Registration Form Validation In Java Netbeans

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in this video in this video I will show you how to create registration form and how to better your input your data enjoy station for me so for that about me I'll go to Java Java applications for the next and favored this form right then click on finish now the project will be paid it with name station form and this is a main method go to project present form and directly one this so it's packets within that there is a registration form and right click on this registration so this is Jason from and cotton you and wait new zip them and we create our form by tagging drop if you want by coding then it is also possible but for easy end time save purpose directly because it is available here tag and drop this one right drag drop and that we've done it hope you said to both sides right hey sit down actually yeah this one you said absolutely and you lots of properties so that you can do collect open palette and use and like drag here and drag it like this I click on it go to properties change background change background black right and take naval engaged this place on home registration form and tacking on it go to properties and then your foreground color other take white and increase the size of your font size right here in font so go to font and change both sides right so this is our station form No with a registration from unique have name I'll get on it copy least level copy and visit copy/paste yes no taste student ID student name from blood on blood bad name copy/paste it debug name phone number email address email address Gordon address father named other name address right so now right click on it go to college in response ID 24 18 and use gold and then bold font size 18 for it's in every name you should write like this bold 14 13 but to write our name or anything huge panel J level boy now to take input from user you should be ex Bob right there are lots of things so this would dudes one of the main one of the lists from these are available that is you need each H pin right HP you need a spoon so we'll it takes me the copy this one you know go to college and I will use font size bold and 14 then you call this the government Alanna is symbolism and address this one it gets remove this on tape by going right click and edited remove this all now after creating your registration form you need to take input from this field and you need to validate your takes for that we use s ID for a student ID for this Rhian aim then just name right phone number - yes phone number for these you just get back as it depth [Music] yes TP we made father named ref name and address to a day our address so after taking input you need to swap make your details for that unique button right but on YouTube for time the submission to the updater very light and it takes submit and this is for clear yeah increase your on sides 24 and this also decides to 24 and then like so for this first of all because sanic dissolve it resolved and Bakugan it say it be done this is what we do right for this what do you do means unsub need it should value your input right for that go to submit and go to events go to Exxon and go to Exxon perform right now sorry them here and now you have to take input from your form and you have to take i'm clicking here does it take this string ID ID that is this is an ID from what we need to take me we are siding god GEB takes it takes sting I'll copy this one and I will paste it here the girls in we have one two three four five six seven eight we have eight input field that's a I will bet it eight times right one six four five six seven eight now this is just name a student still in its didn't name it's equal to from where we need to take your name right and next next phone number or phone number yes form and you restore any form right and for Department you depart then and then you're saved the next age from City right whole city huge CD and CD no city your city the email is equal to from email and other name is equal to f name dot get text and at last address is equal to yes a DTR address dog get a stock closed chain now abilities what have techniques you have to validate your each and every it's an absolute change whether the village Hill or not if these are much input anything in these means you should say that you should in Doug it should wind up yesterday an idea without without easily an idea we won't go for them all right for that if if one is an ideal got condoms it's better to equals right if I did not because not nothing then what do you have to do we have the same we have to say that they have some pain so message dialog message ID is mandatory like it is showing over here so for this you need to import this package so even it and for each and everything that you copy this one and if it this because then it will take next that is yes de2 the name [Music] we say yes name is brilliant name is today my name is there is not anybody after last name phone home after phone give Batman department at the defendant City facility email email after email like that fattening other man and have a father name address this is now you say home age mandatory and depart city and email without him and you can't able to register your from father's name age replied okay and then address is anybody now now what it you will do means if you run this program if you run this program on clicking submit button again so it is mandatory on this 5v2 and good form the comm station one so now without it is manually unbelieving you can take another one and see their name is manually click phone is manually if you take inventory and take series anybody and again Middle's manually and other name is required address is mandatory right so if you invoke this one name is and it will take air please and every bottom and that's it we enjoyed wanting to come down this way like this then it won't show that message now you are sort of details on your data based with the help of this registration form you can able to address this now we have to clear these all if you enjoyed your drum details so to clear this these odd things we need to give accent to clear bottom so now our main intention is there I will tell us whatever you the values interfere it with drums means we have to clear by this one that so for this is B then and go to clear button go to events good acts on X and welcome and now this is your accent no this that is a look there eight Eddie Dodd said take mobile awaits you distant Christian God is thing just yet yes I did God say what I have to say that tape means your side effect so for that just I just meant yes I do God said pigs say pigs yeah and test point is confirmed said yep dot CP buddy use your capital letter and then address on it on this pad and check it out on this file and check it out so that is for me it's working address is that so today's mandatory so this is how to value it in this and a basis manually so stupid between indoor values in these cities and address so it will ask for address is mandatory and for this if you want to clear this all colors new buddy and I gave you daddy's sorry just after submitting submit right you can see it content stand here this this no no Randy spell use ID one to two people named si si si si here the coffee and address other name weighted average Italy India India right submit you can say nothing it clear means everything will be said we're so I've got other sources then we just the allegation and it's not a swimming so the person time lady to respond soon so soon and we'll see for tonight vandalism we are its we'll increase in this fear and take it out stick it up once whether it is working properly or not whether it is working properly or not they take it out once so then and it's renamed bad name yes si si T te si T in other days in a average father name forget address also me it would say validation sources right if your there is no input you need anything but I did many baby Oh needs when it's manically right so this how it is working and here you get all we've done six in a added every single button and add this little daddy right so if you want more videos then subscribe my channel and said it to everyone to French or latex one rule on coding in java using netbeans to clear some application from this application it's got some more information then comment below then respond too soon okay guys thank you for this video
Channel: Pritam Thing
Views: 86,476
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Id: 54yGDNLjzro
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Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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