Relationship University: Bryan and Sue Nutman

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all right well welcome to relationship university uh here at kerris bible college we are with brian and sue nutman and they have an awesome word for us today in person we have an audience of three so welcome and i know many of you are also watching online so i want to tell you how to participate whether you're in person or whether you're watching online if you're watching live you can text in your questions and i will be asking your questions at the end and so one way to do is to text in to ways you can send in your 719-212-2555 if it's on topic i'll probably hit those first but anything about relationships even if it makes them uncomfortable i'll ask them anyway so please feel free to ask them anything you'd like um also if you'd like prayer during this or afterwards one way to do that is that if you're watching on our main website at there's a button that says click here for prayer in the chat it says request prayer so you can click on that or you can just call in our phone number 719-635-1111 and these numbers should be popping up throughout the throughout the session on your screen so you can call in and so now without any more now this is going to be interactive i hear so i'm not sure quite what to expect um okay yeah so i may actually get called back on stage i don't know but um anyway please welcome brian and sue nutman awesome thank you uh yeah welcome everybody who's uh here and online we just again thank you uh that we get to be together and share some time and just share what's on our hearts and i think the area that we've been praying about for this time which is always uh an interesting subject and i don't know why we always pick the difficult ones we do we do because it's because we've lived them yes and not a lot of people want to deal with them or talk about them but today we're talking about healthy boundaries and what that looks like uh you know not just in marriage but in in friendships in workplaces and what does that look like how do they happen why do they happen how to deal with difficult conversations all of those things that go on within creating a healthy boundary yeah and a healthy relationship so that's what we're going to be you know chatting to you guys about today and sharing some life experiences um we're always very honest with our life experiences and that's why we we think this is a really important subject and it's really important because it was important to god and it was important to jesus and that's what we're going to bring out with you guys then this afternoon and we're also going to be touching on something about you know what is your purpose because once you know what is your god-given purpose then it's easier to set those healthy boundaries so we're going to have some fun interaction this afternoon so we are pleased that we have four people in the audience that can help us because we actually need five i'm number five and brian can do the demonstration so god knew exactly um i'm just going to open up in prayer so father god we just thank you for this time we thank you for the people here listening and we thank you lord for everybody online who will watch this now but that will watch this in an archive in a few months time and we just thank you lord for your presence in this place we thank you lord that you are just such a good good father and we thank you that you will guide our words and our thoughts and our uh what we want to say today so that will become from your heart and the expression of your heart for us and we thank you for that in jesus name amen amen amen so yes so healthy boundaries and they are they are good things they are not things that people think of boundaries and they sometimes think of these big fences with do not enter and barbed wire on them and people look at that and go oh that's a boundary but i think it's important to realize that we need to set healthy boundaries so that we can have healthy relationships not only as husband as wife as with children with friends with work colleagues all these types of things if your boundaries you set a healthy boundaries then you're not gonna get the big burnout and it's easy to get burnout if you don't set these boundaries and uh i don't think it's just burnout i think it's also that you know some people if you don't have boundaries some people take advantage of you and so they ask you to do things that you wouldn't really want to do or you get into the place of feeling fearful and all of the other things manipulation control all of those areas is is if you allow certain people to have that basis and thought process that it's okay to talk to you in a certain way make you do things those are boundaries again that you have to share what you are willing to be able to walk through and let them know how you feel about it because again these are all things that people will push your buttons or push your boundaries if you don't allow them to know what's going on and we're going to be explaining this through many different areas it's like you know family healthy boundaries with family healthy boundaries with uh in relationships healthy boundaries in your workplace with your career with your church environment whether you work for a ministry organization all these types of things whether it's a secular job or a ministry job how do you put those health healthy boundaries in place and what does it mean to have a healthy boundary i've got a couple of things down here which is the importance to set boundaries to practice self-care and self-respect if you don't respect yourself then how can you set a healthy boundary to communicate your needs in a relationship so many relationships go wrong through lack of communication to make time and space for positive interactions and to set limits in a relationship in a way that is healthy because once you set those expectations you know it's a bit like saying you know a husband saying to his wife i will be home at 5 00 p.m for that amazing meal you have prepared for me so the wife is expecting him to walk through the door sorry at 5 p.m and she's going to have that meal prepared for him now if he decides to take on extra calls if he decides to maybe meet a colleague after work and he doesn't get home till 6 30 where is his dinner gonna be in the dog so these are types of things that you know when you have that areas of communication in relationships it's important to not let each other down and have mutual respect when you're in relationship amen and to be honest the dinner has ended up in the dog yes over the years and again we we're now talking i mean most of the things that i've learned to do wrong and i still get them wrong to be honest uh was my bc years because i think it was my work was more important and all of the areas of those situations sometimes seem to be more important than family or my relationship with sue or my relationship with my children and to be honest i got it totally wrong you know my my my value or my thought process was if i could provide for them and i could make money in business and i could actually provide a nice home and a and a car and everything else that was my way of showing i suppose the family of of how i loved and honored them but actually their whole thing is dad we don't want more stuff for you know hubby i don't need this actually what we need is your time and time is a boundary yeah and i think if we go to the next slide we'll be able to see that jesus made this really clear statement in luke 5 15 and 16. it said jesus withdrew from the crowds um who wanted him why because he wanted that one-to-one time with his father and it says in the scripture that he often withdrew so he could have time of prayer and so often in the busy world we live in um and i think this is really even more important when you're in ministry because when you're in ministry you think well i'm i'm surrounded by all this you know i'm doing my bible readings and i'm i'm doing all the things i should be doing but are you actually taking yourself and separating yourself from all the stuff that's going on and having that one to one time with him and whether that's you're in ministry whether you're working in a church whether you're a student in a bible college it's important that you have that one to one time with him that's not even your study time oh you're saying really i'm doing my bible readings i'm going all the way through what i should be doing no that one-to-one time is actually sitting quietly with him and listening and that is so important because that is his ultimate goal with you if we go to the next slide we've got this diagram here which is very easy to get out of whack we would say so the first one it says you know the first one is me and the person in there with you is god and sometimes that might surprise some of you it surprised me and we realized that we had this complete diagram all the way around the wrong way didn't we for many years we did and i can remember sitting in first year as a student listening to greg moore teaching on this similar principle and he said you know it's god first then your spouse then your children family ministry then other members of the family and acquaintances and friends and i was like oh you know i realized that actually i had a few of those definitely around the wrong way some of that was because of sort of life that we'd been through but i would always respect him having worked for him for seven years if we happen to be in a ministry meeting and a member of his close family his wife or his children call he'll always say i need to take this call now if they were ringing up for a chat obviously he'd say we'll talk about this later but in case there was a need family would then come over whatever business he was dealing with and again it was something that we had to really sort of learn because that wasn't how we were before we started on this journey was it that's true and again you know i'm just reiterating my my whole basis of you know before i came back to the lord was my work that was really was my identity everything that i was everything that i wanted to be it gave me credence it gave me value it gave me all of those things that sometimes we get out of balance and i've seen it so many times not just in in the secular world but also in ministry where what they do validates them and it is a completely off-kilter off-balance situation because really the validation of what we do should come from god and the validation of who we are comes from god not from the basis of just our jobs or what we're doing at that point in time and as i said it was very out of balance in that point for me is that it it didn't really matter how how much soup you know sort of came and pulled our heart out or you know we had conversations and she said you know you know all of the sort of the building up that she did actually my heart was so sort of in a place of not receiving it was wow look at this i did a you know i did another crazy deal today and you know it's it's just something that you know i used to get excited and have value and credence from actually chasing after stuff and to me i am so blessed that everything got turned on its head because to me my my values are so different these days um that it's just something i i love spending time with my wife um i love spending time with my kids and obviously more importantly my my value and my worth comes from what my heavenly father thinks of me yeah and i think it's very easy to get ourselves into these situations where sometimes these relationships or priorities get out of line because you know when you're in you know we're living through life circumstances there's lots of demands on us whether we're in a secular job whether we work for a ministry whether we're pastors of churches whether we're students there's lots of demands on us as we go through life and keeping the main thing the main thing is a constant thought that needs to be your first thought when you get up in the day okay father i'm gonna give you five minutes and he doesn't mind if it's five minutes or five hours it's just the fact that you've put him first before you start everything else that's happening during that day and i think the main thing is that you know the devil comes in to kill steal and destroy but he's also very deceiving so if he can deceive you into the way that actually you're doing a good thing rather than a god thing he will do and again we we've seen that over the years is you know when we first started this journey it was like wow we're going to do absolutely everything for god that he wants us to do we are going to serve our socks off which is great i'm not saying that's not good but you have to realize that you can get into almost like a driven habit of you have to do this and i have to do this do they call that a works mentor yeah and it becomes this works mentality even if you're in some sort of you know grace denomination it is still becomes a works mentality because you feel you you fuel your soul so you i am doing a good thing but are you doing a god thing amen and i you know again i just recently i had a meeting with a very very dear friend he's a successful businessman and um juggles a lot of things got a great family you know relatively young children and um you know he's just doing amazing things for the kingdom of god and i just asked him a simple question i said how do you keep things in balance because you know sometimes even now i get unbalanced in in the way that i think or act and i i look at it sometimes you get chinks in your armor how i look at it there's things that affect you that didn't affect you there's things that you end up that start to make you annoyed or angry that never really did maybe a few weeks ago and i look at those as chinks in the armor and it's always there's something there that i've i've allowed to come in or i am not uh spending the time with the lord to actually carry on teach me through these areas or nurturing me through these areas and so i was just interested i i just said to him look how do you keep these things in such balance because you know i i'm looking from the outside and looking at your lifestyles and and what you do and and he said brian he said monday mornings for me he said at my ultimate time with god he said i don't set any appointments i don't set any meetings before 12 o'clock on a monday and he said two reasons i do that he said that is my time with god on monday mornings whether i go weight training running whatever it is he said that's my time with god and he said and i make that a purposeful situation because it will set me up for the rest of the week it's not as though i don't spend time with god the rest of the week but he said monday mornings for me are my crucial critical point of just spending time with the lord and he said the other thing is i do that and the reason i do that is is because then i don't start stressing out on a sunday afternoon when i'm supposed to be spending time with my family my wife and my children that i'm i'm thinking automatically on a sunday afternoon i've got to do this i've got to write this i've got these emails to do i've got to chase this stuff down and he said brian i just all of that i don't have the stress or the pressure on a sunday afternoon and to me that was such a golden nugget of how to stay in balance with the things with god but how does that really play out with his life with his business and with his family so i was so grateful for that and as i said for me that was a golden nugget of just really being able to be purposeful in what we do with our relationships yeah and i think sort of you know as you go through life you go through different seasons you know some of you are students some of you are are sort of um working in secular jobs some of you are working in ministry but these are all different times of your life where you go through certain seasons and during those seasons there'll be cert there'll be changes in your circumstances and changes in your relationships um we're in a season at the moment we we live in a multi-generational family home and we have our 21 year old son and he's up on the top floor and then in our basement we converted that for our daughter and her husband and their little seven-month-old little girl but you know that was something new because my daughter had been married for two years and lived away from home and then this all happened during crazy lockdown year and so suddenly we were like whoa we're in a different family dynamic and uh to begin with i was like this is going to be so awesome and it is awesome now because we set healthy boundaries but it took some time i think our daughter did more than ever yes um it took some time to renegotiate because relationships had changed you know yes our daughter was coming home to live for a season for a season but she had a husband now and then nine months later she had a baby so these and we were doing construction it was a very stressful year but anyway we still managed to sit down round the table and go um we need to set some healthy boundaries because you know basement comes up into the main living area of the house and there were some funny moments and you know i'm going to be open here and honest like made mistakes so i would like go down hey um i just wonder whether i could get this and that type of thing and she said to me mother i think we need to set some boundaries so i was like well i was just seeing whether you needed this or i'm actually going to the store do you want something you know trying to be the mum all the time and she said well i think we need to set a nice healthy boundary in this house so i said okay she said because we're married so i would appreciate you texting before you come down the stairs so obviously very red-faced embarrassed mom said oh of course yes i i understand that and equally we set a healthy boundary like you know when you come up the stairs you don't always have to go past my refrigerator before you go down into your house so but it was it was it was fun but it's also something that we've learned because you know when you're in those types of situations and that was just us getting used to this you know multi-generational family home that we're in for this season but you know whether you're renting together whether you're sharing some some space you know to set those healthy boundaries that people can agree on is a good thing to do yeah because it saves then having the issues of communication barriers come in or you know there's atmospheres and then some people are like why is there an atmosphere and i don't understand what i've done i thought i was doing everything right so now i text before i go into the basement that you do and again guys we're talking about these because again we're talking about boundaries but actually some of this is talking about expectations because expectations do set boundaries and so sometimes again lack of communication uh creates areas of of just frustration it's in your head it's like well i expected you to act like this or i expected you to do that but actually in reality that person did because they're not a mind reader and so you're putting unmet expectations into the situation without even having the discussion of okay if we are staying in a house together you know we're renting together as as a as a housemates or again all of these areas is like okay so what are your expectations about cleaning what are your expectations about keeping the bathroom areas free from you know all of your stuff all of these things because if you don't talk about them um and you don't actually have that conversation nobody knows what the boundaries are and and this is one of the biggest issues again is just sheer lack of communication but also sometimes those boundaries when they're crashed over can be really hurtful and and i'm just using this as an analogy i remember reading many many years ago about a situation in africa where there was these young bull elephants and they were literally going into all of these villages and actually trampling down villages killing people because these young bull elephants didn't know how to actually act or what to do or where to roam or where not to roam so actually they brought in a couple of guys that were the park rangers and they said we know what we're going to do here and they actually bought in a very old wise bull elephant and actually that bull elephant the old one started to teach and train these young bull elephants of how to actually act and what are your boundaries and where can you go and where not to go and within weeks this one actual wise old bull elephant had all of these young ones under control and that's what we're saying guys you know again if we allow people to just trample over us without having the basis of knowing how to communicate that's dangerous ground yeah and i think when you're sharing healthy boundaries you know it's through corinthians 1 13 it's through love you know through the fruits of the spirit you don't have to sort of say this is this is how it's going to be and that's it you know it's sitting down having that discussion and going okay we need to set some boundaries especially if you've come from a background where there wasn't any boundaries or you've had you've had a lifestyle that was very different and your priorities weren't the way they are now and i think that's one of the hardest things to get to realize is that when you're on a journey with god you know he really has to be your first and foremost and it's ascertaining with him where is that special place you know i i love to decompress and we've we just had some time away and for me it's just 48 hours into the beautiful creation is what i need to be able to go and sometimes we need to do that and go okay father i'm here. and even if you don't hear anything just sitting in his presence looking around at his creation it just resettles your soul to be able to communicate with him you know through the holy spirit and go okay i've i've just moved away all the stuff that's coming to me you know my life is very busy i've got lots of demands i've got lots of people pulling on me asking different questions but actually father what do you want to say to me and i think if you can if when you get involved sometimes in ministry whether you're pastoring a church you know those are types of areas where you get a lot of people pulling on you so you need to be able to you know have that set those boundaries that like you know i'm this is my time where it's just me and god and during that time i'm not contacted you know when when i like to go away i like to be out of wi-fi praise the lord you know because in this modern day and age we're constantly walking around with our phones if we're not looking at our computers we're checking our phones we're checking social media it's a very busy world that we live in but god doesn't change he's the same today yesterday and forever so he doesn't change so we have to make sure that we give him that time and i think time is is one of those boundaries that's crucial i mean time time is important to god like time is important to ourselves and i've spent many many months studying times and seasons and there's well over 600 scriptures about times and seasons so you don't think that time is not important to god as well it's important to us and you know these are just statistics that i look at i mean being me i'm sometimes i'm this boring statistical person that just likes to look at information and i was reading the other the other week that actually technology dare i say it even though in our own mindsets technology is one of the biggest time savers allegedly actually it's not there's been crucial studies that actually say now that every hour that you spend with technology costs you too and so just think about that is every hour that you're trolling on facebook or whatever or just even using computers every hour that we actually spend in on technology actually will cost us two hours so that's again just a boundary that i've tried to put in place myself is because i value my wife and i value my own time is that i try not and actually spend bucket loads of time on technology i mean i even took facebook off my phone for over a year just so i didn't start trawling on facebook because time is valuable and you know we have choices to make on boundaries and and it's healthy to have time boundaries how you choose your time and how you spend your time and who you spend it with is a boundary and again these are just difficult situations sometimes it's like who you spend your time with is who you're going to end up looking like and i think that's in scripture somewhere isn't it yeah and for me again is how do i want to spend my time what value am i going to put on being with in the word being with god asking him you know areas which need my life needs to be changed because i'm always growing like everybody else but again a time boundary is crucial for healthy relationships but more than anything protecting time is crucial in how we actually look at the value of people but also our value as well because time is very precious yeah and i think you know when you're working in an environment where you you know because we're all called to change the world with what god's given us we bring to bring kingdom to earth that's part and the great commission so as believers we we know that we've got this great calling on our lives and you know we want to be able to fulfill that but like paul tells us we want to be able to run the race and you know it's not a hundred meter sprint it's a marathon and you're going to go through times like anybody any marathon runner where you're going to have those spurts of energy where you're going to be full-on but you're also going to have times where you're going to need to conserve energy and you're going to need to pull back and just by being you know conscious of spending time if you make up your mind right i am going to spend this amount of time or like if you get the opportunity i am going to spend a weekend away from wi-fi and when i have those types of times i don't even wear a watch i take my watch off because i don't want to be thinking you know oh what's the time now maybe i should be doing this because your body will tell you if you're hungry or not so you know and sometimes i can go oh wow gosh it's three o'clock i haven't had anything since breakfast but i've had such a great time because i've been walking and and just enjoying the countryside or just sitting quietly and reading so we can get ourselves into such a busy routine and i think um especially christians we are very much about doing that because we do set ourselves these huge tasks but what we have to realize is are they all god tasks or are they man tasks and then you have to go okay which ones do i need to prioritize prioritize on because you know if you're working for somebody there will be tasks set that you have to get done during the day but at the end of the day if you're answering an email at 1am in the morning then your marriage isn't gonna last and that might sound a bit hard because at the end of the day and i know there because been there done it i can remember thinking right i'm going to answer this last email i'll answer this last email oh my goodness it's 10 p.m or just one more email because then it'll be less if i get up in the morning my inbox won't be full well then you're not giving yourself any time and you're not giving anybody around you any time when you're constantly thinking i've got to get through the next task i've got to get through the next task because you know what it's going to be there in the morning and you will be much better by giving half an hour before you go to bed to the lord and just decompressing and having a good night's sleep rather than stressing about what's in your inbox in the morning yeah and i think you know again we do live in a microwave world we want everything like yesterday um and it's just and things have become quicker and quicker and more and more and we want more and more stuff just because we think it brings us happiness when it doesn't like i said been there seen it done it and got the t-shirt and got burnt very badly um you know within relationships but also just physically and and mentally myself and again i i and i'm not trying to be obtuse or horrible about this situation but i mean it guys it is so so crucial and especially husbands out there or husbands for the future or even powerful women who are in business and ministry as well one one thing that i got so wrong and i know it's probably a really harsh word but i prostituted my relationship because of my business and i was using my business in regards to the first wife and my own wife came second and i said to the lord when i came back to him and i started in ministry and this type of stuff i said lord i'd learn so many lessons of how not to do things and i am never ever gonna try and hit that road again where i would put ministry or anything else above my relationship with my wife i am not gonna do that and so these are just you know huge steps that i've made myself because i got it so wrong and that's another reason why we probably you know share with you guys very honestly and openly because there's too many people in this world and too many people that i know as well on a personal level that once again have put their business or ministry over their relationship with either god or their family and if you do that you're gonna wreck it like i nearly did and praise god god is a god of restoration and man how he's restored our marriage and how he's restored my relationship with my children i give him thanks but i i i got hopefully i would never make the same mistake twice on that regards and get my boundaries completely out of kilter and guys i look at it again i mean i just written down there's there's five five or six boundaries really that i look at the first one that we've already talked about was time and that's crucial the other one is emotional boundaries and that really relates i know it's not all about feelings because again feelings can make things go rampant but feelings are important otherwise the shortest verse in the bible wouldn't say jesus wept because obviously he had emotions but it's also i'm talking about emotional boundaries is what you're prepared to share and what you don't want to share with other people and why i say that again is is because it's important what you do share and what you don't share i mean you're not going to share really intimate stuff with people that you really don't know because you you there is no trust because you don't know them and so again emotional boundaries are are really quite quite important but also you know on that level is is that you're not responsible for other people's emotions you can probably press their buttons and create the emotions for them but really their emotions are down to themselves and that's the same with us the boundary that we need to understand is that we are the owners of our own emotions and how we respond to things and respond to people is crucial and this is an area again emotional boundaries are are critical in our life but we have to understand is is how we respond to those situations is a choice that we have to make ourselves second one is i look at intellectual boundaries and this is information this is our thoughts this is our ideas this is our areas of what's been put in our hearts now this again on intellectual boundaries you know when they're violated is it's a basis is somebody comes against you and says they don't believe how you believe or their doctrinal statement is different to you or all of these things it's you know a violation of of that situation is when somebody comes against you your boundary is to go into self-protection mode where actually more than anything else sometimes it's trying to understand why they think that way why why is it is trying to ask questions again about why they intellectually think about or their ideas are actually based on their own thoughts not just yours and so there are boundaries again but how you respond to those intellectual boundaries is very crucial you can either flare up and make a big old hoo-ha and make things worse especially if they're coming against you in regards to what they think is right or you can actually get into that place of trying to understand why they think as they think i've put in here material boundaries hey guys material boundaries i'm talking about money i'm talking about space belongings healthy boundaries is what you physically want to share with somebody else and that means that you know if you want to take your bestie out to dinner and pay for them that is a healthy boundary and if that's something that you know you have a work colleague that you don't want to take out to dinner and you don't want to spend money on them because you don't really have that relationship that's okay but if that person comes back and tries to manipulate you and control you that there's something that they want or need from you then that to me again is a healthy boundary that that person's just stepped over so for me again it's also the basis on giving you know we know and we understand that giving is a huge part we'd love to sow in our lives we do and so where we want to sew but i'm not going to be manipulated and controlled by somebody that i need to give here and you need to give into that and you need to give in to that i think i hear god's voice my for myself and i know when he says give i give i don't need somebody else to step over my boundaries and tell me when i'm going to give and how i'm going to give does that make sense so again all of these areas of material boundaries it's like also again a violation of material boundary is if that you gave something to a friend or to a family member and they gave it back to you busted but they never really either told you or they don't even come say look i'll replace it all of a sudden is that's a violation of your boundary because you're not happy that they broke it yet they're not even prepared to come to the table to replace it does that make sense so and i'm just going on the last two physical boundaries personal space i think this is huge and again people have different personal boundaries they think differently they act differently but you also from a personal level is is that you're not going to go and kiss one of your workmates because that would just be weird but you would kiss your spouse or a family member and again these are personal boundaries and space that we have to think in regards of our relationships but there is also violation of those where people step over your boundaries and thinks it's okay to get into your personal area and personal physical space which again lovingly and truthfully sometimes you just say well that's unacceptable i'm sorry that's not where i want to be or what i'm not prepared to be and obviously the biggest one is relational boundaries how you express yourself to others is huge and i've written down here they will differ where you are and what you are doing at work you only share parts of you but you share all of you with your spouse and these are the areas again of relational boundaries of what you're prepared to reveal or or to give and also where you need to protect and all of these areas i i talk about these six areas because they are crucial for us in life of how we respond to people but we have a choice how we respond to people and i think sort of you know communication like anything with any relationship and boundaries communication is key like we've said and communicating that through love so if you're in any of these situations where you feel these areas are being violated then you say you know what can we sit down and chat about this i feel uncomfortable about that so often people don't like to have those types of conversations and the difficult conversations and but you need to to be able to go on with your god-given purpose and i've spoken to people that are like well i don't know how to set a healthy boundary because i'm not sure what i'm called to do or i'm not sure what my purpose is now everybody has a god-given purpose we are all called to a purpose um and that sometimes and we're going to do a little demonstration in a minute that sometimes has to be the priority over maybe what the vision is or the task or whatever because your first thing every single human being's ultimate purpose is to have a relationship with god whether they know him or not whether they're from a different religion or not that is every human's being's ultimate purpose is to get connected to the father and that one to one relationship now as we know it's a big world out there and there's a lot of people that need to be reached with that message the second purpose is what is god's purpose for you and this is what we're going to explain sometimes it's not the vision it's what is your god-given purpose now i could probably explain this with two probably very well known men mighty men of god okay andrew womack's god-given purpose is to teach that's his god-given purpose is to teach and from that then comes the vision of the ministry and the bible colleges and all the other things that he that god puts on his heart as the vision but the ultimate purpose of andrew womack what god gave him was he's a teacher teacher of the word teach yet teacher of the word for another example of a man in ministry bill johnson his ultimate purpose was is to be a pastor that is his ultimate purpose now from that purpose of being a pastor he has a church he teaches he trains he has a bible college so do you see what i mean but sometimes we can not understand what our ultimate purpose is and the only way you did you discover what your ultimate purpose is is by spending time with god and that your ultimate purpose could be i've been called to be a mother i've been called to be a mother to raise my children to homeschool my children to bring them up in the word of the lord that is my ultimate purpose now eventually those children are going to leave home and there's going to be another purpose that god's going to find for you or you're going to move into but right now that could be your ultimate purpose that means you're absolutely no different to somebody like andrew womack because your one-to-one purpose is to love god and your ultimate purpose is you've been called to be a mother now you could be cool to be a doctor or a nurse or you know whatever but it's finding out what that ultimate purpose is because if you understand your purpose then it helps you put everything else into healthy boundaries amen so we're going to do our little demonstration yes so we could have our four volunteers here to help so am i am i going to be the one who's narrating and you're going to be holding okay so guys we actually call this the purpose train um because if you can actually see it visually how things act and react and what happens when things get out of balance and boundaries get broken then you can actually start to think of this situation again when it comes up so we if you can keep all of the pictures towards you at the moment if you can just turn them around except for yours daniel because you you are the purpose train yeah we can we can stand next to these guys here i'm just going to push the seats so i i'm just going to show you guys is that obviously daniel this is the engine this is the purpose this is everything that he understands of what he spent time with god and knowing his purpose and what that is and again this is a time boundary because some people say well i don't know what my purpose is well if you spend time with the basis of actually looking at the the thing that's in your heart the thing that drives you the thing that you're passionate about becomes your purpose and this is what i call is the engine or the driving part of who you are and why you exist and so this other young lady i'm just going to ask which one's this one all right so uh i want i want big picture so amy joy has got this one this is the the big picture or what i call the vision and so this is where things actually start getting a little bit interesting when it comes to boundaries because i know it says in scriptures get a vision write it down make it plain which is great this is the big picture but sometimes the big picture gets so so big it actually becomes very confusing and very disconcerting and sometimes overwhelming and you're just thinking how can i do all of this how can i get this done this is what god's spit on my heart this is the huge picture but if you look at it it's situated behind the purpose see the vision or the big picture doesn't drive the train the purpose drives the train the vision and the big picture stays behind it because that's where it needs to be and now the next carriage what we look at is the blueprints and so what happens is is that when we know our purpose and actually we've been given the god-given vision that sometimes carries on growing anyway there's all these things called blueprints or strategies or what how to get it done what does it look like how am i going to do it what is it going to be and all of those areas and you can see that's in carriage number three and so if it stays in its lane and it stays in its place this is great because this remains in a very very powerful boundary of what happens in your life and then we go to the next one which is what truly starts to happen is that we let stuff all the tasks all the operations everything else starts to get in the way and it starts to actually drive everything so what i'm going to ask amy joy to do is come in front of the the engine so you stand here so what we can see now is is all of a sudden is is the vision if you if you start getting things out of kilter and the purpose of of allowing the vision to drive everything and not the purpose now all of a sudden what you can see is is the train now has to push a carriage uphill and it starts to get a little bit burdensome and then what happens is is then we have the strategies and the blueprints then actually start to get in front of the big picture so i would like you to move here and so again i'm talking about this because i've made these failures too many times and so what happens is is now that the engine is now pushing the vision it's now pushing all the strategies and all the blueprints and everything else and it's starting to lose its steam or it's starting to lose its power because everything now starts to feel stressful it starts to feel like it's a burden on your shoulders and then obviously now here come on top of that here comes all of the things that you need to get done all of the stuff that starts to encroach in on you and what that looks like in life and this doesn't matter whether you're in business whether you're you know again whether you're in ministry whether you're in an area or just being parents at home this principle goes for everything and so when you what happens is is that when this gets so burdensome and you get so tired you're gonna have to switch it around susu and the next one round again no stop back no look at it there got it so i obviously messed her up because i i obviously drew it the wrong way round but this is what happens guys if you allow everything in your life to get away from the purpose then everything starts to get into a mess and what finally happens is you become derailed hello because i know because i've lived it and it is not a great place to be is when you finally get derailed off of everything that your purpose should be and what your purpose has been called to be and this is why we wanted to detail this because again daniel if you can come back in front and then the big picture again behind and the blueprints behind the big picture and the stuff this is how it should look and really the one click question that i constantly ask the lord is what is my purpose in this or what is the purpose that you've called me to and of course we're going to get so many big things in in in the vision i just look at andrew's vision as just growing and growing and growing and growing but i mean i've seen that man walk for many years now and anything that doesn't fit in his purpose and in his vision it will either get stuck into one of the carriages behind hal or he'll let it go because if it doesn't truly fit within the purpose of what god's called him to and who he is then you try and let it go or you push it down to one of the other carriages for another time because if you don't again everything starts to then feel like it's a burden and you're trying to push everything uphill and if it's weighing you down then all of the time all of the effort all of the stress and everything else is going to impact on your life and and the lives of the others around you so please just keep this simple picture in mind that if things feel really heavy and burdensome it's like lord does this fit into my purpose of what this has just come across my plate it may be a great fantastic thing that has come across you but you have to ask the question lord is this a part of my purpose and what i've been called to do and if it's not get rid of it or put it down down the road a bit but please please please do not allow the bases to become derailed amen and that's it thank you guys you've been awesome well i hope that's made sense i don't know if we're going to get a load of questions from it but really that's a part of our demonstration just to say it again yeah you guys have been awesome thank you big round of applause yay [Music] [Laughter] so i really just want to sort of end with just praying over praying over you and we'll take some questions but don't be afraid to set healthy boundaries you know one of my jobs is to be greg moore's assistant and i'm over his calendar and uh every now and again i block stuff out and he goes what am i doing there and i said you're resting or you've been traveling you need to have a break and he's now learned you know to listen to janice first and then he'll say yes sue so what i'm saying is so important that you set these healthy boundaries because there is so much to do out there but we still have to keep our purpose the main thing so i'm just gonna so pray that over you so father god i just thank you that you are such a good good father and you don't want any of your children to just get burnt out on this race that you have said in front of them lord let us take that deep breath and realize that it's in the it's in a marathon and with this marathon we know that there are going to be times of sprinting and times of pulling back so lord help us to put in these healthy boundaries but keep the main thing the main thing and that's you father god so keep our relationship on track with you and i thank you for each and every person watching i thank you lord if there are anybody out there that this is speaking to that they need to get refocused with you that they find that time to refocus just their heart next to your heart and go farther what is my purpose i've got all this other stuff coming around me with family and work and my career but lord what is my purpose so lord i just thank you that you just yeah you open that up to them today so the fact that they can reach that finish line and they can reach that goal that we all want to reach lord but we will do it in your strength and not our own strength in jesus name amen amen awesome thank you guys absolutely you're very welcome i feel like i did a pretty good job you did an awesome job holding up a sign um by the way before we get to questions i do want to mention that next week we're probably going to be doing a rerun because it's our opening rally here at keras it's our first day of school here at kerris bible college and so after next week we'll go we'll have them live again we'll have a lot more people in person also because we'll have our student body here um but i just want to let everybody know that if you show up for relationship u next week you're actually going to be joining us for our rally which you may enjoy also um all right so uh first question we have here is i often feel that my voice is not heard with a specific person is it wrong to request that this friend ask questions during my emotional situations rather than make assumptions about what they think i need during those scenarios what should i do if they don't see that what they're doing is anything wrong or they don't feel the need to change the way they express themselves that's a yeah when you're dealing with somebody that's or if you're very emotional sometimes it's quite hard to know how to respond to somebody especially if they're pressing a lot of your emotional buttons because we all have them how we we react with that situation i would go back to that person and just say you know can i discuss this with you so you need to make sure that you're not in an emotional state when you discuss it because your emotions are going to come out before logic but the main thing that i would do is express how you're feeling i wouldn't you in that situation yeah and also it's a value situation is again i say this is because you're valuable and your thoughts and your needs and your areas are valuable the same as that other person is is obviously their thoughts and their needs are valuable too and it's it's getting to that stage of understanding each other's values those values are going to probably be different because god's made you different but it's understanding that actually if you can't listen to me and if you're not wanting to listen to me and how i'm actually thinking or this is how i think and this is how i process this is what's going on inside of me if you're not going to value me to the level of listening to me then that's not something that's good because i value you i'm sick i value you enough to sit here and have this conversation with you to understand the differences and so for me it's very much an area of how you value that person but also teaching sometimes that actually i'm valuable as well and so your values may seem different and my values may seem different but actually can we understand each other's values why they are different and what is the basis of how can we move forward from that yeah and i think one thing is if you're in a relationship and somebody is constantly being emotionally draining then you need to assess you know okay lord how do i deal with this person because if they're constantly emotionally draining me then is that a healthy relationship for me to be in as well difficult situation difficult conversation and also sometimes not all relationships are meant to be long-term all right so this next question is is there scripture for purpose big picture blueprints and strategies that's a good one um i always think romans 8 28 is quite good because we know all things work together for those who love gold to him that are called according to his purpose so that would be the scripture that i would attract to that because again it's knowing that all things will work together for good who are according to his purpose and we are called to his purpose so that would be one where i would link that um that demonstration to but is there a definite scripture of how that should plan out i don't believe there's a train in the bible no and by the way uh there's still time for more questions so you can see on the screen whether you're home or in person the 719-212-252-5555 one is is there a difference from your purpose and assignments that god has for you yeah i would say there is because you know assignments i would put into visions and big pictures plans and plans you know we all know god has plans for us and they're good plans in jeremiah 29 11 and 12. but sometimes you know this god will put an assignment on your heart which equally can give you difficult conversations i mean when we were called to come to carris bible college way back in 2011 that was a difficult assignment that god put on our heart to do and we had to walk through some different difficult conversations with family but we also had to realize that we had to put in a healthy boundary even though it was a hard healthy boundary to put in because we knew that god so if you think of the design of the the design we gave you know god first and then family yeah then spouse then family then the ministry because we had a lot of pushback well you you're going to this ministry you're going to follow this guy and all the questions like a lot of people get but we were like no this was a god-given word god told us to go to carris bible college now if we had just thought in our hearts oh we're going to follow andrew womack then that probably wouldn't have been what i would call a god god assignment you know because then we would have been following man rather than following god and it it led to some difficult conversations well and i think also an assignment is only a part of the purpose there there's always going to be assignments that we are given and some of those assignments probably won't look like what we're hoping they're going to look like or our expectations are different with that assignment but to me an assignment is only just a part of what the true purpose is i mean again it's like when you look in scripture with elijah you know a part of his assignment really was to bring drought in some areas and and these areas that he was told to go to the brook they were a part of an assignment that he was given for a far far greater situation and an ending and you know to me that's such an important area that i look at in my life is because if god says well go here then i'm going to go but i just know there's going to be a purpose and a reason behind it now i'm sure elijah in himself never really thought that he prophesied that it would you know it was not going to rain for three years and the first thing the prophecy did was affect him because the brook dried up so they but there was an assignment that was put on his life then to obviously go and visit the woman that was dying of starvation with her son and so i'm thinking again here's yet another assignment so what is it that elijah is is learning through the assignment for himself but also for others but you look at the end results is that he actually truly saw the glory and the power of god and so did that couple you know the what the the old lady and her son that the assignment was that basically god was their provision no matter what it looked like no matter what it was but there was an assignment that was to help those people come out of famine and to prosper so they're going to be definite assignments versus that of the purpose but elijah's purpose was to be a prophet yep so awesome so this next one is what if you have a boundary that makes it look like you aren't committed what if somebody misunderstands you well i've do one on that daniel that sounds a pretty difficult one to answer so no it depends on what the boundary is um you know um if if to me if it's a boundary that you know my weekend is my weekend and my boss contacts me over the weekend you know the boundary is you know i'm i'm working monday to friday so that's the boundary which then would need to be discussed between you and your boss unless it was an emergency yes i mean again emergency these are very broad questions some of it has to be defined again for me it's a heart-led thing in about being non-committal that has to be explained to your boss or something like that if they ask you to do something but your the way you explain and bring that back into the conversation is hey i i would love to be able to do this and to be able to support you however there are x y and z that has to be accomplished in my own areas in my own realms at the moment and unfortunately that's not something that i can't really fulfill for you at the moment it's not as though i'm being non-committal it's just my fulfillment has to be here to this and can i reevaluate it with you in a couple of days time to to relook at it and i think that one goes down to the communication and the relationship you know it's a broad question that but you know a boundary you know if you set a boundary for example and it's not being adhered to or have you had a conversation with that boundary you know the conversation could be look you know um i will try not to contact you over the weekend but if i do you know it's an emergency i mean it depends on the agreement i you know there's an agreement that my boss has with me and it's like sometimes i need to answer emails on a sunday evening i do not expect you to respond if i need you i will text you so that's the communication that's the boundary that we have because otherwise you know it'd be like oh i've got to jump on my laptop sunday evening well i think again deadlines are always something that are requested of us some are more critical than others and deadlines are deadlines but i do think sometimes some bosses put unrealistic timelines and expectations on things if that makes sense but again this is where an open and honest conversation has to be had it's like is this really critical right here right now or is this something that i can actually look and evaluate with you if it was at the weekend on monday would monday morning first thing uh suffice to have this conversation and where i can actually fulfill what you need a lot of people think that a deadline has to be right here right now and and that's it where actually deadlines can be pushed out slightly if you had the conversation to actually understand the needs of that person and that's what i'm saying again so much of what we're dealing with here is communication and you know maybe your boss's needs or your you know friends needs they say right this is critical we need it done now and it's actually when you have that conversation say look how critical or how crucial is this and is it something that could it wait 24 hours or 48 hours so it allows me the time to even actually evaluate what how can i support you yeah and i think sort of you know it depends on what type of business you're in i mean years ago when brian was working for the airlines i mean his favorite comment that to me was its airlines it's 24 7. and planes don't stop and planes don't stop and that that was a fact it airlines are 24 7. it's not as if you know every sunday the planes stop flying around the world and they have a day off it just doesn't happen so you know again you know that was a that was a very extreme style of business which you know took a lot of demand but even so it was just trying to find some healthy boundaries in in that area so i think sort of going back to scripturally it's jesus put those boundaries in that's what he was talking about in luke you know he put those boundaries in so that when the disciples when everybody was pulling on him he would still say i am going to have time with my father and i think you know in in the modern day world culture we need to be able to say that so what if yeah what if it's not a professional setting it's not work what if it's more of a friendship what if what if a friend says like you know i would do that for you and you're like you probably would but i won't for you you know like how do you do that when it's more of a friendship i think the friendship boundaries uh are tough ones because this might sound a bit hard but some people are consumers and they will consume you and i think sort of in ministry pastors come up against this a lot you know there's always that one person in the church that has to speak to that pastor before his sunday message because of their situation or their problem and there's you know we've there are always some friendships that can i speak to you now and um i've learned over the years you know when i first started in ministry was like yes i'm here for you and then i realized i am getting so burnt out and so drained because now if i get a text and it's like can i speak to you about this situation or i really need this ministry i just assess what i'm doing and if i've got time and i'm like okay you know i want to respond or i feel it i need to respond again it's like father do i need to respond to this person now i've had two situations literally in the last week where one friend said i really need to talk to you about something as soon as possible and and my first thought was do they need to speak to me as soon as possible and it was it's not urgent so i responded about hey just got of some family things on this weekend we're celebrating my son's birthday i can give you a call monday will that work or how about me arranging to meet with you for a coffee and then the text came back i'd love to meet with you for a coffee how about next wednesday so it wasn't the crucial text that it first came through us another situation was a friend said i really need to speak to you now i just really need to speak to you now um and i felt in my spirit no i need to make that call so i took the call i faced time the friend walked her through something we had some prayer time awesome finish so again it's learning to realize is you know because god's in control of everything so not everything is a crisis at that moment it might be a crisis for that person but is it a crisis well and i think again some relationships i look at at this you know and i these are difficult situations and again some people can be fountains some people can be drains and that's the way i look at it are you a fountain that's flowing out all the time or are you a drain that's actually sucking everything you know down and and again you have to ascertain those relationships the ones that are draining for you and the ones that you get to pour into i'm not saying that you don't pour into the ones that seem to you know just need a very needy it's just again they haven't got into that situation overnight it's been a period of time that has led them into that situation so it's not they're not going to get out of it overnight and so what they like sue said what they feel is urgent as a friend and i need to speak to you now and i would do that for you is also sometimes a bit of manipulation and control because i want to control you because i need to speak to you so now now you're on my terms of how i want you to react and again you have a choice it's like hey uh i'm sorry but you know i'm really busy at the moment i'm with family or i'm i can give you a call tomorrow that's the first time i can get to you but again friendships are a difficult one right so this next one is uh can you mess up your purpose like will god give your purpose to someone else if you mess up i might i think god's a bit like you know the thing you have in the car god can recalculate sometimes you don't discover your purpose too later in life like we didn't so i think god's you know i believe like in um ephesians 1 where it says we are all predestined from the foundation of the world god set a purpose in our hearts as i said the ultimate purpose is to have a relationship with him and then there's that personal purpose he set in our hearts that personal desire that he put in our hearts now can you ignore that can you go off on a different track most definitely is god's ultimate goal to bring it back round so you fulfill your purpose in him i believe so but yeah but again there is a choice to say i'm not going to do it so will that have to be passed to another generation or to somebody else to fulfill what god has put but again the choice is ours if our heart for me personally of our heart man i've messed up big time on this one lord and i have got it so wrong and you know i i just have to come before you now and i i i repen in how i acted or i did this out of stupidity lord i i know that you're a god of redemption and i know that you're going to restore because i'm seeking your face in these areas i think there's times where we can blatantly just switch it off and the lord said well if if you're not prepared to come on this journey with me and you're basically cutting off the the basis of what i have for you then i'm going to have to look at that purpose to be fulfilled by somebody else and even on a scriptural level you look at moses and what happened there and joshua is that joshua took on the mandate and took on the final piece of the jigsaw because the lord obviously at that point with moses said well you fulfilled what you were there to fulfill be fulfilled and how it was fulfilled now it goes to the next generation to actually complete what i i need to be completed but do i think god just cuts it off and says no you're done no i think that's our hearts towards him that has the situation of we have a choice of saying no and we have a choice of saying yes yeah and often wonder whether moses was up there in heaven going damn it i never got to the promised land ah but i think you know i never struck you know but i mean you know i think there's a really cool situation that we have where sometimes the purpose can be moved through the generations and we experienced this really we didn't understand this until we took the challenge to leave england and come to america and it was something that happened with your family a generation earlier hadn't there yeah yeah i mean you know again the the journey that my mum and dad are on they've been born again in spirit filled for years and you know they they were called you know themselves to a particular journey and what have you but through circumstances that got very difficult they actually at that point thought it was best not to go ahead with the purpose or plan that they felt was got to put on their hearts but it's interesting to look back now and sim and i were given the same choice choice um even though our circumstances were very different but we just said yes we're going to do this and i think you know what we see now is a part of what was actually um you know almost asked of with with my parents and you know again am i very thankful because i get to walk the journey but it's also has it had its moments where i i have questioned you know again lord did i miss it did i did i get it wrong have i not been on the right timings and i think my what i've learned on this journey about our purpose and our calling as long as we're seeking the face of the lord and as long as we are remaining humble and that is my truest part is as he's you know as the lord says you remain humble and i will exalt you in in due time my heart is if i've messed up and guys i've made a lot of mistakes and i still make mistakes but i'm always going back to that place of lord i i know that i i've messed up i've fessed up but i'm carrying on seeking your face in the journey and i know that i will be able to fulfill what you put on my life alright so this might be the last one we have time for it's a bit of a longer one but i'll just give the disclaimer even though this is a very specific situation i think that um it'll be applicable for a lot of different scenarios so this one is i have a daughter who requires help she feels very entitled and fails to be considerate and treat me right despite the fact that she does know for example she'll have me pick up groceries and says repeatedly that she will pay but doesn't follow through although i've communicated my thoughts and needs and she understands she fails to act accordingly as a family member i want to help her but she's the most emotionally draining and has a daughter with whom i want a relationship with do you have any suggestions as to what would be beneficial to deal with my situation wow since you said the others are too broad yeah that is a specific question and um that's one where there is a lot of entitlement being used and it's difficult because it's entitlement and emotional because obviously you don't want to lose the relationship with the granddaughter sounds like there's a granddaughter as well but ultimately it's a teaching opportunity for your daughter because she needs to be able to be that person that can be a complete person that doesn't have to rely on people for this type of entitlement and just sort of being that demand on you again it's a one of those difficult conversations but you need to have that conversation you need to sit down and have that time with her and start it with hey i love you and i want the best for you but we need to be able to work this out because this is causing some you know some situations some draining on me how can we work this through together so it's not the fact that you're telling her this needs to change that needs to change i need you to do it this is how can we work this way together you know it's affecting my finances you not paying me back for these groceries it's also affecting you know my relationship with you how can we work this together um and you know if she i don't know whether she's a believer or not a believer but you know can we can we spend some time in prayer together and see what the father's hearts on this because you know when you know emotions and family relationships are probably the toughest hardest ones to sort out and you can react in the flesh very easily when you're up against these situations and my advice to you is take a deep breath go for a walk ask the father because he loves her just as much as he loves you and he wants this situation resolved and he certainly doesn't want her taking advantage of you so but you're going to need to have that conversation yeah and again i again we we're unsure of ages of you know how old is the daughter or that type of thing again it's it's relevant conversations i think for me one of these situations would be is is to try and understand are asking the right questions to gain the right information is always crucial in in understanding why things have gone on the way they are or why they carrying on the way they are and for me asking the right questions in the right ways is crucial so for me you know if my daughter felt like she was entitled to just you know oh i want this and i want that and i want groceries and yeah i'll pay you back but never does you know it's it's the questions are is you know what is it that you truly need you know i'm trying to understand as your mum in this relationship and you're my daughter and i love you implicitly i love you with all my heart but i'm really confused of what is it that you actually need from me because you know again these are the conversations is that my my understanding of it is this this is how i perceive it how i see it how i understand it through my lenses but what i want to ask you is what are the lenses that you're looking through so i can understand how you're thinking of why you feel that it's okay to carry on saying these things but not acting through with them are you just looking and evaluating me as a mum that's always going to pick up the pieces for you pay for you you know there's going to be a time and a place honey that you you are going to have to stand in that place of actually being able to stand on your own two feet and not actually be able to be in that place of just taking station it's what is it that you truly need from me and why because i need to understand what that looks like for you yeah and i think sometimes we can be in those types of situations because you know it might have started off as a favor or or an assumption you know assumptions are another thing that can get really muddled when it comes to friendships and and close family relationships people assume things unless they're a clear boundary set so it's you know we're gonna need to set some boundaries and obviously you know we're gonna need to be able to say okay if you if if you're working or you're busy or you're looking after the child all the time and you don't have time to do groceries yes i can go and get them for you but how about giving me 40 bucks before i go out the door so i've got the cash even down to our own relationship with our children at home you know there's times that we just go out and buy groceries and bless them and there's times that they go out and buy some stuff or take us out for a meal and bless us but on a on a clearer boundary it's like guys you you're in our house there are costs that need to be met um you are a you know you are in this household the same as everybody else and so those costs have to be born somewhere and so my expectation because it is an expectation of being a father is that i want to teach and train you how to stand on your own two feet or at least you come to the table with something that i'm actually asking you to because at the end of the day you know i have utilities i have you know sort of all of these other costs that i'm bearing yet you know at your age now you're earning money you're you're in a job it's being paid i i'm sorry i'm not going to pay for you anymore i love you but this is the cost and this is really where my expectation from you is to bring that to the table because again when you go out and get your own place and and all of the other things you can't expect me to carry on writing a check for you yeah i mean i don't suppose your dad pays your mortgage daniel does he no but he reminds me if he wants to but again we want to be loving towards our children and i am but there is you know entitlement is a very difficult one because it is an unmet expectation and i think again unless you actually set the expectations and you make it very clear again right i'm going to go grocery shopping before i do that you zelly me 50 bucks and that should cover it if there's any less i'll give it back you know if there's any more we can discuss it if there's any less i'll give it back to you and you know i do that with my kids hey zelie me the money because they're obviously all electronic these days like i said i don't know how old her daughter or that type of stuff but again it's if you want the groceries i'm happy to spend the time the time that i because i love you i want to help you i want to but at the end of the day it's going to probably be around about 50 60 bucks well either give me the cash you'll send or sell me the money and i'll go and do it for you hopefully that yeah yeah well thank you guys and i know this is a very very real life kind of thing right it's very applicable it's not theoretical like we need this every day and um so so i do want to mention again that if anybody would like prayer um you can call our helpline at 719-635-1111 and i know you prayed earlier but would you like to close in prayer again yeah go for it okay yeah father god we just thank you for this time um yeah we thank you lord that you are just speaking to people's hearts this afternoon just stirring them and reminding them of their purpose and lord help us to be good stewards of the healthy boundaries the you want us to put in lord and let us always seek you in this area so we thank you for this time today we just thank you and we just bless everybody who's online and in this building today and we just thank you for that in jesus name amen amen well thank you both very much and thank you everyone for joining us thanks to our great volunteers i don't know if you volunteered or not but he got called on so anyway thank you all very much and thank you for inviting us again daniel it's been a pleasure oh yeah yeah [Music] we lift you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,405
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nth-4cw4Xk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 16sec (5356 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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