Remember Parker Plays?!?!?

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what's up welcome to Parker plays now with random dance breaks boys left left right left right right left right left left right left right right left in a world hey welcome back to Parker reacts today I'm breaking the format a little bit I am reacting to myself I'm here to play games and make jokes and I'm all out of jokes why you might ask well today Mark the anniversary of something special of when I embarrass myself daily on National Television too loud probably help next game I'm on fire when I was 19 I was just a kid doing Minecraft videos on YouTube and then Disney called me out of nowhere and offered me my own show called Parker Place let's hop right in there shall we to say I had no idea what I was getting myself into is definitely an understatement I'm from a small town in Texas this was the last thing that I expected but over the next 3 years we made 22 Episodes that ran on Disney XD for years what is going on with you what are you what is this that's what friends do the concept was supposed to be Parker plays video games first game we're starting off with the game we're playing a game we're playing a game playing a game called clones that for you y So today we're taking a look back we're watching some clips and we have some special guests to come on from the show so let's be begin shall [Music] we starting in three two you're counting is this welcome to Parker plays now with less shine in a world one show one man you look like a child oh yeah these were just pictures from my Instagram welcome to Parker Place I just had to do that one we can move on I remember I I got a friend haircut and I was really embarrassed about it today we're playing some games and doing some fun stuff just like my YouTube channel the thing is is this is not my bedroom this is not we in a [Music] setwood is it fair to say that when you were 19 you were not exactly on a track to have your own show on D oh no I never filmed in front of anybody and then I have like four people in the room and three Disney Executives and like 11 people watching Every Move I Make to be like is this a show I don't know is it going to be a show I don't know this is Kevin uh he made the show happen literally he's the producer of the show and he's wonderful and he saw a 19-year-old and he's like he can do something and then turns out I couldn't there's a different guy that I thought could do something but I stuck with you what people don't understand about the the the absolute and I'm Not tooting your horn here buddy the absolute Genius of Parker was I think in the script it was like we intro and Parker does some cool stuff that was basically the show yeah all right Parker do a cool stuff and he literally runs around the whole set just like making stuff up none of that scripted and it was just Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and I was like Yep this is the guy this is this is this kid right here greetings back from oh greetings back from can someone hold this door over here greeting if welcome back to Parker playe today I have convince the crew to call me my le that's not true um I I have chocolates [Applause] my ow when they came to Clayton and I to like developed we were doing a bigger show bigger by meaning more budget play's Prime Time another video game show and they're like we also want one that's just a guy a kid in his you know bedroom playing video games and we turned it down right off cuz we're like well that's dumb you just never going to work how why would you expect but then they said well just see think about it for a while and I came across was it your Margery video I know we've it it was it was an indie game where you were playing yeah yeah character margerie and I'm like that's the guy you are you the stupidest girl suck I I don't care I'm inside a cave so what I I want to be here I like it here I was definitely past my YouTube Prime I was spending way too long making these this content I just was sitting there editing it like like I feel like nobody's going to watch this but I'm I'm putting in 15 hours of editing into it and and that was the video that you saw that was like hey this is the guy I like how she jumped she's like yeah oh yeah I'm stuck in a cave I love this yes yes yeah I just want to celebrate every time just like yes we did a jump yes yes go margerie I find that to be really inspiring for people that are following their dreams it's like yeah it might be better to work at McDonald's financially than do this but I'm going to put everything I can into it and that was the video that you found which is really cool I think I might be done with this game yeah go ahead leave me I don't care see if I care I love being lost inside of a game I can't imagine how hard it was because the whole show is like okay you sit in a room play video games make TV happen and that's basically the show you see here on our show that is very hot I have many different Mysteries to solve one of which is what game am I going to play today a cool thing and if we could play this it' be awesome like we've got like usually so when we would do a Parker plays episode when we're shooting you're playing it for 90 minutes of a game that like the writers have picked because they think like Parker will struggle with this Default Dan I feel bad for tricking you have a cupcake I knew it I knew it there's a happy little Cloud I can't tell that's a good Happy Cloud nope this is the only collectible coin are you really going to avoid it and I just I just trust too much I trust too I'm done I quit I don't care but it's either like this game will beat Parker and it's fun to watch him struggle or this game will scare Parker and it's fun to watch him scream there's a montage of me failing and screaming okay okay okay okay shush what bad bad bad bad bad [Music] dude no noise no noise no noise [Music] a why can you just edit a smile on me make it look like I'm having a good time let's play or this game we think is Looney and would be fun for Parker to bounce off of and do like a bit or a SKU so these guys are all clones are they clones of the same guy or the same little like clone dude or they get like progressively worse and worse what if one pops out with like half an antenna like get him no no guys guys I can grow it out it's fine I got it you not one of us and then if I have you dig down this game is quite F oh man this might take a while actually I might need to have a quick bathroom break um shoot yeah tuer uhuh oh there he is there you are not yet I just have to go to the bathroom real quick it's going to take a while I can't dude you got to finish this game for real though yeah you got to finish the episode all right all right that's fine yeah this is like half parody half legit I got it I got it okay yep no worries you probably didn't even tell me you were doing that you know like we're just rolling and you just hop in and we just kind of react to to those moments I have an idea oh you are very handsome thanks okay thought you going to hit me back with that one uh I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick do you want to finish up the show oh yeah I can do that yeah okay cool this was probably the first clones bit right yeah man oh yo what's up dude I think you do you do a Jame voice there's a bit of a historian true [Applause] yep I don't get it he's got this I've got this this is confusing what's Jeremy doing oh yo greetings noises um would you mind finishing up my uh I got this okay no I even real oh what's up man good to see you dude here you go Brian you are the best oh my goodness no more Parkers I am the end the Omega you weren't even here at the beginning time this whole section I think we spent at least 3 four hours filming this is half a day I wasn't paying attention to any of that but dude I think we should [Music] fight and there's Holland who kept like all the uh the the the editors together finally only I remain the Parker that was promised yo oh oh uh Parker ha uh okay so I didn't order these uh I'm just going to wait wait wait no no no no no no Parker imagine what we could do together imagine the power we would have we could rule the world hard pass straight line hard pass hard pass they didn't even finish the game are you serious I is we'll be right back in more Parker plays after this here's the old Set uh feels good to be home it is terrible looking right now this is like how my room normally looks it's just full of clothes and messes and boxes full of who knows what see here Parker plays I don't actually play the games I just have other people do all the work for me oh Parker there she is working hard there she is this is one of our lovely writers by the way hi I'm Lindsay that's Lindsay she's wonderful I hate leny she's the worst I got really addicted to this I played it I would go home and keep playing it and I kept being like I'm working I promise I'm working I did it I beat it oh uh mystery tube you got something for me is it Oh Come mystery it's glitter too dude go to the doctor stop sneezing on me oh my goodness oh it's like a little slime waterfall I remember this it it was pitched like okay it's one of those like uh Instagram videos where people are making slime and then stuff gets crazy and then the Slime comes to life and try tries to murder us essentially I remember feeling kind of like embarrassed uh about this section um and I was like full commit we're just going to full commit to it and it it turned out it turned out quite fun let's get this party started party started we need some slime okay producing this was so intense okay this looks so simple but it was so this we probably put so much time into oh yeah it was like a whole day of shooting whole day of shooting and also I feel like I watched 300 of these like my sleepover like 13-year-old sleepovers yep y it's time for friends they're here I hope I brought enough slime who's ready to get slimy and sleepy if you like Steve he and Whitney then smash that subscribe button how is that F I haven't had water in 4 days best party ever guys let's let's relax I thought we were having a slime party what's funny though is now you're like this is not this is what videos are like yep yep and then it kind of got weird and dark at the same time it's kind of like a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Vibe but it's kind of cute and fun and then it's all so weird and Eerie let's make Mega SW [Music] yeah we're never going to sleep I haven't slept in 8 days I'm more I was I was convinced this would not make it into the show Hello Parker where is my skin guys [Music] I remember getting that shot even was like with the skeleton it was like yes it was so hard like an overtime trying to get that yeah that that that bit turned out so fun so kind of all the bits we've had in the show I think that was probably one of the most complicated to shoot there was so much going on in that to hit the Beats of it being like silly but fun and then also hit some of those like kind of creepy moments yeah that was awesome gentlemen excellent job in the edit I love it uh I'm working on my girl voice for this I'm trying to think I'm thinking like something like kind of valent girl like maybe something more like this talk like that try to make sure you're can I get sounds Val like f [Music] girl had is St sal sal sorry salad have a secret none of this was scripted we're like hey guys we have an idea thanks guys yeah I don't I don't need your tone okay I'm working on it sorry to bother you guys so much of the show is edited by the those two so much soul and comedy came from those two just messing around going down if I have anything to say about it you and me are facing off after don't walk don't walk are you walk you're walking away from me it's cool he's just scared and the the fun thing about that this is basically the whole show but we didn't tell them what we're doing we're like hey uh right on your face we have a bit that we want to do and then and we just come in and shoot something welcome to Parker plays the editors are ruining my life my name is Parker this is what my head looks like on a deer's body and this is what I'd look like as a jar of mayonnaise and this is what I would look like if I was a hammer so cool you see what I mean they would take those ideas and bring them to spots we could have never imagined the one sleeper agent that like I could have never known who was the funniest human ever like editor ever is Angela okay okay we're making a show you're editing it okay what no Angela we're doing a new show how many episodes well we're thinking like a weekly show for like ever so we're going to need more editors more editors I got you come here no okay okay Joey Joey Parker were you in the shower or no hi Holland oh Parker all right all right so the whole team is here we have everyone literally everyone we could hey guys what's up what are we doing all right so we have all the team and also naen is here hi it's an orchestra it's a symphony we literally all play our instruments you know I mean you know if if you call a symphony me bashing on a piano and then somebody else comes in and make it sound like music is basically what the show was I had a joke here hold on wow yeah I've got nothing this is so beautiful dude oh you got the barrel let go L her where really is what I would say if I found land I just wanted to give you give you a warning ahead of time eaty coconut eaty coconut eat the coconut I'm going [Music] insane oh man it's great that we're going to die out here a lot I hear voices eat the coconut the coconut e the coconut eat Jimmy a honestly the and really thinking about even with the executives like I remember like first when they would come in it was so intimidating cuz like like it oh it's horrifying but by the end of season 2 it was the sweetest thing it was like they were family and like I remember like one of our Executives like her son is like your biggest fan and like we would just we would all just kind of like have fun together and then they're like oh yeah he's doing great it was like it Formed into this beautiful family that we all had the stuff that we got through on that show is insane V just to set it up a little bit so Disney's like H we have to have some explanation for the games we don't really understand how to play maachi how to play aome how to play handle with car how to play stronghold to how to play rain world how to play job simulator how to play C of these so he wrote just a couple of sections of like how to how to explain how the game works and then I'm reading it and of course I don't know this is just how I roll um I had to do like 75 takes to get the perfect way I said something and so yeah Joey SCA who's editing this is like bro he gave like 70 takes of saying van go I got to do something with this and so he makes this most insane bit of all time that were like it was supposed to be just explaining the game and it turns into this whole separate thing um that then ends up uh like I I get quoted all the time if people like see me and love the show they'll just be like and it it's become yeah and it's just became this kind of Catchphrase from the show yeah let's watch it that's fun how to play duck build step one you have to play the a duck then you take all that drunk and try to build a good raft ducks in real life don't have to worry because they can actually float fun fact Ducks love bread especially when it's thrown at them or handed to them nicely and preferably pre-sliced bread comes from whe and grows in fields the Dutch posst impressionist painter Vincent Van painted wheat Fields dozens of them over a hundred years ago and some of the first primitive Homo Sapien cave paintings are over 40,000 years old this was a time when humans hunted and gathered their food for survival can you say survival H can we go back to playing video games now almost try again can you say Vincent Van Vincent Van ah not quite try again again try again van Vincent [Music] Van there's one segment I do want to show this one is got to be one of my favorite segments of of the show now this one was super fun because we had issues showing swords or death or anything on the Disney XD Network we couldn't punch anybody in the face that was a thing and so we ended up having it be like poster tubes but we wanted to have this epic B sword battle which turned out awesome which is also it's a it's also a like a deep cut uh reference to uh Penny Arcade uh one of found side like the like the samurai sword uh cardboard tube well yeah let's take a look I've been wait looking for this clip forever I love how Derpy these guys are I got it one guy left so we're playing tabs I love tabs cinematic shot boom oh okay that was six levels right uh totally undefeated mystery tube come on oh mystery tube I miss mystery too wait hold on play totally active battle simulator go undefeated in six levels comma keep the sword there's no and if or but it just says keep it but I'm taking the sword Jeremy I want to show your face something this is the Clayton cogwell uh directed anytime that you see like cool action and like comedy stuff together like that's that's Clayton yeah this had no shot list this was just I got this was just Clayton with a vision [Music] okay you can see Holland here you can see her hit hit the chair behind her [Music] [Music] come take it from me hey guys I really want to join the sword fight can I get a sword or something please I remember we did this a lot of times this was our one taker this was like your vision you were like this I have this idea it didn't have to be a one taker but we got it it's a one well because we didn't have time to get coverage that's true yeah there's you the Dooku and then brant okay cool uh what are you guys feeling for lunch oh we had pizza I like pizza so good you know what I have to say man I miss these days were they were they were a lot of late night but it was pure creativity right it was it was the Prime like improv yes and everybody's role was yes and it it it didn't follow the same structure as a TV show really anything does it's just like we we all have creative minds we all have an idea of what's going to make this fun and we're just going to come together to make something really cool um and we have a very short amount of time and not enough money to make it it's basically what this [Music] was trash man this movie is literal garbage oh this is the finale do you want to watch the finale this was such an awesome I can't imagine how difficult this would be to to put all together there wasn't necessarily like an arc that we wrote of the story it wasn't like all right we're sitting down we're going through what the whole show is it kind of writes itself as we went um and so we had a segment of Jimmy Wong coming in and the whole bit was like ah this is my show now was Jimmy plays ha previously on Parker plays this was the opening of season 2 it wasn't that long ago kind of to set up Jimmy as this evil villain this this was such a cool first episode piece too oh sure there were occasional frustrations you know like Jimmy trying to steal my show don't you love this show Jimmy plays I love it I felt like I wasn't being myself anymore this is Parker place so I hatched a plan to escape the show itself hey buddy couldn't help but notice we haven't finished the game yet so what's it going to take to what is this what is this I went far away out to the desert that's right but I missed it the video games the tube and I missed you this is from thanks malm looking good the best viewers that have ever existed oh what have I done so now I'm bringing Parker back I'm coming home [Music] here morning sir I have your popcorn I'm sorry oh this is like this that one I love this one shot yeah it's such a cool shot here's your script unstapled as you requested Rob with his actual like broken shoulder we're ready for you now let's just fix that sh all right let's roll cameras in five 4 [Music] 3 oh hello and welcome to Jimmy play Jimmy play Jimmy play I Remember Disney was like we don't understand what the guy in the background is so we just put an arrow sfx guy love being the host hey I got a good one I got to good one what do you call a show with a total Noob that plays games but never completes them Parker plays that's a good one Jimmy Parker how dare you Jimmy what are you doing just uh rehearsal for the lights well thanks for doing that of course yeah Jimmy hey Parker look if you need anything I'll be around take care of yourself I will ominous so that was the beginning and then I feel like we're like in by the end we want him to we had this vision of him coming back so we were like it's all leading towards this but we don't know if we're going to get him and I remember as it got closer Not only was he busy but then in the midst of all this he like books move the Disney movie The live action yeah he was going to be out forever he was shooting in like Mongolia or something yeah he books a main character in The Milan movie and we're like well I don't know if we'll have arch nemesis yeah but then Jimmy being Jimmy he shows up he films it we have like a day to shoot yeah yes like the day before he flies to wherever Mongolia wild yeah and then he here is yeah here is the the brain child the season 2 finale this was this turned out so so amazing I'm actually glad that that we ended the show on this you know like what what a great piece to officially be the last episode what happens when I do this killed you what is happening hello is this the game Hello Parker Jimmy did you think I was just going to give this show back and walk away it was mine do you guys have beef yeah he tried to take over the show and I was gone what you see this on this little device holds every single key to Parker plays every game download password and skin you've ever purchased this little do hickey that's a USB drive drive it's a doohickey oh I call it a thumb drive it's a doohickey the doohickey of Doom oh okay the show is [Laughter] mine all right where's the record button on this thing wait a minute fun fact he recorded that on just like my handheld Vlog camera like just was kind of perfect put it in After Effects render it out now you see it that's the Parker plays poster that's my wardrobe he's here we're going to finish this this once and for all what are you going to do oh okay okay we're doing this Jimmy Parker Jimmy parer jimothy huh give me back the thumb drive what thumb drive the thumb drive thumb drive what you talking about the whole you just you just did this whole speech about like oh I have a thumb drive and I have your show I'm going to take it over I didn't do a speech about a thumb drive it's literally in your hand right now give me back to doohickey even though we have this like arch nemesis Vibe it's so fun it has like such a younger brother older brother back and forth to it it plays Super well you guys were so funny together and yeah he is absolutely an annoying younger brother yeah guys do you [Music] stop don't actual touch don't actually touch I'm not touching you stop I'm not playing with you I think of Rob edited this he did such a good job with it where it doesn't like it still feels really cool but also it still feels Parker plays and like the kind of jankiness you [Music] know yeah [Music] [Music] that was actually my wardrobe I can't do it what oh dude you can do it what is happening you must do it for the sake of the show what is going on what is happening and then all the characters come out of Parker uhoh it's the bottom of the ninth and Jimmy you're going down touchdown that is that's not even the right sport yes water polo hockey Sports I don't get I'm the one line guy just let me do my thing take two guys walk him away Ju Just can you give me your power if you [Music] could this isn't over yet [Laughter] and then he just disappears I won I won yep and then now he's off to shoot Mulan he teleported there so good that that was honestly like I I have such fun memories of this that was so much better than even I remember that was such a such a great ending like the whole show was just like friends coming together playing video games doing funny stuff improving and that's what like I feel like this last sketch was like just mated and like and you see everyone's faces in the episode I don't know it's it's great hey I'm Parker and I'm going to show you a sneak peek of my new show Parker Place put on your 3D glasses you ready [Music] what do you think 900 p.m. Monday through Thursdays only on dxp guys what is going on with the show I feel like every day we come in here and we play our little games but it's like the heart is [Music] gone mystery tube it is too late for that I'm just sick and tired of everyone in here's attitude okay get excited best job in the world right now what do we say after every intro this is Parker play it's good enough I I wasn't listening I'm sorry well your mustache is fake so his mustache is fake [Music] 900 p.m. Monday through Thursdays only on dxp I've got to figure out his plan before he tries to take over the world I would love to be part of the possible family I mean just having the name Parker possible yes please the upside is is that you got a super spy sister um the downside is is that you have a super spy sister how do you impress Mom and Dad filmed in front of a live studio audience good morning love family te's two employees were rescued by world famous teen hero Kim P dad do you see the front of the paper so nice work honey well sure and then there's the Josh thing Josh is a hottie Josh Josh Josh who's a hottie we're not talking about Josh Mankey Josh is so cool H you guys know I'm seeing someone right it's pretty steady we're going to springling dance so that's good right Dad Dad ddio derson pop popsicle father hey I wouldn't just give up without a fight you're right I'll never stop trying to win your love Dad dring I mean oh still talking to Kim okay better get back on that case toot sweet toot sweet H excuse you filmed in front of a live studio [Music] audience now it's time for Parker's conspiracy theories all right conspiracy tube hit me up what you got oh we got matching hats look at that looking good dude oh my goodness stop throwing things at me man Hello Parker and welcome to conspiracy how do you know my name because I'm listening to you right now today's conspiracy the Gravity Falls lean the an Austrian Legend every living person has an identical double who moves throughout our world like a ghost they call this spectral twin ad doppelganger that's dumb it's just too much of a stretch you know what do you think honestly like you know it could bu aable but I'm not really sold what do you know doppelgangers you know Mabel on Gravity Falls has one let's look at the proof pay close attention to these bottles from the episode The Deep End one of them is addressed to Le hold on it's like a a ET a sketch confirmed this is because leam is not simply the name Mabel reversed but the actual name of her doubleganger no snap according to the scho if one writes Mabel backwards the A and M would be the same backwards and forwards but not b e and l evil twin uh anyways in the episode The inconveniencing Mabel writes with her right hand but in Boss Mabel she writes with her left Bo leam is real but what do you think I'll tell you what I think just got to get my daily steps in okay secondly I'm ID extrus as well as every other person on the planet they just haven't unlock their inner left hand hold on anyone have a pen anyone have a pen does anyone have a pen mayel spelled this way same alphabetical style if the marker bleeds through I drew a ticket I'm I can write with both hands huh exhibit a exhibit B see who is that that leads me to the conclusion of how did all my stuff get on the table it's a conspiracy it's a conspiracy I like to clean sometimes for you I put all the stuff you like and I make the warm milk for you and I make itook okay okay okay dble gangers you know what I mean well that is all for the conspiracy theories rectangle sometimes I think is this all there is is life just some kind of horrific joke without a punchline that we're all just biting our time until the sweet sweet release of death what's up guys and welcome back to my brick for Brick perfect perfect reproduction of cly Rock the stronghold of House Lannister and I got to hand it to you it's pretty good you know what I'm talking about so I've working on this guy for like three or four months now and I don't have a life of friends all right let's uh put the final finishing touch in on this Castle what is happening hello it's glitchy glitch well Steve how about I give you a little present how about I dig a little hole for you and then I fill it with nice happy hot lava huh and then I put you in there take that oh par please no I have family and friends what are their names Steve um pickle and unicorn that's not children's names you die now I'm sorry Steve I didn't mean to I would you know I would never hurt you you know I would never do that to you just kidding I totally would oh man let's replace the HUD what the he's respawning early a don't worry little crafter we're going to get you fixed up right I need you to upgrade my code I can't I can't you shouldn't even be Parker's the one that shouldn't be he's a monster and he must be stopped he's right let's do this oh there you are little buddy ah all right you with me you want to help me finish this thing uh what is happening now oh no no no no you wouldn't you've tortured me for years I've dug into a million monster ridden caves for your stupid gold and diamonds for your silly little armor I have fought off skeletons and spiders night after night I painstakingly recreate your stupid Game of Thrones Kingdom and yet not once have I heard so much as a thanks from you Parker you made us all mad it's time that you pay for your sins Parker wait wait wait wait no no no no no please please please don't don't hurt the castle Your Castle you wish that's not good where am I oh don't don't don't please please don't oh oh what what are you [Music] doing I'm here with Steve zra Goa hey what's up my man that's that's my new handshake where should we do a handshake check it out that's a good one all right this is segment called listen up how to play Listen Up watch a clip record your own audio and hilarity ensues okay so uh here's our clip it's DuckTales have you ever watched DuckTales yeah yeah man all right let's watch this clip shall we all this has got to be a fake and I bet everything else is too that's not true what about this picture with chupacabra Photoshop well this Treasure Chest this ghost you mean this Halloween decoration oh a ghost cury you stury life lovers it's Captain Peg hook the scourge of the river stick did you understand a single word she said it's Captain Peg hook scorge of the river sticks okay fine all right so you are great linguist okay it's really really real the deos Xcalibur deos X Calibur that is such a wait pause that for a second deos X Machina is uh the the something in the machine the ghost in the machine so Dex caliber is a sword it's a sword pun play on words dude it's a play on words from JX Maka which is a device for storytelling and this show is cool what in dismal DS is going on in here yeah okay should we just start from the beginning let's just let's start from the beginning story hey man let's have some fun let's tell a story all right all right so we're going to redub our first sound this is a big moment everyone Qui onset Qui onset please everyone let's be respectful hey hey hey D okay here we go do you see a cabbage in here I cannot wait to make a sound for whatever this happens oh yeah wait can we do let's do like a good good good good good I like that all right all right so you're going to be the Bing boy I'll be Bing I'll be Bing boy dude that was a good Bing is it fine the way it is I think it's fine the way it is it don't ever doubt yourself Steve okay wait hold on okay I'm done doubting myself good wait mine doesn't work here let me try see you just got to use your hand right see no Stephen look look look watch watch you see what I did there try it like that okay no you got to use it like the right flick look look watch watch me do it okay do you see what how come you can do it but I can't all right we're going to work on this a little more we're going to fine tune all the fine tunes and we'll be right back with more Parker animated after [Music] this what's up welcome back to Parker animated I'm here with Steve Zara Goa and we're putting into final touches hey what's up guys don't interrupt my intros we are taking all the sound out of DuckTales and putting it all back in ourselves let's get into it hi I'm an old duck and I've got a cane he just always says what he's he's doing like I'm talking to you now with my mouth involuntary breathing accidental toot all right all right ready yeah I'm a duck check out my can what are youing you want a juice box that's it cut print print it go to print cut take it to Zimbabwe print all right it's done right watch all all right let's watch the whole [Music] thing H it says here that I'm made out of lemons H clearly it's not lemons clearly it's mushrooms yeah I think it's cabbage do you see it cabbage in here oh no it's the ghost of this impervious disord I am now walking over to The Ghost and pulling the Sheep down down what are you kids doing here you guys remember that one time in math class let us go outside I want a juice box know you know that Mom and Dad don't like that cuz you get stomach aches D I'm a duck check out my cane all right that's great I think we nailed it yeah do you want to compare this to the actual clip if you showed a focus group our version they'd be like whoa what did I just watch like they stumbled upon a two-minute Cinematic Universe kind of thing right and then you show focus group the regular clip and they're going to say like oh that's duck tals that's DuckTales and that looks like a great show and that is it for today's episode of Park gr thank you for watching and Steve thank you for being here man dude thanks for having me man it was so good it was so fun anytime anytime you want to dance out Let's Dance I was a weird young boy making lots of jokes in class drawing funny characters instead of doing math so I got into the business hoping they would like my ACT but I spend most of my time making videos of Minecraft then Disney gave a call and said let's make a show so I packed up all my stuff and thought I'd just give it a go but now I have my own adventure to weird creative space welcome to Parker 3 2 1 start the show take control find your space let's level up level up with par place
Channel: Parker Reacts
Views: 15,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PufVPKThyfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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