Aurora Acrylic Vs Gel - Which Is Better? 🤔

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many of you asked me what it would look like if you did acrylic or could you do acrylic with the aurora that glass nail we are gonna have a battle between the gel and the acrylic aurora nails what does it look like which one is better do they both look good let's get started and thanks to those who do leave comments and that was a great comment actually can you use acrylic my natural instinct was to use gel because it is the clearest and i thought it would refract the most and i may be right i don't know let's try the acrylic and see what it looks like but this time i'm going to try i've got my nails already prepared and i've got a gel top coat on here i'm just going to use the unicorn chrome this time because my friend anastasia who kind of did this design i was taking her lead on it and how you do it she also says you can do it in the unicorn chrome so i'm just going to put on both of them [Music] you know how chrome sometimes can be a little bit fussy if you're not getting the perfect chrome that you want don't worry about it because we're putting some stuff on top so if you've got a little bump in there or a little granule don't worry about it just going to nuke it but we've already done that so i'm going to put it away because i don't want to knock it over you know chrome if it goes on the floor you're not retrieving that okay i'll just have little short nails notice that cameraman my nails are showing they're the shirts they're so cute i love them feel good yeah yeah does okay so what should we do first the gel or the um acrylic what do you think well quickly do the gel we've done the gel so let's get the gel out of the way the good idea camera man we'll do the oh these are much shorter i'm going to go for longer but we want it okay so get yourself that foil and i have this one it's kind of a yellowy pinkish tinge but usually the kind of the gold bluey two tones really come out of it so i'm just gonna leave it like that so i'm just gonna measure we'll do the index the gel and the bigger finger the acrylic how's that you can see that that's way too big these fingers are little so i'm just gonna cut it now the trick with it if you didn't see the first video that i did with the gel make sure you cut the foil a little bit smaller than your actual finger now there's two ways for this to look and you can be very particular about what you're going to do you can crinkle it up so it has more of a crinkle look i particularly like it because it refracts the color more refracts the light and it makes you see the effect more but if you don't crinkle it very much then you will leave more of a flat look i also tend to think when you see it it kind of because it bends a little bit the way nails don't naturally bend so sometimes it can look like the structure might be off so the crinkle kind of helps that so i'm just trying to cut that down you can see it's too long and you don't have to be like perfect size to your finger simply because it's not doesn't have to be that accurate it's hard to cut with little scissors with a shiny surface okay so that's you can just see that that's that little guy that i'm just gonna stick on there i'm gonna put it right there nobody sneeze okay so i'm gonna get a gel brush and i'm just gonna get some builder gel and i'm just gonna put it right on top of the chrome now i've gotten the dust off of the chrome there but i'm just going to paint it right on top of the chrome now because chrome you know when it was first designed it was meant as a finishing thing so now that we're putting it in between you know it wasn't really designed for that so there is a possibility you could suffer some service breakdown because it wasn't designed for that because we're building now a builder gel on top of it right so just heads up okay so this is where the crinkle effect comes in if you lay it down my nails tend to be a bit curvy so when you're laying a flat piece in uh it can kind of wrinkle inside which is what i like but we'll try to make it a little bit more flatter just for something a little different but it just might not work out that way just because of the way my nails are so it looks okay but it doesn't really look like too much wait to get the gel on top if you don't already know that it's so cool so i'm going to nuke it in between so i can cure that foil in between there okay because i already have a video on the gel i did i think it was one really long nail and all the other nails were done we're not gonna spend too much time on this i'm just gonna build on the builder gel if you want that in detail do check that video out cameraman can you put a card or some technical thing yep there'll be a card yeah at the top and i'll put a link in the description too so we'll buzz through this [Music] okay so i'm just gonna cut out for the next finger that we're gonna put under the acrylic nail i'm gonna have to think smaller than it actually is you know you always think it's bigger than it is right yeah i made it way bigger so just size it up to it and the idea is just remember to keep it shorter and smaller on the sides than your actual finger you don't want to exceed it or even try to match the size of it you want to go smaller than it okay let's see if that guy will stick okay now i do need to have something sticky there so i'm going to put a little bit of acrylic down and those of you who are waiting my brush and file sets are back in heads up a beautiful new design on the brush and a cheaper price too oh i forgot to have myself a little i always like a little cat jaw paper towel so i'm just going to put a tiny bead of acrylic because i just want to put it on here just enough surface tension to help that little foil stick pick it up stick it on and now because acrylic is curing as you put it on like with the air you want to be able to stick it on there needs a little more to grab onto i think [Music] it's interesting it seems to be a little bit more flatter that's one thing i'm noticing a little acrylic on top i don't think i want that and that makes sense because gel as sticky as it is there's a dog next door if anybody can hear that gel as sticky as it is it doesn't actually stick the foil down like you think it might because it's not cured yet either but if it's cured it wouldn't stick anyway but acrylic it sticks more to the acrylic so therefore it's laying a little bit flatter it's also a bigger finger so maybe that's why it's a little more flat okay we just might get that one to be a little bit more flatter okay now i'm just going to put some acrylic on top very curious to see if this is going to look as clear now one way to make your acrylic not look very clear is to add too much monomer make sure when you're doing your acrylic that you are not doing a bead with too much monomer [Music] just make sure that you don't use too much monomer because it doesn't matter what product you're using if you use too much monomer you take a chance of making a little cloudy or a little bit off colored or discolored so you just want to make sure you use the right liquid to powder ratio when you're using any acrylic [Music] okay wow it's it's picking up the light very differently now don't be alarmed when you're working with acrylic you know you're doing inlays with glitter and whatnot it can look very cloudy i've done clients where i'll they'll pick the color that they want the glitter and you do all their nails and then they sit back and look at their nails and like oh this isn't the color it didn't have quite as much sparkle as was as i was hoping that's because acrylic dries kind of cloudy but no worries once you file that up and once you buff it and top coat it it'll be beautiful so that's what's happening here it's got that kind of cloudy look so if you're not familiar with acrylic your first reaction can be well that looks awful and when you compare the two look at that the gel is sparkling like crazy and the acrylic is very very dull very very cloudy but don't be alarmed that is simply the curing process of the acrylic i'm just adding a little bit more make sure that i have good structure in there but also making sure that little piece of foil is completely covered now for anybody who would like to know we're gonna let these cure and then i'm gonna file them up but anybody would like to know what's on my other hand i did these nails today for this video on my other hand and i thought it was gorgeous it's just beautiful and i'm sure people might want to know what i've used they often ask that question and sometimes i forget i have used a light elegance product called their p plus soak off gels and the colors i'm using is the base is two straws one shade that's cute and tiny diamond which is the top coat being the diamonds just fyi okay put my little oh and if anybody is interested yes i have these for sale now nail aren't they adorable i love them it's my new dish okay see the difference don't give up on it yet i'm gonna file them up and then we'll compare the difference with the top coat okay get yourself a good file and i'll just go ahead and file these up okay so i'm just dusting them off i filed them up the same and you can see they're both cloudy as equally or it's equally as cloudy that's surprising it is actually but well i mean when you buff something like that it's going to be a bit dusty but we're going to put the top coat on and see the difference like i say my gut feeling is you should go gel on this but i am curious now this is the acrylic now keeping in mind we are top coating it with a gel but it's not a builder coat it's just to shine it up just like we would top coat any nail we usually do with the gel it's very common to top coating with gel well you know it actually looks pretty good it's actually you can see in the video it's sparkling up pretty good that's nice let's see how it compares with the gel keep in mind we built it with the gel so it has more surface area to refract through it does in the acrylic as well but i think it refracts better in the gel oh no i'm not sure what happened here let's look back in the video maybe we can find the problem yep look at that i laid the foil down i pressed causing the gel to spread but not fully to the edge creating this bubble illusion good to know press the foil down completely before curing but i still think the gel is a little bit clearer that's why i originally did it with the gel just for this particular design because of the light refracting with the different angles of the foil kind of shining through the product and i think the gel exaggerates those light refraction a little bit more what do you think cameron oh it's super cute on the original ones that you did the long ones i didn't seem to notice the seam of where the cellophane was started and stopped well maybe because i did do it a little shire of it or maybe because we have a shorter when you do shorter nails you have a smaller space to get it right whereas when you have longer you have a lot more surface area to look at and much more light is refracting so we have a smaller area to look at so you're more hyper focused to the one area so maybe we notice it more just like a short haircut i mean i cut my own hair of course i do right now i'm not going to hairdresser but if this was a short pixie cute cut or whatever shortcut is then you would notice more mistakes because it has to be more accurate but a long cut you can get away with it nails are much the same we can get away with a lot more when it's longer so that could be why but that's a very good observation right okay well let's take a look at the reveal shot so we can get a little bit of a closer look maybe in a bigger picture and you can decide for yourself which one you think is better acrylic or the gel [Music] well i am loving the cute nails i must say but it's revived my passion for chrome again not that i ever lost it but it's fun to play with the chrome and i've had many video opportunities where i got a chance to do that check out these chrome ones [Music] you
Channel: Nail Career Education
Views: 34,609
Rating: 4.9491034 out of 5
Keywords: nails, acrylic, nail fill, sculptured nails, nail school, nail polish, hand file, beauty, sculpting, nail application, nail career education, Suzie, acrylic application, Susan Moskal, nail care, tutorial, Suzie Moskal, artificial nails, nail technician, nail art, Step by Step, How To, DIY, gel nails, nail enhancements, fake nails, e-file, nail extension, aurora gel nails, acrylic gel nails, acrylic vs gel, gel vs acrylic
Id: d_CkvzruOwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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