Removing PEX Stainless Steel Clamp Rings on Plastic Fittings

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today I'm going to take the PEX tubing and cinch clamp off of this plastic T fitting so I can reuse it it is a little tricky since I don't have a cutter on my crimping tool or any proprietary PEX clamp removal tools what I don't want to do is take a screwdriver and try to pry open the clamp because it doesn't work what does work is using these three tools a pair of pliers a brand new razor blade and some old side cutters first I twist the pipe so this little tab is accessible then use the pliers to bend it straight like this second using the old side Cutters I'm going to squeeze between these two pieces of metal like this until they begin to separate now I should have enough room to grab this little bit of metal and just start twisting it until I hear it kind of Pop as it loosens then I could just slide it off the PEX tubing is still stuck on there since it was compressed by the clamp so I'll have to cut it off using a brand new razor blade I'm going to score it but not too deep because I'm going to check it afterwards to be sure I didn't cut into the actual fitting with the assembly on the table and holding it firmly I'll score it in a straight line right on the top then using my pliers I'll start ripping the pecs at the score right here it's white where the PEX is tearing and I can see my initial score wasn't quite deep enough so I'll lightly score it again in the same place finally I'll continue to tear the pecs with the pliers until it peels away now I'm going to check to make sure the razor blade never touched the fitting there are no score marks on the fittings so I know I can reuse it thanks for watching subscribe to my channel and comment below
Channel: Live DIY
Views: 124,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sefm7RkP7yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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