Reissued Season of Dawn Godrolls You NEED To Get!

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what's going on Guardians it's tizzle here so in this video I'm going to be going over the reissued season of the Dawn weapons uh these were awesome weapons back in the day I Lov them and they are clearly missing one classic which was steel feather repeater I don't know why they wouldn't have brought it back uh there's only five weapons I don't see why six would have been too many it was a 720 RPM Auto rifle that uh my buddy TJ he loved it I loved it um yeah very disappointed that it's not here uh but let's get to the weapons that are here we've got perfect Paradox first I'll go over the origin trait which is cast no Shadows dealing melee damage increases his weapon handling and loads a small amount of ammo from reserves so this kind of like a poor man's grave robber uh so yeah not bad extra handling is always nice um so yeah perfect Paradox probably my favorite looking shotgun in the game it's a kinetic uh rapid fire frame I'm super happy it's back because I used to rock this with trench Barrel back when Beyond Light released and we had Unstoppable shotgun on the artifact and yeah it was awesome so I'm very glad it's back so for PVP you could go threat detector or slid shot and opening shot um I think those would be the roles you'd go for and then accurized and then either like small bo or Corkscrew I like cork screw for the handling and range range Master workor uh you'll notice there is no um I can't think of the mag that increases the rate of fire but it's not on here anymore and Bungie has been doing that uh lately because they're getting rid of things that are like a must run because assault mag that's it um it would just straight up increase your DPS so they kind of did that with Spike nades where Spike grenades on a GL like used to be mandatory so they kind of nerfed uh how good it was so that it wasn't like a must run because if you don't have a salm like it's not a god roll so anyways it doesn't have that so there you go field prep is probably my pick in this left column dual loader is okay uh just helps you reload quicker because you can do two at a time threat remover uh dealing damage with all bullets in a spread increases reload speed handling and stability I don't think that's that great it would have to be pretty big Buffs because threat detector is already so good and then uh pugilist is good for melee base builds so if you wanted to run that onew punch we have some good kinetic options uh with one two punch already like wastelander but you could run that if you like um swashbuckler again if you're kind of building around melees you could go pilus swashbuckler plus with the origin trait that's pretty decent um cuz like I said you almost kind of get grave robber for free if you were doing like an Assassin's cowl build so yeah not bad there opening shot like I talked about PVP vorpal weapon 15% bonus so that's not bad and uh Barrel constrictor I think you want to stay away from uh it could be strong in PvP but you need to kill to activate so trench Barrel is my pick I'm probably going field prep trench Barrel cuz more ammo is always nice and and you get the increased reload speed and then trench barrel uh 50% increased damage after you melee versus only like 15% from vorpal so yeah I'm very excited to get a trench Barrel perfect Paradox back in my inventory cuz it's been a long time next we have patron of lost causes this used to roll with explosive payload it's a lightweight 200 RPM Scout rifle uh it was really good back in the day I really liked using it so triple tap uh I don't think it's very useful personally on primaries it's nicer on like specials and Heavies rapid hit is always nice in PVE and PVP strategist final blows with this weapon generate class ability activating your class ability briefly improves this weapon stability so that's good for uh certain types of builds around your class ability um stats for all is is a really nice perk I really like it Discord I prefer on special weapons and then to the pain while this weapon is equipped taking damage increases handling and aim assist until the weapon is stowed taking more damage increases the effect so this is kind of nice for like winning duels in PvP I don't think you really need it in PVE so I'm going stats for all or rapid hit in the left column explosive payload is like free damage so it's good on any Scout rifle I've got it on hung jury and yeah a bunch of other Scouts it's very good vpal weapon no thanks not on a primary though if it was like anti-barrier Scout I know we have like Unstoppable Scout but you're not taken down a unstop with your voral weapon Scout rifle so yeah I just say stay away osmosis is nice in certain builds kinetic Tremors is an S tier perk in my opinion uh really good for like AOE damage on weapons that can't get AOE again I have a hung jury with kinetic Tremors and shoot loot I love it Precision instrument is pretty strong easy to stack up to 25% in PVE Focus Fury kind of the same but you might as well just go Precision instrument uh cuz I just think it's a little easier to proc than Focus Fury so yeah I would say kinetic Tremors or explosive payload and Rapid hit and stats for all for my picks uh breach light uh this was a fun little sidearm back in the day 325 RPM heavy burst uh it's the two round burst variant we've got demo in the left column which is always nice I love demo on weapons and when it's in the left column even better pugilist uh same type of thing as demo basically just gives you melee energy back instead of Grenade energy but I prefer grenades perpetual motion is pretty good threat detector on a sidearm I think would be better uh cuz you're kind of always in The Fray with a sidearm compulsive reloader uh I think threat detector can just do what it does but easy here slice is very nice oh yeah I forgot to mention this one's strand it used to be kinetic um but Patron is kinetic obviously CU it's got kinetic tremors so slice uh slice is very very good you can apply sever to targets and then they deal less damage to you so that's nice so yeah a lot of good perks over here I like demo personally but you couldn't go wrong with threat detector slice either Desperate Measures really good perk easy to proc uh just a nice damage boost adaline junkie same type of thing swash buckler is basically just adrenaline but with melees um vorpal weapon no not on a primary slice hatchling always a fun role that's probably the role I'm going to go for because I like kind of uh utility um like build based weapons that's kind of what I keep in my Vault more now because a lot of the old weapons we have just serve like a general play purpose so I like ones with unique characteristics like this slice and hatchling so that's what I would go for Collective action is going to be really good on Prismatic I noticed I'm picking up lots of uh like I've been running stasis Titan and I make strand Tangles and uh like quite a bit and so Collective action because of the artifact is pretty good this season but overall I don't think it's that strong I would go like Desperate Measures if you were looking for a damage perk and then hatchling if you're looking for a utility perk Line in the Sand um it is a Precision frame Arc I believe this one was solar back in the day but uh yeah now it's a Precision frame uh linear Fusion rifle so it's got rapid hit which is pretty nice on a fusion sorry linear Fusion moving Target no thanks uh clown cartridge is nice deconstruct got nerfed otherwise I would say this would be pretty nice but for me I'm going rapid hit for the extra reload speed or clown cartridge for the bigger magazine and then we have Reservoir burst which is super super unique uh a lot of people have cataclysmic from the vow of the disciple raid so that's kind of their go-to with bait and switch even though this is Arc so if you happen to be using like a cloud strike or something then you might want Arc to double up on the surges so yeah you could get a bait and switch roll but I'm very curious about uh Reservoir burst but it's only a 25% damage increase where this one's 30% so and like this is much easier to proc than res burst so yeah Reservoir burst because there's no like clown cartridge you can overfill it a little bit but nothing like envious assassin so yeah I'm very curious about it because it will make like an explosion so it could make it decent for like ad clear but yeah I'm not so sure about this one then season of the plunder I think that one had volt shot I can't remember for sure um I don't really like volt shot on a linear Fusion cuz it's not like I'm killing an ad reloading and then spreading volt shot with my heavy linear Fusion so as good of volt as good of perk as volt shot is I don't think it plays well on a linear fusion um but yeah I'm very curious about Reservoir burst firing line is just a free 20% but you might as well just go bait and switch you lose it on the first but then you make up for it for in the rest of your mag and then moving Target opening shot could be nice and PVP but yeah I'm thinking bait and switch is kind of the clear winner so like clown cartridge bait and switch probably the damage roll you want to go with and like I said you're not really using these for utility so like demo volt shot that's great on some weapons but on a linear Fusion not so much martyr retribution another alltime classic sadly autoloading and demo are in the same slot I would have loved autoloading here demo here uh because yeah I love both those perks field prep is kind of nice but I find them jumping around a lot with a wave frame sorry this is a wave frame solar uh GL if you didn't know um and it can roll incandescent so like demo incandescent that's a really appealing role to me or heal clip incandescent a lot of solar Synergy you can get uh Kier it's 63 reload speed so yeah if you can like get your reload up that's going to be really nice I don't think vorpal on a wave frame and I've never really liked uh damage perks on Wave frames like I've had add some on forbearance and stuff and I just don't find it's needed I find you just want them for like ad clear so kill clip all these damage ones I don't think are that good demo strategist is a very unique utility role cuz mostly strategist has been in the left column so yeah you can get class ability energy and Grenade energy on uh your kills so I'm very curious about that one so demo incandescent or demo strategy is what I'm looking for uh envious assassin could be decent as well for sure but again you're often using these for ad clear so you're not usually overfilling the mag as much as you are on like a rocket launcher for instance yeah some really good and unique uh perk combinations on Marty's so I'm glad it's back and then uh for some reason I had blast furnace up so let me just make sure yeah that's all five of them so um yeah I guess that's pretty much it for the video like I said I don't know where steel feather repeater is and I'm sad it's not here uh let's just search in case I missed something yeah it's only saying season 9 and you could see yeah I remember having a swash buckler roll I didn't even remember osmosis being around back then and multi-kill clip was nice on it too Feeding Frenzy multi-kill clip subsistence swashbuckler this thing was awesome back in the day man so yeah I'm sad it's not back um but anyways I hope this video is helpful if it was a like and subscription would be greatly appreciated thanks for watching take care
Channel: itzTizzle
Views: 102,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Godroll Guide, Season Of Dawn
Id: uXz901F2wzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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