Removing Weld Seams in Tubing

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hey guys welcome back I'm glad you're here today I've got another quick video today another one of the little tip videos to kind of show you a process on how to go about removing the weld seam on some square tubing this is not my idea this is kind of just a extrapolation upon an idea from fireball tools he's got a video online about removing that goes through a lot of different ways one that one of his methods worked really well there's pretty much a fairly complicated build for just trying to do this and so I kind of started to build it myself figured and found another way it's pretty simple very few tools needed a hammer a grinder with a cut-off wheel and some high speed steel and the tubing that you need or that you want to fit inside the other tubing just a little piece of that and and that's it I'll bring you in show you a little closer just kind of what we had what I did and then I'll show you a little demonstration of how it works works really quick really well so glad you're here stay tuned alright so this is really all the tools that you'll need what I've done I've got this piece this is the smaller inch and a half I think thick-walled square tubing I want it to fit down in here it'll make a very nice tight squeeze but that's that weld seam right right there see that weld seam in there and so it won't allow to fit so what to do is take a piece of high speed steel you can get these real cheap real quick Amazon you get two half inch by four inch pieces for $12.99 thirteen bucks something like that what idea is one we'll have to mark where the seam is gonna go and then take your your grinder with your cutoff wheel notch that out where it'll fit the piece of high speed steel in there you can kind of paint it over knock it out needs to be pretty close then take your high speed steel blank cut it off to fit where you want it to just pop just clear just a little bit but if you have that weld seam it won't it won't fit and so that's we're just wanting to clear that will seem off a little a little bit so I've just cut this off with the abrasive cut-off wheel I ground a bit of a angle in there just a little bit of relief behind it and the cutting edge not doesn't have to be real sharp grinder belt sander anything like that'll will do that the other thing that you will need you might possibly need a file is we've got to get a little bit of this initial weld out so I'll just use a cold cut chisel okay and that should be enough to where I can set this in here just like that it doesn't fall all the way through it's close and then just kind of place that in there take your little blank just like that and it'll fit right down over right down over it and hold that and then we're just gonna hammer this through on the video that I was talking about on fire ball tools he had some all-thread and a nut and a cap and all that work look like it worked great obviously it worked better on larger stock this is pretty small and you're not going to fit any decent sized pieces of all thread in there without you know really kind of hogging away some of that high speed steel blank but it will go over to the anvil right quick and I'll bring it over there show you just take the the hammer and and we'll just drive this thing through I've got another little piece it'll just kind of fit on the top of that that I can use you know my full bar or some kind of a you know point sizzle so to get all the way through on a smaller one this is just for example but I had some bigger ones that I was doing and it's good you know one piece on there and just sort of driving it on down but those head over the anvil and I'll show you this in in action all right so we're over here at the anvil you don't have to have an anvil to do this you just have some kind of a hard anvil-shaped surface or just a hard surface to to beat upon just show you this the same setup that we had a minute ago got a tower weld seen right in there see it running down at our high speed steel blank in there make sure I got it facing the right way which I do I have kind of my chisel point facing that way place this plug in there see nothing on the anvil right here I'm just going to give it a few blows with the hammer and then we'll show you I'm going to pull this back and there we go we've got some some weld chips and that's just quickly driving down through getting those that weld seem out of there keep going along got in there I can't hammer it down any further it's flush right there but there's some more of those weld chips that's where a little extra small piece that will fit with inside that that dimension and then you can use any kind of other whatever will fit down in there here's more of those more of those welds bottom doubt now well not quite I've almost bottomed out and that's what these pieces right here are gonna be for but let me get so this is bottomed out now and just get something just to elevate it off the off the anvil and outside of the inner dimensions there and then I can use whatever you got just like that no more little more weld seam right there there's a little small one but I mean that's nothing that a file wouldn't do which before this wouldn't fit in but now it just drops right through our high speed steel blank is still in great condition no issues no nothing and you hit this with a file just to kind of get any of the birds or anything like that of it but other than that it's ready to go now I've got a piece that will match up it'll mess up real tight tight tolerances and stuff like that I like it on the the belt sander or for any other reason that you might want to kind of nest your tubing together kind of makes for a nice tight fit I mean there's a little bit of movement in there it's not bad but I mean that's a good solid so I'll sit and it'll move back and forth so again this wasn't totally my idea it was just I was starting to fabricate what Jason over there fireball tools had made and I was just kind of trying to figure out how to get piece of all thread to here and weld on a cap and all that and realized hey I don't need this a hammer press whatever you have will work just as well though you can if you can get your tolerances a little closer on this dimension on this right here you can really kind of get I mean just try this going the other way you can get really close dimensionally on removing more of that scene if you need to but really most the time you just need to move a little bit push it through with my hands so pretty close get it the rest of the way out of there but you can turn it around go back the other way and often times you can kind of remove a little bit more that well if you need to does it look now didn't remove any that time but you can hit that with a file real quick and boom you're ready to go works great give it a shot
Channel: Lazy J Metal Works
Views: 74,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weld seams, weldseams, removing weld seams, removing weldseams, simple, DIY, minimal tools, fast, farbrication, weld, seam, seem, weldseem, removing weld seems, removing weldseems
Id: Li9dNm7l6As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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