Remove Noise From Video WITHOUT Losing Sharpness | DaVinci Resolve, Topaz VIdeo AI

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everyone welcome back to my channel again I'm Daniel Chung today we are going to talk about how to remove notes on your video footage without losing sharpness in your image I think it's a huge problem for a lot of content creators and filmmakers they might be find out their footage should look really plastic and soft after they use the nose reduction of fat or denotes plugging after they applied it on their footage in their editing software but they don't know how to fix it so in today's video I'm going to show you guys two ways I think are the two most efficient and pro way to denounce your video footage in my opinion but as sand tanks can still make it looks really sharp without losing the detail of your image now the first way I'm going to demonstrate for you guys is to use the advanced resolve to denote and add sharpness on our footage but before we get started in order for you to follow the step I do over here you will need to download the studio version which is the pay version of the diamonds result so that you can assist the function we are going to use today which is the emotional fan module right over here so without any further Ado let's jump in and get started now this image is shot by my Sony A7 S3 with profile XL 3. it's from one of my Instagram reel and Tick Tock video and if you are interested and want to see the whole video you can go check out my Instagram or Tick Tock page but back to our video as you can see I already finished the grading process over here but when I zoom in to show you the footage you can see there are tons of noise on the background and in order to get the most cinematic and professional image we can get we need to clean this up and the way I'm using here is the way I use for 70 of my work so no matter you are shooting a commercial or short film I think it could be really helpful for you to use so first we are going to our Note 3 to add three serial nodes and then the first one I'm going to name it the noise and the second one I'm going to name is sharp finally the last one I want your name is green and after we finish the label let's start from the noise first so we go clear the noise node and clean motion effect and in here in France section depends on how bad your nose of your footage is you can choose from one to five and more friend you choose you can get more higher quality result but at the same time you take more load for your computer to process it and in here I would choose file like I always do which is the Maxima and move on to the second option I will choose from faster to better since I'm in the condition with no rush so I'm willing to spend more time to get better results and then move on to our third section it's about how much camera movement is there in the video that you are applying the nose reduction so for example if you shoot your footage by the Gimbal and you cannot do the 360 following shot then in here you can choose large but if your shot is like our example just put the camera on a tripod and your subject barely move then you can choose small now move on to the temporal sharehold simply to say it helps you to decide how strong you want your nose reduction of fat to be personally I will always keep my Luma and chroma value set between 15 to 50 and depends on how much noise my video have I can adjust it until I feel good about the result and here I will send my value to 20 which I think is the perfect value for my video right now but here's one thing that you should keep in mind which is don't use the maximum value for your temporal sharehold where you will lose a lot of detail and texture for your video and make your image looks really weird and unnatural now if you zoom in and compare the footage before and after and you can see how much differences it already made for our footage but we are not done yet so as you can see on the footage we still have some chromatic noise which is the RGB noise on our footage now in order to get rid of that we need to go to the special sharehold and unlink the Luma and chroma and only adjust the chroma and in here I'm going to set it for 10 and you can see the differences between before and after now move on to the next step which is to add the sharpness in our image and for doing that first we will click the sharp node we created earlier and then instead adding blur we are going to subtract some blur meaning we are adding sharpening into our image and I will always set my value between 0.47 to 0.49 if you overuse it then image will looks really sharp and looks really unnatural and here I'll set it to 0.48 and you can see the before and after to see how much sharpness it adds to our image and the last time will be at the film grain for our video to add some texture in our image to achieve the film look and make our image looks more cinematic so now if I select three notes that we added and compare it before and after then you can see how much better the image looks like after we've done all the editing of course if you only want the Princeton clean image and you don't want to deal with the grand then you can turn it off in any moment depends on your personal creative choice now move on to our second way to denois and add sharpness for our video which we will use topaz video AI to help us to get the job done topics is AI tool that can help you to upscale the noise or even change the frame rate for your video and if you want to know more about the other AI video tool or other features that toolbas can do I actually made a video for that and I will put the links down below if you guys are interesting please feel free to check it out but back to our topic what we need to do now is to click browse and import the video we want into toys and then we will click enhancement and go to the AI model section and choose Artemis denoise and sharpen and for the video type we will choose Progressive and for the input video condition we will choose high quality so basically what we are doing here is to choose the setting we want and the AI tool will automatically scan our footage and help us to denoise and upscale to add sharpness in our footage now when we are all set we can click preview and wait for the system to process it then just by few click you can see how much the difference is it made for our footage compare the before and after as you can see not only it did a really good job for denoising our footage but it also make our image look sharper without losing quality or lose on natural and once you finish it if you want to add green for your video you can also do it over here or you can go to the output setting directly to choose how you want to explore your video the pro side to use toolbox compared to the diverse result you don't need to spend a lot of time and other jobs all the settings by yourself the AI system will do a very decent job for you but for the console you lost the freedom to customize and adjust your detail setting and get the exactly you want like what we do in the dimension result and depending on the situation you are in and how the resource comes out you can try both tools and see which one can help you to get the best quality resource you want so here you have it I hope after this video you will have more idea about how to denounce your footage but still maintain the sharpness on your image using Dimension resolve and Tall Bears can both give you really good results for your video as long as you know how to use them and I hope after this video you guys can be more familiar with the software and knowing the concept behind it and may your nose reduction process become more professional and more efficient so I hope you guys enjoy the video today and maybe you can take something away from it and if you like this video please don't hesitate to click that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up I would really want to hear from you guys experience from using Dimension resolve or topaz to the noise and add the sharpness on your video so please feel free to tell me what you think and comment down below I will try to reply in as soon as possible so it's a wrap for today's video I'm Daniel Chung I will see you guys next week peace
Channel: Daniel Chiang
Views: 13,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 603FyzvPATw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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