Reloading 00 buckshot for 47 cents each

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yeah in everybody welcome to the workbench today we're going to be loading buckshot the conditions are perfect for reloading here in Iowa it's windy the snow's blowing around just cold and shitty in general so a great day to do it the reason I got into shotgun reloading in the first place was to see if I could load some of the specialty loved slugs buckshot cheaper than factory with slugs and I have absolutely done it and created a product just as good with buckshot I would argue that I have also that's we're gonna be working on today all right so let's talk components and then we'll get straight into the reloading the first load we'll be using her cocoa powder holes we'll be using today our Winchester Universal you're saying what the hell is a universal well a universal is based off the double Winchester double a 12 hole this is a cheap disposable version of that if you've ever bought those hundred round value packs of cheap shot shells to shoot clever birds with these are the holes that those normally come in the load data for a double-a twelve and universal is the same but something to note about a universal okay the plastic itself is cheap and it's crappy they're okay to reload but I wouldn't reload them more than once and the reason is if you do if you see the where the fold crimps are made here this thin crappy plastic it has a tendency to break at the creases you see that where you get these little it likes to break right in the grooves and that's what'll happen after one sometimes but definitely after two firings these will just turn pretty much to garbage on you the reason I like to reload with them I don't necessarily have to pick them up if I'm throwing a buckshot load you me and the friends or cousins or somebody you're gonna go shoot [ __ ] up it's nice to have a hole that I don't have to worry about leaving in the timber don't think about it just they're they're disposable this particular load when Winchester 209 primer also which is my my favorite because they work for pretty much everything we'll be using the double a 12-hour wad this is actually a clay Buster's replacement but any any replacement for a double a 12-hour you'll note that the 12r is actually a fair bit shorter than strictly the the basic double a 12 watt the shot cup is about the same size right but we look working with here is is less less cushioning less of a buffer why would we do that well for if you had a a taller shot column for whatever reason and that's kind of why my I've never thought twice about throwing buckshot and a double a 12 for the most part the buck shot where it's stacked in the hole it's gonna come aways above the water anyway I don't think where we can really get hurt too bad with the double a 12 say on a given number of powder piling it up just a little bit higher it's not going to make a difference our second load today will be based off of Nitra 100 now what Nitra 100 is is actually a a probably best known for its use with just LED shot in general it's not really a buckshot load it's not wasn't formulated for that but I argue that it's works that it'll work just fine again an ounce a shot is an ounce a shot we're using it in an improved wad we're using the the charge and the load in proportion in fact we're using them just exactly as they came out of the Beth home and we're using them in a double a 12 watt so let's get started okay these holes have been sized and primed which is the way I like to store all so first things first let's get started with the her Co load now this load again calls for a winchester double a hole double a 12-hour wad and 25 grains of her coat powder so I'm not going to use the lilo at all to dispense the powder when you're only loading a few of them it's it's doesn't make sense to change the bushings all the time you're 25 grams 25.1 money that's perfect it's not a big job to change the bushings and if I were gonna load more than more than a couple I'd say sure let's go for it but just takes a second scale that out next thing we'll do is take the 12-hour wad stick it in the hole take my my pin or something Chev the wad in heat it give it a couple good taps on the bench with the pen in the middle make sure that that wad seats nicely on top of the powder next thing we're gonna do is stack our buckshot now I pretty well know what my buckshot weighs in this case nine pellets and when it comes to stacking buckshot I think people have different opinions on this you can stack 2x2 or 3x3 I've actually done 2x2 to good effect more than once today we're gonna go three by three and I bet you can't see it maybe you can three of them really just don't fit in there that well you've got to use your pin here and kind of shove them all together and even if you do that even if you think you've got them pretty tight against each other they're gonna slip they're gonna jump around and that's normal it's just not much you can do to stop it so that's layer one layer two same deal we're kind of going for a for an arrangement say the first layers here here here next layer is gonna go here here here and then the third layer again right on top of the first layer six we need seven eight and nine I'm gonna see if these here as best I can but remember they're there they're loose they move around there's not just not a lot we can do about that so just shot columnist act we're gonna put any paint fold crimp on top of it remember I told you these holes are cheap they're plot cheap cheap plastic they're crappy you've really got to step on it lean on it a couple times in the fold crimp or otherwise you'll get a full crimp that'll want to kind of peak on you after it sits in storage for a while not gonna let these let these sit in storage but now check out my finished fold crimp let's see how that looks like dog [ __ ] that looks like dog [ __ ] because these holes really aren't made to be reloaded that won't that won't hurt the suitability of it at all that's not going to affect us but it's not cosmetically pleasing and it's not something that you know it's cool to show your friends it just looks like crap so but it'll shoot I promise that will shoot okay the next one will be the Nitro 100 load came at you 100 load actually gonna use a little less powder than the hurt go load it's gonna take 15 grains this came straight off of the website which is what she'll and website was it accurate powder comm one nice thing about Knight year 100 this particular powder it's all of their load data lists three or four different velocities depending on what you want to do with the load if you want it faster if you want it hotter it gives you options you know most of them are set in stone you want this load with this primer you must use this amount of powder and they'll try to scare you into not deviating from it we're not gonna worry a lot about that basically this load I had the option of going anywhere from 15 grains up to about 19 so I've got 16.2 I'm gonna say that's good enough or close enough again we could have went a lot hotter with this load if we wanted to and then within the manufacturers specs okay fourth powder in take the Winchester double a 12 Watts seated on top of the powder now I'm gonna throw the buckshot and on top same deal this calls for an ounce and 1/8 the shot so we're going to give it roughly announcing a the buckshot nine pellets would be close enough before you purists hang me out to dry I know you don't like to hear close enough and used in a when talking about reloading but that's the fact it's close enough okay we stack the shot kind of that triangular pattern three wide by three high and here's what we got now I you probably can't see it I hope you can you see how the shot comes just up to the edge of the wad it couldn't get much better than that right the only difference with the 12 are watt yes we used a little more powder in the other but the shot is still going to be above the edge of the water and that's okay that's not going to hurt us a bit so anyway we're going to throw a fold crimp on top and you regirock see that looks a little better than the other it's still kind of twisted kind of gnarled a little bit but it's not quite as bad as the other that's what you run into when you use these little cheap disposable holes okay so I hope this was helpful to you the point I'm trying to make here is the buckshot really isn't that hard to load some of the naysayers when you when you question can I do this can I do that all they're doing is repeating what they've been told what they've read in the book I'm here to tell you I've shot dozens of these loads we're staying within a well-defined ratio of charge weight to low Glee and whatever going to have any problems that way a good reason to continue to use that load data is it'll maintain your column height I kind of misspoke earlier I've had it in my head that the 12 are wads would come out a little higher with the size of the shot cup was the same no matter how you sliced it with the 12 are in the Herc oh we use more powder so that the length of the cushioning was less and the column I came out perfect just to the bottom of the of the fold crimp I will also tell you that I've loaded loads that were too low or too high when they're too high they're more likely to peak on you again as long as that led to charge weight ratio is still in line you're really not going to get hurt too bad it's not it may not shoot worth dying it may be excessively loud it make it excessively hard it may not kick much at all it may not be able to hit the broadside of a barn with it but my point is we can reload buckshot cheaply using probably components that we already have wads powder you don't have to have a super slow burning powder like cocoa to make it work well that's all I got for today I decided it's too cold and crappy out I don't really want to go out and shoot so we'll catch you next time
Channel: FarmWithJunk
Views: 33,566
Rating: 4.6458335 out of 5
Keywords: buckshot, 00 buck, double ought buck, reloading, shotshell reloading
Id: XRrlCntHVeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 25 2015
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