Remembering Our Favorite Gaming Rumors - Memory Block

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hey everyone zen over here from nintendo life now i'm just gonna get it right out of the way right off the bat and introduce the boys i'm not here alone say hello john i'm one of the boys you're also the verified one as greg miller used to call i think tim gettys he's not the only verified one we have now though say hello alex i was gonna say i've been verified for years mate and i keep forgetting to congratulate you john on getting your verification congratulations on getting your verification john oh you're making me blush i suppose yeah john's the newly verified one alex has been alex has been verified before probably before i even really regularly use twitter i've been verified i was verified when it was easy to get verified we're still unsure if xeon even exists i mean who knows am i am i really who i say i am am i just do i just know am i a v tuber is that what they call them these days i don't actually know i'm pretty sure you are so what are we doing well actually it's it's pretty now that i think about it it's pretty on topic uh today i want to talk about rumors specifically because nowadays rumors can be pretty destructive especially around the time of e3 we're for example we're hearing a lot about switch pro rumors right we keep hearing oh uh switch a switch pro is going to get announced at e3 or it's going to get announced the week before or it's it's chaotic and especially for us being for journalists specifically it's a mess because with the power of the internet people have the ability to go on and and and say whatever they want and if someone has more credit credibility people tend to believe them or not trust but they they want to put hope in the fact that maybe this is true you know there was a time where these rumors weren't so chaotic i suppose for certain people they could still be but specifically i'm talking about on the playground back when some of us were kids you know we would hear rumors about mew being underneath a truck and the only way to find that out was to you know you had to do this interesting thing in pokemon red blue or yellow where you you fought a trainer on on the ss anne i think it was called and you you got defeated and you got sent back to the the pokemon center and then you had to progress to the point to get surf and strength and then you had to teach a trainer how or teach up not to teach a trainer but teach a pokemon how to use strength and then push the truth right right oh yeah but i mean that's that's the stuff that you know nowadays the internet will completely rip that apart because anybody can go in and they can find out if this or that isn't true and so you know we don't have as many of those fun rumors floating around anymore so i kind of just wanted to talk with you guys about some of the things that we we might have heard on the playground as kids or you know maybe some of you who who were playing pokemon in your 20s and 30s and 40s maybe some of you that you heard around the break room you know i i wanted to talk to you about about those kind of things and we also i went ahead and posted on the community tab this was a day or two ago and i posted on twitter as well just kind of asking what some of you uh the the listeners heard about as well back back in the day and so we'll talk about some of those later on too but uh that's kind of kind of what i wanted to chat about today long story short very long story i've got one although it wasn't on the playground that i heard it um it was from a it was from a cheat guide like okay you know one of those old books you used to get and used to have reams of cheats in there yeah there was a cheat in there they were great weren't they i mean they were terrible but they were great um and one of the cheats in there was for the legend of zelda ocarina of time and by doing various things you had to go somewhere i think just outside hyrule castle you had to climb up some vines and do something like get a bottle out and you know the usual sort of ridiculous laundry list of things that you need to do and if you did them all right link would get a helicopter what what a twist i wha the thing is is that if i hur i think if i'd heard that in the playground i might have been skeptical you know more skeptical than i was this was printed everything in a book is true that's a fact um i know that because i saw it written in a book um and so i believed this and i tried so hard to make this work and you know what it doesn't actually work no i don't know we can still try this and figure out it really is in there well i can't remember the i can't remember the instructions was this printed like an april issue or something or was it just no no it was it was like a proper bona fide you know it was 700 cheats for the n64 and you know you look inside and to be honest i wouldn't be surprised if they threw in some fake ones either because they didn't know any better or more likely they needed to get up to a certain number in order to slap it on the front and so they just had to make some things oh go at the top when put them in a helicopter maybe somebody accidentally misread the term our wing for helicopter or something and they were just like um kids aren't gonna know what an r wing is let's just call it a helicopter and they uh maybe that's what they were trying to reference but even so i'm pretty sure there's not just some magical set of steps you can take to even discover the r wing in the game i think you still have to i almost used the term jailbreak 2006. you have to hack the mainframe there is a way to get the r-winging game but you have to like really glitch it yeah i think it's just done through like getting debug menu somehow but yeah back then i don't even think the arwing was that well known it wasn't until like the days of youtube that the r-wing really surfaced it may well have been that there was somebody you know sort of some somebody saw a you know sort of like an early build of the game or they saw something and the arwing was present and then that got filtered through over and over again in order to result in this it's entirely possible you know a flying vehicle exists in the game it's you know it's not that big of a stretch but it's it's ridiculous and it doesn't work and i'm still annoyed i'm picturing this magazine right now too like just back with the way the magazines were back in the day for video games just like a big like star right on the front of the magazine that just says like unlock the helicopter in in in zelda 64 or something like that you know man and it's sealed the magazine's sealed so you're like mom mom can i get this look it please i seem to remember i'm just double checking it now i'm fairly certain it was just n64 magazine was the uh the name of the publication um and it was like a separate you know like book that you got it may have been a freebie that came with the magazine i'm not sure or it might have been something that i actually spent money on either way there is no helicopter in the legend of zelda ocarina of time that's good maybe there will be in breath of the wild too maybe maybe i mean people have some guardians flying pretty damned high has to be said speaking of magazines back when i was a kid i i had one of those cheat magazines too i used to pick them up every so often i think one of my favorites was tips and tricks and obviously you guys had different publications than we did but i remember reading in the super smash bros section for n64 that you could unlock you know you could unlock ness captain falcon jigglypuff and i i think the only characters i unlocked at the time were jigglypuff and captain falcon and so the other two ness and luigi i i never had i just i never was able to unlock them or even fight them and uh my child brain who was obsessed with pokemon silver at the time misread it as lugia instead of luigi and and and i had the ability to register the fact that smash i believe smash came out before silver and gold did i could be wrong and the whole time i just misread it i don't i don't know why i didn't go back and read it another time or or what but i yeah so i thought lugia was in smash for a really long time i'd love luke you're in smash melee rumors was sonic i mean that's around a lot for me and i remember a lot of magazines did really poor photoshops of just the adventure 2 model and it's not even facing sideways like all the other characters are facing horizontally but sonic's just jumping towards the camera and i still believed it though i still believe you can unlock sonic and tails in that game i must admit when i was younger i heard about unlocking ness in smash bros and i think i'd unlocked all of them except one and i just assumed there was a gap missing because ness wasn't like obtuse to unlock but it was definitely not straightforward certainly not for a child and so i remember thinking you know sort of you hear about this character called ness and i thought to myself nah that's not true it was the total opposite it was a truth in the playground i don't know if it was the playground per se but you know i remember reading this and thinking no or you know i might have even seen an image and gone that's just a boy that's not a character and it turned out to be entirely true you know this character from a game that was never released in this country you know it just smacks of complete bollocks but it turned out to be absolutely true weird i forget that earthbound didn't release in in your region until we you or you yeah i feel like john did but did either of you guys really frequent game faqs much back in the day oh god yes oh my multiple accounts okay multiple accounts fine sometimes you've got to argue with yourself just to make sure your point comes across better oh no john that's great oh wow whoa i shouldn't be surprised but the classic john move [Laughter] so there i i'm assuming that this rumor for me came from there because i looked it up and i can't find any history nothing on the internet of it but when link's crossbow training came out i i picked that up and i played it and i it was fine you know it's i don't know i just i don't really have a lot to say about the game anymore but there was a rumor that i must have read on game faqs or i think if you got a platinum medal on every single level in link's crossbow training that you would unlock an additional boss fight against like gannon or something like that maybe or you know i think i've heard this have you really are you serious i think so yeah seriously i'm pretty sure i remember there being this room i think it was fighting against um dark beast ganon or something okay yeah yeah cause you you just fight i looked up the bosses there's a giant like skulltula the one that is like you fight the spinner boss yeah yep and there's another boss in the game too but i don't remember who it is but yeah the ganon is not a thing and you would have expected like this is it's a zelda game the the final boss can't be this giant skeleton that's like right it wouldn't be that it just wouldn't be so i remember a a buddy and i we ended up playing through like we spent an entire night and we we did every single one and then it's not true there's nothing there was nothing at the end of end of that and if we were if it only took us a night and we were 15 16 out of 14 somewhere around that age it couldn't have been that difficult but i remember just feeling absolutely defeated after we spent all that time finding nothing it'd be quite a training session for link you know he's training with his crossbow to just go ahead and shoot ganon with it that's quite a leap for a training session that's a good point i guess it is his crossbow training you're right fighting a skeleton though yeah i mean link does you can you can toss your fishing rod at him at the end of the game right and that doesn't like throw him off yeah distracts them that's the thing with a lot of these rumors too is that video games do weird stuff like this all the time and it it makes some of these rumors sound like it could be real like uh like the ufo endings in silent hill i don't remember it's always a different way but yeah i mean there's there's weird stuff like that all the time that just that adds to the the credibility factor of some of this this weird stuff i have another zelda one so well i was playing through wind waker for the first time and my friend had already played through it and um he was watching me play for a while and we got to hyrule castle and i wanted so badly just to escape the boundaries and explore hyrule and he said to me i've done it i spent all day just trying to somehow jump out of the walls and try and make my way out um and what made this even more enticing is he told me that he got out of of of the boundaries of hyrule castle he explored hyrule and outside the boundaries was a poner and with opponent it replaces the king of red lions and he can then go galloping on the sea floor and i believe this was so long so he went home for the night and i i just kept playing roommate over and over again to try and get outfits i believed opponent was out there somewhere can i can i just ask john and this isn't how old were you at the time i must have been 10. okay that's an acceptable age in order to do that sort of thing i'll um yeah i i i can't say i was any brighter when i was 10. that's a tasty rumor though like without the ability of just being able to go online and prove if it's right or wrong you know as well i would have spent hours trying to do that too it's such a momentous thing to like walk into hyrule and and see you know this this vast open area and of course you want to explore to just and to just have your friend just say yeah yeah i've done that sure like that that must have just like lit a spark in your brain and said i i can do that too i want to get out there you mentioned that i was um only 10 alex i i i'm a bit more ashamed of another one but i wasn't 10. i wasn't that much older i guess i must have been 13 or 14 and i was playing halo 3. oh this is not nintendo i apologize for that but we're playing halo 3 with a close friend um and i and there was another person in the server and they claimed that they worked for bungie custom game server altogether and he told us that he he could get us recon armor and apparently there was a special way to do it so for those who don't know recon armor was something any bungee employees wore i think with odst they gave it to everyone but at that point it was a very special thing sometimes it was um just as you know sort of people high up in the community or you know sort of renowned or something like that so yeah it wasn't just bungie employees yeah that's why we believed it because yeah bungie employees can give it to other people as well so what he told us was what you had to do was in forge mode you had to get some cones and with the cones you have to spell out the word recon and then everyone everyone everyone in the server has to stand in the o of a freak and you've got to stand in there for an hour don't even for an hour so we stood there for an hour and he had long left the server it's like hazing and we just sort of talked to each other for a while in there and an hour passed and he left the server to check if he had recon he didn't i was staying in there he came back after a while and we're like maybe it wasn't an hour i mean we've got to wait a bit longer so i think we waited for two hours in total before we realized that we've been had that's bad this hurts bad it hurts i i do remember um i can't remember the specifics unfortunately but um i don't know whether you guys are you familiar with perfect dark at all i mean i obviously i know you know the game my god but how familiar are you i'm not familiar i did not play growing up so but but um well basically in i believe every level um there is a piece of cheese hidden somewhere there it's just there's a piece of cheese hidden in i believe every single level yeah i think i saw fangamer released a pin recently and it's a toilet bowl with a piece of cheese in it and that makes so much sense now because i was like what is the point of this so i'm sorry go ahead as i mean it serves literally no purpose it's just meant to be a fun easter egg that the devs threw in there you know it's it's rare it's it's just you know a piece of cheese that's all it is i swear i either read or heard something that if you like i think looked at well found in inverted commas every single piece of cheese something mad would happen like you'd unlock a a new like super space level or something like and so many of these rumors were about space levels as if it was this completely unobtainable like thing and it wasn't true unfortunately i can't remember any more of the details about it but i don't know it just sprang to my mind cheese in perfect dark useless cheese i need i need that in the new game now because any perfect darks on the way they're making it they have to do something with the cheese i mean it might it may well be nowadays i don't know in the xbox live arcade version if you find all the cheese you get an achievement i mean the cheeseburgers achievement yeah this is not a nintendo game but final fantasy vii back in the day i don't even remember what i think it was advent children that spurred me too to go pick that up or maybe kingdom hearts and spoiler alert uh aries or aerith whatever you want to call her she dies a big death and that's that was a really important one back in the day too is a lot of people yeah a lot of people thought there were ways to bring her back and i went and looked oh yeah online because i couldn't remember all of the the the tips and tricks of how to potentially do it but one of one of the rumors that i read was uh that if you got all your characters to level 99 before the fight or before the moment she dies that she would survive and that i can't even imagine how much time and effort that would take from someone that's that's torture right there there were a lot of rumors about this i remember game trailers did a pop fiction on this and it was really detailed and it doesn't work but it turns out if you do like uh hack aerith into the into the end game she does have like dialogue boxes i don't think there's actual text in there oh really it looks like they programmed a way for her to speak which is weird so maybe there maybe she was intended to come back in something maybe or maybe they decided um games are never really made in a linear sense it's the same with films and tv programs so it may well be that originally they weren't planning to have a die and then they thought hang on you know let's uh let's do something you know why don't we kill off this character that'll be a big thing but you know they already had some groundwork for her in later parts of the game that they'd actually made earlier near the end of development they went i've had enough of this girl to kill her off and and that's the thing sort of with some of these rumors is i i think back on some of these like the final fantasy one i don't i don't remember trying anything crazy to try to bring her back but i just remember hearing about it and part of me wishes that i could have been around to hear about some of the you know the mutterings like in person or or even just have those discussions with people where nowadays a lot of these rumors are just so there's so much like hype riding behind them and they don't seem to be as fun i mean we still do get some like you know it's fun to speculate and talk about the potential of a new game coming out or this or that but when we when there's there's things like the the switch pro rumors that are aren't even started by nintendo it just uh it's you know i think we're gonna look back on rumors like that and and not have not have fond memories of them but but i think you know me looking back at the lynx crossbow training thing like that only took a night from me and it was silly and and now it's a story and that i'm going to remember forever from that time with one of my one of my best friends growing up and uh and it's i don't know maybe maybe kids nowadays will still have fun reflecting on who's going to get into fortnight and stuff like that there's so many memories of that stuff now but like nowadays it's just you can data mine a game and find out if something's true or not and it takes away all that mystery and i know kids aren't going to be on the playground being like oh yeah i saw a date of mine i unless they're still going to make rumors about that well i mean there are still instances even today of i mean in minecraft herobrine is like a huge thing i think it's more just a joke now but for the longest time people believe that there was a character in minecraft called herobrine and it was all just down to some sort of misunderstanding but it gained this weird sort of like you know sort of a sort of subculture appreciation for this character that doesn't exist and it was years before the rumors actually started dying down and i remember it clearly and you know even the developers got in on it and like every so often in patch notes they'd say removed herobrine and things like that but of course it doesn't exist it's bollocks that's that's so pleasant to hear because that's a really fun that's a really fun rumor yeah of course there were like creepy pastas made about it and things like that of course of course there is one more that has just popped into my head and i've double checked it and it is absolutely you know i'm thinking of the right level and everything but in the original sonic the hedgehog for the master system not the mega drive the master system or genesis xeon there are three acts um for every uh level i suppose and you know the first one's normal second one's you know kind of normal again or sometimes there's a gimmick or something and then the third one is the boss and side note you never get any rings on those boss levels so it's one hit death which makes them ridiculously hard well they're not ridiculously hard but they're a lot harder than they need to be anyway on the um on the first level so um green hill zone act three there's a um like a secret life if you drop down the second pit there's um there's a spring underneath but there's also like a platform there's no death or anything and there's a secret life down there so you know one up brilliant you know really handy um but there is also then a big long like row of spikes and you sort of think to yourself can i jump over that i mean you can't you just within the game's limitations it's physically impossible but you look at it and you see this big long row of spikes and i don't know where it came from probably probably either i made it up oh knowing me or my friend did but if you could jump over that big row of spikes there was a platform at the end and tails was on the other side despite the fact yes i mean um the fun fact uh tails first appearance was in the master system version of sonic the hedgehog 2 not the mega drive version um which only appears but he is in it yeah yeah yeah he's he's in it he's in the intro cut scene um he's on the title screen and he's in like all the little level icons i love how how much time we were able to put into some of these things back in the day like john you mentioned how much you loved glitches and i i loved i loved just like there was one i think in fear in or in like one of the fear expansion packs where you could like break out a wall and you would crawl through this air vent and you would you would fall into a room with disco lights and one of the main the the characters was like dancing in there and there was music and it was so dumb but you know we would find things like that as a kid and or or just you know went back in the day and and it led us to want to continue finding more silly stuff like this or just weird things we weren't supposed to do but yeah breaking the boundaries of what's intended is always so fun and um we actually kind of mentioned this a bit on twitter the other day but i have another sonic one and um so this this came from the same friend who told me that he he broke out of hyrule and got opponent so trustworthy yeah it's a good source in sonic adventure in the mystic ruins you have that um that thing that leads to the what would you call it eggman's hidden base thing final egg and then yeah yeah where the funnel is oh the the egg carrier the egg carrier that they're two separate entities like they're carriers on another side uh uh the egg carrier is floating in the water right that or there's like isn't that how you get to it and then he's got his like base is like it looks like las vegas out there or something crazy you've got a big woodland area of the mystic ruins you go to the end and you have that that big base and in there are two glass containers and one of them has metal sonic in and the other one has it might be sonic 2 like that the silver sonic from there or it could be a prototype for metal sonic i'm not quite sure it doesn't look like it might be a mecha sonic technically um as my friend told me he broke the glass and he freed them so apparently when you free them you can then play as them and i had the dreamcast version of sonic adventure he had dx so technically he's not entirely lying because in director's cut you can play as metal sonic when you get all the emblems and in sonic's event stages you can play as metal sonic uh you couldn't do it in dreamcast version though and breaking the glass there was never a part of that so we spent a long time just spin dashing and homing attacking out the glass um and he he i think he believed himself i think he's he's he's such a psychopathic liar these he believes all of his time he was with you when you tried it he was with me he was urging me there was no there's no like smile on his face he was he was into this he was getting up on this i just love the idea that you're there constantly homing attack homing attacking this thing and it's like well maybe it didn't work the first 37 times but maybe it'll work on the 58. i know for a fact he did not have all the emblems so he didn't even unlock metal sonic in the traditional sense cheats so wherever this guy is now he's probably in prison um i don't know i don't know what to think of him i mean that was kind of how it worked back in the day right was you would like you said thing rumors get filtered through through one person into another into another so maybe maybe your friend knew somebody who actually had metal sonic in the game and they wouldn't like how do you get him i'm not telling and then your friend just came up with a theory and then told you and uh but also this is this is the same friend you said that told you the thing about wind waker that he made it beyond the beyond the barrier yeah forget this guy and if he did have metal sonic through traditional moons and he told me like if he said to me you need all the emblems i would have done that and i wouldn't have gotten so i would have still thought he was a liar gosh very unrelated but seeing as we're talking about sonic adventure i just i have something i need to get off my chest you know when you unlock super sonic as like the final mission thing mm-hmm and it goes when you select thank you thank you why do they make that noise let's do this and here i come sonic says tails and stuff like that you know all perfectly good sound bites and then it's super sonic with a big question mark can you hear hmm does it why i can't remember does it actually say super sonic on the screen or is it just a question mark i think it says super sonic but the icon is a question mark as if no one's ever seen super sonic before yeah yeah yeah and then it goes to this character because i was gonna say if they were trying to be mysterious about it and not say that it was super sonic you know that that sound bite makes some sense i guess but if they're still spelling it i didn't need to do any sound bite it could have just been that's true nothing or even just you know the sound of like a ring being selected or something anything but i love that you both felt the need to bring that up because as as you as you said when when you said when you brought up the supersonic thing that was the first thought that entered my brain oh god we're so in sync this is this is dumb if they make the game remove the hmm then it's not worth it it's a bad way we right yeah does anyone have any memories of pika blue oh yeah i remember in being like advertised and talked about in some magazines but i don't i don't really remember much about it i yeah do you guys oh i have very vivid memories of peekaboo well not about vivid but i remember it and for me that's vivid enough i'm curious how how deep how deep does this go yes i think i saw pika blue in a official nintendo magazine i'm pretty sure it wasn't o m it was what preceded that um and i i could have sworn there was like a a section towards the end where you can write in and ask them questions and one of them was like is peekaboo real and i'm pretty sure the official nintendo magazine person said yeah i'm pretty sure they confirmed it in there well i mean pika blue is peek-a-blue is maril and that's again it's again it's this sort of this small truth being passed down and it may well be that somebody at some point caught a preview or saw merrill in some form and unsurprisingly merrill does look surprisingly like pikachu and if they didn't see the name or just didn't remember it or something peek a blue it's a it's a pretty catchy name i'm not gonna lie and i remember so many people coming up with their own theories as to how to get pika blue uh you know because the idea of gold and silver wasn't you know sort of i imagine some people you know older people knew but in the playground you know a new pokemon game it's like nah what's it called gold and silver nah don't be stupid that's just you just made that up you know again it sounds made up gold and silver wow there's two fancy metals and so you know oh it must be in the must be in red and blue i'm sure you can get peaker balloon it's like if you try and evolve pikachu with a water stone or something like that so many different things or you like you had to do it whilst you had to evolve pikachu whilst surfing that was a way to get surfing pikachu as well by the way so speaking of pokemon then i actually wanted to throw out a couple of those community ones that i i went ahead and found a couple that i thought were really funny or or just that i remembered from back in the day and so speaking of pikachu um someone i'm not gonna pronounce these usernames because i'm going to completely butcher them but someone said i'll just read these straight out a cousin lied to me that you could evolve pikachu in the original smash bros that makes total like that makes total sense i don't know how yeah you would do that i'd have believed that back in the day honestly yeah what do we mean by evolve though like do you do you unlock write you as a fighter or do you evolve pikachu mid-match yeah i guess i would have assumed mid-match from you know the fact that you can evolve pikachu kind of suggests that it's the one character changing you should have just pressed down on b that probably would have worked yeah zelda and she can transform so it wouldn't be impossible zelda can evolve into chic and this was this is the original smash they say as well so i mean at that time we didn't even have a character that transformed so who knows how that would have worked but i love the uh i love the thought because yeah i think i know you guys already said it too but that totally would have sent my my brain i would have went rampant trying to figure out how to make that possible uh let's see oh so this one's pretty elaborate uh there's a lot in here about mario galaxy but uh this one this person said i have one that a buddy of mine told me back in elementary school i had borrowed super mario galaxy from him and noticed a strange planet near the comet observatory if you've played the game you know the one i'm talking about the one with the colored tips i asked him what the planet was and his response was that after completing the game you'd be sent to that planet to fight everyone in the game including the toads and luigi if you win you get to marry rosalina what if you lose your save file is erased oh my god oh god there were so many rumors like that where it's like an ultra ultra challenge like the hardest challenge in the game if you win you get the world and all the riches you've ever wanted if you lose your save file is erased and a man will come round and tell you off for these ridiculous things yeah you know and a lot of them that's erasing save files i mean i i i you know it's not that outlandish concept but it wasn't helped by the fact that i i don't know whether you guys know but in banjo-kazooie if you like the original if you tell bottles because you have the option at the start of the game to not go through the tutorials and you just get all your moves if you do that and then you speak to bottles like six or seven times in a row or something he will like threaten to delete your save data if you talk to him again he'll be like all right that's it i'm gonna delete your save data in three two one and banjo is like oh no i'm sorry and um it obviously it doesn't happen but it genuinely like like obviously i pushed it when i was a child i was genuinely afraid i was gonna lose my save data this sounds like a playground rumor right now no no i genuinely 100 go and play the game now it is real if you complete the game without getting uh all the power-ups you can turn into superbanjo and you can fly all the time you don't even need any red feathers or a flight pad you just fly around all the time and that means that you can get to the like a secret place in grunty's lair and when you go in there you save tutti and she you save her before and then it's better and then gruntilda gets into a big mech and you fight gruntilda in the big mech and then you unlocked super mario 64. alex did you ever work at rare so what noise does super banjo make when you choose him does he go like how'd he go hmm that's banjo he looks like normal he looks like normal um banjo but his fur is gold and it sticks up and um he's like a teenager super saiyan and he's the powerfulest it's bollocks but i believe it what an original character do not steal so one anoth another one that i found so this one went a kid at school said you could hook shot the masks on the happy mask salesman's back in majora's mask and if you got the mario mask you could turn into mario this is pretty easily disproven though yeah it is but i i imagine like you know telling somebody that and being like well like like if i was told that as a kid i totally would have ran home and tried it you know like at least we can disprove it but i love that they're like it's totally plausible this is the people that made mario why why wouldn't they program a fun little thing like that into the game why is that mario mask there it has to have some purpose right i have to be able to wear it somehow i imagine running around terminals mario 64 mario that'd be so cool right can you can you even use the hook shot in the clock tower i feel fairly certain it disables your items oh it does it no okay that would that would sort of oh but you can do it if you go you know that sort of that would add a layer to it to make it harder to disprove yeah i've just made a weird connection in my head the happy mask salesman is like this weird semi-ethereal character right nobody knows where he came from he seems to be able to disappear at will he reminds me weirdly i i don't know whether you guys are familiar with the lord of the rings like the the books at all but he kind of reminds me of tom bombadil does this person share uh many similarities i i'm assuming they must well it's sort of like nobody knows where the happy mask salesman came from is generally sort of a benevolent figure and has sort of these weird magical powers can't be harmed it lines up i mean hopefully someone please in the comments like back me up it's kind of he's a bit tom bombadilly maybe i don't know it's just i made the connection in my head and i was hoping one of you might have read the books i say that like i've read the books i i haven't i just know tom bombadil i'm sorry alex well hopefully someone will redeem your thoughts in the comments so okay so i have two that i want to throw out but they're both very they're both for the same purpose so one person said someone i knew once claimed there was a playstation and saturn converter coming out on the ultra 64. although he also although he also claimed he had played one in 1995 i just look back on how hard he tried to convince me and laugh and then the second one is basically connected in the same theory so this this person said kid told me he was chosen by gamestop to play test super smash bros brawl as a play tester the months before it released i asked him to prove it and he said he wasn't allowed to bring bring video games to school then i asked him to bring the manual because back in the day games had manuals he said his mother threw it away and it's just so the reason these are both connected is because they're just straight up lies what you're yeah if if you play tested this game back in the day kiddo you would have had your parents would have signed some kind of contract or something like like just that's that's what we're all bound to are ndas and embargoes and things like i mean obviously i'm through those away right yeah uh i i i just love i love how far people will go to just you know they'll dig themselves a deeper hole and it's just so funny to me that just things like things that these lies just spread and people tell other people and and they and then when they get proven wrong they just they just tell another lie or they double down on it and say oh no you know you just you know you're an idiot or something i must admit it's wrong yeah you did it wrong one thing that was um discovered in the game like i think it's like five or six years ago and it sounds so untrue because the game came out in i think two thousand uh in pokemon puzzle challenge for the gameboy color basically what you can do is on the title screen i i can't read the exact combination but you press like up up down down left right left right up dot b b a a numerical code and doing that it takes you to the game boy um error screen when you put a game boy color cartridge into a regular game boy so no matter what system you're playing it on and when you're there you press aaa like 30 times then b 30 times and then there's a bit more to the combination and by doing that in pokemon puzzle challenge it takes you to a beta version of powered upon for game boy which which that never exists that that's never made i guess that's what puzzle challenge was originally but that's such a cool thing to hide in the game for like 20 years so hang on is this real yeah this is real oh my god sorry i i i zoned out ever so slightly um i was just thinking about the wash load i got to put on um just assumed you were talking about something that somebody made up that's crazy that that's actually real it's a bit like yeah it's a bit like stop and swap you know going back to banjo you know the idea that you sort of say oh you go to the san cla cat sandcastle floor you type in cheat and then out of the sea it rises to reveal more secret prizes which genuinely takes several minutes to do you sort of think oh no come on that's not real it's totally real you go and do it and you unlock all the stop and swap stuff and nothing happens because it wasn't finished it's still cool that it's there though yeah absolutely i still every time i play banjo i always do the stop and swap stuff like even like on the original n64 and it was it was like a huge revelation when i was a child that this game that i played 100 completion banjo-kazooie one of my favorite games of all time the idea that there was more and that it was just literally typing stuff in into the castle floor and i already knew about stuff like that because you type in cheat wishy-washy banjo you actually turn into a washing machine again that's the sort of thing that sounds like complete rubbish it is entirely true if you type in cheat wishy-washy banjo you turn into a washing machine so that's why there's like ban washing machine fan art out there of banjo oh no no you can i mean that's where it started but in banjo-tooie there's an actual transformation where you turn into a washing machine as well oh that's i had no idea that was i've never played much of tui so i had no idea that was actually in the game yeah games don't do stuff like this anymore or at least they do to a bit but not not like not like turning into a washing machine come on one thing i always like to do when i which it's not often but whenever i interview a developer i always like to ask them if there's any little secrets or easter eggs snuck into their games and usually they don't like to tell me they'll just like oh yeah there's there's things still waiting for people to you know find i think what i should start doing from now on is asking them if there's any leads or any tips they can give us to towards finding something because you know these these little rumors and uh you know the secrets and that that people put into their games are it's almost kind of like a little labor of love that they they just they sneak these little things in because they're not necessary but it keeps us talking about these games for years and years and so if if any devs are listening out there or any future developers you know especially with with game builder garage coming out you know if you're if you're planning on making games for your for the rest of your life or whatever you know consider sneaking little things here and there into your games because you know as players i think we we love talking about them and you know experiencing them and sharing how how we found them or you know this or that because it's just it just adds an extra layer to your game and it it's so much fun for sure real quick uh new automata had that but that's a game from 2017 and a few months ago it was discovered that right at the beginning if you stand in a specific spot and do some really specific combos it takes you to the credits i thought you finished the game by doing that that's crazy and that was hidden for four years yeah is that like a dev tool type thing you know just in mustard but then why would you need to get to the end of the level the end of the game right away i mean yeah i don't know i mean you're near automata that's another one of those games alex that i think john and i will just we'll we'll try to make you play that game as much as we can until until you play it just like how i want you to play undertale remember our bet's still on june 12th yeah still on yeah and there's just one more one more i want to mention that i've suddenly remembered again it's it's not a rumor it's something that actually exists are you too familiar with these say uh sorry the sonic cd fun is infinite with sega enterprises screen yeah i don't know i don't know if i am okay should i go let me send you the image now okay i can't wait for a treat this this is genuinely in um sonic c i have an image in my brain but this this image is very it's probably what you're thinking nice and oh that thing oh no it's not what you're thinking oh i forgot about that uh yup yup yup that's that's in the game yeah and it's really creepy yeah there is there is like a reason behind it and it's been explained it's you know some people are like oh it's the devil or something you know it's not it's just an image in a game for god's sake um but yeah it's still weird and creepy and again it's like putting certain like combinations into the sound test again sound it's one of those things sounds completely fake completely real oh do you guys know off the top of your head what it says too how fun is infinite with sega enterprises oh and there's the infinite sign right oh yeah it's like a weird sonic school teacher like i imagine him like pointing at a chalkboard being like god remember kids fun is infinite and he just says it he just says it for eternity like that's is this what hell is like i can imagine that would be hell well now that we've gotten this this spicy scary spooky creepy pasta that's actually real image from alex very much appreciated thank you thank you you're welcome i feel like this this is a good time to probably just ask the community once again let us know you know if there's any any rumors or you know even if you didn't hear them on the playground if you heard them in the break room or on the streets or or even in early you know game faq forms or somewhere like that let us know anything that you know caused you to spend a night to do something stupid in a video game that led you to not be true or whatever spill spill anything fun like that and as always if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more content like this then why don't you go ahead and spread a spicy rumor about that subscribe button tell your friends that if they if they go ahead and click it they subscribe to nintendo life who would have who would have thought who would have thought guys who'd have thunk it thank you all so much for watching we'll see you next time i heard a rumor that in breath of the wild if you eat 30 raw steaks link loses his boxes guys did you know you can get a tails chow in uh sonic adventure 2. you just need to play fantasy star online and you connect that's actually real is it in the gamecube version yeah you can get tales ciao what yeah are you serious though what i need to google this i want to keep all of this in hang on hang on i'll show you yeah please do there's the there's there's tails ciao this is oh my gosh that is the most adorable thing i've ever seen in my life i hope this is just a long there are others as well there's um knuckles what is this are they all from fantasy star i can't remember about knuckles chow and amy chow but uh i remember tails child definitely oh my mom and i would have i mean i'm screaming right now but that's so cool xeon do you know about chaos chat i do know about chaos chat we never got one okay i do know about this oh i got loads what do you mean you got loads
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 34,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, NX, New 3DS, Nintendo UK, Zion, Alex, Jon, Rumours, Rumors, Rumor, Leaks, Gossip, Throwback, Classic, Playground Rumors, E3, Discussion, Pikablu, Mew, Rosalina, Hyrule Castle, Halo, Link's Crossbow Training, Smash, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark
Id: xnuk7NRpuC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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