Remote Onsen: Tohoku in Winter - NHK WORLD-JAPAN

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[Music] that feels so good perhaps you've traveled around Japan but have you tried really tried on sen Hot [Music] Springs Japan has around 3,000 natural onen and the more out of the way ones are the most intriguing just close your eyes dear a short train trip from the hustle and bustle of the Cities can take you to a whole different [Music] world a world where you can enjoy local culture and soak in Mineral Rich Springs we hot spring lovers are going to show you around some of Japan's more remote onset in this episode we visit three on cense in the northeastern tohoku [Music] region this is a great way to find and enjoy local Cuisine and meet local people to discover a hidden side of Japan don't take my [Music] [Music] [Music] heart a moody station is a 3 and 1/2 hour ride from Tokyo then it's another hour by taxi to the [Music] onen hello I'm going to skyou [Music] on [Music] I see so that's where we're heading wow it really is out of the way interesting that sounds perfect I've been feeling out of sorts lately so I have high hopes for the so-called hot spring cure apparently there's more to it than just soaking in a bath and it's best to stay at least a week but I'm just here for a night to unwind and recharge [Music] mer this thank [Music] you yes I it finally [Music] here H just right for one they must get quite a few people coming for a solo [Music] retreat there's time before dinner so off for a [Music] soak okay what's this ah the board spells out four steps for the most effective way to get all the benefits of the skou hot spring cure it's supposed to stimulate blood circulation and raise your body temperature without putting unnecessary strain on the body [Music] H it's huge no wonder they call this bath the Seine budle it's so big it feels like it could fit a thousand people like the name says the steam makes for such a mysterious atmosphere it only seems to be men right now although it is a mixed [Applause] bath okay time to rinse off and get [Music] in Step One soak in the first bath for up to 5 [Applause] [Applause] minutes this feels [Applause] good [Applause] huh such a high ceiling without any supporting pillars ooh my skin is starting to tingle you can sure smell the sulfur in this bath that's something you have to get used to with hot springs in Japan step two soak in the second bath for up to 5 [Applause] minutes bow H this is a bit hotter than the last [Applause] one the first bath was 41° C this one seems 2 or 3° hotter your body needs to get accustom to the heat in [Applause] increments step three stand under the waterfall for 3 minutes for a back and shoulder massage ouch it's strong oh but it really hits the spot [Applause] for the fourth and final step back into the first bath for another 3 [Applause] minutes it's only taken about 20 minutes but it sure has warned me to the [Applause] core where are you [Applause] from that far [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Music] this couple here seems to be enjoying the bath it must be special being able to take in and onet [Music] together excuse me do you come here [Music] often [Music] this seems to be the perfect place for a weekend away with someone [Music] special after you finish the bathing course they recommend you take a nap for about an hour so hey why [Music] not they say it's to allow the minerals to seep into the body for the onand Cure to really work you're supposed to repeat the bathing and rest cycle at least three times a day now to let the minerals do their [Music] work the meals at duanan are my next favorite thing after the baths I wonder what's for dinner thank you it all looks delicious I like the balance of flavors Doan meals offer they're a great way to appreciate local ingredients and [Music] cuisine [Music] and the local sake of course is the perfect [Music] accompaniment a full stomach always makes me sleepy maybe I'll turn in for the night [Music] okay as part of the onen Cure the duon provides Health consultations so let's see what they've got to say so what other activities do you recommend during my stay a walk now I'm not dressed for a walk give me a [Music] minute can't [Applause] I guess [Music] so so why did you recommend this hike is this part of the onen Cure oh it's a young Forest but she's right taking time to connect with nature soothes the soul I wonder if this is what they call Forest bathing I'm starting to see the [Music] appeal I don't really feel like going back yet so I'll push on [Music] alone what are you looking for so where are we going wow what is it unless something big Like An Earthquake happens we sometimes forget that the Earth is alive [Music] after that refreshing walk getting in the bath feels like not just the spring water but Mother Nature herself is warming me up oh no problem the perfect timing to get into the next bath [Applause] anyway interesting uh excuse me you don't drain the bath [Applause] first it's not surprising that there's a Shinto deity watching over the yonen it's things like this that teach you more about the place than just walking around [Music] thank you very [Music] much it was only one night but I feel lighter somehow thoroughly [Music] relaxed [Music] tazawako station is about 3 hours from Tokyo on the shinkansen hello I'd like to go to onen 30 minutes by taxi sure beats taking the [Music] bus yes that's what I've heard and I'm really looking forward to it [Music] it almost feels like we're headed out on a camping trip or [Music] something [Music] finally the black Timber exterior really adds to the [Music] atmosphere [Music] thank you wow a traditional Hearth I wonder if this is where they'll serve dinner I think I'll pop down right [Music] away [Music] the light covering of snow is really pretty I want to enjoy the scenery from the water so I'll head for the women's only open air bath first the air is chilly oh now this is the life sitting in a dtin buo in the snow absolutely wonderful the water is really milky it feels soft and a little tingly I I'm sure this will be good for my [Applause] skin huh what's [Applause] that that that's unusual for an Onsen there are bubbles rising to the surface it's a natural bubble [Applause] [Music] bath okay time to check out one of the smaller indoor St baths with different [Music] [Music] minerals it's cloudier and darker than the last one oh the smell of sulfur is [Music] strong it's interesting to feel how the various spring qualities feel on the skin this is totally different it's smooth and gentle with less [Music] tingling [Music] [Music] this looks so good for and the main is a local dish that smells wonderful I wonder what the local brew tastes [Music] like I read somewhere that Char only lives in pristine Mountain Streams she said they caught this nearby it's plump and juicy M it goes perfectly with the [Music] sake the owner is really proud of their hot pot wonder what it tastes like it has fluffy Mountain yam dumplings simmered in a rich miso [Music] broth I don't what it was delicious how long have you been running this ban oh that long for [Music] [Music] oo the atmosphere in the RM buo at night is totally [Music] different [Applause] [Music] hearing personal stories like how the owners fought to make a go of the business out here in the middle of nowhere make travel more [Music] [Music] interesting H I think I'll try a different bath this morning wow this is hot that's quite a wake up [Applause] the water looks the same as the other baths but it's more slippery I bet it's great for the [Applause] skin interesting how the baths are close together but each has a different feel you'd think being so close would mean the water would have the same properties [Music] okay let's go see what the bats at other Dian in the area are [Music] like it's so cold out [Music] here the Dian I want to visit looks a bit far I'm going to a nearby onen are you sure people around here are really [Music] friendly this than thank you so much you saved me a lot of [Music] hassle people think we're better off a now to warm myself [Music] up oh one B is brown and the other is clear let's try the clear one [Music] first my body's so cold the heat [Applause] [Music] stings [Music] the water seems thick and feels good on the skin it's actually just the right temperature what a nice [Music] location now for the brown bath oo the water in this one is more refreshing the smell has a hint of iron the iron in the spring water oxidizes giving the bath its Rusty color it's it's interesting how the weather affects the water's color soaking an Onsen in remote places like this really brings you closer to [Music] Nature I'm definitely coming back here [Music] again [Music] Fukushima station is an hour and a half ride on the shin kanen from [Applause] [Music] Tokyo Dan it's a 30 minute bus ride to the onen I'm heading to Aon run by a family carrying on generations of onen tradition I hear their onen Guardians meaning that they maintain the spring heads [Music] themselves [Music] thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you this whole area smells of sulfur I wonder if this is where it's coming from that water must be headed to the onen baths thank you it's kind of the tourist Association staff to show me around wow what's this so this is just one of takayu onen around 10 spring heads [Music] it's interesting how there're still using a wooden duct instead of the more modern metal [Music] [Applause] pipes [Music] the owners of the takayu Onan in chose not to mechanize their bathing facilities or create an Entertainment District to preserve the Tranquility of the area very wise the way they protect and maintain the hot springs and nature itself makes this place even more special hm this must be the family run yokan I'm staying at [Music] hello Hello nice to meet [Music] you is the onen totally family [Music] [Music] run it's so [Music] quiet okay now to try the baths the r Timo is that [Applause] way ooh the water is a stunning [Applause] [Applause] color oh this is so nice the water feels [Applause] thick W [Applause] hot I'm so warmed up that I don't feel the cold at [Applause] all this is so relaxing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right dinner time [Music] I wonder what local Delicacies they have for [Music] me good evening this is the main dish what beautiful marbling [Music] there's nothing simple about it this is a [Music] feast let's start with the shot ababu [Music] Shabu M dipping it in ponu sounds good it looks like it'll just melt in my [Music] mouth I'm so full I don't even want to move H the weather has turned I find it comforting going to sleep to the sound of rain no use wasting the morning off to the [Music] [Music] [Applause] baths watching the Sunrise from aoto is something [Music] special I think I'll take the long way back to the [Music] Inn oh there's Satoshi with his father excuse me what are you [Applause] doing [Applause] it seems they do everything by hand it must be [Music] tough rain snow or shine the pipes must be cleaned twice a week that's what it means to be an onen Guardian [Music] so are you teaching Satoshi the [Applause] ropes satoshi's father is the fifth generation to run the in so the family has probably done it this way for ages so so what was that that you [Applause] inserted he St [Applause] off so do you plan on taking over as guardian of the spring head [Applause] [Music] for [Applause] the water is beautiful and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clean you know after seeing them cleaning the pipes it feels like the water is fresher or is it just my [Music] imagination the it was the peak of luxury thank you good luck sat it was [Music] wonderful this trip has been an amazing experience fairwell was all she wrote goodbye Baby Goodbye home to hear you the remote hidden onen of tohoku are you tempted to try them on your next visit there are many more to explore come with us again on more remote onen trips across Japan
Views: 269,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xZWuDtb9wQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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