Relationship Advice from Oprah & Gayle | The OG Chronicles | Oprah Mag

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This is a no-brainer. Bye! Boy bye! *Laughs* Ok, so dating is more complicated than ever right now, yes so I hear- It is. So we're here to answer your most complicated questions- It's hard out here for a pimp That's all I'm sayin, We cannot promise any miracles, no, there are none, but we can promise some opinions. Okay, let's go. Speak into the microphone What's your recommendation on how to- Get the mic so we can hear this- You know what, I would say- Do you do costumes? No, I don't do costumes. You know, once I- Little schoolgirl? Once I- oh my god. Once I tried- Do you play nurse and he plays bad doctor? No, no, no Once I tried- once I tried this, this is so many years ago And I got the hold negligee thing and I'm standing at the stairs when he comes in and he literally comes in- Stedman, walks right past me and says, "What are you doing?" I got- I got one better Wrap myself up with saran wrap- No, you didn't Yes, I did When I was married, put on the trench coat, he came home and ta-da! And he went "what is that?" So, that's not good for your ego. So what's our question- what's our answer, Oprah, about spicing things up, Cause I hear the young people today wanna spice things up So I would say Ask him- Yeah What would be spicy because you can be standing there in a- Saran wrap- in saran wrap or you could be- you know- in a nurse outfit- Wrapping yourself up as a pretzel, you know doing calisthenics- You can get limber Yeah, you could get limber and he's like "what is that?" So you'd say "what would be the sexiest thing that I could do or what really turns you on?" For me, I gotta say making corn bread kinda serves the purpose I made some corn bread yesterday and you would have thought I stripped myself buck-naked Like a little corn bread and black eye peas goes a long way in my house. There you go Do not give up your passcode Why do you say that? I think you should have your own passcode For your own phone and your personal things on your phone I think you should. I say people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. To me it's no big deal if your significant other has your passcode. Does Stedman have your passcode? Stedman does not have my passcode, I do not have his. I don't have your passcode. I have yours. If Stedman asked you for your passcode, would you give it to him? Yeah Probably See, that's what I'm saying! Yeah So, my thing is if you- if you trust him, great But I don't see anything wrong with giving up the passcode. This only works if you're okay not making a commitment But if you want a commitment, he doesn't after two years, I could see why you broke up with him. You need to break up with him. And you also need to harvest your eggs. If I was a 34 year old woman out here in the world where it's hard out here for a pimp As you say, I would be harvesting my eggs. I used to say to my mother, "If I haven't met anybody by the time I'm 32, I'm gonna go to a bar, I'm gonna meet somebody, I'm gonna take him home- while I'm ovulating, and I'm not gonna tell him that this is what I'm doing" and she would say "Don't tell me that" but I meant that. Yikes! Run! Oh my god This is a no brainer. Bye! Boy, bye! No! No Oprah, are we old? No! Cause I've actually- Well, we are old, but- Why buy the cow when he can get the milk for free? Not that we're cows, I'm not saying that, but I just think it changes the dynamic if a guy knows you'll sleep with him on the first date. Now if you ask guys, they say that they don't judge you if you sleep on the first date I think they do. We sound very old. That's okay. We're not old. We're just experienced. Yeah We'll just say this- I hope this advice helps out. We are not experts. I have been to five, five therapists when I was married and nobody and I do mean nobody, was better than Oprah. I'm not an expert. I don't have a degree. You know, I'm not Dr. Phil, but I will say that interviewing one-on-one over 37 thousand five hundred and eighty four people, but who's counting? How many? 37,000 people one-on-one and seeing in real time the human dynamics and seeing how all people make the same mistakes over and over and over again, I'm really pretty good at advice. And I would say you guys have really have you know, some somewhat sticky situations, but in every situation, even the fact that you're asking this question, you already know the answer. You already know the answer. Especially- with the brother who's getting up and pretending to go to work. You already know the answer! Why does he have to be a brother? Why can't he be a white man? Brother in any- I meant, I meant white brother, Okay Asian brother, Latino brother, Brother, brother! Tell that brother "bye" Boy, bye-bye! Oh, no. Oh, no. For more videos like this, head over to:! But I thought that's where you were right now? No, but they're saying that you can go see more we're just reinforcing where it is. That's all. Okay Thank you
Channel: Oprah Daily
Views: 663,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oprah and gayle, best friends, og best friends, og chronicles, dating game, oprah winfrey, oprah magazine, own network, gayle king, the og chronicles, life advice, dating advice, boy bye, relationships, oprah relationship, stedman, o the oprah magazine, relationship advice, love advice, first date, saran wrap, oprah love advice, oprah romance, stedman graham, bestie advice, oprah boyfriend
Id: ya0jeeQxDMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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