Remington 870 :: Magpul Stock Set Install :: Musty Yeti

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what's up YouTube welcome to must see Eddie's tactical HQ well today we're going to be installing the Magpul SGA stock set on my Remington 870 tactical we decided to go with the flat dark earth version of everything so here are the parts we're going to be installing well most installation videos of my other guns I let me do on camera but I'm gonna do some of this off-camera to make it easier on myself with this shotgun being so long it's really hard to get the whole thing in frame so the tripod is pretty well in between me and the guns it's gonna be kind of hard to do on camera so let's just go ahead and get started alright guys so the first thing to do here is we're going to take off the stock at the rear of the gun it's pretty simple all you have back here are your two screws oh okay you have two holes here with the screws in them you know loosen those they'll remove this butt pad here the inside is one long bolt you're going to unscrew and that will detach the stock from the shotgun for the butt pad part I'm going to be using just a normal little screw driver here I think you need a little bit longer screw driver to actually access the bolt that's I think further end so I may use something longer like this so I'm going to do most this off-camera I'll be back in just a second alright so there's one all right so there's the two screws that will attach the butt pad and that should just pop off and inside we have that far in there at all one bigger bolt here there we go so the stock is now off of the shotgun receiver now I'm going to go get the scale because like I said I think the Magpul SGA stock weights quite a bit more than the traditional stock and just so you guys know let's do a little comparison here of the differences between the two see that bolt stand there so you can see the grip angle on the Magpul is quite a bit steeper Wow it appears as though I'm just making this on camera that even with the spacers here that these are about the same about the same length so it looks like maybe the Magpul stock comes yeah Wow Mac pool stock comes stock shorter than the traditional stuff that comes in the 870 let me go grab that scale well weigh these suckers and see how they do all right so let's go ahead and just get this out of the way for now set this over here how these things stack up weight-wise will do the Oh made about the same will do the stock put this web head back on maybe okay so I'll put that on there along with the two screws as we'll do all right almost you grams can do that all right so it's four hundred and you guys can't see that it's four hundred sixty seven grams for the stock stock let's see what the and this one is seven hundred and twenty one and that doesn't even count the screw that comes with it to attach it let me go grab that I'm going to do this you might as well do it right so we got to add on the little spacer piece on there and the bolt and also the plastic piece that covers this something idea so 739 grams for the Magpul stock so it looks like it is a little bit heavier so if you guys are concerned about weight that might be an issue for you just so you guys know alright so let's see if we can get this thing installed let's get rid of this right now we don't need this anymore now I guess I should say for the record guys this has been safety check and it's cleared already he'll stay on what's that done it okay so I went ahead and put this on but it's not really stain on there so hopefully it'll tighten up and speak anyone camera all right hopefully we'll see tightened up here all right let's see if it stays together now oh yeah this is going to be painful so I'll start doing this guy's and I'll just fast-forward to when I'm done so hang in there all right guys so it's all installed on the Remington 870 I will say this definitely was a tedious process getting this tightened up with these walls being so close to each other you can only go a half turn before you hit the next wall so took a while a bit of advice don't do on a table like I was trying to do it's definitely easier if it is stood up in front of you receiver toward or the barrel toward the floor this in your lap you got a pinch together and you're tightening it down so that's the easiest way to do it let's even get this little rubber cat piece on here that too much problems let's see what happens come on buddy just go to your home there we go cool so that's on there finishes that look off pretty well so there that is now we're going to move on to installing which are lost out here is installing the four end up here the mo e for info Magpul here it is going to be installing that next what's nice about this is Magpul does include a little tool for actually removing the stock pumps foreign so let's go and get started with that so I'm going to do here is let me just double check this is clear before I go crazy here because I am paranoid so we're all clear there alright so we're going to do here is we're going to link to a mine I can't see if I'm on camera alright we're going to remove this nest here at the end that comes off and that will just loosen up your barrel assembly up there and you're just going to go ahead and pull oh I hit the release here come on all right guys forget about the shell stop there so pretty much if you didn't know which I forgot is inside here if you go underneath on the left side of the receiver here there's a little shelf stop button you gotta press in to get the bolt out so that pulls out this just rests on here it's going to pull that out set that down somewhere and this just comes on out like that perfect set that down there I want to take that off so that isn't fall and then this is where the tool with that Magpul provides comes in handy yeah so the way this thing works is if you look show us on camera if you look in here you can see there's a notch on that side there's a notch on that side we got a couple of seeing it notches on this thing your family's going to match these up see there it goes in that's going to help you loosen up we do off cameras don't bump it we got it off that was definitely not easy things on there tight I'll loosen this thing up hope I'm making some progress here we're getting there okay yep okay so there that is set that John just like that get this off put that over there and take this we're an install it on the mo weed all right spin what you're gonna do is you can slide this thing on with the Magpul mo we facing outward toward the barrel it's going to slide in you have a little bit of extra space here for that nut I'm going to go and tighten this sucker on real quick careful here enough une cross threading cuz that would ruin your day so I got on there I'm just going to use their supplied tool again see we get this thing tightened up and put all that together and we're going to go oh so you guys can hear that the whites upstairs moving around alright I put it back on you do the opposite you're going to going to put this back on just like it came out before I put your bolt back on there and it's a little tricky to put this on you got to move some notches something that off-camera real quick alright guys so just remember when you're putting this back on that there are two of those shell stops on both sides you have to press in to lower this into place so we lowered into place and then we use the lock stop there to press the bolt away to the rear I'm going to take our barrel just slide it on there else you slide it on there at the end hopefully go so we're on there and it's just a matter of turning this back on give me a second so we are all simple that's nice let me get the camera fixed you guys can actually this whole shotgun in the the frame of the camera and then we'll get going again hold on alright guys there it is all finished up the Rivington 870 tactical with the Magpul SGA stock set yeah the back pull socket the back pull Emily foreign at the end it's pretty easy installation guys I know I did do a great job of showing you how to do it I'll annotate some links in the upper right corner or down the description if you guys want to see how to take down everyone to 870 and put it back together pretty easy something's a little tedious but that's just the way it is with these things I think it looks great there's nothing some benefits to having this stock sit on here like I said you have the hand stops on the the four in there and it actually feels get a lot more positive grip on the mag before and then the stock one and for the Magpul SGA stock oh it's nice about it is you can adjust like the pole by adding in spacers I still have one more so I could do a little longer if I needed to that bud pad is super rubbery it's definitely a help reduce the amount of felt recoil in your shoulder and you can also raise your cheat wold if you need to with risers that they sell but yeah I think it looks great we're gonna go out and shoot hopefully in the next week or two maybe I'll get some video nap for the first time for you guys and post it up soon you guys like what you're seeing you want to see more feel free to subscribe if you liked the video hit the like button as usual guys take care of Stacey
Channel: Musty Yeti
Views: 274,550
Rating: 4.5640535 out of 5
Keywords: mustyyetistacticalhq, mustyyeti, tactical, hq, headquarters, Remington, 870, 18, inch, barrel, Magpul, SGA, stock, set, furniture, MOE, hand, guard, handguard, forend, fee, flat, dark, earth, desert, tan, how, to, install, takedown, breakdown, review, spacers, weight, musty, yeti
Id: -CnOofOzDZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2012
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