Removing CREASES with PDR TIPS! | No Filler & No Paint

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This week it's the turn of this Vauxhall Astra  which has been the victim of some storm damage   a wooden fence panel broke away in  the wind and hit this panel repeatedly   creating all this damage you can see here we  have several vertical creases running from the   midsection to the front of the panel and a couple  of nasty dents on the wheel arch profile but using   Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) i'm going to remove all  of this damage using no filler and no paint hi everyone it's Jake here from 1st Track  Dents and welcome back for another Paintless   Dent removal video so today we're  working on this 2010 Vauxhall Astra,   so the story on this one is that in some stormy  weather the neighbour's wooden fence panel came   away and was found lying up against the front wing  of this customer's vehicle and because of the high   winds the fence panel was swinging backwards  and forwards so it hit this wing not just once   but repeatedly leaving all the damage that you  can see here the customer didn't want to take   his vehicle to the body shop and have this wing  replaced or have the wing repaired using lots of   filler so he called me up to see if i could help  but first before i show you the complete repair   let's take a closer look at all the different  areas of damage that need to be addressed so looking at this front wing the total damage  covers an area of approximately 450 millimeters   by 230 millimeters and overall we have three  main areas to deal with section A B and C   zooming into section A here you can see that  we have four vertical creases near the front   of the panel and one more just over the middle  of the panel next here in section B we have   a crease that has distorted the wheel arch  profile and left a slight crown here on top   there is also some very minor dents at the front  section of this wheel arch lastly zooming into   section C here we have the biggest and deepest  crease which has also bent the wheel arch profile   and created some distortion around it we also  have quite a large crown just sitting above the   main impact point okay so now we've seen all the  damage that needs to be repaired let's get started so to get behind this damage i first  need to remove the plastic stone guard   so in order to do this i need to raise the vehicle  up slightly so i can get to all the fixings   the first fixing to remove is this torx screw at  the bottom here then i move up to the second torx   screw and remove this one too i also remove a  couple of plastic rivets on the inside of the   wheel arch and then this allows me to unclip this  front section of the stand guard and put it aside looking up inside the panel can see there  is plenty room to get all my tools behind   with no obstructions the last thing to do is  to drop the vehicle back down off the jack the first section i'm going to repair  here is section A the vertical creases   i start by fixing my light into the correct  position so i can get a good view of all these   vertical creases here that i need to massage  back out so my first choice of tool is this   large screw on tip bar from Ultra Dent Tools  and i'm starting with my large rubber tip. Before i start pushing, I gently warm up the panel  so i don't crack the paint from the pushing behind then using this bar with my large rubber tip   i start pushing up the creases starting  with the crease closest to the headlight   i have to make sure i move up and down the  crease evenly in order to get it out completely   then using my knockdown with a rubber tip i  can address any areas that come up too high   now i'm moving on to the next crease and as before  i use some heat to warm the panel up slightly then   using some control pushes with the same rubber tip  i push all of this crease up from top to bottom and this time i'm using my plastic bullet tip  to address any areas that come up too high for the next crease i'm going to  use this red PVC coated bullet tip i'm using more heat using the hot air  gun then using this tip i manipulate   the metal from top to bottom to  push all of this crease back out like before i'm using my plastic bullet tip on  the end of my knockdown to address any high areas next i'm using my round plastic tip on my screw  and tip bar i'm using this tip to address the   little low area which you can see on the top of  this crease running through the swage line the   swage line is a strong area to push up so i have  to use quite a lot of force to move the metal   here but not too much that i end up putting  sharp high spots in the face of the panel   then using my knock down i can level the  adjacent metal to bring it all back into shape so that's the first three creases pushed up so  that just leaves these two soft creases that   you can see here for these creases i'm switching  back to my red PVC coated bullet tip both these   creases are the smallest for the creases on the  panel so pushing these out is relatively easy   and the fact that there is clear space  underneath this panel makes it even easier i just need a few taps with my knock down and the  creases out okay so now that one is completed the   last one to remove is this small one over the  middle section of the wing which you can see   here if you look closely it's actually  two soft creases right next to each other   as before using the same PVC coated bullet tip  i can easily push all of this low section back   up again and i'll tap down any high areas  with my knock down with a quick pass by   with the led light you can see that all the  vertical creases are roughed out i'll come   back and fine tune all of these later but now  it's time to deal with the wheel arch creases the first bodyline crease i'm  starting with is at section B i'm using this cheap inexpensive prop  here to support the wheel arch to prevent   the wheel arch edge from blowing out when  pushing behind the only problem with this   tool is that you need plenty of room and  a strong wall nearby which luckily i have   so once the prop is in place i can connect my  light to the panel on this dent i'm choosing to   use my 24 inch double bend tool from Ultra  and i'm starting with my large rubber tip   i'm using a nice bit of heat again to  prevent my pushes from cracking the paint then i'm using this large rubber  tip to start pushing out as much   of the large damage as this tip will allow i'm then using my soft rubber tip on  my knockdown to tap down any crowns or   high areas to help the metal flow back into shape the next tip i'm going to use is this plastic  vinyl tip i'm going to use this tip to push up   some of the smaller low areas left behind from  the large rubber tip using some leverage off the   tyre i slowly work around this area pushing up  as much of these low areas as possible this will   leave some small high areas which i carefully  tap back down again using my plastic bullet tip   now i'm concentrating on this little low  area at the base of the wheel arch edge   this is a tight area to get behind so i'm  using my double bend tool with a shaved   tip and i'm using some tape so i don't put  any sharp high spots into the paint finish   once behind the wheel arch this tool makes light  work of pushing this low section back up again   then with my plastic bullet tip i can address  a little high area just above and bring it back   down level again so now the risk of blowing this  arch out has gone i can now remove this prop   out of the way to give me more space in which to  work using my light you can see that this area has   roughed out nicely i'll come back and fine tune  it later now i need to take care of this little   indentation at the front of the wing for this  i'm going to continue using my plastic vinyl tip Using some leverage off the tyre this small  indentation takes no time at all to remove   and after a few taps is completely gone now it's time to take on the largest bit  of damage here section C as this dent was   the most creased well i guess i've saved the  best till last! As there is a risk of blowing   out the wheel arche again i'm using my prop to  support the panel to prevent this from happening   to start this damage off i'm going back in again  with my large rubber tip so as before i'm just   going in behind with this tip to push up as much  metal as i can and the prop allows me to give   some strong pushes without the risk of tearing  or splitting the edge of the wheel arch lip using my soft rubber tip i tap down some  of the crowns surrounding the sharp crease now i'm switching to my red PVC coated bullet tip with this tip i'm going to lift up some of the  sharper areas of the large rubber tip left behind   as before i'm using the tyre  to get some good leverage then again using my knock down i  can tap down all the high areas now i'm going to work on this low area next  to the main crease which was created by the   distortion from the initial impact using  this tip this area pushes up quite nicely   as with the first wheel arch crease  the risk of blowout has now gone   so i can remove the prop to give me more space  and a better view of this section of damage   as you can see the metal is moving and at  the moment it still looks quite distorted   on a lot of these dents it takes quite a bit of  force to break the metal down so it can start to   look worse before it starts to look better  so there's still quite a bit of work to do now i'm starting to use some sharper tips  to bring up some of the smaller areas   and bring the profile line  of the arch back out again some of the pushes can be quite sharp using my tap  down any sharp pushes can be removed quite easily looking from the top down view i've noticed a  couple of high areas that i need to tap back   down again and there you go at the Halfway Review  you can see that all the areas of damage have now   been pushed up quite cleanly now it's time to  go back over the whole repair and fine tune it i'm choosing to work from the other direction  first and i'm starting off with my metal bullet   tip using this tip i can start to bring up all the  small macro lows that's still present on the panel   from the roughing out process like i've  said in some of my previous repair videos   this is the part that takes up  most of the time as you need a   keen eye and plenty of patience to  work on such a microscopic level this stage also requires a lot of concentration   to tap down all the small micro highs  that's still present across the panel now switch back to the other direction  to fine-tune all the sections where   the vertical creases were that i removed earlier using a small amount of cutting compound  i work this into the panel to remove   any surface scratches and any marks left  from the Paintless Dent Removal process i then follow this up with some ultra fine polish   working my way over the whole panel to  bring back the shine in the paintwork after giving the panel a complete wipe down  it's time to put the stone guard back into place   to fit the stone guard back into place i  first need to raise the vehicle up slightly   i can then fit the stone guard back into the  wheel arch housing and clip it back into place   i then tighten the lower torx screw followed by  the last remaining torx screw up here at the top once fitted i can lower the vehicle  back down to the ground remove the jack   and check out the FINAL RESULT! thanks again everyone for watching, as you saw  there were quite a few different areas on this   panel that needed to be repaired and doing it this  time of year in November i just managed to get the   repair finished before the light started to fade  the vertical creases luckily didn't give me too   much of a problem and the same has to be said  for both of the wheel arch creases which also   came out without too much of a fight as you saw  i used the support prop to help prevent the front   wing from blowing out on me this really helped as  it allowed me to push much harder on this metal   especially on the larger wheel arch crease as  there was some really tight locked in metal in   this section and the last thing i wanted to do  was to distort or split the edge of the panel   once the repair was completed the customer  was really pleased with the final result   and was so happy that i managed to retain the  original paint finish and the panel didn't have   to be replaced or repainted. As always if you  liked the video be great to get a thumbs up   and if you're not already a subscriber it'd be  great to have you on board so why not click that   subscribe button and don't forget to click the  bell icon to be kept in touch with all the latest   videos well that's all for now so thanks again for  watching and i'll see you all on the next video!
Channel: 1st Track Dents
Views: 285,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme dent repair, Pdr tutorial, pdr, paintless dent removal, paintless dent repair, crease repair, dent removal, dentmaster, dent tools, how to videos, extreme paintless dent removal, how to remove a dent, extreme dent removal, glue pulling, car restoration, Vauxhall dent, dent pulling, bodyline dent, Vauxhall Astra, Jake Quintin, 1st Track Dents
Id: lt90hiwBzFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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