Portrait #112 - Watercolor Painting of a Man in the Sun

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this September is our patrons challenge painting watercolor without pencil drawings most the members are doing extremely well and I think you already make a big leap today I'm going to give you more feed bags through this painting process I'm gonna painting the main outdoor I'm using the paper is autism nigh by 12 inches co press it's a very nice what I call a paper okay let's first do a little light color drawing I'm gonna use this a little brown color here SC why I'm going to put there the main area was the face I'm gonna just use my brush to rolling in the place they get an idea together first and let's see how I'm going to put it right over here like this so this is would be the face area take a look at the width and height plan summary and I think this is the right shape like this right this is good and you don't need to go into very details and also the color right now is very light too much changes are overworked try to avoid that in the painting process so this is good I just try to mock the idea and the shoulder on this side is about here and the shoulder on this side look for the connection between here and here this side lower the baha'i are probably the same right over here like that they're probably the blue coming down over here so you can change it do you want to move it left and to the right actually you can move a little bit to the right because his face are looking forward the left hand side well let's do a little changes just for the demonstration and I'm gonna move it a little bit more this side like say coming over here so I'm gonna soften the mark the Oddie putting it over here okay now I'm going to the left side of the face will be here so the edge of the face now moved to the right hand side let's see what can happen if we don't erase totally about those colors it's gonna have you're gonna look and now let's put their location that's for the eye right over here and the nose would be right in here and their shape coming down over here and that's the mound and there is the chin over here I have some peso here I need to create those illusions after the here and also the here over here will become another challenge for us in this painting okay what I'm gonna do now will also need to mark down the location of the ear the ear would be over here okay now I'm going to start a painting I'm going to use this one-inch brush I'm going to focus on a big area through the painting process I would I have to start from time to time to make a color drive in order to go to the next step so let's see mostly the color is red so I'm going to start the red color from the top over here looking for the highlight a little bit yellow color so the highlights right in this area so at this stage you only need to look for the first layer of color and the nose right in here I'm gonna put a little bit now look they're coming to a bit darker the light coming from a tree from the top the top right corners so it's very right at the top but the lower part of the face is getting a bit darker and it makes a little big blue color in here that's good now looking for not the details let go off the details don't think about the teachers at all at this step and then the ear right over here and coming down and then the neck would be here okay like that does get and now go coming to the forehead and the top over here have a little bit more writer red color and when you closer to the light the color here tree a little bit more pure more like a red or orange color and also here have load the more red color and the top of the forehead have a little bit more rare color like this and on the chin we have a little bit more the red color the sceptre the color into the face and in this location is stupid whether I want to retain the nose over here to be making sure the nose edge over here or be sharper so I'm not going to pick in the debt right now because their paper pretty well and what I want to do now I'm gonna moving them to the shirt okay shoulder on this side okay I think is though I place the shoulder okay at this point I'm going to take a short break up die lip up the color over here make a little bit later I'm going to let the the painting dry first if I come back to do the next step when we are painting looking at their shapes it's very important to pay attention their color and a value between those shapes not just in one shape we lay one shape to other areas in the same painting I'm gonna add a little gray color start from the top add a little blue color now way over here because I have a little bit more red a little bit brownish color scale of the yellow right over here screen your eyes so you can see so get a little bit red color onto the forehead area you still can change the shape I want to move the whole thing a little bit more Twitter right hand side so I just move the edge over here remember now earlier I said the challenge continuing challenge for our member now avoiding overdo to see if we can just keep the freshness of the painting not make it or what do wear sometimes can I avoid they have some overdue but let's see if we can avoid it have too much to try to keep the freshness so the four hair coming down right here and on the edge over here I can flip up a little bit this is really related now coming down to the chin and now let's see we're gonna find out the location there will be the eye area so the nose watch the nose screen your eyes so you can focus on finding their location so let's see the nose over here is start a little big red and come to a little bit later okay michelotto graduate now let's see and coming down here I'm gonna continuing there's just the edge of the face now coming down now get to the side of the face let's mixed the brown color again yellow red and blue let's get a little bit more yellow right there that's good coming over here and actually the mouth over here also have a little bit more of this tone I take a look at the eye the eye is about here I'm gonna keep that let's go - the shape that's good I'll take a look and I'm gonna move the side over here a little bit wider over here a little more coming through over here that's good and with that the ear much darker the ear right over here before you're looking inside a year yeah I want you to see the whole shape of the ear compared to the rest of their face coming over here and then they're much much darker and I'm gonna make the neck very dark biscuit that's good like this I'm going to add a little bit great color and a top over here alright that's good at this point I'm going to keep this but I'm gonna also apply the catch the shadow on this shoulder first I want you to totally ignore the detail just focus on how those shapes connect together at this point it's very important to keep the focus on the big area the big connection let's take a look get a little the red color I think this would be close to the color the catch the shadow you s-say you and inside way here I'm going to edit the warm color with a little red color I love the yellow let's get now I'm gonna make the tip of the brush a little bit smaller I'm gonna also putting it in here make them also on this side I'm gonna have some loose suggestion that's good now I'm gonna take another break now the people already drive so now I want to do I'm going to define those a shadow side first let's see I'm going to mix the darker color and I have to quite be the full color over here so I'm going to move the color up here have a little bit yellow a little bit more blue then okay like this a little bit red more red okay now I'm going to start walking into let's say start from the ID area this thesis would be the location of the shadow I'm going to ignore the eyeglasses frame I was thinking about to leave that but you may not be a little bit to destruction at this point okay looking for the big shape looking for the eye on here this a big triangle okay look at this triangle nose on the side of the nose over here keep coming down the nose over here now we're gradually divided discover the shadow shape and divide into line sight and a shadow sight okay that's good and those here I'm gonna do that maybe with lifting after and then coming to the neck of a here have a little bit more red and go to the door it's good right over here now take a look at a year we start making a little bit more red color inside the ear here it's okay if you don't know what you're gonna do next next step just sometimes go with the instinct to see what you're gonna do and we're gonna come up with the solutions for the next step being as a member of the enjoying art you can we can always discuss we have the weekly monthly and a conversation you can raise the questions and is from the conversation I was making plan for new lessons to answer our member questions okay now coming here it looks like remove the neck a little bit more to it the right-hand side that's okay we can fix that later here we'll move it out here for the bone okay now I'm going to come to some smaller shape on the cheek let's see well there would be one more coming over here just use the clean brush soften a little bit up here as I have looked me red and put the little red color that's good now let's see looks like some yellow color could be over here just take the yellow color make a little bit here around the highlight take a little red color so far so good that some effect is already warming but it's okay we're gonna take care of that a little bit later at this point I'm gonna let it dry a little bit and then I come back to also put the color into the background and I'm going to tight everything together before we go into the next step detail okay now I want to do I'm gonna start making the bigger connections all together like I say use the background to make this the back of the head and a little bit closer value to the background now I'm gonna take the blue color and the gallows the red here you go let's take a look is this the color is good let's see I think it looks good just the way it is maybe the top over here make a little softer that and now the front over here yes you are gonna do I decided to leave a little bit I don't want to push the back on all the way touch their face at Liz and there's transition need to be graduate not so sharp take there in the blue maybe a lot of different colors then the color on the other side I need to make a little bit darker so get a little bit color in here let's see how it look okay now I'm gonna use this dark color to form the edge like this and when I have a little bit soft transition over here clean the brush totally and sought their transition let go the a little bit too much of the wet color in the background yeah that's good and have bad I'll coming back on this side should I do something over here I think I like the texture like this a little bit natural by over here need to be have need to have a little bit more colors and should be a little bit darker I'm gonna get a little bit like that and maybe kill the yellow so here let's see damn and maybe have a little blue color on this side so there's somehow echo the other side of the back one and now over here I'm going to add a little bit runny feeling of color let me see yeah now they have not blue colors Sun glare a little bit warm is coming over here you okay now I think the background looks very good now the order painting tightened together and I love that a little eye shape over here and could a little bit keep a little with them so what I wanted to do now at here I'm going to leave a little color in here although the suggestions coming out like this now I'm going to let it dry again the color already said oh now I'm going to come into to reset some colors and what I won I'm going to use this bigger brush so I'm not going to pay too much attention to all the smaller areas so now they see I'm going to take this like an orangish colors start from the forehead over here focus on the big connections all always like Iran and Iran focus on how does she the colors connect together Olivia over here got a little bit more red color that's good keep the freshness this is this paintings challenge yeah now come the chick over here and coming a little bit lower and that looks a little bit more purple colors so I'm gonna take this color just the red this has a little pop on each color so coming down over here like that and coming to the neck over here much much more a much darker so I'm gonna take this color a little bit this yeah sometimes we think value before thing about color okay like that okay that's good and up here screen your eye to see it just seemed a little bit too light so I'm gonna actually have this color maybe some yellow make it a color maybe a little bit dark a bit thicker now this is a little bit darker like that now I'm going to switch to a smaller brush okay if I go there I'm also going to bring this color all the way to the back over here okay I'm going to switch to the smaller brush take a look at the space a of the nose I'm gonna just take the very red color now coming here to see this color so fajita that okay that's good and in the area we need to make it even a little bit okay we just like doing a sculpture yeah gradually cop out the connection okay in the year over here we can make it even darker that's good like that and we use the one-inch brush I'm gonna do a little bit lifting over here there's a lot of suggestions that's good now we're going to let it dry this is supposed to dry and I'm walking into the back of the e over here as suggestions for the here a part of the head and I'm going to just take a little gray color here and any color put it on top of this colors it will look it make it look at darker because that is translucent watercolor like this good like this now we're gonna take a look we try to avoid overdo we're going to try to capture our impression let's see what we're gonna do I'm gonna take care of the nose just a clean sable brush number 12 and I'm gonna do a little lifting off over here ask it the Big Shot over here I'm gonna fill the little red color in here sometimes after we do the lifting it looks a little bit color a little bit blue maybe the color a little bit just not look fresh enough and after that we my going to put the fresh color back into their space so okay I think the overall color is already good it's already here now I want to do next I'm gonna start looking to develop a little bit more definitions between those shapes look at over here the ear and there the eye area a little bit yellow a little bit more like a brownish color that's good and I'm gonna put this up here a little bit like that and now on this side screen high you can see the connection how wide it is and coming down here that is the cyber now coming into the year okay right here see a connection first and now walking to reform the shadow under there in the neck area and under the chin and I'm gonna take this color like this I'm not paying too much attention inside the shadow in stuff the whole shadow area you just used to make the myth of the brush and soften that okay now scared I'm going to continue with this color a little bit more red in this color we don't want too much it's good this color can come over here like this you you go add a little smaller shape and we're walking into the forehead let's see the forehead over here this line look and don't do it too fast otherwise it doesn't look natural you Lovick darker color now we are building up a little smaller and smaller shape you landscape look analyze it and then make the action a little bit top over here like that okay half a little bit warm color a little bit like a light brown colors so get a little bit yellow color in here okay that's good a little bit yellow color in here to try to keep the freshness okay now it's good and when I add a little bit darker color now I'm gonna mix a little color the blue color get the red color and have a little bit yellow this that's good now I'm gonna set the little darker color right in here okay let's see that water color the color right in here a little bit and talk a color Y in here like that okay now I'm gonna get even talk a colors when I overhear there you go and it's a darker color right over here and this the neck and they come in a little bit I'm gonna keep that a little smaller because I'm making sure the location of the net is correct that's good I'm gonna come in a little red color a little bit over here now is set a little bit darker tone in here okay that's good now I'm gonna have the top over here that's a little bit not good to hear about a white here I had to use some special technique later in the process a little bit softer yes okay try to keep their freshness give it a load of suggestions in here just lower the big suggestions can they see some give a lot of meaning for suggestions I said okay we're gonna let me drive I'm gonna come back to do some adjustment and also we're gonna play with the connection between the back of the head and the back run okay first I'm gonna settle the fresh color for the nose before I do that and the cleaning the Lucas face this is the time and need some clean space and the color palette okay that's good I'm gonna just take a little red color look at that just the red color like this yes scale and I also come to Italy lifting on the cheek area and sup in the texture right over here just use half of the brush let's use the corner of the brush that's good don't overdo it suck on that okay that's good let's show him a little bit more roundness on the cheek over here let's get also over here I'm gonna lip upload the color over here too softly don't want to make it too light how'd they do the lifting the color look to drive the area so what you need to do is just to take the red color come back over here make a little bit more freshness yeah the same thing over here take a look this area and when I have a little bit yellow color in here too good and also the red color over here too and I mean here a little red color okay I'm gonna get a big darker color here this just okay the nose here this still the wet I'm gonna sell the color to the mouth good like that and connect the scallion here yes alright now I'm gonna come in to take a look the area for the eye I'm going to decided to keep it like this and I like the idea of how the color merge together and with a little unclear so more focus on the shape instead of the suggestions are a person and over here I'm going to have a little bit softer over here let the color edge emerge in here okay that's good now I'm going to walk into the connection between the back and they're here okay let's take a look I'm gonna do it another round get the Google color in here let's see how this color a little bit more into act into their here with yeah I'm gonna add a little red color there you go now this the color like this now it's more connecting in here now the color a little bit more connect it that's good and also this color a bit too bright so I could have that looking like this a little bit more like this kind of gray color connected in here so this will look better okay that's good now look at the top over here have a little bit more red color just a little red color like that that's good Kilda the red a little orange color a little bit of this yellowish tone also on the shoulder here that's a scale I like the look over here and that is a very good effect and I'm gonna also add the yellow red and make a little big orange color but warm orange the warm brown color is good have this color come in here and inside a little bit more read this look for the big connection try to keep the big connection like this although the red in here I'm gonna make a little bit more pure red okay let's get our the nose here go to skip get a little bit more red color a little more yeah and the top of the yeah I'm going to lift up the little color and the top here I'm going to leap up the line shape so then a challenge for our member to see how why you are doing the brave watercolor painting with Tao graphic and so plan now you already done it you're doing a great job and I remember I haven't tried this push them in and try it it's not that scary actually you were few the freedoms that you never had before you probably never go back there okay a little bit little transition here we go to higher pitch transition now I'm thinking about eyeglasses frame the first thing I'm going to do I'm going to draw a little frame for the dark color first star over here all the way connector here like this let me Tucker and a little color in here and then I love the red good now let's take a look the top of the frame is right over here see come to this corner this and this side the frames right over here to the bottom here right over here now this connection coming down here and make a turn right over here okay like that I'll come to a look on this side a gas frame stove over here the candy aside that's good like that well the connection I mean over now what I want to do also set the cast shadow from the icons frame onto their face put a warm colors like this now I'm going to see look first right yeah coming down now I love you more blue coming down over here all the way coming here okay a little bit like a comma connect in here cool very good set the little bit more small shape into the e over here it's good like this now I have exacto knife I'm going to do a little scratch say the corner over here like this and a little scratch over here okay a little bit over here let's get a little bit over here lot of toning all that you get that I'll get that skin now I'm going to come back over here and it looks like we need to group this color little bit more just get a little bit purple color group this color a little bit more like this like this better and when I connect the car down over here then make it appear a big shot there here we come and I was I had this color coming over here to make this transition into the shape a little bit better just good now the next I'm gonna do also gonna do a little scratch for the hair here okay and then we'll come in over here to do a little lifting off with this round shape you don't want to meet make the whole areas and white it says some other suggestions so connect the people's imagination and saying yeah this is there it's the white beer now also coming over here they will look a little over here too and after they drive I will do a look a few scratch so I can suggest it the why here why we're doing this I'm gonna come in here to have a little bit show me a little tacky here on the top over here okay I'm gonna open up there here yes give it not suggestions showing there there's some gray hair over here can use this a little bit smaller brush just keep it a little brown color if you let the careful you don't want to make it look too tedious too much detail now I'm gonna have it drive I decided to come back over here to the nose I'm gonna make it even more round said that a little red color on this side now come to this side and help Mel debates transition at the bottom here you know the red like this nice cape that's good now I'm gonna come back to use the exacto knife do a few scratch don't try to scratch all the hairs just a few in not to suggest like this just a little bit no the suggestions the power of suggestion like that and that should be pretty nice although the yellow color make it open - so I'm going to also gonna add a little pattern on their clothing make a little bit more brownish colors Missy yes sir continue that in that suggestion and also now as I have the horizontal look at the movement okay and with a soft suggestion that's getting up and also going to keep a little suggestions for they let the line over here other theme like then and I think this painting is finished if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and turn on notification by check the barrel and the next video come out you will receive the notification if you want to have the interactive learning experience getting my feedback and as well other members feedbacks you should join our enjoying our learning community on patron and just use the link over here and also have the link in the video description see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Yong Chen
Views: 331,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting, watercolor, watercolor painting, portrait, watercolor portrait, watercolor portrait painting, portrait painting, watercolor portrait painting of old man, watercolor painting for beginners, watercolor painting techniques, watercolour portrait, watercolour, watercolour portrait painting, watercolor tutorial, watercolour painting of hair, Arteza watercolor, Yong Chen, enjoyingart
Id: ocPqEnxjoUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 19sec (4699 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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