Remarkable 2 Tablet - 6 months of Lessons Learned

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it seems like a time for an update on my usage of the remarkable 2 tablet and instead of creating a nice PowerPoint slide with the agenda I thought I would use my tablet here I actually took notes on the tablet and we'll use that as our agenda so here we go Point number one overall I really enjoy this tablet it has replaced my paper books right the whole day planner thing number two I lost my PIN I thought I would wear out the pen but instead I lost it and had to buy another one for me I'm no longer worried about pen life because I probably will lose this pen too before I wear it out and use all the tips one of the issues here is I have this tablet installed in a case and this case has an edge on it so it reduces there's still magnetism there but it reduces the magnetism and I think that's what happened I was relying on this for holding the pen in place this case has a I bought this on eBay and it has a pen slot here now you can almost see some black debris here this for some reason this stretchable fabric here just blackened this pen horribly I mean it was really noticeable and it was dye transferring from this cloth to the pen now one of the things we know about this pen is that it does have this wonderful this wonderful texture it's a very um uh just wonder I mean it's it's not too smooth it's not too rough but whatever it is it does seem to absorb dirt and colors and such I am not happy with the cost of the pen but if there is any good news with losing a pin it's that I've got more tips now so I have plenty of tips third bullet here I estimate that the pen lasts that one of these tips here it seems to be going about 180 Pages for me 180 Pages maybe 200 Pages remember this thing synchronizes with the cloud and you have a application on on the PC or on your phone that you can use and view the pages this will give you now some idea of the level of coverage I mean you could go you know 10 000 Pages if you only make one little Mark on each page but here's here's here's the approximate coverage next let's talk about the file size how many pages can you store inside of this device this was a challenge for me or a concern at the beginning is like you know my goal is to get maybe three or four years worth of life out of this thing and I want all those three or four years worth of information in the device to tell me that this computation I had 230 handwritten pages of text I did download one PDF file that was one page long I scanned a business receipt and and and downloaded it to the device just to see how it would work with 230 pages plus one page of downloaded PDFs I've used a 0.45 gigabytes there's 6.57 gigabytes available so I've used seven percent so 230 pages is approximately seven percent of the device now when I project this out at my level of usage here I should be able to get 7.3 years of usage out of this device item number five item number five this is this is my one big disappointment with the tablet the optical character recognition and the search feature fails miserably so for example if I were to close this let's say I wanted to do a search here I can go into search and search my files and I can type in what I want to search for so let's say I use the word Tuesday well I've got many pages with the word Tuesday in it and as you can see Zero match is found well why is that because the search feature does not work on the contents of the file it only works on the name of the file the project name in addition when it uploads to the cloud and you access it through the cloud no different it's not any better and I thought that paying extra money and having the contents uploaded I thought it would be indexed you know optical character recognition converted to text I thought that would occur in in the cloud service but it does not topic number six I have struggled with a case here so I already told you that this thing just blackened the pen horribly I need to decide you know this this particular case covers the face in there's many advantages to that when you you know stick in the backpack or something it keeps it from scratching with other devices and all that so I probably need a cover of some type but a sleeve would work all right topic number seven charging is slow this thing the charging um you know it charges just fine but man it's slow so it's the slowest slower it receives let me put it that way the device receives the slowest least amount of wattage for charging of any of the USBC standard charging rates so it can take hours typically what I do is I like on a Thursday at work I'll have it plugged in at my desk all day while I'm working and then again on Monday after the weekend I'll have it on the charger for part of the day or most of the day on on Monday while it's at my desk working and that's all the charging I do so basically twice a week you know the USBC standard charging standard there's like four different wattage and voltage levels that are available and if you buy the right power supply it's supposed to sense and detect what the device can receive and then adjust what it produces to match what the device can receive okay well that is what happened here so I actually contacted technical support and they're like don't plug in anything except for a low wattage one I accidentally plugged in a full power uh USBC charger that could produce 107 watts and you know up to 20 volts and all that stuff so it was able to do all four but it correctly sensed that this thing could not receive it and so it it slowed down the charging uh to an acceptable level so anyways uh officially tech support says don't plug in a high power charger I did and I've been doing it every day since all right let's talk about the tip again um in my first video I mentioned that there was kind of like some black debris like it's almost like the carbon from the tip was um pulverizing into a powder and static electricity was attaching it to this thing so this replacement pen does not have that problem so they have changed the chemistry of either the tip or the or the case here and it it just is not blackening at all I mean it's a totally different situation the new pens are better in that regard okay now when you buy when you buy the pen you get the the tips plus this thing well there's this little slot here in your tip holder and that is designed to pull this pull out a tip so we are going to do that together I have never done this before you can see there's directions on the back so you slide it in and then you pull it out so here we go are we going to do this together I've never done this before all right here we go so uh let's see here we're only grabbing on the black right there's only black there we're not grabbing on the white plastic we're only going to grab onto the black so let's see here grab on and it does not pull out let's try it one more time maybe try it on this side maybe it's got a different angle to it so you're gonna put the black in there okay now that worked now they say to bend this and then you can access these so I'm going to bend this and I'm gonna grab onto a new tip kind of wants to come out a little bit and there it is okay well that was easy so uh lesson learned so you've got to do it from this side and not from this side when you remove the tip there's one feature here that surprised me they added a feature where you can resize the pages which actually might come in handy the way I found this feature was I was working in here one day and I was writing at the bottom of my page and my knuckle plus the pen comprised two fingers and as I wrote with a pen it interpreted as expanding the page and shrinking the page I'm like what happened right I'd never seen that before so anyways so the only time I've had it do unplanned page size changes is when I'm at the bottom of the page down here this was added this was added with the software version 2.6 so here is my conclusion um I love this thing it has like I said it successfully replaced my planning book and all that I was always worried about losing my book right leave it somewhere or lose it somebody steals it when they steal your backpack or something and then all your notes are gone forever so the backup feature to the cloud is is lovely it works very well by the way on that subject I don't have this thing syncing all the time I actually have it when I'm in a certain location at home I've got a certain Wi-Fi and it's the device is set up and it connects at that point the rest of the time it's not connected on the internet at all but every few days I'm in that place and it connects to that Wi-Fi and it synchronizes the stuff and it works out just fine this device excels at what it's designed to do take notes do sketches let me show you something I scribbled out a house design been brainstorming on which I've got the grid pattern so it works out really good at sketching out a design so you can do uh things Beyond just the day planner like I've done the next conclusion is the pen for me has been a challenge it either gets dirty or it gets lost the third issue here conclusion is charging is slower than expected this is not a fast charging device just get that out of your head it won't it won't take a fast charge and the fourth thing is the optical character recognition on the contents of your file does not work and therefore you can't do the search function would I buy this again yes you know that God loves you I keep telling you that but hey here's an idea use use your tablet and create a create a notebook or a folder or file regarding your experiences with God take notes that'd be a great thing to do with it anyways have a great day we'll see you [Music]
Channel: 2say
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Id: cUQ-XuibXTo
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Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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