Relaxing Watercolor Painting - Portrait with Shapes

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let's take a look at our reference the person in the photo reference was my teachers in my MFA irritation program unless see I'm going to take a little light color first I'm gonna use my hand I try to see where I'm gonna put the the main area of was just the face I'm gonna focus on sharing with you how I see sheets in a portrait so that's good so this will be the chin and this would be the top that's the head like this I like this brush already now the back coming down over here like that so this is would be the main object so if you start from inside of the face like think about the eyes nose without the control of the overall conversation it make you feel dissatisfied at the end of the painting I'm gonna add a little bit I'll be more visible like this so this the chin so I'm gonna take a look at the proportion set the width over here compared to the height of the face and also you can see from here over the side of that year all the way coming down like has the feeling of this is the motion okay from the e over here all the way coming down like a one smooth line and notice about the bigger connection that big relationship okay then get into the small area small detail yeah okay the shoulder here and also I see the shadow shape like that and then have had a little bit more and outside like that last our members they love project and they want to do more project and of course I'm gonna be here to help you through with your learning okay so this how I lay out the raft conversation I'm gonna see they're a little bit bigger okay let's get coming all the way and this end okay I think this is good I'm gonna go with that so when you are doing a painting you want to see the bigger connection like say watch the shadows I on the face well we're already working on the bigger the biggest which is the layout of the whole mini object compared to the left over negative space we ought to work on that what I have that done the second thing we're gonna look at it this is what the composition you want to keep you want this start with and then you are going to divide the shadow side and the light side and the shadows are after light side right and also you thinking about where you can start first either you're gonna thing enough into the main object before you go into the background all you want to go with the background first laying out all the colors hmm do you know what I'm gonna go with put enough color the base color on the face first and I'm gonna see I'm gonna flick enough so even in the shadow I just put this color first like that so I'm gonna have enough color here and also and the color Kate into the ear and you can see I have a lot of color oh that's good and I'm gonna get into the ear and then the neck here this will be the color for the light side I'm gonna leave a little like app for the eyeglasses that's fine like that and probably a little messy I'm gonna do from an ear here to this side of the face it's about half that is getting to the corner of the eye glasses so I don't need this part that's good now from here to here I think one two three like a 1/4 that would be there i glasses so I can leave a little like over here for now like this now this is the base color for the face all right that's good and I can I help a lot of great color okay further here like that and a great color in the back over here that's fine yeah I'm going to make a little softer I overhear that that's fine there's another soft over here - that's good so I'm gonna build up from this base color Lobby later but I also gonna put the right color for the for the coat okay like this coming up this would be their base color for the coat do you think okay on the other side also going to put Wow their face areas do wet so I don't want to touch it intentionally okay I want to have this color over their service the light side color okay so from here when I come back and I would do there Tucker which the shadow side that that's okay now I'm gonna mix a little brown color so a brown color is yellow red and blue yes that are running power for this shirt in the middle over here for now I'm going to carry this color maybe a lot of people onto the head coming up here okay it's okay be patient okay just ahead now I'm thinking about should I walk into the shadows I already probably not is still a little wet over here and one they have a little bit clear separation like seeing their shadows I had to catch the shadow on the neck over here with the light side it has a very clear separation that's the sharp edge is to call hard edge shape I wonder background color a little bit darker than the light side of the face also could be darker than the light color of the coat okay and maybe the top over here I'm gonna make it a darker than the head oh we mean to be lighter than the head if you want we don't want it to have this confusing so let's see but I spray by how we feel okay and get some yellow color the blue color ask it this brush is can keep lots of lots of thing in it so they see how much okay that is too much similar so on the bottom over here we don't want something a little bit darker even though on that day we were outside I believe we went to visit a museum together okay so I'm gonna hit this color I love you talker let's say so I love you darker than here you can change anything you want oh nice this brush very easy to control a good thing is it cheap lots of paint okay and the top over here let's see so we wanna make it lighter in the hand I'm gonna make it a little lighter than the hand so that case I'm gonna take more water in here I'm gonna have a bit more yellow color let go most of the paint just keep the yellow color like this so you told her after you she wants you later then certain colors oh you want to make it darker Danna color is it's your choice now is appear to be lighter than the hint so I'm going to continue with this color under this side of course will be lighted in the shadow side of the face okay yes say I'm going to have a little bit color some variety colors on this side yeah and maybe I also leave up a little colors on this side so very easy take up the color that's good yeah that's all right that may be the similar color at the bottom with you too okay even below the mark over here and that half is closer to drive to make if you like maybe the nature it should be the nature because this was outdoor so we're gonna keep a little more suggestions if we want you later now I have colors everywhere desk yeah you have to color to the edge over here like that that's good now we continue into the second layer now I'm gonna have the little darker color and the here just use the brush it's very good way is to suggest the light and shadow or the blending this side I'm gonna stop this now I'm gonna walking in to settle the color in the code here first half not a yellow color yellow green colors I'm gonna ask this right hmm then we'll estar working inside the face yes working on the portrait compared to an apple is a pretty large project so you need to divide it into smaller pieces okay first start from the bottom of the ear oh yeah look and think and then pinned okay look at the shape from the e over here connected almost like a continuous coming down that's the catch the shadow of the ear I don't now does continue okay I'm gonna add a little bit yellow color this color a little bit too much red yes I can yes I can see their shape over here just think about our shape and pop by the way you can change those later on it's water color yes I used to change and then coming up stitching like that you come to the neck over here focus focus on what you're looking for okay that's squint screens your eye really help and this would be a doctor as part of the ship that's okay for now and now I'm gonna come to the top screen your eye hmm let's test the eyeglasses eyeglass um coming over here looking for shapes and underneath okay I'm sure you can do this thing trust yourself you can do it it's a CT pay attention one little shape at a time and one shape how you connect to the other shape this absolutely catch the shadow after here okay let's consider smaller shapes I'm gonna light up this first like a little softer like that I come back to you that year later let's see I'm gonna walk into the shadows i screen your eye to see how dark was the color of the shadows this would be a big color and I'm gonna just paint it it's one area okay I decided to live up the line shape of this frame so I don't want to get it too destructive coming down here everything in the shadow side they are very similar now the corner of the mouth and there's a bit of mouth this is the eyebrows I dislike rouse in that case this will be the nose so this would be next to there that the cheek next to the nose okay now take a look the shadow side how big is the shadow side I think become a little bit more how you go I think in the very correct space okay still leave a little bit light side for the bear okay let's say I'm gonna mix the color a little bit darker now come back and in their catch the shadow and the cheek like this I'm gonna join others together see this is the shadow side and the top over here I'm gonna have lobby blue colors because I want it look much darker blue and man like this yeah it's much darker on the forehead and as a discolor came all the way coming into the head shadows that's right okay not here one brush and then up similar to if you ever practice clickety and there's your very control and then in here same thing continue over here looking for my shape and attack shape I hate as good as I'm gonna hear a little lighter continue over here you have a lot of Graduate landing coming down have a lot of thickness on the side this is kit alright I'm gonna also have a little bit more red so this is the eyeglasses cast shadow on the cheek look first and then get darker now let me read a little bit blue yeah dopey doctor coming down desk ask it coming this color it's just right I guess the catch - I haven't the cheek is look a big warmer okay feared in I love you more right cause sometimes we have to besides ratings yeah that's fine now it's one shape okay now I can come into the ear just get a little bit just a little bit more just red color yeah look it right here spell easy to used the brush making different shapes and behind their ear I'm gonna have happy doctor a lot of great every colors like this or big guitar behind it your wish tell me a little more ask Dan just think of our shapes and this have loved a little bit more as like a Brian Thomas you should thinking about more like a brown color yellow it would be part of the minister this ask together I'm gonna soften this a little bit here dad that's fine I've softened this okay son meter Tong we can add it later I just want to have something a little bit stronger separate the lights and a shout outside start from there okay and I'm gonna add a little light color small shape like that add a little interest to it interesting very easy to control don't get it think about it and I think that's probably love it to our heart softer desk basket now maybe it a good time to walk into the shape and they're cold that's good I'm gonna take the blue color take the red color you may be thinking about it why do you keep adding a red color get red color that make the color darker and if you have enough blue the color will look like dark blue colors okay that's good now coming over here you see the color very dark isn't it right I guess yes I put this big shape in here you will feel different you look like a paintings holding up much stronger okay I like this brush because it's actually holding up a lot of pink enough for me to do pink for a while before I need to come back to we load the paint it's good and also there the tip of the brush can warm it very nice different shapes made me feel like an idiot a shape over there okay now come back onto this side but I am NOT a touchy even though you should be a little warmer so let's see think about what's the shape can you do a shape shape you can actually turn around the brush in the middle of the painting for a different effect different shape again can talk about shapes yes I'm gonna wash the brush what I won and when I add the cast shadow in there the green inside the shirt I'm gonna have this color I can over here maybe not talking that okay love you MA blue color asking and also I can put it kind of like it - it's okay if that have to rush together that's fine because they are in their soft cast shadow that's good now at this time I also going to add their Tucker cast shadow in the inside layer shirt there's a purple color I might be able to yellow that's good now let's see I think this is cast a shadow darker than the skin cast a shadow thing and let the merge together that's fine and if you're here to be a softer if you'd only have too much water in your paint it should not do too much damage or break a t-shape take a look at that she ask it okay my mother yes that's just the water have a little lighter color of this and blend it in to existing color what color like that I still can't leave that a little later that's good now I can walk around to see her little blue color and take a little warm color over here I think this can have great color like this a lot of great and I have the same color on their side like that suffered that and I did have it connected at this okay I'm gonna just get out of the blue color connect this together now we are looking at their meter tongue it's very nice the shape a little bit now we are going to take a look at the hint I'm gonna adjust the color I'm gonna enter it and a little bit more red color in it I like that color maybe a little bit below like this I'm gonna hit this color change a little bit and pressed I wanted to be a levy Tucker in the background that's fine that's good like that okay another hit a little bit more coming to it as the face away from the background a little more I'm gonna let go of this College on maybe let go of this - hmm can do some lifting nice okay at this point I can also come in to have a little red color onto the cheek since the red color I said after the first one you almost can't directly add the primary color directly into the paint like that and also I have this color let me talk here okay Tucker okay now under first before I move away from me I'm gonna stop at this so just clean my brush say it's us just the water to soften this nice sometimes you want the edge softer sometimes even wanted to be lost to lost the edge soften a little bit even in this catch the shadow shape nice baby logo colors suggesting the ring goes there we get smaller and smaller and a bottom over here when I take this is not so bright red color some more like a brown color scale of the yellow and we're gonna look into the cast shadow inside the catch the shadow there and also the shadow side in there underneath in gene therapy later then coming over here I have this color and look people read now you always analyze it and compare okay I love you more and this brush is very soft in and then it's not really studying us erasing the color underneath I have a look more red color just the red I'm gonna adding a small I just wanna and look at this shape it have definitely to a light just get the right color and after this little brown color I can make the lines really small that's good now coming to the neck a little bit oh there's a little bit more in this you go texture okay I can move it like that okay okay now let's talk about inside there this area I need to do a lot of lifting yes this color I'm gonna add all the little cover to it whenever you add a little lighter color like yellow you wanna leave up a little lighter in order to have the new color that's good now I add a little bit yellow the yellow come here why I have the yellow color because the green shirt right under looks good now this shape is already here that looks good some color come out over there I think we just let it like that that's fine here I want to soften a little bit some of our members have the problem would try to always try to finish everything in one step it's just that it let the process divided into smaller and process smaller smaller and step and then when you come to dedicate a step like a for edges for example it would be very very helpful I'm gonna make this edge a little bit softer over here because it should not have socha to suffer and with this new brush it's gonna be the one of my favorite now it's a little bit softer now I attract much less attention now I'm looking into inside the face here in the shadow side okay and a shadow side I'm gonna add let's say this would be a good start looking into it inside this I do this and Esther knows let's take a look at an edge over here that they because this is the eyebrows right over here and this student knows that's the the distance between eyebrows to the nose and let me less than from a notice to the chin so this is the nostril the nostril area this okay I think can be even a little higher just focus like just kind she coming ask okay take a look and the other side I'm gonna get the red color more red on the other side see a little bit more red okay yeah now we already knows over here I'm gonna paint around the others I have loved you more that's nice coming here just keep looking and then the lip pop a lip off the mouth this is open a little bit see a cup of tea and we add the chocolate inside the mouth later and then take a doctor I don't need this had a little nice shape gonna keep that's just the corner of the mouth so it's not too bad that's the corner of the mouth I'm signed okay and here I have a lot of big blue color you might think about why has a little blue color because there's the environment let's put the cool and so I'm gonna add all the blue color here just ask I'm gonna add that blue color over here too I am I wanted to be lighter now a little later okay that's it the mouth over here and this shape is correct so I'm going to add a little the right color around over here I got a lighter connect it have got the transition and also here to have a little bit more so when you paint on your discover there at the location the big shape always overlooked the smaller shape at the beginning and you add the smaller shape after the big shape they establish because that's much easier case small shape in the picture they say that that's what of the smashing I'm gonna lifting a little bit over here and when I have this illusion they here actually coming in over here and it says Philippe you believe that you can do it just keep moving it and we'll make it softer and softer that's good right over here I'm gonna have a little of the line coming through here that works I asked it it says shape it like a little bit a big eye on one side look like a flat brush and then just keep moving it yeah walk okay okay now let's take a look inside their shadow side I'm going to do a lot of lifting so first in on this side it should be has a little big light blue comments they pop a little bit but be careful you don't want to make the area in the shadow side looked lighter than the light side that is not right right the whole shadow side should remained to be together I love you later that's good I'm gonna get away from the middle area here I'm gonna come up to the top can I get some blue color in here let's get I'm gonna get back here I'm gonna make this a little bit darker here we go I can move this higher okay now and there and thumb over there I'm gonna have a little red color I guess it's not just dark color it's look like a a warm dark color so here's you gradually coming down now did you sucked okay and this dark color also connect still connect down over here okay now coming into this I shape a little bit and then take a look almost just like using the same color over here some variations okay now my glasses here okay I'm gonna get a little darker color she just not that I know that's good okay that's good okay that's a nose I know this needs some variations I come back there did they let me right now in this area [Music] and this mrs. Esther frame sorry now come to the mouse over here I'm gonna get a little bit darker color here at the corner okay I'm gonna have to tuck her shape inside the mouth that's good and under here I'm gonna hit this coming a little bit softer like that I even changed the shape a little bit later okay that's good now I come to under their ear and they say yes I'm really red color sasirekha and shining year is very has us one color ask you now also get the red color into the lips okay I'm over here you see a look of hormone now as a real person I I'm gonna get a little color in this location see that now it suggests it interesting over here - okay I'm gonna get dr. color with you later okay a little bit red color on that chick over here okay I think I'm gonna add a little bit more red color just a bright red color right over here kinda under the shadows it doesn't have too much okay now come to there this side I'm gonna do a little adjustment so I'm going to change the brush first time so I'm gonna use this flippy shape fry brush when I come here I'm something a little bit like this and I had to totally go away just because I could I don't really see it is necessary that I come to the side over here and coming in a lot of bed so make his face a little bit more rounded and underneath here under here I just need to extend this dark color coming in a little bit and they will fix the problem not me to fix the problem and we'll make it more like him little more amusing and over here suffer a lot of it as you see it should follow me long enough I've been totally remove the pencil drawing away from my pink watercolor painting process it says most I remember now or they get used to painting without pencil drawing mrs. kid you a lot more freedom now I also going to leave a little bit over here be persistent and it is very hard this color or esteem to the paper but you can lit enough to convey your suggestions all right all right now I also gonna use this brush and the other lip thing for the eyeglass frame right over here this doesn't have to be white had lied enough asked like this and a little bit like this alright let's get on this side okay fine-tune the edge over here I come back with the same brush he'll be more water okay with the red that's it I'll be more red I just want to see dark right that's good okay now let's see now let's it compare to the corner of the mouth and the nose about here coming in here and like that oh that's good you see I can even come in a little bit more yes and then there are the more okay okay okay now I can use the same color almost the same color for inside a mouth see right here I guess I'm gonna use the similar color but it'll be later insider I already he's squinting okay like that that's good also going to have a little bit later it's a little bit later about the water smoke you later and I glass here I'm gonna have a little bit see all those people who come out like this and strained airline distraction [Music] okay now that a darker color and it you can say over here like a small triangle all right I'm gonna get that red color going around as i we're okay a little more red color darker as you see everything making sense is the shape that's good okay now coming back to their shadow arena huh catch the shadow let's see over here a little bit more well and this tell me you know the bed showing the thickness of the year actually that you can be fixed by having the shape adjusted I have a little shape over here okay below the blue colors also I think are coming here now you can't smaller and smaller I get into there because shape make it like a smaller and smaller and then you can get order suggestions instead of going for smaller shape I try to piece together to suggested to big connections it would be much harder okay just gonna softened a little bit this brush is very soft it's very easy now I'm gonna get there darker color and coming outside that year see that Y over here shrink it it's good my desk dad I love the blue color secure it look at it over here okay they say under here I can see you later' doc a little color ask and so they connected no connected ask it okay now perfecter take a look at in the shadow area look at the nose and get a little bit more red color first yeah start over here now turned out of the bed though the big blow coming on their side and then I let the blue color on this side and the top over here if you don't see those color is fine but did you see it and then you can keep moving forward and over here have a little bit more red color when i hatch it over here and underneath the nose has a little bit more red color and now the area looks more details in and more dimensional okay I'm gonna leave up all of the color over here have another soft light that's good yes I guess now I'm coming in to let's keep it a little darker color in a nice draw okay look at that what's the color is it this would be the cover okay ask corn over here I bet the table over here don't want it look like it's persistent coming down so I'm gonna lose this a little bit so I have a little south and then coming down over here it'll be harder and then someone it's much easier I made more sense to n over here so refraction in the glass that's good a daddy like that yeah there you go come to the car hot spring that's good enough suggestions isn't it and take a look gun here I'm gonna organize a little bit that's fine and I need to scratch it a little bit over here to here another highlight and this color over here I can leap up to make it a little bit lighter so k n color lid color at color lip color adjusted overlaid yeah Lhasa wanna come technique helped you to make a realistic rendering and let's see the portrait is almost there I'm gonna add just the regular just yet I'm gonna put away here that's too much red that's awesome that's good now something okay a little bit brownish color I want to make this a little bit more clean yeah it's good and in case I'm gonna make this a little bit later I have this a little bit smoother it looks better already okay I think that's coming in a little bit more just expand this like come in a little bit more okay let's see because this to here in this brush is so soft actually really going to create a bit dude tips to us okay are you scared I'm going to I think inside way here I can suggest a little bit and a little bit soft okay I'm gonna come in over here have a little line over here like that and I love the big Tucker okay hello everybody a doctor over here too oh don't occur look at it you can see some some folding okay let's get in and I want to have in here a little bit blue as well I don't need to be so clear that's good I like the edge that'd be softer and also the edge over here I can make it a little bit softer like that okay I think the jacket need to be a little bit darker overall so I'm gonna do over the base I'm gonna leave alone I picked some areas lighter like over here I want to keep that liberal ate the rest a second is a place over now take a look at the background do I need to do anything from here yes yeah let's destroy slowly for the tree cat litter suggestions like that that's fine very light color that's good this brush is very helpful coming okay that's good I'm gonna add that little yellow color somewhere over here dance I said to make us a remember to praise we being okay a few more let's get cancer from that they're probably too much now for the highlight over there some people suggest I should just use white color but usually I don't have white color next to me so I'm gonna do a little scratching basket very simple okay and then I was like over here I did you close it here you go much better and now the outside of a hater I don't want to be I don't know big shocker I know we're here that's good and let's say this painting is finished I hope you liked this lesson you
Channel: Yong Chen
Views: 31,691
Rating: 4.8739257 out of 5
Keywords: watercolor, painting, watercolor painting, watercolor tutorial, watercolor painting a face, painting step by step, watercolor for beginners, watercolor painting abstract, watercolor painting easy landscape, watercolor painting christmas, watercolor painting exercises, watercolor painting easy tutorial, the joy of painting, watercolor painting art, Yong Chen, enjoyingart, asmr, Paul Rubens Watercolor
Id: l_21hz8eP0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 31sec (4891 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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