at all these flowers. Look at that sunshine. Keep walking. It means take a break and take a break now. We'll take about 30 seconds of just this march until we get to the next movement? So, you can use this time to catch a break or just keep marching. Now, what we'll do is we're gonna start over again repeating the forward step with you arm raises and then going into our side taps and finishing with our twists. So, those three exercises go and rest for just a second, think about that in your head. Again, our first movement is gonna be that left, right, down, down. Then, the right foot will be forward. Bring the right arm up, left from up as we're walking back. All right, that's the first movement. The second one remember was our taps to the side. And then our third and final one in that circuit is just going to be those twists. Now, we're gonna do it, the same thing that we did earlier. So, 10 of each set, starting with a walk forward, starting with that left foot, left arm going up. All right. So, we'll just count with this left foot with one, forward, back. And two, back three. There we go. Four. Last one. Up, up, down, down foot back. All right. Take that more, expect. All right. Going to take that march and go back into that easy march. There we go, so easy walking. We're gonna add in some taps. So, we're just going to do a different step. I call this a Mambo step, you're gonna step forward with one foot and back with that same foot and then back to the center. So, we'll go left, left center. All right. So, we'll do 10 on one side, 10 on the other side and then we'll get into our cool-down warmup or a cool-down for the end of our workout. So, again, we're gonna step forward and back together. That's one, forward and back together, three, four five, it's going to 10, six, seven, eight, nine, and 10. All right. Back to that march and also to our right side, same thing. So, step forward with that right, back with that right, back together. So, forward, back, together, there we go. Three, go on a 10, four five, five more, six, seven, eight, nine, and 10. All right. Back to that march that we're gonna switch it up and kind of complicated just a bit. So, we're gonna be doing, switch from one side to the other. So, watch me continue to march. Did you want to go left together, right together and we'll keep alternating side to side will be 10 in total, five on each side you have. So, you'll go left, left one, two, three, right right, one, two, three. And that'll count as two that we just did. All right. So, that would be two, want you do it with me now, so left left one, two, three, right right, one, two, three back to left. Left left one, two, three, right right, one, two, three, one, two, three, right right, one, two, three, two more times. Right, one, two, three, last one, one, two, three, right right, one, two, three. All right. Back to the march. Now, we're going to get into our cool down. So, we've done about 30 minutes of a workout including the warm-up and the cool-down. And so for that room service, just dropping her head down. Bring the head back up and down back up and down, back up now let's raise those shoulders up high, bring them down and high and down. Now, roll your shoulders forward. Here we go, move forward and up, up two more and back two more, I want you to reach straight up from the ceiling. Wimble those fingers, reach down, push our hands forward. Kind of rotate those wrists, release all of that out. Put your hands straight forward. You gonna stop marching, arms straight down. We're turn our torso to the side, like stretching our back and the other side. All right. Again, my name is Emilia. That was our walk over workout, about 30 minutes of walking with upper body and lower body mixed in with your cardio workout getting our heart rate up, thank you so much for joining. (upbeat music)
Channel: Medicare Made Clear | UnitedHealthcare Medicare
Views: 1,516
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Renew Active™ by UnitedHealthcare®, UnitedHealthcare Medicare plan, UnitedHealthcare Medicare plans, Medicare plans, Medicare fitness benefits, Medicare fitness program, workout from home, home workout, workout videos, active at home, home fitness, free fitness program, Renew Active gym membership, UnitedHealthcare gym membership, walking workout, fitness walk, get fit walking
Id: yQqrqydMWmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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